Negate An Expression In MS Report?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm converting af Crystal report to a MS report.My expression in the Crystal report was like this[code]...

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Way To Negate Cracks

Jul 18, 2011

How to protect an .exe, that was made on express, from being cracked by programs like .net deflector and OllyDbg , and from decompilers?

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How To Set Part Of Expression In Report To Bold

May 6, 2012

Simple question and hoping for simple answer :)

Here is the code:=First(Fields!Asiakas1.Value, "DataSet1") & vbCrLf & First(Fields!Asiakas2.Value, "DataSet1") & vbCrLf & First(Fields!Asiakas3.Value, "DataSet1")

how do i make First(Fields!Asiakas1.Value, "DataSet1") Bold?

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.net - SSRS Report Expression - Null Being Treated Like Zero?

Apr 11, 2012

Consider this SSRS value expression :=IIF(First(Fields!MyCol.Value, "MyDataSet")=0, "yes", "no")

MyCol is a Nullable column. I want "yes" to be output only when MyCol equals 0. The code above correctly evaluates to "yes" when MyCol is 0. However, it also evaluates to "yes" when MyCol is Nothing (i.e. NULL in SQL Server). Is this expected behavior ?

I had to resort to the following longer expression to get the desired result :

=IIF(Not(First(Fields!MyCol.Value, "MyDataSet") is Nothing) And First(Fields!MyCol.Value, "MyDataSet")=0, "yes", "no")Is there a shorter version of this which also works ?

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How To Use SQL Expression Fields Of Crystal Report 11.5 From .NET 2008

Mar 15, 2010

I have the following SQL Expression Field in my Crystal Report 11.5


It works well in the Preview Mode. But when I use the report in my VB.NET 2008 Project it says the following:


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Set The Cell's Font In A Tablix Expression Based On A Value In Microsoft Report?

Feb 28, 2012

I've a tablix with alot of rows. I use =Fields!LedningLaengde.Value to set the value in the cell, that's on a row in the Tablix..The new thing, is that the font need to be red if =Fields!LedningLaengde.Value is equal to -1 how can this be done?

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Reference A Report Variable In The Report Properties Code Window Of A Local Report?

Apr 19, 2011

how I can reference a report variable in the Report Properties Code Window of a local report? I have tried Variables!Claimant.Value (for a variable called Claimant) but I get an error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." I have tried qualifying it with Report. and also with the report name in front of it but I get errors with this also.I have the variable CLaimant defined in the Variables section of the Report Properties.

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Delegate 'System.Threading.ThreadStart' Requires An 'AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression As The Only Argument To Its Constructor?

Jan 23, 2010

I got this Error. below is my code.

GenerateTheList is function.Need help
Private Sub buttGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttGenerate.Click
Dim thread1 As New Thread(New ThreadStart(GenerateTheList))
End Sub

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Code To Put In An Expression To Add Database Columns In A Row And Display It In The Expression Column

Mar 21, 2010

While looking in the dataset designer for a database table I am doing in visual basic 2008 I found a line for expressions under the property menu for a specific column. I need to know the code that I would put in this expression line so that this column adds up the numbers I input into three other columns and displays that number in the column. I need it to automatically calculate this for each row in the database table.

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DataColumn.Expression: How To Use A User Defined Function In Expression

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to write following expression on a datacolumn. But it results in error:Replicate('*', nLevel) + NameWhere: Replicate() is a user defined function (in a module). nLevel and Name are two other columns in same data table.

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Expression Parsing Using FLEE And Custom Expression Context

Jun 12, 2012

I am using Flee to build a formula builder. It works great but the only problem I'm facing is that Flee doesn't understand Generic Methods I guess. I have a function called IIf declared in the expression context I'm using. [code]How can I work around this. I mean cannot , in sense, write all possible overloads of the function of all .net primitive types. What approach should I take.

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AddressOf' Expression Or Lambda Expression

Feb 22, 2009

From this code


If I put New Action(AddressOf PrivateMesage), then I get the following error: Bounds can be specified only for the top-level array when initializing an array of arrays. on the following code


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Converting Arithmetic Expression With Operators In A String To An Operable Arithmetic Expression

Feb 5, 2010

I must convert string data from a CNC that is arithmetic expression to a number that I can use in a VB application that I wrote. The following is what I get out of the cnc. [18722*65536+19377]/67108864. I need to evaluate this expression in my VB ap. The format of the string is not always the same as what I have illustrated.

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Close The Crystal Report Viewer And Pass The Parameter Again And Should Be Able To View Report Again?

Aug 15, 2011

When i pass the parameter and run the report it works fine as i close the form it closes the form is there any way so that i should be able to close the crystal report viewer and pass the parameter again and should be able to view report again.

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Print A Report Which Is Receipt Having Size 3 X 4 Cm But Unable To Resize Crystal Report?

Dec 30, 2010

I got a problem I want to print a report which is receipt having size 3 x 4 cm. i am unable to resize crystal report. i am using crystal report coming with visual 2008.

