Nested Function Does Not Have The Same Signature As Delegate 'System.Func(Of Object)'

Apr 5, 2012

I have a section of code that deletes a lot of columns, one at at time, based on conditions that arise. Currently it does this:

objrpt.objXLSheet.Columns(col) _

There are so many of these, that I'm getting tired of looking at these lines so I want to curry the references to the Excel stuff.I tried:

Dim DelCol As Func(Of Integer) = Function(col As Integer) _
objrpt.objXLSheet.Columns(col) _

but that won't compile, giving me the error: "Nested function does not have the same signature as delegate 'System.Func(Of Integer)'. Ah forget it. I see that I'm trying to call a method from a function. I guess that won't work.Wait, I'm now trying it another way. I first defined a function:

Private Function DeleteColumn(ByRef objrpt As ExcelReport, ByVal col As Integer) As Object
DeleteColumn = Nothing
Dim objrng As Excel.Range


Now the error message is a little different:

"Nested function does not have the same signature as delegate 'System.Func(Of Object)'.

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Function Have A Non Compatiable Signature With This Delegate?

Oct 26, 2011

The compiler is telling me that these signatures are incompatiable, but they seem fine to me.[code].....

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Get A Error" Method 'Private Shared Sub Ping Does Not Have A Signature Compatible With Delegate 'Delegate Sub ?

Jun 1, 2010

Public Class SendPings
Shared Sub New()
AddHandler Post.Saved, AddressOf Post_Saved[code].....

I get a error" Method 'Private Shared Sub Ping(item As BlogEngine.Core.IPublishable, itemUrl As System.Uri)' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub WaitCallback(state As Object)'.

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Call Overridden ClassA.func() From GrandChildClassC.func() Without Invoking ChildClassB.func()?

Jan 26, 2010


I know how to do the code shown in ClassA and ChildClassB, but how do I go about coding the example in GrandChildClassC, which needs to not do the stuff that ChildClassB does in this function, but still do what Class does.

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AddHandlers : Does Not Have The Same Signature As Delegate?

Apr 5, 2009

for few solutions it work outs well but not for the following code. I find an error when executing the following code. I find an error :

ErrorMethod 'Public Sub test()' does not have the same signature as delegate 'Delegate Sub DataRowChangeEventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs)'.C:UsersKashifDocumentsVisual Studio


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VS 2010 Does Not Have A Signature Compatible With Delegate?

Mar 14, 2012

useing vs 2010 i got this code

Public Sub SetText6(ByVal [text] As String, ByVal textbox As TextBox)
If Me.TextBox1.InvokeRequired Then


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Make A Basic Client And Listener Chat Room - : Error1Method 'Private Sub CliInfo' Does Not Have A Signature Compatible With Delegate

Dec 9, 2009

Im trying to make a basic client and listener chat room but im having problems with method invoker.

Error: Error1Method 'Private Sub CliInfo(CliMess As String)' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub MethodInvoker()'

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Text[code]......

View 5 Replies

.net - C# : How Much Memory Does A System.Func Holds

Apr 23, 2011

exactly how much memory does a System.Func holds?Is there any difference if the System.Func is 1 line or 1000 lines?

View 4 Replies - Fix Func Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'system' Compiler Error

Dec 8, 2011

I have a method that looks like this :

Function ExecuteAndLogError(Of TResult)(ByVal code As Func(Of TResult), _ByVal sql As String, _Optional ByVal parameters As SqlParameterCollection = Nothing) As TResult End Function

I am getting this compiler error : 'Func' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System'.


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Value Of Type 'System.Func(Of String, String)' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Convert

Feb 17, 2011

Value of type 'System.Func(Of String, String)' cannot be converted to 'System.Converter(Of String, String)

Why? They are both effectively a function pointer (or delegate?) to a function that accept a string and return a string.

View 6 Replies

Error - LINQ To Entities Does Not Recognize The Method 'System.Object IIf(Boolean, System.Object, System.Object)'

Jul 29, 2011

I am getting following error whenever I want to use IIf function inside entity framework query.

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object IIf(Boolean, System.Object, System.Object)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

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Method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' Has No Supported Translation To SQL.?

Apr 16, 2010

What do I need to convert?

