Office Auto-mation :: Annoying Window Pops Up From Hidden Excel?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an application that opens and saves spreadsheet via interop.At start up I set

_excelApp.Visible = false;
_excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false;


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Office Auto-mation :: Auto-mating Excel Spreadsheet Creation?

Jun 5, 2009

I am trying to just write something to a cell in a sheet and I am getting the error message:

Exception Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC Stack Trace: at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)


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Office Auto-mation :: Creating A New Instance Of Excel?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm writing VB code in Visual Basic 2008 Express and can't seem to figure out how to create a new instance of Excel with VB code. The most common answer appears to be setting an object variable to 'Excel.Application', but that gives an error (Type 'Excel.Application' is not defined).

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Office Auto-mation :: Excel Selection And Sort

Sep 19, 2009

This seems like is should be simple but for the life of me I can't seem to get it. I am using am importing a text file into Excel. Then I want to select everything and sort it based on a cell (A) in this case. So here is what I have so far.

xlApp.Workbooks.OpenText(sDump, , 1, , XlTextQualifier.xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote, , , , True)


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Office Auto-mation :: Writing A Line To Excel Cell Error?

Aug 5, 2009

I dont know why its giving me an error when i run this code...

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook


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Office Auto-mation :: Create Object Command Do Nothing?

Apr 3, 2010

the create object command is not responondingi try createobject("Excel.Application") or ("Word.Application") but nothing happen.i have office 2007 i have added the references Microsoft Excel 12.0 object library and Microsoft Word 12.0 object library. I have added Imports Microsoft.Office.Intercop

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Office Auto-mation :: How To Replace Table With Chart In Slide.Shape

Apr 21, 2009

I want to use VB .Net to remove a table from an EXISTINGpowerpoint Slide Shape and replace it with a chart withoutdeleting the shape or adding a new shape. Presently using
Copy() and Paste() to place Chart in new Shape.

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How To Use Excel Auto-mation

Apr 11, 2009

How do I use Excel Automation in VB.NET? Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework!

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Excel Auto-mation With Option Strict

Jan 25, 2011

Is it possible to read an excel range when option strict is on?my test code works with Option Strict Off but 'Disallows implicit conversions from Object to 2 dimensional array of object' when Option strict is on!Is it possible to load a typed array from the object without looping round all of the elements? [code]

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C# :: Scripting Auto-mation Within Application?

Dec 30, 2009

The software company I work for offers data conversion as a service for new clients who have previously used other similar software. I've written a VB.NET application to automate common conversion operations, and have separate logic between known vendors.particular file layout has become rather common, but due to the nature of how this particular competitor's application stores information, certain fields mean one thing for one client, and another for a different client.Certain elements within this vendor's format change every time, so I've written the application to account for that. Because some data fields mean different things to different vendors, I have to change my mapping code every time. This wasn't an issue when I had one of these every six months or so, but these are becoming much more common and I would much rather find a way to further automate this process.

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Office Automation :: Put The Excel Window On Top Above The Main Form?

Aug 17, 2011

i made an application in VB2010 where the application should be always on top above one specific window. Anyway i set the property of the main form to "topmost = true". The application is also writing some data to excel which is not a problem but the excel workbook is behind the main form which is on top. Is there any way to put the excel window on top above the main form?

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VS 2008 Website Login Auto-mation?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to automate this website but my application does not find the username, password textboxes or the button. this might be an iframe in the website, I don't know

what I am trying to do is:
find the username
pop it in


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VS 2010 Auto-mation Of Interface From Class?

Apr 2, 2011

How do we automate the process of deriving an Interface from our already-designed class?In other words, I wrote in completion my entire class and now desire to automatically construct its interface. EG: Say my class's filename is "Car.vb", I now desire "ICar.vb" derived from the class "Car" that I've written.

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Refreshing Form During Powerpoint Auto-mation VB 2008?

Feb 3, 2009

I have a VB 2008 Forms application which does Powerpoint automation -- I am opening owerpoint in a minimized window from within my app and am trying to periodically put update messages in a textbox on my main form while the automation is running (it takes a few minutes to complete), but my form window does not want to show these messages until the powerpoint operations are finished. It seems as if I need to force a window refresh or something on my windows form, but I'm unclear how to do that. Below is some code that I'm using that illustrates what I'm trying to do. When I run it, "Step One / Step Two / Step Three" do not show up on my textbox until after the Powerpoint automations are over.

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Use Sendkeys To Send Some Basic Auto-mation Commands?

Jul 29, 2009

I play Lord of the Rings Online and tried to use sendkeys to send some basic automation commands.Unfortunately it doesn't seem to get the keys I'm sending

AppActivate "Lord of the Rings: The Mines of Moria"
sendKeys (" ")
does nothing.


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VB 6 Runtime Error Class Does Not Support Auto-mation?

Jul 8, 2011

I created a simple VB 6 executable that runs fine on my computer (Windows 7), but when I deploy it to another Windows 7 PC or a Windows 2003 server, I get the error"Runtime Error 430: Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface"

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MsgBox Pops Up Behind Window?

Oct 13, 2011

imbox As MsgBoxResult
If foundID.Value <> -1 Then


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VS 2005 Tremendous Difficulty Getting Word Auto-mation To Insert A Page Break In Document

Oct 23, 2009

I am having tremendous difficulty getting word automation to insert a page break in my document. The app is generating letters in word and saving them....the code below shows where I am writing the first page (str.tostring) then all of the code after that are the various ways that I have tried to insert a page break so that it will go to the second page and I can unload information into the second page of the document. [code]

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Office Automation :: MultiThreading In MS Office 2007 (Excel, Outlook, Etc)?

