Merge Cells Within A Datgridview?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a combobox named month and i have a datagridview and i use acces as datasource to view data in the datagridview

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How To Merge Cells In DataGridView

Sep 13, 2008

Is the following grid layout possible with DataGridView in Kind of similar to html table layout. I'm adding data cell by cell. However I'm not sure on how to get the layout for Group A & Group B Cells.
| Item11 | Item12 | Item13 |
| Item21 | Item22 | Item23 |
GroupA |-----------------------------------------|
| Item31 | Item32 | Item33 |
| Item41 | Item42 | Item43 |
| Item51 | Item52 | Item53 |
GroupB | Item61 | Item62 | Item63 |
|Item71 | Item72 | Item73 |

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Merge Cells In DataGridView?

Feb 11, 2010

I want how to merge cells in DataGridView?

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Merge Column Header Cells?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a datagridview with several column header cells “merged”. I’m using the paint event to achieve the merged effect as shown below.

Private Sub tblEnv_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Handles tblEnv.Paint
Dim brb As New SolidBrush(tblEnv.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor)


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Merge Excel Cells Via .NET Without Asking When Every Cell Has A Value?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a VB.NET website and I am organizing some data in excel file. I need to merge cells which have same data in excel but everytime I try to this operation, program stops and shows this notification: I don't want to see it and I want program to continue without asking. Is it possible,

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VS 2008 Merge Cells In Datagridview?

Aug 18, 2011

in datagridview control is there any method to merge the cells across the rows

i need to merge a button column across other rows basing on some cell values
of column 1

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Importing Excel That Contains Merge Cells To Datagridview?

Jul 15, 2010

I need to load an EXCEL file into my datagridview. However, my header row contains merge cells, which are not display correctly when loaded into the datagridview. Does anyone knows how to load merge cells correctly into datagridview? When the merge cells are loaded into the datagridview, they are displayed as individual cells instead of merged ones. I am using Microsoft. ACE.OLEDB.12.0 as the provider with Visual Studio 2008 .NET Framwork 3.5, EXCEL 2007.

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Merge Cells In Excel Export From GridView?

Jan 28, 2012

Merge Cells in Excel Export From GridView?

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Office Automation :: How Could Merge Cells With A Judgement

Dec 14, 2010

I have a Excel file and I want to write some code to adjust it. What I want like this: Each cell in column E, if E6 and E9 have the same value, ROW9 should become ROW7 (old ROW7 became ROW8), and then E6 and E7 merged.I knew how to merge cells but I didn't know how change the whole row.

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VS 2008 Merge Cells In Datagridview In Vb2008

Nov 11, 2009

Is there any way to merge cells in datagridview in vb2008 like we could do it in excel?

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Office Automation :: Word Table Merge Cells And MoveRight?

Feb 24, 2011

I've searched for this everywhere, but can't find a solution after trying for two days. What I want to accomplish is creating a table in Word (n-rows, and 3 cols,) (which I successfully have) and for each row that has a new date, I want to merge all three column cells just for that one row with the date. For every other row, above and below, I still want to preserve the 3 columns structure. What happens with the Merge() method is that all the rows merge, not just the row I'm currently on. I did a macro and noticed that there is a Selection.MoveRight() option I can do, but I can't yet figure out how to put all these statements together to accomplish this. When I do the MoveRight, trying many variants like the following:


I get a member cannot be found for the first statement.

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Can't Delete Record Datgridview?

Sep 9, 2009

this is my code.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
temp = "DaftarGaji"


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Get A Substring Of A Datgridview Cell?

Aug 15, 2011

My application is in VS2008 coded in I have a datagridView which is getting populated from the Database.I has RegNo,RollNo,Name etc fields.The data in the Name column of database is coming from 3 columns of a certain table from database. This is how im concatinating it and displaying in datagrid.

