Not Receiving All Data With

Dec 8, 2011

I'm using the following code to get newsgroups from a server:
sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("LIST active microsoft.public*" & ControlChars.CrLf)
networkStream.Write(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length)


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Not Receiving All Data With

Dec 11, 2011

I'm using the following code to get newsgroups from a server[code]...

When I execute the code, the routine only receives one block of the data. However, if I go into debug mode with a breakpoint at the loop instruction, I receive all of the blocks of data.Am I missing something in the code, like a wait or something, that would allow the program to receive all data like happens with the debug?

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Read And Evaluate Data From NetworkStream?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a device that is continuously sending text over a TCP port and I want to write a application that will read and evaluate this data. Each line of text that arrives over the port can be of varying length and each value in the line is separated by a comma. I need to separate out these values in order to take various actions based on their contents.

The following code appears to read the NetworkStream fine but when I try to read the data into an array and output one field into a text file the code is only catching a few lines of the high number coming through the port.[code]....

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Sending & Receiving Bitmap From Networkstream?

May 11, 2011

I was trying to develop a video chat p2p system by sending bitmap of the picturebox where the webcam performs. I want to send and make the client just prompted without having the client to save the file by opening savefiledialog of the bitmap i was sending.

The sending part was like first I copy the frame of the picturebox which showing the video cam, and saved it into memorystream as .bmp file like this:

ms = New MemoryStream()
Dim a As Image
a = Server1.copyFrame(Me.PictureBox1, New RectangleF(0, 0, _


View 14 Replies Not Responding?

Jun 8, 2012

I am new to programming. I am trying to connect to a device using TCP/IP.I am trying to send a command "Z<CR>" where Z is a character and <CR> is a ASCII value of 13. How can i do this in one statement?

I have written following code, but my program stops responding at .read statement:


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.NET Socket Different Results?

Jul 22, 2012

I am doing client/server socket based project and currently I am having some troubles with the recieved result.What I mean ... this is part of the client which is receiving

tcpClient.Connect(address, Port)
bytes(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize) As


Where file is just a simple file name send from the server. What I recieve is for example: test.txt%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00 etc. The server and the client are using the same encoding ASCII.

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VS 2005 NetworkStream.Read - Query To Check If Chkactive Checkbox Is Checked Or Not

Jul 15, 2010

I have the following update command which needs to be amended, I want before the query to check if chkactive checkbox is checked or Not, if checked then True value to be added to the tblProjects otherwise if unchecked False to be added.


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Sending Some Data Over A Networkstream

Jul 31, 2009

I am sending some data over a networkstream. The datasize is 97 The buffersize is 1. Data is a list of bytes. When the bytecount reaches 94 the do while loop exist itself.


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.net - Get Length Of Data Sent Over Network To TCPlistener/networkstream?

Jan 8, 2010

It seems the most obvious thing, but I just can't work out how to get the length of bytes sent over a network using a TCPClient and TCPListener? This is my code so far:

'Must listen on correct port- must be same as port client wants to connect on.
Const portNumber As Integer = 9999
Dim tcpListener As New TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(""), portNumber)


I need to get the length of the networkstream to set the size of the array of bytes I'm going to read the data into. But the networkStream.length is unsupported and does not work and throws an Notsupportedexception.

The only other way I can think of is to send the size of the data before sending the data, but this seems the long way round.

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Use The .NET NetworkStream And TcpClient To Connect To A Remote IP And Wait For Data?

Oct 14, 2011

I am struggling a lot with this code I am trying to get to work. I have successfully made a connection with the TcpClient object to two separate remote machines and transmitted data to them. Essentially, I'm trying to connect to Machine 1 on port 80 and send a GET request. Once I send the request I want to keep the connection alive so that the software on the other side can send me data when it is ready. How do I keep the connection open and read data in each time it is made available in the stream? I have tried and tried using NetworkStream.Read and BeginRead to no avail. The closest I have come was sleeping my thread every 30 seconds and then doing another GET request which is not needed. Here is the current code I have for reading from the stream. I know I need a loop in here somewhere:Note: RemoteSocket is my TcpClient object that is connected by this point

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = RemoteSocket.GetStream()
rqst = "GET /Control/Clip_Forwarding_Stream?CameraName=" & URL_Encode(Name) & " HTTP/1.0" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf


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GPIB Communication - Sending Data - Receiving Data - Saving Data

Sep 19, 2010

I need to control a device with a GPIB port. I have the commands that I need to use to do this; but I don't know which is the sintaxis in Visual Basic.

