MySQL VSTA App To XP Application?

Feb 19, 2009

I have a application developed in VB.Net on Vista that is running on XP. While running the application on Vista the application works perfectly. While running on XP I get the Microsoft has encountered an error dialog box. Any ideas why I am getting this error.Both XP and Vista machines have .NET framework 2.0 installed. The application is also using calling MySQL. I have installed the MySQL connector 5.0.9. If I do not use MySQL everything seems to work on both XP and Vista machines.

I wish I could give you more information but I just don't know what else to post.

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VSTA: Outputting Messages To Output Window

Jun 25, 2010

It's been a while since I have posted. Good to be back. I am doing some scripting work using Visual Studio 2005 Tools for application. I am having an issue outputting to the debug window. My line of System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Test") I have the output window open when I start debugging and am using the debugger. What happens is the debug window seems to go away when I allow the line to execute. After the line executes if I go back to the output window nothing is there. The message does not go to the Immediate window either.

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VS 2010 - MySQL Connector As A Resource On My Application - Connect To My MySQL Server

Jun 21, 2012

What i have going on, is i have a MySQL connector as a resource on my application, and im basically trying to connect to my MySQL server, to either a) register a new account, or b) check that the account exists and they are premium, and login, Now what i have run into problems with is: My MySQL Database Name has a _ in it which VB is not allowing for some strange reason.

The code i am using is below

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Public Class Form1

Function UpdateRecord(ByVal query As String) As Integer


How i can allow the _ into the application, because the only databases that don't have a _ in the user or dbname are a) Paid ones which i DO NOT have the money for or self hosted ones, i cannot leave my computer on 24/7

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Deploy Mysql With VB Application

Feb 15, 2012

I developed a application and TRIED MYsql for database as ( open source). i have to install this application in client machine? As i am new to MYSQL, for deploying MYSQL Database as a Setup installation (With application ) in client machine.

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Application Login Using Mysql Database

Jan 2, 2012

im trying to let users login to an application i created in using the user table of the application's database in mysql i heard that The usual way to do this is to have just one MySQL user called "[my_app_name]" with the relevant permissions. Then my application uses it's own user table to control access to the application, and the one MySQL user to access the database.

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Application That Has To Connect To A MySQL Database And FTP

May 5, 2012

I'm working on an application in VB.NET that has to connect to a MySQL database and FTP. How secure is it if I used it in an application that I gave to other people. E.g. if I was to let other people use this application would they be able to find out the MySQL and FTP connection details through intercepting packets or something like that? If that's the case how can I work round this? Also, part of my application is an uploader for users to upload files, is FTP secure for that or are there better alternatives ways in doing that? My server is a Windows Server 08 if that makes any difference.

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Interfacing A .Net Application On The Internet Using Php/&MySQL/?

Aug 16, 2009

i'm developing a vb application and am intending to offer the functionality of that application on the internet as a service , how do i do that?

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Connecting To Mysql Via Windows Application From Desk Top?

Dec 15, 2009

<Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1
' OK button [code]....

End Class/>this my code to conecttin to the mysql via windows application with login form but i will see this con.Open( getting yellow

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Developed VB2008 Application And MySql As Database?

Aug 28, 2009

I have developed VB2008 application and MySql as Database.I want to Open this application on any web browser without making any changes in Orginal application.

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Good Examples Of Application Talking To MySQL?

Jul 11, 2011

I hope someone can help. I was "volunteered" to come up with an application for a local charity group. What they are looking for is a system that will track[code]...

They picked me to help as I have done some computer work and for them that means I'm an expert.What they want is for me to use a Visual Basic front-end talking to MySQL. I know enough to realize that most systems DON'T work out first time and the chances are even less if that person (Me) has not much experience.

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Include Mysql Server And Client Together With The Application?

Jun 8, 2011

I would really like to know if there is anyway in which I can package two or more set up files together with my application; so that after installing the application, it automatically starts installing the other applications from the other set-up files.

In my case I want to include mysql server and client together with the application for a demo cd, that am making for a client.

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Make A Chat Application In Vb What Uses MySQL Database

Dec 14, 2010

I'm trying to make a chat application in Vb what uses MySQL database.

