Moving Through Arrays, Selecting Certain Rows And Columns?

Feb 10, 2012

ames tile1 to tile 100Array is loaded from a textfile of 10,10 (not stored as a 10,10 just parsed from line to line, which I feel needs to be changed asap)Each tile is then given a corresponding graphic (e.g. grass, water, lava) and soon hopefully I will add interaction with certain tiles

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Moving Rows And Columns In Tablelayoutpanel In .net?

Feb 12, 2009

In my application i need to move rows and columns in tablelayout panel at how to we are doing at designtime.

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VS 2010 - Arrays And Do Loops With Rows And Columns

Feb 28, 2011

So I am writing a program that uses ArrayA(10) and ArrayB(10) and uses Do loops to output the sum of ArrayA(1) + ArrayB(1) in one column then the difference in the next column, then the product in the next column, then the quotient in column 4 of a Matrix(10, 4) in a listbox. And continues doing this until there are 10 rows of 4 columns. I was wondering for tips on how I can get this done.

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Convert GridView Table To Html Table But Rows Should Be Columns And Columns Should Be Rows

Aug 18, 2011

I have Dataset ds filled up with values Until now I was displaying values in GridView. Now I want that all the rows should be columns and columns should be rows.I have 2 options: Either 1 I can directly convert grid to columns and display it, or 2 I can convert the GridView to html and then write loops to convert. I was trying the 2nd option but I cant figure out how I should do that.[code]With this code I am still getting same as GridView. Please help me for converting rows to columns and vice versa.

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Selecting And Moving Multiple Form Controls At Runtime?

Aug 25, 2010

At design time in the IDE, you can ctrl-click or drag a box around multiple controls on a form and move them all at once. How do you do that at runtime. I need to be able to create image maps based on textual copies of medical claim forms that are generated from different systems and the ability to create dynamic label controls and move a single or multiple controls and resize is required. How does MS do this in the IDE?

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Selecting 2 Different XLS Columns To Be A Range

Feb 27, 2012

I'm tring to create chart from Column B (to be X axis), and column D (Y axis).when I set it as range: .range("B":"D") - it'll take also column C.How can I set range for chart to be column B and D only??

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Forms :: Moving Arrays Between List Box's

Apr 22, 2010

I'm currently building a program where there are two list box's and a button to copy the selected array item in listBox1 to listBox2 in a separate array.[code]

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Selecting Rows Between Two Dates?

Apr 11, 2012

i have a data base where i am selecting rows between two dates, but what i need to do is also get another another row if it has the same ID so: If i put the date as: 01/02/2011 - 01/02/2011

and data in the database looks like so:

ID Name Date
123 John
123 John 01/02/2011


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.net - Proper Syntax For LINQ Query Selecting Only Certain Columns?

Sep 13, 2011

What is the proper syntax for this:

Dim qry As <??> = From f In dirInfo.GetFiles("*.QBW") Select File = f.FullName, Include = True
Dim dt As DataTable = qry.CopyToDataTable()

I tried as "IEnumerable(Of DataRow)" but that didn't work. At runtime it said:

Unable to cast object of type
to type

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DataGridView And Selecting Multiple Rows?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a DataGridView that is being populated. What I'm trying to accomplish is when I select like 3 rows I click a button and it gives me the "row numbers" for those three rows.

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Open A CSV File Update Some Rows, Columns, Delete Some Rows And Save It As Another CSV File?

Aug 25, 2011

I have a csv file. I need to open it, delete whole row on basis of a column value, Update few of the column values and save the file as .dat file. I am using 2010

View 1 Replies - Selecting A Rows In The Standard .net 2.0 GridView Using JavaScript?

Mar 20, 2009

how i can get the grid to select a row by clicking on any cell in the row?

The only way i can do this at the moment is by setting the AutoGenerateSelectButton property to True, but this adds a column to the grid with a crude "select" hyperlink and only selects the row if the word "Select" is cliked on.

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Creating A Unique URL From Selecting Different Rows In A Gridview?