SELECT StudAllocDtls.RegNo,StudAllocDtls.RollNo,AdmittedStudents.SurName + ' ' + AdmittedStudents.FirstName + ' ' + AdmittedStudents.LastName

My issue is i want to save this data in some other table which also has Surname,FirstName,LastName columns in the database. Im not able to split the column data present in datagridview cell into three fields. For Example:Name column in datagridview is having Name : Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. I want to divide this string into three like : Sachin for Surname,Ramesh for First Name,Tendulkar for LastName.


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Getting The Onsorted Event In A Datgridview

Jan 20, 2009

I am trying to detect when the onsorted event fires in a datagridview. I want to freeze the screen on ColumnHeaderMouseClick (That's OK) and unfreeze after the sort.


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IDE :: How To Deal With Cells Excel Cells That Update Info Via The Web

Jul 5, 2009

My main goal is to have an excel spreadsheet that automatically plots the overall success of my stock portfolio over time (% change over time). I've been able to incorporate stock data into my spreadsheet by linking it to the web, but the trouble is the spreadsheet will keep no history of what the previous stock values were, so I can't graph how things change over time. This sounds like it might be too complicated to be built in to excel, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to program this in Visual Basic. Maybe something like this.... If refresh then new cell plus new time stamp. Another possibility would be to have a whole bunch of cells that refresh only once but at longer and longer intervals, e.g.,


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VS 2010 Connect The Cells Of One Of Its Columns To Cells In Some Other DataTables?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a DataTable and want to connect the cells of one of its columns to cells in some other DataTables.

For example:

DataTable1.Rows(0).Item(2) is connected to DataTable2.Rows(4).Item(6)
DataTable1.Rows(1).Item(2) is connected to DataTable4.Rows(2).Item(3)
DataTable1.Rows(2).Item(2) is connected to DataTable3.Rows(11).Item(4)

How can I do this?

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Change Backcolor Of Cell Or Row To Red In DatGridView?

May 22, 2010

I want to Check All Date of DataGridView if the Date Is Greater than Or Equal he Change backcolor Of Cell Or Row to red[code]...

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VS 2008 DatGridView Data Bound?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a DataViewGrid1 that has two hidden fields that the user cannot view. Code and Name.Code is a primary key field and must be manually set prior to inserting into table. It is currently giving me an error saying that code cannot be NULL. The following is the code that I have:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2010 Tabbing Thru Columns In Datgridview?

Feb 16, 2012

I have a datagridview with 4 columns and 100 rows, I want to tab thru the first two columns from row 1 to 100 and then columns 3 and 4 form row1 thru 100. I am using VB 2010.

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Insert Row At A Specific Point In DatGridView Control?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a DataGridView control which is NOT bound any underlying data table. When the user selects a row (multi select is not enabled), I want them to be able to click an "insert" button to insert a row into the table below the selected row.I can insert a row at a specific location with the code below, and it will insert a new row at the location specified. My problem, is that I need to get the currently selected row and add 1 to it. However, the insert method below accepts an integer, and I cannot figure out how to get the currently selected row as an integer. I can only get it as a Row collection, which does not help. Can someone tell me how to get the currently selected row as an integer?[code]

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Get The Data From Datgridview To Textbox And Save It In Oracle Database

Apr 13, 2010

Firstly I've the data in csv(delimeted file) that file in exponential number and need to convert to integer( for example [3.9888e+003, 1.0093e+002] ..need to convert to 3989,1009). how to convert it in vb2008.

then send it to datagridview

I've the data in Datagridview (2 column - wavelength, absorbance) and i need to display in text box based on some reference. let say my first reference (soot it has wavelength value plus minus 2000 (range 1998 until 2002), 2nd ref NO2 plus minus 1630 (range 1628 until 1632) and others ref.

Firstly the system will find the specified wavelength in column1 (datagridview). if wavelength(column1) found in that range it will display the value in the textbox (column2- absorbance). then the information in the textbox, need to be save in oracle.

