My Program Isn't Selected The Right Item That Click On - Allows A User To View A List Of Foods In A Combo Box
May 1, 2012
I am creating a program that allows a user to view a list of foods in a combo box, add that food unto a list box, and adds all of the calories of that food together. When the user highlights their select food, the program automatically shows the amount of calories for that particular food in a text box. The program is getting the food and calorie information from an access database. I managed to get all of the food calories to add up properly, however, I ran into a problem. Sometimes, well, most of the time, when I select certain foods from the combo box, the program automatically reselects another random food, usually a food that begins with either an A, B, or C. Also, the other random food that the program chooses usually has the same amount of calories as the food I originally wanted to choose. I have over 6,000 items in the database. I don't understand why this is happening. This is what my code looks like for the button that adds each food to the list box:
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Static i As Single
And this is what my code looks like for the button that adds all of the foods together:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim x As Single
Dim TotalCalories As Single
I have no idea what to try. It's like the program just skips over random foods, even though all of the information for them is in the database.
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May 30, 2012
Hi is there a way I could keep the highlight of all selected item in list view. every time listview lost focus it's gone?
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Feb 24, 2011
I'm currently creating a tabbed browser. Everything works fine as i expected. When it comes to history, I'm excepting a difficulty to navigating items from list view.
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May 25, 2010
The ContextMenuStrip tied to the ListView control. However, the right click option (edit)appear where ever i click on the ListView area, this gives me exceptional error because the implementation of edit can only cope with a selected row. I only want it to appear when on a selected row (blue highlighted row). How can i do it?
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Feb 15, 2012
i i have a listbox and 1 button in my application thing i want is when i click on some listbox item auto press that button or when i click on some item in list box it remove selected items from list box just with mouse click
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May 27, 2011
how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work
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Dec 6, 2011
how to write a program for a list box having 10 items in that just by a single click on one of the item it should be written on the button if a list is containing notepad than by clicking on the button it should open the notepad?
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Feb 12, 2010
I have a media browser program I am building. I am trying to use drag/drop so a user can drag media tracks from one listview to another listview and then use the second list view as a playlist in windows media player com object. Reading at MSDN I have found out that there is no built in support for item re-ordering with the listview control. I have listview1 working correctly but when I try to reorder items in listview2, the dragged item ends up at the end of the list. So basically I need to get the item insertion index corrected. I have tried more than 10 times to get this code right.
Here is my code which includes a form with two listview's.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ListView_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag, _
View 2 Replies
May 27, 2011
how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box i have this code for now but it does not work
j = 0
Do While j < cmbSession.Items.Count
If (j <> lesson) Then
View 4 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
i recently add two combo boxes in my form. the first combo box contains the categories of movies. and the other one is the list of movies sorted according to the category of movie. i just wondering how i could i add and view movies for the second combo box, when i click one of the category of movie.
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Mar 11, 2010
i need to use the selected item in combo box when user selects for example GREEN from be drop down list after than i need to put that green into the rest of my code, i need to draw a line in green but i dont know how to tell the program to use Green i tried setting up a variable for that, like : Dim rang as string = cmbcolor.selecteditem but it doesn't work
View 7 Replies
May 9, 2011
I ahve a combox (cbnames) on a login form which is populated with items. I make a selection and click on ok. Form1 appears and I have a textbox which I want to fill with the selected item from the combo box.
However, on form1 (view code) I don't appear to see cbnames. cbnames is available on the login form. How do i make a combobox public? or accessible to other forms?
View 2 Replies
May 18, 2009
Hi, I am inheriting the telerik radcombo control however I am unable to view any items that i add to the combo list.
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Apr 1, 2011
I am having difficulty using the selected value of the combobox while calling it from the ok button click event procedure. While debugging in the Ok button coding none of the values are their, but for the comboxbox coding it appears that it is working properly.I made a seperate funciton to handle the combobox, could this be my error?
Public Function choosepipecomboboxcoding(ByVal cboChoosePipe As Object,
ByVal HDPE As Double,
ByVal PVC As Double,
View 5 Replies
Apr 26, 2009
Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 Problem. I have a Combo Box containing Country Names "New York" & "New Zealand", when "New York" is selected it shows the time and date of New York in label1 on the form and the time is updated every second by the timer, but when I make another selection by selecting New Zealand in the combox dropdown list then New York's time updation is stopped in label 1 and only New Zealand's time is updated in label 2. Why the timer control stops functioning for the first selection after we make a second selection in the combo box. I want that time for both label 1 country as well as label 2 country updates simultaneously on the form. My code is as follows:I have added 2 label controls and one combo box control on the form and following code.[code]Can any one advice me how all countries selected in the combo box one after other are dispplayed with updated time every second?
View 3 Replies
Feb 12, 2011
I'm having some difficulty with a sorted & grouped listbox in WPF 3.5 that has an items source bound to an ObservableCollection.
What I want to be able to do is to retrieve a piece of data from the ObservableCollection items source depending on what item in the listbox the user has selected.I've almost got it working but because the listbox is sorted it does not match the index of the items source.