For example if I need to send a instruction like "START:0.01" to the external device which are the libraries that I have to include?, how should I write the programming line to do this?

The main tasks that I need to program are sending data, receiving data, and saving data

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NetworkStream.Write() Slow When Writing Back Received Data To Browser?

Apr 13, 2012

I am building a simple proxy in server vb.NET and so far it has been successful, but then whenever i receive data from the internet and write it back to my browser's network stream using NetworkStream.Write the received data tends to come up slowly to my browser due to reasons i do not know of. But when I chain my application to another Proxy/listener on my local computer (e.g Privoxy), data seems to come up very fast to my browser. If anyone has an answer to this I would really love to know.btw here is the part of my code {subroutine} that receives data and forwards to my browser.

Public Sub ForwardRequest(ByVal Client As TcpClient, ByVal ClientMessage As String)
Dim Browser As TcpClient = Client
Dim BrowserStream As NetworkStream = Browser.GetStream


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.net - Tcp Client Not Receiving The Entire Data Response Data From Server?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a small program which is a tcp client. I send a string from this client to a device over ethernet (it acts as the tcp server). As soon as the device recieves the input string it will respond back with response data. My problem is i am not getting the entire response data back from the server. (device).

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket2.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("my-cmd")
serverStream.Write(outStream, 0, outStream.Length)


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Receiving Data From USB?

Mar 23, 2007

Actually my project is based on rfid. The transmitter sends data to the remote reciever that is attached to the pc through USB. Now i have to design a interface for the recieved data.I dont know how to program and get data from USB and utilize it. I only have to receive the data and not to send.

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TCP Receiving / Sending Data

Nov 11, 2009

Im woundering how does Receiving/Sending data work in a TCPClient/Server that is connected in the same networkstream.

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Data Receiving With Socket?

Sep 27, 2011

i am working on 3rd party chat software, when ever i send data to server i get incorrect buffersize of data. like when i convert that data to hex to matching header for splitting data i got huge lengths data

in the above textbox of image i have got some 0000000000000000000.... with the hex data, how can i get only only original data. The code i have used to receive data is


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Sending And Receiving Data To Or From PIC Through RS-232?

Nov 14, 2011

Currently I had write a simple VB code, my aim is when i click "Forward" button then the vb will send a character "A" to PIC, "Reverse" button will send "B" so I write my vb code for sending as below:

Dim Forward As Char = "A"



For the receiving part, after I received the data from PIC then I will show it at the label which act it as a screen. the receiving code as below:

receive = SerialPort1.ReadChar()
If receive = "A" Then[code]....

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Sending And Receiving Data Via USB?

Dec 4, 2011

I am working on system support for an electronics project wherein I have to receive an 8 bit (binary) data through a USB port and store either the binary or the corresponding decimal into a variable. How can I implement this in visual basic 2010?

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TCP Client Receiving Data?

Dec 6, 2009

I have made this code:

Dim tcpClient As New System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
tcpClient.Connect("", 80)


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.net - Passing And Receiving Data Between A Php And .exe Application?

Apr 24, 2012

there is a complex situation wherein, I have to pass a string data to a .exe application and this .exe application would process the string and respond back to my php data. I prefer not to use a TCP/IP connection.

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Communications :: Receiving RS-232 Corrupted Data?

Jan 8, 2009

I got a CRC checksum now and I get a Message in this Format SOH, Length Of Incoming Message, Message, CRC Checksum So I have a nice little look to processes the message and everything, Now I have questions on two events, While this loop is running it awaits for Data on the wire to come through and Checks for the SOH, I always get that but what are the chances of NOT getting a SOH, and if I don't what should I do with the Buffer Dump everything Till I come to another SOH? And on another scenario If two Packets are clashed together in one buffer should I always try to Peek and see if the Next byte after the CRC is a SOH to see if there is more Bytes and an whole another command to start Parsing and then take action?

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Receiving Data From Serial Port?

Nov 30, 2008

i was not getting o/p properly when i tried to receive data from serial port using the following code.

Public Class form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If SerialPort1.IsOpen Then


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Receiving Data With MScomm From Modem?

