No Bitmap Image Is Loaded Into Image Column Within Dataset After This Code Runs?

Nov 7, 2010

Here is the code:

'Add images column to DataTable.
ds.Tables(0).Columns.Add("Image", GetType(BitmapImage))
'Create array of image paths.
Dim currentDir As String


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VS 2008 Finding If An Image Control Has An Image Loaded (flashing An Image With A Timer)?

Aug 14, 2011

I'd like to verify if an image control has an image loaded . If it does , I want to unload that image (and load no image) , but if the image control has no image loaded , I want to load an image . Is it possible ?

If ImageMY.Image.Equals(Nothing) Then
ImageMY.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("C:ImageBlaBlaBla.jpg")


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Get Reference To The Error Image That Is Loaded By Default If There Is No Image When Using Imagelocation?

Dec 8, 2009

How do get reference to the error image that is laoded by default if there is no image when using imagelocation I am trying to build an IF statement to only do something if picbox is not = error image

If PictureBox1.Image <> Image.error.system.drawing.Bitmap Then

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Image Quality Lost When Saving An Image In JPEG Using Bitmap?

Dec 28, 2010

'm working on an Image Encrypting software which reads out all the pixels of an image and then relocating the pixels in some way.

My Code is as below

Dim Img As New Bitmap(tbEpath.Text)
Dim ImgSize As Integer = Img.Width * Img.Height
Dim Pixels(Img.Width, Img.Height) As Color


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Bitmap - .Net Check If Image Existing In Another Image?

Jun 5, 2012

I Tried To Check If Part Of Image Existing In Another Image


full image:


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Get A Code That Will Load Text, The Correct Image To Match It And The Command For Each Image?

Jun 16, 2011

I need a code that will load text, the correct image to match it and the command for each image. what i want to do is make a program that will download a swf and an image into to folders. then at startup the program will load all the swf and images and put the images into a listview so when you click on the image for the swf file it will give the link to the swf so it can be loaded.

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.net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.

How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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Finding Simple .net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Feb 15, 2011

find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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How To Get Value Of Pixel Of Loaded Image

Aug 18, 2009

Now I have inserted a picturebox and now I have to get the color value of a pixel of the image which I load to it.

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Convert Bitmap To Image?

May 1, 2009

This code resizes a jpeg image, but instead of saving it I simply want to display the result in a picturebox. I moused over the the image box and the value thumb and they seem to be different formats. How can i convert bitmap to image?

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Rotate An Image/bitmap?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to rotate a image/bitmap, i have a code to draw a image wit a rotation but only on a graphic, show do i make it into a image/bitmap?

Dim g = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(My.Resources.RedStone_Line)
RedStone.DrawRotateImage(g, bmp, 32, 0, 90)

bmp = New Bitmap(32, 32, g) 'This is giving me an error

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C# - Add Image File To A Image List In Code?

Jul 22, 2010

I have an image list and would like to add a directory of images to the image list in my code. How would I do this? When I run the code:


I get an out of memory exception. Currently there is only 14 images so there really shouldn't be a problem.

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Brighten An Image Loaded Into A Picture Box?

Feb 20, 2011

code which brightens an image loaded into a picture box.

The form has two picture boxes, one for unprocessed image and the other for processed image.

A track bar is to be used to increase the brightness and darkness.

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Upload Image Then 2 Enteries Can Loaded?

Sep 5, 2011

when i upload image then 2 enteries can loaded. 1 is image entry and 1 is blank entry. i dnt know why blank entry is loaded.


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16 Color Bitmap Image And Interpert?

Apr 2, 2010

I need to read a bitmap generated with paint or similar programs and interpert the picture to detect straight lines of black, larger squares in red and smaller squares of yellow, green or red. Which one of the Visual Basic environments are is best suited for this? WPF or Forms or..The lines represent walls and for start we have square objects as obsticles. I would like to create a maze and allow a dot to travel between obstacles leaving a trace of pixels and not hit any of the objects untill it exits.

I like to write the logic for it but I do not know how would I read a 500x500 pixel picture and decode the colors of each pixel. I like to assign a byte for each pixel's color (256color) but only use 4 bits of it to for start.

I am doing this as hobby. So please forgive me because I should only look at your answers during my free times.It will take some time before I could see it and mark your work as Helpful or Answer.

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Add A Bitmap Image In Memory To A Page?

May 20, 2009

I'm trying to add an bitmap image in memory to a page using a System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox object, but it's not working. Here is my

Dim bytes As SqlBytes = reader.GetSqlBytes(0)
Dim image As Bitmap = New Bitmap(bytes.Stream)
Dim picBox As PictureBox = New PictureBox()


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Bitmap Display Red X Instead Of Image From Folder

Mar 8, 2011

When I type a file with out a path it mean he is in: BIN/DEBUG folder. When I run this program I get a big red 'X' allover here..
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim SR As StreamReader
Dim SW As StreamWriter
Dim NumColumns, NumRows As Integer
[Code] .....

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Change Cursor To Bitmap Image?

May 18, 2010

How do you change your cursor into a bitmap image?

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How To Save Screenshot (Bitmap) As Image

May 15, 2009

I knew everything I needed to save an image, so I type in my code, and yet another error pops up. Here's the bit of code:
screenshot.Save(CaptureMain.picLocation.ToString, Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp, "Screenshot")

And, the error's kind of lengthly...
Error1Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Save' can be called with these arguments:

'Public Sub Save(stream As System.IO.Stream, encoder As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo, encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters)': Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.IO.Stream'.
'Public Sub Save(stream As System.IO.Stream, encoder As System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo, encoderParams As System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters)': Value of type
[Code] .....
The variable 'screenshot' is a bitmap.