Sep 30, 2010

Whenever a row is selected in my GridView, I want to take the ID field of my gridview's dataset and form a unique URL with it (use a ?id=1234 parameter). In the Page_Load event I have the following code:

TextBox1.Text = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString & "?id=" & _
GridView1.SelectedIndex.ToString & Environment.NewLine

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Selecting Distinct Within LINQ Of Data Rows

Oct 24, 2011

I have a DataTable with about 64 columns, including "UserAnswer", "CorrectAnswer", and "QID_Lookup". I am building a LINQ that will select all the rows that have a correct answer (user answer matches correct answer), but I only want to select rows that have distinct "QID_Lookup".


The problem is that the result set includes duplicate QID_Lookup values. How can I include only distinct QID_Lookup values? keep in mind that there are 64 columns, so if I can avoid it, I wouldn't want to list each column individually for selection.

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Use Checkbox For Selecting Multiple Rows From DataGridView?

Sep 24, 2011

I have created a bound DataGridView and then added an unbound checkbox (name=select) for selecting multiple rows. The problem I'm having is the row doesn't actually get selected when I set .selected to true which I'm doing in the CellValueChanged event. When I trace it the code is properly executed but the row is not highlighted when the checkbox is checked and consequently not selected in the grid.There is no mouse or keyboard and the input device is a USB button panel which we built.

Public Sub dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DGV_Categories.CellValueChanged
If DGV_Categories.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name = "Select" Then


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Moving Through Rows In Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a button 'Next' which performs navigation, but at the end I want to move to the next row in a datagridview to show the user what record they have moved to. I expected this to be easy, using the following

Dim x As Integer
x = dg.CurrentRow.Index
dg.CurrentCell = dg.Rows(x + 1).Cells(0)

At end of last record it show Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index + visual basic 2008

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Strongly Typed DataSet Return All Columns When Selecting A Single Column?

Jan 17, 2012

I am using a Strongly Typed Dataset as DAL. I want to return a single column from my table for that i wrote the code as

WHERE (Building = @Building)

But when i previewed the data, it shows me all the columns of the table with Null Value and the column with primary key has -1 value. This condition raise an Exception when i link this query to a ComboBox ..

cmbFloor.DataSource = da.GetFloorByBuilding(cmbBuilding.Text)
cmbFloor.DisplayMember = "Floor"

Error: Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.

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Selecting Rows From Different Tables To Update User Role?

Mar 2, 2012

what i have is 3 text boxes

Upgrade To

and a gridview

what i am trying to do is :when i type in the user the system will look in my table cg_security_user and recognise that the current role is "guest". Then in the Upgrade to when i type in "admin" it will update the current role(guest) to admin here is a picture is attached of what i am trying to do as it might paint a better picture the code which i have made so far is

Private Sub cmdupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdupdate.Click
Dim myAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter
strsql = "update table1 set studname = @field2, studaddress=@field3, studage=@field4 where studid=@field1"


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Selecting Rows Where Both Fields Don't Match Records In Second Table?

Apr 1, 2009

Assuming this schema:
Table1 (Col1 int, Col2 str, Col3 str, ...)
Table2 (Col1 int, Col2 str, Col3 str, ...)


I need to select all records from Table2 where there are NO records in Table1 having matches of both Col2 & Col3. For instance, Table 2 records where Table1.Col2 <> Table2.Col2 AND Table1.Col3 <> Table2.Col3.

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VS 2005 Moving Rows From One Database To Another?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a live database and an Archive database. I want to do a selct on the live and basically create a new row in the archive database table and insert all the columns then delete the row from the live. Here is the code that creates and deletes:-

Private Sub MoveToArchive(ByRef oleDRClean As DataRow, ByRef oleDSArchiveCleans As DataSet)
Dim oleDRArchiveClean As DataRow
oleDRArchiveClean = oleDSArchiveCleans.Tables(0).NewRow


I ran a query in access to show the same sql select and after running my routine they all say #deleted. But when I run the query again I get the rows back WHY!