Here is the code for the UpdateChat()sub

Public Sub UpdateChat()
' MySQL Adapter
Dim MySQLAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter


Now it gives me there error that a connection is allready open with the Datareader (I havea timer running this sub once in a while).

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Mysql Database To Create A Windows Application?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm Using Visual Studio 2005 and Mysql Database to create a windows application. The datagrid displays all the records. Since I don't know how to directly update from datagrid, thats why I have used textboxes for the respective datagrid fields. A load button is provided which on clicking puts the data on the respective textboxes. The data can be edited in the textbox. Problem is that I can't save this edited or modified data back into dattabase.


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VS 2010 : Install MySQL Before Installing Application?

May 29, 2012

I'm working on a MySQL database with a VB.NET front end, and I'd like the installer to first install MySQL and Connector/.NET (if they aren't already installed) and then run a query to load the dump file that I'm including among the program resources.Is this possible, or will I have to instruct my users how to install MySQL and Connector/.NET themselves beforehand?

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2008 / Package The Application By Adding The Mysql Database

Dec 16, 2010

i am about develop an application and i want to do the following.

1. use 2008 for the application

2. use mysql database as the database for the application


1. is it possible to package the application by adding the mysql database so that during deployment it will be installed as well eg. 2008 and access database can be attached and deployed without installing any file to support

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Develop An Application Using VS 2008 Connected To MySQL Database?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to develop an application using VS 2008 connected to MySQL database. Previously in vb6 i was using adodb and now when i googled and got a few sample projects done using VS2008 in which most of the module codes were OLEDB.....To which method should i stick to...?

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Make Login For Vbulletin Through Windows Application Using Mysql

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make a login for vbulletin through a windows application using mysql but whatever i tried has failed, i can connect with the database but i cannot find the password table, since vbulletin has md5 on their passwords.

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Mysql And Visual C++ 2010 Windows Form Application / CLI C++

Aug 18, 2011

Working on a project trying to use mysql and Visual Studio C++ 2010. I have an established connection to the database on a server using a connection string. My issue is I am not sure how to get the retrieved data displayed in dataGridView. Below is where I have my code for the button named Search. Right now all I am trying to do is get already inserted information out and displayed. Not sure if I am utilizing the dataGridView correctly or if there is another way. When I select bind to database I do not show any data sources even though in my server explorer window I show that I am connected. I have googled my eyes out and still havent found any information relating to a non console application. Here is some code that worked and returned a value of 1 to a textbox just stating that it had no errors in the execution. [code]

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Open A Connection To MySQL At The Load Of Application And Close?

Dec 22, 2011

Should I open a connection to MySQL at the load of my application and close it when you exit or should I open and close the connection only when I need to run queries?

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Publishing Application Files (MySql.Data.dll.deploy)?

Jun 26, 2011

Using: VB 2008 Express?I created an application that connects to my MySQL, and everything works fine, but...

1. On my development computer, Windows 7, 64bit, I add the file as a reference. I publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

2. I then copy my published folder to my test computer, Windows Vista 32 bit, and upon running the setup, the program fails to work because it cannot find the Mysql reference.

3. I then transfer my entire project over to my Vista computer, publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

4. I finally found out what was happening. My Windows 7 comptuer was not including MySql.Data.dll.deploy file in the Application Files published directory; but when I compiled it on the Vista machine this MySql.Data.dll.deploy was included.

So, in the end, I cannot compile the program on Windows 7, because it fails to create the .deploy file, and use it on Vista or XP (for some reason Win7 doesn't need this .deploy file?); but I can publish it on the Vista machine and install it fine on Windows 7, Vista, or XP. My targe CPU setting is Any computer.

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Securing Connection Using SSL Between Application And Remote MYSQL Database?

Dec 27, 2011

I am building a database application using MYSQL as the backend. The MYSQL instance will be installed remotely on a share host. I have access to SSL certificates. I'm obviously not looking for any code but, conceptually, how do I go about securing the connection using SSL between my application and the remote MYSQL database?