Dim CEESearchByAppNo = From CEEsearch In dbCEE.tblScanneds _
Where CEEsearch.AppNo = iAppNo


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'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'Object' Because 'Object' Is Not A Delegate Type

Sep 1, 2010

I have user control which has one button. To handle click event of button I have added following code in usercontrol.

Sub ChangeClickHandler(ByVal
[Delegate] As EventHandler)


Now, I want to handle this click event where I call the this usercontrol. I call the usercontrol through reflection so I get the control in a form of object.

Dim button as object button.ChangeClickHandler(AddressOf mymethod), this line gives me error "'AddressOf' expression cannot be converted to 'Object' because 'Object' is not a delegate type."

View 2 Replies - Nested Repeater Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Jul 28, 2011

I am taking some code that I have used for a nested listview before and trying to make it work with a nested Repeater but I am getting an error.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

<asp:Repeater ID="reMainNav" runat="server">

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Nested Tabcontrol - Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Apr 7, 2011

I am using VS2008 and have a nested tabcontrol.

tabControl 1 and tabControl3

In tabControl3 I am trying to populate a text control with a value from a control placed on tabControl1.

' add a savings tabpage
Dim strSavingsPage As String
Dim dblTaxRate As Double


The complete error is: NullReference exception was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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.net Delegate And Invoke / Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jan 28, 2012

I'm having problems with a program where I've got some multi threaded activities addressing the states of check boxes, which in turn are created by a user definable interface To achieve this I'm using the code below, which works on some occasions and crashes on other occasions when it stops with the following error NullReferenceException was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Delegate Sub CBSetCallback(ByVal cb As CheckBox, ByVal value As Boolean)

Private Sub SetCheckBox(ByVal cb As CheckBox, ByVal state As Boolean)
If cb.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New CBSetCallback(AddressOf CBset)
Invoke(d, New Object() {cb, state})


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Specifying A Datatype In Signature Of A Function?

Sep 8, 2009

I am trying to define a function that I would like to specify a datatype as in input of the function. The only/best way I evision doing this is by making a enum with the range of datatypes the function will accept and us the enum as part of the function's signature.


Enum MyDataTypesString


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Call A Dynamic Compiled Func(of ) Function Via Expression.Call?

Mar 22, 2012

I want to create an ExpressionTree where a Func(of Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Double, Double, Vektor) should be called. So I use

Expression.Call(Forces(0).Function.Method, {Vec1, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, Double1, Double2})(Vec1-4, Double1-2 are declared as ParameterExpression and Forces(0).Function as Func(of Vector, Vector, Vector, Vector, Double, Double, Vector). But I get an AgrumentException, because Forces(0).Function.Method has seven Arguments. (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure as seventh argument at Index 0).

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Function Overloading Add Result Type To Parameter Signature?

Dec 7, 2009

Can someone on the VB language team explain why a function result type is not part of the parameter signature?If it were then function overloads would also work for functions that only differ by the result type. In some cases, this is useful (aka cleaner code) especially when you have strongly typed data.

Other languages have this and implement it by considering the function result as an OUT parameter either as param 0 or at the end of the param list (stack) so existing type matching verification can be performed by the compiler.

In VB, the workaround is just messy and would be easily fixed by a language change. This example is overly simplified and not meant as a solid justification for the request Say you have a parse requiirement that takes a comma delimited string in the form: "31,32,33,34" or "bob,carol,ted,alice"
In you code,


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Smart Device Framework Signature Panel - Draw Signature In Full WinForms App

May 15, 2011

I'm planning on using the Smart Device Framework 2.3 to use the signature control panel in a Windows Mobile 5 application using the compact framework 3.5.

The control has the option to save the signature as either a byte array of points, or as a bitmap. Now seeing as I want to store the signature in a sql compact database, I guess the byte array is going to be better. The trouble is, I'm not sure how to render that in a full WinForms application after I've transferred it back to the desktop.

I need to show the signature on a report, so it would need to be an image I could link/embed into the report.

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Office Automation :: Method Not Found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

Mar 11, 2009

following error message:

Method not found: Void Excel.Range.set_Value(System.Object,System.Object)

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Convert C# Delegate Function?

Oct 2, 2011

Here there's an old question about this code.

xmpp.OnLogin += delegate(object o)


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Function Calling Using Delegate?