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DB/Reporting :: Sql + And Statement - Selecting Rows On Multiple Column Values

Sep 15, 2010

What iam trying to do is selecting rows on multiple column values. But the statement below doesn't preform like i thought it would...


Select Distinct Variable From TableName Where (ColumnA Like"%AAA%") And (ColumnA Like"%BBB%")

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Moving Selected Rows From One DataGridView To Another By Button?

Aug 14, 2010

I have 2 datagridview and a button in winform. I want Move selected row or rows from datagridview1 to datagridview2 by button. How to move selected rows from datagridview1 to datagrideview2 by a button? (

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Programmatically Moving Trough Rows In A Datagridview?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a button on the screen 'Next' which performs some activities, but at the end I want to move to the next row in a datagridview to show the user what record they have moved to. I expected this to be easy, using the following code:

Dim CurDGVIndx As Integer = DataGridViewPtList.CurrentRow.Index
DataGridViewPtList.Rows(CurDGVIndx + 1).Selected = True

BUT.... Yes the highlighted record is the next record using this, however the selection (where the little arrow indicator is) stays on the original row. The selector needs to move too!

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Arrays And Adding Rows In A Datagridview?

Sep 4, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview, the datagridviews columns count may very depending on how many are needed like so

For i = 1 To myColumn
Dim RP As DataGridViewColumn = New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
RP.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None


The problem with this is that it puts everything in the first column instead of each column.

What I was trying was to have it place each value into its own column.

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Does Not Display Any Rows And Columns

Jan 27, 2009

I have taken this part from a previous application that works. This does not display any thing in the grid when i watch it it does show that it got 1 row but in reality it does not display it

Private Sub btn_all_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_all.Click
Dim con3 As New SqlConnection("xxxx")


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Print Rows And Columns?

Feb 14, 2010

I am stuck on how I go about using the nested for loops.Add code in the Draw button�s Click event to create the number of rows and columns selected, using the character selected Use nested For loops to create the rectangle of characters based on the user selections. The outer loop will control the number of rows. Use the value selected in the Rows combo to determine the stopping value of the outer loop. Use the value selected in the Columns combo to determine the stopping value of the inner loop, which controls the number of characters per line.

Public Class MainForm
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Converting Database Rows To Columns?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a student database in ms-access format with 3 tables

1) class ( classid, classname)

2) subjects ( subjectid, classid, subjectname)

3) students (studentid, classid, studentname)

now i want to create a form to enter exam marks for the students in the following manner:

studentid, studentname, classname, subjectname1, subjectname2, subjectname3, .... subjectname-n
1, student1, class1, marks, marks, marks, marks, marks
2, student2, class2, marks, marks, marks, marks, marks
3, student3, class3, marks, marks, marks, marks, marks

how i can i convert subjectname from row to column and how to write a new table to store exam marks for this purpose.

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Copying Rows And Columns From One Datagridview To Another

Apr 23, 2012

I'd like to copy some rows of data from a data-bound datagridview to a different datagridview.I thought adding a row would just be like this: [code]The trouble is that, instead of copying all the data from the row and putting it in the correct cells in the other datagridview, it seems to be taking the whole row object and putting it in the first cell, so the first cell contains this: [code]And the other rows are empty. How do I make rows copy properly?

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Datagrid With Columns Tha Have Different Datatable Rows?

Feb 9, 2010

i want to make a datagrid with 2 columns and many rows

the columns i want to have databinding with a datatable
i want the 1 row 1 column of datagrid have data from 1 row of datatable
i want the 1 row 2 column of datagrid have data from 2 row of datatable


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Datagriview Rows And Columns Adding

Feb 20, 2012

[Code] The code in above had already create rows and columns(row=20,column=8),and all data have already insert into datagridview1 when i click button1. Now i want insert data again when i click button2. Because the datagriview have already create rows and columns. In button 2, i don't want create again rows and columns, i just want insert 10 rows data into datagriview1. Which part that i need to eliminate?

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