Multithreading - Doesn't Update The Rich Text Box

Nov 22, 2011

how to use multithreading. Still don't know what i am doing wrong in the code below i don't get any errors it just doesn't update the rich text box (frmArmaghRecords2.rtbOpenArmaghFile3).


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Rich Text In Access Doesn't Show In DataGridView 2008?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a dictionary (literally) database file in Access: its Fields are Headword (string) and Definition (Memo, it's in Rich Text). The Rich text looks fine in Access, but when I connect a Visual Basic (2008) Datagridview control to the database, the text looks like HTML, not RTF, and when I try to copy a specified "definition" into a RichtextBox, I get the same weird symbols, not RTF. One attached snapshot is how a record looks in Access, the other in a VB 2008 form with a datagridview control and an attempt to paste contents into a RichTextBox.

How can I get that same "look" from the RTF in the original Access file? I'm only recently moving from VB6; not a professional

View 8 Replies - Rich Text Editor Versus Update Panel?

May 19, 2011

I have used yui rich text editor. And I created a form with update panel. Then I found the yui editor is not working fine in update panel. How can i do to work the yui editor within update panel.

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Unable To Load Rich Text Files Into Rich Text Box?

Jan 12, 2009

I am unable to load rich text files into my rich text box. It worked fine yesterday, would there have been anything I could have changed by accident?

With OpenFileDialog
.Filter = "Text format (*.txt)|*.txt|Rich Text Format (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*"


but I am getting the error File format is not valid when i attempt to open any Rich Text file

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Rich Text Box - Load Specific Text In The Rich Text Box When The User Load The Form?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a rich text box which I use in order the user is able to add pictures, coloured writing, different font etc... however I need to load specific text in the rich text box when the user load the I can add (I guess) the HTML to load this every time the user load the form.

P.S the text will change depending on who loads the form so I can not do a simple

RichTextBox1.LoadFile("C:Documents and SettingsDesktopSigniture.rtf")

View 2 Replies - Updatepanel Doesn’t Update Correctly - Must Click Twice To Update

Feb 18, 2011

I am using an update panel and when I click a button it will update all the panels. updapanel1.update() is very simple, but my data is not updating unless I hit the button twice. My gridviews shows data for a selected user, and then all the grids reflect that users data. works fine all the update panels work for the gridviews. Now for somereason when i try to do a row count and update the panel with the summary, it does not work, i get either the previous users summary or if i hit update again for the same user i get the correct data.


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Gridview Doesn't Update Insert/update Commands

Jul 21, 2010

I have a gridview that is set to a sql datasource, it is generating the columns automatically. If I add a column to the table it is referencing, it will draw that column and display it, but it does not update the insert/update commands to include the new column. Is there any way have it rebuild those commands automatically?

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Multithreading Webrequests To Update A RichTextBox Form Control

Mar 1, 2011

This probably shouldn't be too hard for someone to answer...even though I've spent 2 days trying to get it right. ::sigh::

I have a RichTextBox1 on my form. I need it to update every half second pulling HTML off of my webpage. I USED to have it update every half second with timers but everything keeps getting clogged and I realized I have to multi-thread.

My code so far is

Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


(This is an example of code from the bigger project) So I guess my question is how do I send out about 10 of these threads (Will the sleep suffice? Or will that just pause everything making it inefficient for multithreading at all and basically turn it into a timer), and what is the proper way to make the thread post the 'responseFromServer' to the RichTextBox1 in a safe way?

I can't get it to post at all because I know there's some invoke trick I can't figure out so I don't cross the threads like in ghost busters, and also if multiple threads are trying to post to it at once I'm going to need a protected way to do this.

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.net - LINQ Update Method Doesn't Update The Db?

Nov 5, 2010

Public Sub UpdateStaff(ByVal sr As StaffRecord)
Dim oldSr As StaffRecord
Dim q = From staff In db.StaffRecords Where staff.Employee_Number = sr.Employee_Number Select staff
oldSr = q.First
oldSr.Address_Line1 = sr.Address_Line1


The helper function I have written seems to do everything I want apart from update the db. Stepping through the code, the oldSr is updated by the new sr parameter but no update on submit changes.