Jul 1, 2009

I am making aproject in vb6 with MScomm. Computer A connected with a device on serial port. I can receive the data from serial port in a text box. Computer A can also dial cmputer B to make connection. But it is unable to send data on modem or computer B is unable to receive data from modem.Here is the code for sending and receiving computers1- Computer A

Option Explicit
'button to open data port to receive from device
Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()


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Receiving Wrong Serial Data?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a program that receives serial data from a microcontroller and displays it.If I use windows terminal I get the right data.For some reason my program is not displaying the right data.What is sent is temperature.So the actual data is 24 degreesC and my program is showing 10 degreesC.

Sub SerialPort1_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort1.DataReceived


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Clients Stop Receiving Data Suddenly

Jan 23, 2009

I am working on a client/server application. Everything seems to go well for a while (a few hrs, a few mins its kind of random) then suddenly clients stop receiving data. maybe 1 or two, or all of them. in the end I end up having to restart the server piece to resolve it, but I am trying to understand why its doing this. I've added try catches around the send piece, but it doesnt error out. When the app fires, the listener is started on its own thread. When a new connection is made, that connection is passed to a class that handles all of my connection data(send/receive, responding to commands, etc). The class is started in its own thread, so each connection is running in its own memory space. This issue seems to happen with 1 client connected, or 20, it doesn't really seem to matter.

This causes other issues, like a customer who thinks he is disconnected, will shut down his app, which is supposed to send a command to close the connection on the server side which it does not., so now I have several "closed" connections still open on the server, which is obviously also bad. Another thing I dont get is that it worked fine when I was developing the pieces on my dev box, so I dont get why I have all of these "timeout" issues now. (I put that in quotes, because the timeout period is the default of 10 mins, and I xmit data, at LEAST every minute when the server pushes data updates to all clients)

Here is some of the relevant code
'Command Object, this holds all of the command information being passed back and forth to tell the server what to do, and as well as hold the response.
'The strCMD is the command, strParms is the parameters of the command, obj is ANY object I want to send along with this information
<Serializable()> Public Structure CommandData
Public strCMD As String
[Code] .....

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Increase Speed Of Receiving Data Through GPRS

May 13, 2010

How to increase speed of receiving data through GPRS? We connect through UDP Protocol and sync method for receiving DATA. Can you suggest me to best way to communicate with GPRS? [Code]

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RS232 - Sending And Receiving Bit Data To The Machine ?

Jun 11, 2011

Does anyone knows how to program using with rs232 module?, all i know is that i should use a compolet, but i can't understand a thing regarding the sending and receiving bit data to the machine..

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Sending / Receiving Data To Serial Port

Aug 13, 2009

I'm trying to control a serial port device that both send and receives data. I can receive data quite happily from the serial port but I don't appear to be able to send data to the device. The device works perfectly as I can test it using putty, I open putty select serial and select 1200 baud, the device immediately lights up and can send and receive. However when the port is set up and opened in VB the device doesn't light up so I can't send data to it but can receive data from it. According to the instructions I need to send either ASCII 'X' Hex '$58' or Decimal '88' to make the device ready.

Code (VB Studio 2005) :-
Public Sub New(ByVal synchronisingObject As ISynchronizeInvoke)
ComPortUsed = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareNJB", "COMUSED", Nothing)
PricePerTrack = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareNJB", "PRICETRACK", Nothing)
Me.synchronisingObject = synchronisingObject
[Code] .....

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Sending And Receiving Data To RS232/MSComm A VB6.0 App?

Sep 14, 2009

I am developing an application which is pretty much a replacement of a hyperterminal. I am trying to send commands to the serial port using MSComm in VB6.0 When I type in on the hyperterminal h003128 I get a response OK. Or when I type in i003 it displays back some values.

What I am trying to figure out how do I send the h003128 via VB6. I believe I've undertood how to send data to the port. It seems I am not getting the correct formate. This wont work.. the formate iAAADDD where i = i AAA = 003 and DDD = 128 MSComm1.Output "i003128"

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Sending/receiving Serial Port Data?

Feb 22, 2011

Opening and closing the port works fine, and as far as i can tell, the serial.write("blahblah") should be writing to the output buffer, but I am unable to test or verify this by reading it in. the commented "Receive data from serial port" and subsequent DoUpdate() function are where i am having trouble. It doesnt seem to actually be reading in the data if it is in fact writing it correctly.


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