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VS 2010 - From Text To Image (Bitmap)

Apr 4, 2010

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] ......
I am using this, however I get a GDI+ Unhandled Error.

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Get Image Size Loaded Into PictureBox Programmatically?

Jan 18, 2012

I tried to use the codes below to retrieve Image Width programmatically, but it did not work. [code]...

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Interface And Graphics :: Image Has Been Loaded Into The Picturebox1?

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to verify that an image has been loaded into the picturebox1. I am loading the image from the web and need to verify it has arrived before I can save it to disk. If I save it to soon I will save nothing and that will crash the app. I have tried to use 'if PictureBox1.image = nothing then' ... 'End If', but that isn't a valid check. I can obviously not check picturebox1.image if it is empty or has an image.

So the question is, how do I verify that the file has finished loading?

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Bitmap / Image Manipulation Effects / Methods?

Apr 18, 2012

Back when I used to use an 8 bit home computer I dabbled in machine code with an old version of BASIC which allowed you to POKE values into memory and then call the 1st memory location to execute that code. I used the equivalent HEX values for the processor which ran a series of ROR ( ROtate Right ) or ROL ( ROtate Left )commands through the carry bit as each line of the bitmap consisted of a series of bytes which were an 8 bit BYTE followed by the next BYTE in memory. The effects that I manage to create "in assembly language" as it were:

Scroll leftScroll right By manipulating full bytes in memory I created routines to:Flip the image horizontallyFlip the image verticallyTurn the image upside down Anyway, if you were to try this with the BASIC equivalent to GET and SET pixels, obviously the BASIC was a LOT slower. I am also interested in creating animated bitmaps from one or two images such as the following:Page turn effect.Sliding-in of an image in any direction.Ripple effect.Scratch effect.

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Display A Bitmap Image - Using Surfaceloader.Fromfile

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to display a bitmap image and am having a bit of trouble. I am new to and its functions. Here is a few lines of code I am using REM load the bimap file


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How To Create A Bitmap Image Using A Text File

Jan 9, 2010

I am trying to convert from a text file to an image(bitmap) file.
For example, test.txt: 01 23 34 56 78 90


The first step will be reading the data, so I created some VB codes:

Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
openFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
openFileDialog1.Title = "Select a text File"
' Show the Dialog.

' If the user clicked OK in the dialog and ' an image file was selected, open it.

If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
' Open file.

The second step will be converting the data to some data format which can be used in a bitmap image. This part is making me confused. Some codes I made is listed below:


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VS 2008 Search A Bitmap For A Similar Image

Jun 24, 2010

I am attempting to create a class library that can either search a bitmap to determine whether or not it contains an exact match to a second bitmap or if it contains a partial match. Currently it only returns true if i search the image for itself or if the sensitivity is below around 15%, even when i search with an image that i know should return true. The images I am using are simply a screenshot saved in paint and a section of that first screenshot also saved in paint. Here is my current .dll coding for VB 2008 Express


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VS 2008 Small Bitmap From A Larger Image?

Dec 17, 2009

I am trying to get a small bitmap from a larger image. something like

Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox2.Image)

However this just gets the entire picture not just a portion of it, I would like to do something like this where I can specify the starting and stoping points

Dim bmp As New Bitmap(PictureBox2.Image, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY)

I would also like to take these smaller images and paste them into a single larger image. Is there any way to paste it in starting a a certain point. Such as

paste bmp into Picture1 (StartX, StartY)

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Bitmap Effects (Firmware 2.0) Change The Source Of An Image In WPF

Sep 2, 2009

I think that changing from WinForms to WPF just because the blur effect is easier to do in WPF is the stupiest thing i can do right now it took me time to understand how the windows form application works i dont even how change the source of an image in WPF so here we are again. how to blur a speciefied image using CODE ONLY ?

See what im trying to do:

1. Imagine that you turn on your pc. takes some time to load.
2. Finally for the first time you are on the desktop.
3. Before you do something after every icon is loaded my program
takes a picture of the desktop and blurs it.
4. then it runs fullscreen showing the desktop behind as blurred and
not giving you access to the desktop.
5. a login/register border pops up
6. if you login the program closes if you dont it stays there
waiting for you to login or register.

I wont use it that way im planning to do it on the startup of my program only blur the window not the screen (i mean the content of my window) untill you login or register then it clears again. What i need to learn:

1. How to take a screenshot of my program (only yhe content of the window) [Progress: 1% (cause i know how to take a screenshot of the desktop)]

2. How to blur that image [Progress: 100%]

No need for third party programs or dlls i mean isnt there a default function in the stupiest way to do it?

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Get A Picturebox's Image Into A System.drawings.bitmap Object?

Nov 28, 2009

my goal is to copy the content of a picturebox, to a System.Drawing.Bitmap object, called tempBMP. but i didnt even use it i just tried to declare it there's an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

here's my

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim colors(sizeX - 1, sizeY - 1) As Color


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Interface And Graphics :: Region Filled With Bitmap/image?

Jan 5, 2012

What i'm trying to do is fill a non rectangular region (actual build up out of 6 points) and draw a bitmap in such a way that it stretches with the region. Now for drawing a normal bitmap or even a trapezoid bitmap there are examples on the net. but drawing anything more then that with GDI+..

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