Mar 28, 2011

i was wondering if someone could give me the final explanation on what i might be doing wrong here.I spent a lot of time reading around the net and the forum about how to add Threading capabilities to a VB project.

Nos, i've got .NET 4 installed, and i've added the system.tsr and mscorlib.dll files as reference in, say, Excel 2007 (see screenshot).However, when i try to make a thread with anything as basic as "Dim Thread1 As System.Threading.Thread", i get a user-defined type not found error.Indeed, when i use the object browser to see what's in the System file, theres nothing remotely linked to any Threading, and in the mscorlib file, nothing under "Threading" either, just a few Thread related functions, but nothing defining a data type

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Take A Screenshot Of A Hidden Window?

Aug 13, 2008

Like a window behind another window.

And also, what if the screen saver comes up? Will the underlying screen still be copied???

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Get Pixel Color Of Hidden Window?

Mar 28, 2011

Is there way to get the pixel color of the specific point of an hidden window WITHOUT to use the PrintWindow Api?[code]....

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Detecting A Keypress When The Window Is Out Of Focus Or Hidden?

Apr 12, 2012

If my window is hidden or out of focus, how do I detect a keypress? The idea is that it just sits in the tray as an icon until a key combination is pressed and then it pops back up again.

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ShowWindowAsync() Don't Show Hidden Window (SW_SHOW)?

May 1, 2011

i'm using Visual Basic 2008

here is part of my code:
Private Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0
Private Const SW_SHOW As Integer = 5


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Window Wont Resize After Hidden In Sys Tray?

Jun 14, 2012

ok when my program is running from scratch I have a piece of code that just says if the size is this.. then make this.. else make this.. so it just makes is small and big..after you close it.. it hides itself in the sys tray... if you bring back out of the system tray.. and click the button to make small or big.. does nothing.. it come out of the sys tray as the large size.. and wont go small again..

does something on the form get set when you hide it ? that needs to be unset to let it resize it ?

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Setting Visibility Property Of Main Window To Hidden?

Jan 8, 2012

I have set the Visibility property of the main window to Hidden and added the following in Window_Loaded:
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){
this.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
But it doesn't show up the Window.

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Starting A Process Hidden (execute Something But Don't Show Window)?

Jun 10, 2009

I am using the code below, but it still shows the program.For example, if I pass in CALCIt will start the calculator but show it.

Code: Public Function ExecuteFileHidden(ByVal lFile As String, ByVal largs() As String) As String Dim oSTR As String = "" oSTR += "Attempting to execute " & lFile & vbCrLf Try Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process p.StartInfo.FileName = lFile Dim a As String = "" For Each l In


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Office Automation :: Excel File - Set A Reference To The Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library

Oct 6, 2009

I'm trying to upgrade a VB6 app to VB 2008. I have read the article in the tutors corner about automating Excel from VB but I cannot get it to work. Heres what I have done:

1) set a reference to the Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library

2) Added "Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" to the top of the module

3) in a routine I have added: Dim X As New Excel.Application Here's where I get an error: Error 75 'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel'.

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Office Automation :: Excel Program Leaves EXCEL.EXE Floating After Completion

Feb 24, 2012

I am writing a program that loops through all of the sheets in an Excel workbook and saves each sheet as its own workbook. It turned out to be a bit trickier than I expected, since the Sheet.Copy method creates a strange object (see here for the MSDN discussion that I believe is relevant: [URL]. Anyway, I found a Stack Overflow post [URL] that got me to where I am, which is essentially complete, outside of one hanging EXCEL.EXE process that is left after the program completes, which I believe is a result of the sheet.copy method creating a new workbook (potentially a new application as well?). The other thing I run into, which I believe is related to this, is that even though I have my application set to visibility off, when I run the program, excel still opens up and is visible going through the steps.

Here is my code:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


Now I think the problem comes from the end of the loop, where I try to close the export file and the new worksheet it creates:

'close excel and release com objects
exportsheet = Nothing
xlApp1.Workbooks(fileNames(counter - 1)).Close(False)

I can't figure out what to do to release the `ComObject` for the new worksheet that is created. I have been trying all sorts of things, but it always throws a COM error when I do it and if I try to define it as nothing (like I do with exportsheet) is says that it is read only by default, so I can't do it. It seems like it should be something as simple as: System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlApp1.Workboo ks(fileNames(counter - 1))) But that is not the case. I have tried a few variants of this and I am thinking it has to do with the MSDN link above, but I can't quite sort out what to do. So the code works for my purposes, outside of leaving one EXCEL.EXE after it is done. As far as a test file, I am just using an Excel file with 3 sheets and I put some information on each and change the sheet name, so it is easy to see if it is working or not.

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Using The Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Library; Does Excel Need To Be On The End User's Machine

Nov 22, 2011

I have been doing a lot of reading on this topic and most folks seem to agree that having Excel is required to use the COM Interop libraries. However they are never specific as to where that should be installed. Does it need to be installed on the machine I am developing on or does it need to be on every machine that I deploy to?

Edit: I should mention that this is desktop development/deployment targeted for all Windows machines.

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Office Automation :: Code Hangs When An Excel File Is Opened To A Excel Workbook Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I use the following code snippet

Dim exlapp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook_new As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim strOriginal As String
strOriginal = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath & "/Attachments/") & "abc.xls"
xlWorkBook_new = exlapp.Workbooks.Open(strOriginal)

The code hangs in the last line. It works fine in the development environment. i deployed in windows server 2000 ,where I get this issue. the browser goes half way and throws the below exception after some time


I have set the identity impersonate to true in web config. This should be mostly an access rights issue.I have even provided access rights for the "everyone " user in the excel file and as well for the interop component. Please post ur valuable comments.

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