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CrystalReportViewer1.PrintReport() - Record The Report Printed Report Serial Number - Date And Time To The Database

Apr 26, 2010

I created a button instead of the print button in crystal report because i need to record the report printed report serial number, date and time to the database. when i click on the button, dialog box appear. if i click on the ok button , system record the printed report details to the database and report printed successfully. but when i click on the cancel button , system again recording the printed report record.


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Crystal Report Not Loading - Get The Load Report Failed Notice

Jun 5, 2011

I have created an application using 2008 and for reports Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 but the problem is, when I run the application in another machine away from developing box, I get the Load report failed notice. I don't have any idea on how I should approach this issue. I tried installing the CRRedist2008_x86 and CRRedist2005_x86 but still the problem won't go away.

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Display Data From Table In Report Footer Of Crystal Report?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with my crystal report with regards to report footer. I want to display the data from the table, column name "Remarks" in report footer but when I try to call the data it doesn't show the remarks. I'm using VB 6 and mdb files as my back end. Is there any command or fundamental that I've missed?

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Generate Runtime Legent In Report Viewer Chart Report?

Mar 11, 2009

i have tride to generate report by using in built functions of report viewer. but it disply only the default color in to the legend. in my report i am showing chart report by using student marks and their name. the chrt bar color get changed as per the students marks means if student is pass then the the report bar display with green if failed then with red color i want to show the legend with student pass and fail status but on my x axis i have given a only a marks column value and it s showing only marks lable in legend but i want to show it with their status means pass with green color and fail with red color if anybody have the answer of this query plz reply immediatly

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Report Viewer - Custom Header On Every Page When Print Report

Jul 1, 2011

i want same custom header on every page when i print my report, how can i?

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Trying The Report After Execution It Giving 'numeric Overflow' And The Report Not Coming?

Jan 10, 2011

I am in a great problem, I have an application which working on mulity nodes but same report executing properly except one node. on that node when I trying the report after execution it giving 'numeric overflow' and the report not coming. the node also 32bit version. so what

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Create A Report In .net 2005 Through Report Viewer Control?

Apr 11, 2010

I want to know how to create a report in 2005 through report viewer control

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Create A Report In 2008 Using Microsoft Report Viewer?

Feb 18, 2010

how to create a report in VB .net 2008 using microsoft report viewer?

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Create Report Like Tree View InCrystal Report?

May 14, 2009

I have a self referencial table Which contains fields Like ID, Name, Parent ID. By Using this table I wish to show records in crystal report Like a tree view format Like

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Crystal Report - Dosn't Shows Any Report Instead Of It Gives An Error

Jun 21, 2010

I had created 5-6 crystal report in my project with back end sql server 2005 and i had given my path for crystal report. after this i had creted setup and deployed at customer machine but there it dosn't shows any report instead of it gives an error. for viewing report so how to come up with this probelm.

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Crystal Report With Joined Query Not Showing On Report

Jun 5, 2011

im trying to fetch rows in 3 TABLES using JOined tried the query first in MS ACCESS and it worked but when i tried to show it in Crystal report it wont show its data. [code]

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Draw A Crystal Report Viewer To View The Report?

Aug 14, 2010

I am working on a windows application in VB.Net 2008. I have added a crystal report in my project. and I have draw a Crystal Report Viewer to view the report. But when I run this report It asks user name and password. (The snapshot is attached here) I have used the following code to set the log on info of report.


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Load Report Failed For Crystal Report FOR .net 2005?

Dec 16, 2009

<Visual Stusio 2005 visual basic / Crystal Report 2008>

I simply created a "Report" folder on the the project and "crTxEmpMaster.rpt" is created on the "Report" folder.I tried load a .rpt file for Crystal Report, but it occured "Load report failed" What is wrong wth it? #1 and #2 both failed.

Dim menuReport As New ReportDocument()
Dim reportPath As String = Application.StartupPath & "" & "ReportcrTxEmpMaster.rpt"


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Report Designer Change Report Sort Interactively?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a report with a table containing about 10 fields. It starts out with a particular sort but the users would like to be able to change the sort interactively. The interactive sort on the textbox seems pretty limited. Is it possible

View 2 Replies - Add A Pdf To A Reporting Services Report After Rendering Report As Pdf?

Apr 30, 2009

We are using Reporting Services to generate a purchase order, which is rendered as pdf before displaying on the screen. The report works well, as is, except that now we have to add a Terms & Conditions page to every PO. I've tried placing it in the footer, setting it to display only on the last page--this didn't work. I've also tried adding it to the body, setting the "Page Break Before" property to "true". This works, except that it looks like there is still space reserved for the header (i.e. the header's "show on last page" property is set to false). I can't get the Terms & conditions to fill the page. how I could attach or bind the pdf generated by reporting services with a pdf version of the Terms & Conditions sheet?

Note: We are using ASP & VB.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, & SQL Server 2005.

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