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Update Query Executes But Doesn't Update

May 27, 2010

[code]The query executes fine but the problem is that when this query executes, it doesn't update the percentage field. What might be the problem?

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Format Text - Rich Text Box - Where The User Will Be Entering Information - The Text Is Black

Aug 11, 2011

On the main form of my application, I have a Rich Text Box which is where the user will be entering information. The text is black. then, i have a button which calls the dialogue "Notes" A dialogue appears, with a rich text box. the user should then be able to enter text into the box, click "OK", and the text entered into the Notes dialogue be inserted to the rich text box on the main form -- with the font colour "Red". The rest of the text in the main rich text box on the main form should remain black.

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VS 2010 - Rich Text Box - Getting User Text In The Text Changed Event

Jan 20, 2011

I'm Making a Simple syntax highlighter and I'm Doing the highlighting in the text Changed event of a RTB and for obvious reasons I can't re highlight the whole document each time someone presses a key so i highlight one line each time the text changes. But this creates a Problem. If someone pastes code into the RichTextBox It only highlights the last Line. So is there a way to get if the user typed the text in with his keyboard or pasted it from the clipboard in the text Changed event?

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C# - Update Panel Doesn't Seem To Update?

Oct 20, 2009

I have a button inside of a gridview's template field. Onclick i want to the button to open up a modal popup while force updating the updatepanel and formview inside the modal popup because the formview's datasource depends on a hidden field in which i am setting after click also.


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Insert Text To Rich Text Field At Text Cursor?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a question, how would i have a button, then when you click it, it puts the text at the text cursor in the RTF?

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One Sub Procedure / Change Text Color In Rich Text Box / Without Button Handler?

Oct 8, 2010

everyone! I've been at this for a while, and I'm not sure how this issue can be resolved:I'm working on a project in VB.Net, and I have a form with a rich text box. I have a groupbox with 4 radio buttons inside that are intended to change the font color of the text. Coincidentally, I have to repeat this same functionality for a 2nd set of radio buttons that would change the text font family.

At any rate what I've only been able to do is the following to successfully change the font color of whatever text I highlight in the rich text box:

Private Sub rbtnBlack_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnBlack.CheckedChanged
rtbxTextEditor.SelectionColor = Color.Black
End Sub
Private Sub rbtnRed_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbtnRed.CheckedChanged


Is there a way that I could write a sub (I'm assuming I would use a sub, since I don't think I need to return anything, thus eliminating the use of a function) that would handle the action of changing the selected text color in the rich text box without having to use a separate sub for each radio button? Mind you, per my teacher's specs, she doesn't use a button handler for any of this.

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Make First 60 Characters In A Rich Text Box A Different Color Than The Remaining Text?

Feb 7, 2009

is it possible to make first 60 characters in a rich text box a different color than the remaining text?

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Forms :: Show Text In Column In Rich Text Box?

Oct 15, 2009

I will show 3 columns of text in rich text box. i want show the column border with color.i can separate the texts with tabs or spaces but showing data in columns and cells will improve the visual of my program .

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Output Formatted RTF Text To A Rich Text Box Control?

Feb 24, 2012

Okay, so what I want to do is directly output formatted RTF text to a Rich Text Box control in VB.NET. I don't want to find the text, select it and color it as it is not practical for what I'm doing. I've tried outputting RTF code but that isn't working either. Can I actually do this or will I have to write a dll?

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System Root And Printing Text To A Rich Text Box?

Dec 31, 2011

I am working on an applictation to scan windows files to check for missing files, i have a couple questions on how to do this.I would like to use the %systemroot%system32 that way that it doesn't matter what drive letter it is, i'm not sure how to do this because when i tried it, it told me the file i was looking for didn't exist (in this case C:windowssystem32 undll32.exe) which does exist. Is there some way to use the %systemroot%?

