Mouse-move Event Handler For Portion Of A Form?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a Windows form in VS2010 with a rectangular area that I draw in with Graphics.DrawImage for best performance. I want to create a Mouse-move event handler just for that area (to change the cursor when the mouse is inside it), along the lines of handlers for the other controls on the form. But since the rectangle isn't a PictureBox or Panel or other control, I don't see an obvious way to handle it. A mouse-move event handler for the entire form could affect the performance of the app.

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Can't Use Form Mouse Move Event Or Any Other Control Event

Dec 6, 2011

How should I go about getting my mouse position over multiple controls, and such. I can't use the form_mouse move event, or any other control event nor can I use them all at the same time cause that would conflict with the actual position I need for an object.

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Mouse Event Handler Bug?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a VB6 app that works correctly in win7.

I downloaded and installed VS2010 yesterday, and converted the app to VB2010.

The app works correctly except for one problem. I have a label array which has two event handlers defined, one for a double click and one for mouse down.

A double click is ignored and the mouse down event is raised. It shows the left button was clicked once.

If I comment out the mouse down handler, the double click event is raised and it shows left button was clicked twice.

What i want to accomplish is allow a user to double click an array element on the screen which then saves the number associated with that element and then click somewhere else to copy the data or alternatively, drag and drop the element to the new location.

The drag operation on the source element always triggers a mouse down, but so does the first of the two clicks in a double click.

It seems that none of the other newer events are raised, eg GiveFeedbackEvent, QueryContinueDrag, DragOver, etc.

So, how do I trap a double click and a drag start without using the mousedown event for the dragstart?

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VS 2005 Creating A Mouse Click + Key Pressed Event Handler?

May 7, 2009

I have 2 listboxes on a form. Each listbox has a few items. As you know, I am able to have 1 item selected from each listbox, therefore making it 2 selected items from different listboxes.

I want to create a keyboard + mouse shortcut so I can de-select or change the selection mode of the listbox when Alt is held down and Left button on the mouse is clicked on the selected item. Here is the code that I wrote, which does not work.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
If Control.ModifierKeys = Keys.Alt AndAlso e.Button =


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How To Move Mouse Outside Of A Form And Make Mouse Click Outside Of Form

Jan 15, 2011

I'm a really beginner so i want to know if its possible to make the mouse move to certain co-ordinates outside of your form and then click , and then pause before repeating.

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VS 2008 Mouse Move Event

Nov 21, 2009

I would like to capture a mouse move event, no matter what is under the mouse. I added a browser to my form, but the mouse move event isn't captured when the mouse moves over the can I add this event no matter what?

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VS 2008 Picture Box Mouse Move Event

May 25, 2011

In my project's Main form I have a picture box of size 1024*1024 which occupies almost 75% of my monitor screen. Now I have defined Picture box Mouse movement event with corresponding actions to be done for mouse mouse event over picture box. Now the problem is I have another button on my main form by pressing which an another form of size 520*170 pops up. I have set Me.Topmost property to this form. But even then if by I hover the mouse over picture box, this pop up form disappears (i.e. goes to back screen) and if at all i have to perform any action on this form I need click the Tab of the popped window on the task bar which makes this form visible. Worst case is if the user drags this form on top of the picture box and looses focus, then its impossible to get it(focus) back.

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Fire An Event On Listview > Columnheader > Mouse Move?

Jun 23, 2011

Does anyone have a trick to catch when the mouse is over a listview column header ? As you know there is no native handler that would fire such event...

I have build a small routine that will be able to tell over which column the mouse actually is, the problem remains in which event to put it..

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.net - Event Handler Is Never Called Because The Original Event Is Raised In Another Event Handler?

Apr 18, 2011

The event handlers in my parent class are never called though the events are raised in the child class.

The Code:

Public Class childForm
Public Event checkboxchangedEvent(ByVal checkbox1 As Boolean, ByVal checkbox2 As Boolean)
Private Sub checkboxchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


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Forms :: Two Event Methods - Mouse Click And Mouse Down For A Single Button In A Form

Feb 1, 2009

I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.

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Make Form Move By Mouse?

Aug 9, 2009

I want to make form move by mouse when i hold click in any place and move it like windows media player

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Mouse Move Out Of Windows Form?

Mar 12, 2010

im trying to make a standby mode for my program that resets the timer when the mouse moves, is it possible to make the mouse move event trigger when the mouse moves anywhere on the desktop not just inside the form window because i cant find any articles regarding this online and i don't know how to do it

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Move That Form Together With Same Position By Mouse?

May 3, 2011

I have two Form.Form1 and Form2.I need to move that Form together with same position by mouse

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Move Mouse To The Red Part In The Middle Of The Form?

Jun 24, 2009

How can i Move my mouse to the Red part in the Middle of the form i know it's something to do with Pixels

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What Are The Events That Are Related To Mouse Move Over The Form

Aug 1, 2009

I need to draw lines each time a mouse moves over teh form....

currently i use the Mouse_Move( ) event, this caputures my mouse moves. and it creats lines. But i need to draw those lines on to the form.

This lines are not drawn when form_laod() fires that will trigger OnPaint(). Te lines must be drawn to the form when the mouse moves over the form.

How do i do this? I currently know how to capture the points evenry time mouse moves but i dont know how to draw the lines each time mouse moves. this is because im in dount of the event that i have to use.

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How To Run Event Handler Code On Form Load

Feb 23, 2009

I have a form that is built and loaded dynamically when File/open is selected.however I now want to use the same code to open a default file and populate the form using the Form load event to call:

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click how would I do this? Just incase this doesn't make sense, I want the same code to run during form load as if the user selected file/open but do not know the syntax of how to call OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click() from form load.

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Firing An Event Handler From Within A Nother Event Handler?