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Datgridview - Error - "double To Type String Is Not Valid"

Jun 6, 2011

I have a few question Regarding VB.NET 1) I have a datgridview and i want when user input the datagrid 3rd cell the 4 cell of datagrid readonly = false means user not input value in 4th cell 2)i want a autonumber generate in textbox is alphanumeric like "vendor9" or " "vendor10" bt when i go to save this it give error of "double to type string is not valid" i have use a following coding


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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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Merge C# And VB?

Feb 20, 2009

I modified a program in Expressions Blend that is C# I want to use this program as part of a VB program that I am creating. Is it possible to create a VS 2008 application using mixed languages? If not I can build the C# app to an Executable, but then how do I get it to run from within my VB app?

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.net - Merge WPF App With C# And Code?

Oct 27, 2011

I have an application, written in C#, which needs some functionality from VB.NET (better said, something valid in CIL but not provided in C#).
So I have an executable and a library file.

It has to be published in one file and may not be split to different assemblies!

It's a WPF application, ILMerge will not work.

What could I do?Is it possible to generate (performant) IL on the fly?

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Best Way To Merge Datatables?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that will merge two data tables (one from a database on a network drive, the other is found in a database on the local machine). Each datatable is identical in structure, only (maybe) differs in content. The structure has a primary key, dateCreated, and dateLastEdited fields (plus other fields). I would like to merge down from the network to the local database. If the primary key does not exist on the local db but does on the network, copy from the network db to the local table. If it does exist, check the dateLastEdited column and copy the latest row to the local table.

How would i set up the code to do this? Any assistance would be great.

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How To Merge 2 Files

Oct 27, 2011

I'm trying to merge 2 files - a 'simple' string replace. 2 files - an ini-style data file that has <descriptor>=<value> with about 70 rows created by web-form and database, and a csv template file with 2500 rows that has 12 fields, but the values will either be in fields (4) and (5) OR (6) and (7). The data fields won't always be in the same order. I'm reading a line from the Template file, then looping through the data file looking for a descriptor match then replacing it with the value, but because they are in pairs per line, I have to loop twice; then loop to the next template file and so on. Then cleanup to remove the unused descriptors.

I have been unable to crack this for about a week. I wrote a VBScript version yesterday in about an hour and it worked flawlessly first time taking 2 seconds to produce the csv output file exactly as required.

Tried reading the data file and looping through the template, tried almost every combination of Using/End using; For/next, Do Until, Do while, etc. Used Streamreader, File.ReadAllLines, I've read msdn till I know it by heart, but no use. You name it, I've tried it. Must have missed something or it would work though.

You are my final hope. The problem part of the code is below...

srXX = StreamReader
swXX = StreamWriter


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How To Merge 2 PDF Files Into One

Jun 8, 2011

How to merge 2 pdf files into 1 pdf file using Couldn't find a method to do it.

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How To Merge 2 Threads

May 28, 2010

I have a GUI that is running for a form, let's call it Class xWindow. It has finished processing data and is simply waiting for the user to press a button, i.e. the main thread has nothing to do. Just before it finished processing, it kicked started something that has a callback function which occurs in a new thread (e.g. a system timer or a Bonjour callback to say that a service has been found on a port). This callback occurs within the xWindow class.


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How To Merge Two Datatable

May 19, 2012

I need to marge two datatable with condition. i table data come from local XML Database and another data come from remote sql data if any update made at remote datatable and then marge with local datatable. i wrote a code below :

Public Sub MargeTwoTable()
Dim SQL As String = ""
Dim RemoteTable As New DataTable
Dim LocalTable As DataTable


as you see in my code data come from remote database which update date getter then local database . Both table are same and "ID" is primary key. I code is working well. But problem is that when data more then 1000 updated record so this function take too long in loops.

i write a code like : Dim mm() As DataRow = LocalTable.Select("ID = '" & RemoteTable.Rows(i).Item("ID") & "'"). for finding local datatable id row so when data is more then 1000 it take too long because localtable record more than 100000 records. So I need someone help to modify my code what the best way to write the code.

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