Also, i am trying to print the resaults to a rich text box such as if rundll32.exe is missing put in the box "rundll32.exe is missing". How do I allow it to write it in the box, I tried the print command, but it didn't work.

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VS 2010 Transparent/Background On Rich Text Box Or Text Box?

Mar 17, 2012

I've been wanting to create a look like the attached jpeg Ive been looking around for a few hours for a solution to make text boxes transparent or have a background image. I've found a few projects on this form and elsewhere which include transparent text boxes, but every time I try to use it the way I need to--with the text box over a picture box--there are always various rendering errors. Most of the time, the text box is transparent if its just placed on the form (not over any other controls). But when I place them over other controls (like picture boxes), the 'transparent background' always take on the color of the form background.

This is one that I was trying to use. I found a few others around, but they all had the same render errors more or less.[URL]...I figured transparency or background images would have been supported natively. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe I missed something in my searches. I didn't really see anything which adds background images in text boxes (rich or otherwise). At this point, I'd just like anything that works, so it doesn't really need to have transparency--just a simple background image would be great.

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Change Text's Color In Rich Text Box?

Oct 20, 2010

How can I change certain text's color (like Visual Studio does with "Public Class" or "Public Sub") is inside of a Rich Text Box?

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Fully Justify Text In Rich Text Box?

Jun 27, 2009

How can I fully justify text in rich text box?

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Image And Text Transfering From 1 Rich Text Box To Another

Dec 25, 2009

I want to transfer data from one rich text box to another but when i use RichTextbox2.text = RichTextbox1.text it transfer just text not images.if there is any way to do so?

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Large Chunks Of Text In A Rich Text Box?

Apr 22, 2010

I have ~ 1 page how to that is currently in a text file which I want to add to a richtext box.I am just wondering if there is some way I can just copy/paste it so it keeps its formatting etc.

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Multiple Text Colors In Rich Text Box?

Jun 20, 2010

have more than one text color in the Rich Text Box, because when I highlight one word and use the color changer, it changes ALL of the words in the text box, and I want to know how to be able to have a specific word, or words, be a different color.

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Protect Specific Text In Rich Text Box

May 2, 2010

I want to protect specific text in rich text box , I tried with

RichTextBox1.Select(1, 100)
RichTextBox1.SelectionProtected = True

above code is working fine but when i retreive data from database in .rtf format & I try to protect some text then its not working in first time it works second time

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Rich Text Box - Colouring Specific Text

Sep 2, 2011

what I am trying to do is create an effect in a richtextbox so when the user types any text surrounded by Brackets { } is coloured a different colour to the rest of the text say blue for example. How would I go about doing this?

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Rich Text Box Get One Word From Line Of Text

Nov 12, 2010

In my program, I have retrieved several lines of text in RichTextBox1.text. I need to get a

name(without the colon) using a keyword that is on the same line.[code...]

Lets say I set a keyword "vacation" and I need the code to get the name Sara that is in the same

line.I have seen some tutorials that retrieve left, middle, right that gets maybe the last two

letters in the string etc but I need it to get the Name without the colon.

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Search For Text BackColor In A Rich Text Box?

Nov 23, 2009

I'm trying to make a program that can do some statistics on text in a rich text box. I'd like to count the number of instances where text appears with a certain back color, for example where text is "highlighted" with yellow.

There seems to be no function to get the backcolor of text at a specific index, you can only get the backcolor of text which is selected, like this:

Dim backColor As Color
backColor = RichTextBox.SelectionBackColor

This means, by applying this nasty trick, I would have to manually select every character in the rich text box before I can find the backcolor:

For i = 0 To RichTextBox.Text.Length
RichTextBox.Select(i, 1)
If RichTextBox.SelectionBackColor = Color.Yellow Then
yellows = yellows + 1
End If

However, this takes a very long time, because the program has to select and deselect every character.

What options are there to speed up the process? Disabling the paint event?

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Set A Line Of Text Link In Rich Text Box?

Jul 21, 2009

I want set a line of text link in rich text box of Like for example: I want to know you

The word want, I want to set a link word.

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