Aug 27, 2011

How do I get a Event Handler to fire from within a nother Event Handler?

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Move Form By Pressing And Dragging A Mouse On Any Part Of It?

Apr 20, 2012

Is there a way to move form by pressing and dragging a mouse on any part of the form ?

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VS 2008 Event Handler On An External Form / Module

Dec 6, 2009

I have a simple, but important question: How can I raise events of my form1 on another module/form?My form tempalte is crowded with events (50 of them contextmenustrip events)How can I place those events on another form/module to clean it up a little?

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Move Pictureboxes On The Form With Mouse As Skype, When Video Calling?

Oct 20, 2011

I need to move pictureboxes on the form with mouse as Skype, when video calling..

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Windows Form App Ignore Event Handler On Page Load

Oct 24, 2009

I have a windows application that has a tab control with 5 different tabs. Each of these tabs has a datagrid view that is populated with data on form load with data from SQL Server. I have an event handler for the datagrids for CellValueChanged that appends an asterisk, "*" to the tab, when a change is made, this is meant to mimic the same behavior in VS or SSMS. The issue that I have just realized is that on page load as the datagrids are populated this event handler is raised thousand of times. I have included an If Then statement to exit the sub if it occurs during page load, but am concerned about the performance implications, if any. Is there a better way to handle such functionality? Possibly a way to ignore the event handler on form load? If not is there a negative impact leaving this functionality in?

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Interface And Graphics :: Mouse Control - Move The Mouse To A Given Pixel Position (x, Y) And Cause A Click

Oct 6, 2008

Apologies as this has probably been answered a million different times a million different ways already. I'm trying to control the mouse. I wish to move the mouse to a given pixel position (x, y) and cause a click. I don't want this to be limited within a form, as I want to control another application. I'm using VB 2005.

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VS 2010 Any Tips Or Techniques For Debugging In Mouse Move Events / When Mouse Button Is Down / Has To Stay That Way?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm currently debugging a form that sets a flag when the mouse button is pressed, then clears the flag when the mouse button is released. As long as the mouse button is pressed, the user can move the mouse around and a few things happen depending on where they move. One of the things that happens is that a timer starts, or stops, and a few things change color depending on the mouse position. The timer starts when it should, then stops when it should, but once stopped, it is not re-starting when it should. I can verify that MouseMove events are getting through, because coloring changes as I move the mouse, as it should. This would be a simple thing to debug...except that it requires the darn mouse button to be down, and it uses the mouse move event. Anybody who has put a breakpoint in a mouse move event handler knows the issue: There are THOUSANDS of them. Worse yet, since the mouse button is necessary for switching to the IDE, as well as setting a breakpoint (technically, a keyboard shortcut could do this if I could shift focus), I can't wait for the problem to happen, then switch to the IDE and set a breakpoint to see what is happening then.Does anybody have any tips or techniques for debugging in mouse move events when the mouse button is down and has to stay that way? As it is, I'm going to have to write some funky code into the method just so that I have a place to get a breakpoint when I need it without breaking on every one of the mouse move events.

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VS 2008 - Move Mouse To Color - Freeze Mouse At Point

Sep 17, 2009

If I put this code in the form, the mouse will be moved once. I want it to "freeze" the mouse at the point that its moved at. If I put code in timer (which it is now), the mouse will keep searching for the color, so the mouse moves around like crazy. How do I change my code so that it will "freeze" the mouse once it finds the color? [Code]

View 11 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In VB 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler?

May 8, 2012

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting?I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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Remove An Event Handler From Within The Event Handler?

Mar 21, 2012

remove an event handler from within the event handler?

I have a class that gets data from a hand scanner. When the scan is complete and the data is validated, the class fires a custom "ScanComplete" event and returns the data in a custom EventArgs.

In the calling program, I'm creating an instance of the scanning class and adding a handler for the "ScanComplete" event. In the event handler I get the data that was scanned and then remove the handler.

It seems to be working but it feels wrong to remove the handler while I'm running inside the handler. Will this cause a problem?

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Mouse.Click And Mouse.MouseDown - Delay The Mouse Down Event

Apr 15, 2012

I have two custom action listers. One that handles Mouse.Click and one that handles Mouse.MouseDown. My question to you is, can I delay the mouse down event so that it does not intefere with the code of the Mouse.Click event? I have tried adding a timer and waiting x amount then setting a bool value to true, but the code executes to fast and it skips the other code.

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C# - Detecting The Form Move Event From Within A Child Control?

Jul 8, 2010

I am creating a user control where when a user clicks a button a popup window will show up with information. The popup window is driven by a toolStripDropDown so when it shows up it does 2 things

Does not move the other controls on the form around but displays over them That it can show the details outside the bounds of the user control itself without having to reserve the space ahead of time

Here is some code

Public Class Popup
Private treeViewHost As ToolStripControlHost
Private Shadows dropDown As ToolStripDropDown


Now my issue is as the form moves or resizes the Tooldropdown does not move relative. I understand that. When I try to capture the move event of the user control that event does not fire when the entire form moves. There has to be something I can capture because the controls in the container of the form move relative, what drives that? I tried wndproc but nothing fires during form move unless the form is repainted.

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Capturing Mouse Down (form Before Control) Event?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm working a program where I need to capture the mouse down even at the form level. I need this to happen regardless of where the mouse is clicked. The standard mouse event (see below) works fine if the mouse isn't over a control. However, when the mouse is over a control, the control gets the event before the form. I can generate an event to capture the mouse event for every control and the pass the event on, but that is ugly and requires way to much maintenance. Isn't there a way to tell vb that all mouse events go to the form?



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Draw Shape On A Form Using Mouse Down Event In Vb?

May 9, 2009

I've to draw LInes and rectangles,etc in vb on a form and using mouse down event.

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