Feb 2, 2011

I have one master page and then content page on the master page and also have one UC on the master page, now i want to filter data from usercontrol on and populate on content page using delegate.

I have achieved this in C# but i am not able to do this in VB.NET

Because in VB.NET i am not able to overload event of the uc.

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.net :: How To Declare A Nested Function

Jan 9, 2011

How would I declare a nested function in VB.NET? For example, I want to do something like this:

Function one()
Function two()
End Function


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Dynamically Change The Function Of A Delegate In .NET?

Jun 18, 2009

Suppose I have a class that represents a product to be priced using one of a number of different pricing strategies. This pricing occurs hundreds of times per second, so to eliminate repetitive if/else statements I am instead using a delegate to launch the appropriate strategy, like so:

Private Delegate Sub PricingModel(ByVal params As PricingParameters)
Private myPricingModel As PricingModel
Private myPricingParameters As PricingParameters[code].....

But this doesn't look right to me (though it seems to work). Is there an accepted/better way of doing this? Or is this the standard way? Or is this just simply a doomed approach from the start?

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Passing Parameters To Delegate Function?

Nov 21, 2010

I need to convert the following C# code to VB.NET:

public bool TryGetRewriteMatch(UrlContext url, out RedirectMatch match)
// NOTE: Normally this would use regular expression matches, cached database


However, I need to reference Url and ProductID in the function and I don't know how to pass them as parameters or get their values from the original function.

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Coverting C# System.Delegate.Combine?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm trying to convert a C# project to vb CodeProject: Image Thumbnail Viewer with .NET 2.0. The one thing that has me stumped is the conversion of a routine to add thumbnails to a layout panel.

A global event is declaired Public Event OnImageSizeChanged As ThumbnailImageEventHandler

Then a section where each thumbnail image image is added with a size changed event for when a slider control is moved. It looks like just a big multicast delegate where each image control is chained to the slider. So any change in the size slider changes each thumbnail image controls size.


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.net - Create And Pass Custom Function As A Delegate?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a function Process(data, f) where data is a normal parameter and f is a function needed to process the data (passed as a delegate to Process)

The signature of f is int f(a,b,c), with a, b, c supplied by Process when it calls the delegate.

Up until here, standard delegate usage.

Now, I have a special but common case where I would like to call Process with a constant f function. So I would like to write SimpleProcess(data, k) so that the caller does not need to create a delegate in this case, just pass the constant k (the only information needed).

So I need to dynamically create a constant function, g(a,b,c) which takes 3 parameters (which are ignored) and always returns k. This has to be done within the SimpleProcess function, so that I can then simply call Process(data, g) from within that function, without the need to rewrite the whole Process function for this special case.

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C# - Registering A Delegate Function With An ISO C++ Callback (on Mono)

Apr 8, 2010

I am exposing some ISO C++ data types to .Net (mono on Linux to be precise).For the purpose of brevity, I shall refer to C# in my question, although my question relates to all of the .Net languages (with C# and VB.Net being my target languages). So far, I have worked out how to expose the ISO C++ data types in C# class(es) for use in mono -The only problem so far is how to deal with the C++ callbacks. In .Net languages (C# and Vb.Net), I believe 'delegates' are the callback equivalent.

Sticking with C# for now, can anyone recommend a way that I can register the C# delegate functions with my ISO C++ code.The ISO C++ code is a notification library, and I want to be able to "push" the notifications to the mono framework (i.e. C# delegates in this case).My underlying assumption is that the mechanism/steps to implement this would be the same for the .Net languages - I'll just have to code the actual delegates in the .Net language of choice - is that assumption correct?Last but not the least, is the question of thread saftey. The underlying ISO C++ code that I am exposing to .Net (mono to be more specific), is both re-ntrant and thread safe - do I have to do anything "extra" to call .Net delegate from my ISO C++ code?

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Delegate Function .net : Error Says Expression Expected

Aug 13, 2010

Having problem understanding Delegate error. Error says expression expected, How do I fix?Here is the offending line (#259)....

mylist.ForEach(Delegate Function(P As linkItem) As System.Char[] )

Here is the entire code.

<script language="VB" runat="server">
Function sectionTitle(ByRef f As String)
'Open a file for reading


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