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VB - Application Which Contacts My MySQL Database Located At DazeZone

Oct 29, 2009

I want to make a simple application which contacts my MySQL Database located at DazeZone. I do not know how to do this process, never ever got into this with SQL and Databases yet...

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2010 - Application Interacts With A MySQL Database On A Remote Server

Jun 2, 2011

I have an issue with my code. The application interacts with a MySQL database on a remote server, I have access to this server. When my app is running the insert into code I m getting this error: "Conversion from string "INSERT INTO phpvms_fsspireps(pil" to type 'Integer' is not valid."

The variable which holds the Inser Into string, during break point debug gives me this: ""INSERT INTO phpvms_fsspireps(pilotid, code, flightnum, depicao, arricao, route, route_details, distance, aircraft, flighttime, flighttime_stamp, landingrate, submitdate, accepted, log, load, fuelused, expenselist, source,


And this is my code.

Dim conn As MySqlConnection
Dim cnString As String
cnString = My.Settings.constr


the DB spec:
Total DB size: 190,1 MB
Total Tables: 106
and the table specs. The titles are in Greek but I think you can understand it from the data. [url]

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Install The DB Automatically With The Application Without Requiring The User To Create A Mysql Server?

Aug 8, 2009

I'm bulding a program that willl work with a database the database is made with mysql.I would like to know if there is a way to install the DB automatically with the application without requiring the user to create a mysql server...the db have more than 5 million records.

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Securing MySQL Application - Details Of Database Can Be Found Out Through Packet Logging

Jul 18, 2012

I've made an application and it connects to my database. But the issue is the details of the database can be found out through packet logging or something. How can I stop this from happening and secure it, without having to have a third party such as PHP script etc.

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VS 2010 Developing A Chat Application Using Online Connection To A Mysql Database?

Mar 4, 2012

I am developing a chat application using online connection to a mysql databbase. But i am facing a problem. After 10 minutes, MySQL closes all the chat connections because of the 600 seconds timeout (has been set by the host service i am using). I don't understand why is that happening cause every piece of my code which needs data from the database opens and closes the connection (i mean that it dosn't maintain the connection after the query's execution). If i .close() and .dispose() the connection, it still appears in mysql at sleep mode (it terminates only if i exit the program).

Dim MySQLCon as New MySQLConnection
Dim MySQLCom as New MySQLCom
Dim counter as Short


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Store Picture As BLOB In MySQL Database And Retrieve From MySQL Db Directly Into Picturebox ?

Apr 11, 2011

I have determined thanks to the last q & a that there is something wrong with my "save to db" code as well as my "retrieve to picture" code. Even If I manually save the pic in the db it stil wont retreive. This is code i patched together from 3 or 4 examples around the net.

Dim filename As String = txtName.Text + ".jpg"
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim ImageStream As System.IO.MemoryStream[code]......

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MySQL And FTP - MySQL Databases Exists For Saving Values As Strings (text Only)

Sep 22, 2009

MySQL databases exists for saving values as strings (text only). Is there any way that i could store files with the same speed as a mysql command ? I know that it depends on the file size but lets say that the file is "Avatar.jpg" 50KB... I ve tried FTP but this is not what im looking for. e.g. You want your users been able to upload a file like the [Add This Attachment] button does in and you dont have any background on PHP/HTML/Javascript/ASP.NET just VB.NET and the basics of MySQL plus you dont want to use it for a website. How do you accomplish this? Something silly that ive tried was opening an image as text then update the mysql server with that text but it didnt work backwards after i wrote the text on the file and oppened it said that the image was corrupted.

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Make A Login System Mysql Try To Connect To A Mysql Database?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to make a login system mysql try to connect to a mysql database.

Here is my code:

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class LoginForm1
Dim MySqlConnection As MySqlConnection
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection()


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Built A MySQL Login System Using MySQL Connector?

Aug 27, 2011

i Built A MySQL Login System Using MySQL Connector But If Other People Want To Use The Program Thay Get An Error, I Think This Is Due To Thay Do Not Have The Connector So What Should I Do, Btw Dont Say 'Tell Them To Connector'!

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