As I previously mentioned, because the lstBox is sorted and also grouped the index's don't match up.Does anyone know how I can get the correct information I want from the List Source depending on the selected item in the list box?
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Feb 10, 2012
I have a combobox that drops up instead of down. I'm setting the selected item to the one on top of the list. I'd like to move my mouse pointer to point to it, so that the user that wants to click on that item doesn't have to move his mouse. I found how to move the pointer, it is with this command:
Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = New System.Drawing.Point(x,y)
but I need to know how to get the location of the selected item in the combobox.
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Dec 9, 2011
I have a property called ReplacementTo and I set a value to it based on the selecteditem from the combobox, like this:
classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString
Now I can't use cmbReplcmnt.Text because what I actually need is the value of that SelectedItem
So problem is, if the user leaves the combobox as blank, it throws a null exception.I decided to use the IIf function then:classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = IIf(IsNothing(cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString), classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = "", cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString)
Unfortunately I still get the error I tried using a Try-Catch for it and it worked, but I don't want to rely on the Try-Catch, so I was wondering is there a another way to work this through?
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Aug 21, 2009
i have an database and i have a table there name ad "product_order" i have created a form like attached picture..i want o view all of items in datagrid view where customer_id ( a column of database table) = label value of your id and when i will click to view this form this form will load automatically..
Public Class Form8
Private Sub Form8_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
View 2 Replies
Feb 2, 2010
I have a lstbox1 and a DGV1. In DGV1 I have rows (0) cell(0).value 12:00
rows (1) cell(0).value 12:15
rows (2) cell(0).value 12:30
Ok when select an item in lstbox 1. I would like the item as a lbl to fill the cell from 12:00 to 12:30.
This is what I have so far:
Public Sub New(ByVal lbl As Object)
mstrlbl = lbl
End Sub
Public Function infolabel(ByVal bhl As Object) As Object
[Code] .....
View 11 Replies
Oct 13, 2011
How someone would select an item from a list box and click a button and have that item go into another listbox with it's price? I seem to be stuck on this part.
Here's my code:
I want to select the first option from the first listbox and I want to put it into another listbox along with the price of that item on the same line in the listbox. I can't seem to figure out how to that.
Public Class Form1
Const dcmPRICE_STRESS As Decimal = CDec(595.0)
Const dcmPRICE_TIME_MANAGMENT As Decimal = 695
View 12 Replies
Jan 8, 2012
I have a text file to read. Each line of the file represents a CD with the title, the year, the artist name, the genre.My program should read the list of CDs and according to the genre selected in a combo box, it should output the list of CDs of the genre selected to a multi line text box.The stream reader is reading the strings properly but it only outputs the results if I use message boxes.How do I tell VB to display the "right" CDs all at the same time in a multiline textbox?
View 3 Replies
Aug 21, 2011
Ok what I have is a combo box with a set of default items but i want the user to be able add new items to the combo box's item list. i currently have a text box and a command button for the user to use to add new items to the list with this code attached
when the program is closed the item is no longer in the combo box items list.
so what i would like to know is the correct code to make the additions to the combo box's items list permanent or at least until the user chooses to remove them.
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Jan 20, 2009
Is it possible to deactivate a combo box once a user has selected an option?
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Jan 6, 2011
I hope this question is sufficiently clear I'm trying to port an application that I wrote in Access VBA to VB 2010 express and SQL Server. In Access, when the user enters an item in a combobox that is not in the item list an event is fired ("not in list") from which I can set up records in related tables. How can I do the same in VB? I can't see any equivalent to the "not in list" event.
To be more explicit with an example. An address consists of Street, e.g. "23 Acacia Drive", Town, e.g."Wilton" and County, e.g. "Oxfordshire". When entering a new address, the form first requires a street entry in a text box. Next, a Town entry in a combo box which is populated with towns already in the address table. If an existing Town is selected the (previously disabled) County field is automatically filled from that town's County as read from the database. If a new Town is entered the County field is enabled and the user either selects an existing County or adds a new one which is added to the database using similar logic on the not in list event.
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Jan 7, 2012
If there are fields in a combo box as i press the drop down arrow. and if i select a field... then it should not b deleted using a backspace or anyother key..
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Aug 16, 2010
I have been looking ages on Google trying to find a solution. 2 weeks now and I cannot find it anywhere. I am trying to send the Module.Filename path to a text box for each selected item within a list view.This is my overall Code and my progress, if there is anything missing or needs to be improved just let me know =
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Management
Imports System.Text
View 3 Replies
Dec 12, 2010
Ive got a listview and when someone double clicks an item i want it to process some code unique to that item. Using something like 'Switch' would probably be a good way to go about this but i dont know how to do this.
View 6 Replies
Sep 15, 2010
I need to select next in list view i used this code but do nothing ListView1.Items(Me.ListView1.Items.Count +1).Selected = True
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Mar 25, 2011
I am using a listview for my log details and i'm wondering on how can i set the focus to the last item on my listview and the scrollbar should be on the last portion of the listview. i can currently set the focus to the last item by this code: lvSample.Items((lvSample.Items.count-1)).Selected = True but the scrollbar is still on topmost portion.
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