Online Code Conversions From C# To .NET?

Jan 4, 2011

I usually use the developer fusion online code converter to convert code snippets from C# to VB.NET.It partially fails especially in LINQ or complex interface / inheritance scenarios. What are your experiences with other converters? Can you recommend another tool or website?

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Code For Checking Out Using An Online Shopper?

Jan 26, 2010

code for checking out using an online shopper i have the products what i need is help on getting the checkout to work.I want it so that when i lclick checkout i get the total amount, and when i enter the amound tendered i would like the change to come up with however mcuh change is left?

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C# Code Online Converter Doesnt Work?

Jan 9, 2010

I got this code from a c# post on how to get the location of an open process. What I want to do is beable to snap applications to running processes by finding their location using winapi user32.dll and searching window name then parse the location and set my application on a time to constantly move to what ever location that program is in. I tried the C# to converter doesnt work.

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VS 2008 Running Code On An Online Server?

Jan 22, 2010

ok so i have two "programs" one is a server and the other is a client (a little live chat). i dont want to keep my computer on for it to run the server so i wanted to somehow run it on my online server. is this possible?

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Equivalent Using Statement Code For Which Online Translators Don't Work?

Aug 26, 2010

How do I write the equivalent c# code below in This 'About' form is launched by a ToolItemMenu. It is just informational and contains only an OK button

//Form contains company logo, copyright info and OK button.
public About formAbout;
using (formAbout = new About())


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Source - Mu Online Game - Can't Make Right "Server Status" To Show Online Or Offline

Jul 28, 2009

I have working on 1 program that is for Mu Online game. Its Mu Launcher program,but i'm having trouble with it. I can't make right "Server Status" to show Online or Offline I can't make autoupdater people to have using this for theyr server.

I make one file launcher.txt to get info the program but i need a lil help to finish thise program. The program is not for 1 server only its freewere . So here is the problem with the Server Status and AutoUpdater to get info from what server..

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US To Metric Conversions?

Feb 9, 2009

Write a program to convert a U.S. Customary System length in miles, yards, feet and inches to a. Metric System length in kilometers, meters, and centimeters.

I found this same project on these boards already however I received an error and was seeing if someone could see what I did wrong.

My error message is: 'lstResult' is not declared

Public Class lengthConversion
Private Sub convertBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles convertBtn.Click


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VB Inheritance And Narrowing Conversions

Aug 6, 2009

I am rather new to OOP and I have, what may be, a simple question. I am developing an architecture for a project that includes some object inheritence trees. I have been running into a bunch of narrowing conversion issues (the old 'Unable to cast object of type x to x' error). I understand the limitations of narrowing conversions and why this error exists, but I'm not quite sure how to get around it architecturally. Here is an analogous problem to mine...


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C# - Override/Handle Own Type Conversions In .Net

Apr 20, 2011

Is there a way to define an implicit conversion operator in VB.NET?

I can't remember ever seeing or hearing of anyone do this; but now I'm in a situation where I think it would be incredibly useful to define my own custom 'type conversion' for my class.

As an example - let's say I have my own class, 'AwesomeDataManager'. It does not inherit from DataTable, but it holds data in a similar fashion to a DataTable. I would to be able to say, 'myDataTable = CType(MyAwesomeDataManager, DataTable)' and have it execute some code inside my class that would return a populated DataTable.

Granted, I could do something like 'MyAwesomeDataManager.GetDataTable' but for the sake of integrating with an existing code base, I'd like to avoid it.

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VS 2008 Compare DataType Conversions

Feb 23, 2012

Have been obsessed with DataTypes recently and would like some thoughts, etc. on the following: What's going on is when the BindingSource.PositionChanged Event fires, I capture an Integer relating to another tables Primary Key and then filter that DataTable to select the matching record.

So the focus of the question lies in the first 3 lines in the event. First example creates 2 objects, 2 lines of code. Second example does it all with one line... not sure if it creates only one object or not, seemingly not.. can't tell for sure. Which is "better"? Am I really approaching this from the right angle? Beside y'all here on this forum and Google, I'm self-taught and looking for some validation.


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Error Is Dissallows Conversions From Long To Integer

Mar 18, 2010

Here is my code so far trying to sort the array. The only problem is with Option Strict On, it throws errors on sortedarray(i), and all of the j-1's, j's.Error is dissallows conversions from long to integer


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Error Name 'Operators & Conversions' Is Not Declared Using VB 2008 OS XP

Jun 17, 2010

Am using VB 2008 OS XP the problem am having is am getting an error Name 'Operators & Conversions' is not Declared , here is the code


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Calculation Error Output - Conversions Between Decimal,string ?

Mar 29, 2010

I am struggling to get this to output calculations correctly. Have I properly made my conversions between decimal,string and so forth. Is that the only reason that a calculation would not produce the right result or is there another reason? I have negative total results for output when they should be positive.

Dim decAmount As Decimal
Dim decInterestRate As Decimal
Dim mdecFutureValue As Decimal


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Option Strict On Disallows Conversions For Integer To Decimal

May 7, 2011

i am using integer for days and miles, and the calculation is for money so i am using decimal in one function i am allowed to CDec the days for the calculation and the next function it gives me an error.

I dont see where what i am doing is any different than the other.

Function CalcLodging(ByVal intDays As Integer, ByVal decRoom As Decimal) As Decimal
Return (CDec(intDays)) * decRoom ' This function allows the conversion from integer
End Function


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US To Metric Conversions - Error Message Is: 'lstResult' Is Not Declared

Jun 12, 2011

Write a program to convert a U.S. Customary System length in miles, yards, feet and inches to a. Metric System length in kilometers, meters, and centimeters.My error message is: 'lstResult' is not declared

Public Class lengthConversion
Private Sub convertBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles convertBtn.Click
Dim miles, yards, feet, inches As Double


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Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Double' To 'Integer'?

Feb 22, 2010

How do I correct the error Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to 'Integer'. ?
The two lines below that divide by 2 are causing the error.

Private Function StringToByteArray(ByVal hex As String) As Byte()
Dim NumberChars As Int16 = CShort(hex.Length)
Dim bytes As Byte()
Dim i As Integer = 0
bytes = New Byte(NumberChars / 2) {}


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Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From Integer To Short

Sep 2, 2009

Dim I As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim clrHashForeColor As Object
Dim clrHashBackColor As Object

I get the error for both highlighted red parts = Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Integer' to 'Short'.
I get = Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.

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.Net Error - Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Object' To 'String'?

Jul 5, 2011

I have an error in my program - I have tried various casts etc but it just will not resolve the issue - so reluctantly I post it here to see if anyone else has a similar problem.

Error 1 Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'String'.

Private DS As New DataSet ' Languages
Function TransTxt(ByVal Frm As String, ByVal Item As String) As String


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Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Object' To 'ExpTreeLib.CShItem'?

Apr 6, 2009

I get "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Object' to 'ExpTreeLib.CShItem'.", which is a listview that I have on my form, which references expTreeLib.dll


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VS 2008 Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'String' To 'Double'?

Mar 20, 2010

i have this error what i have to change in the code?

TextBox65.Text = Math.Abs(CInt(Val(oddTextBox54.Text))) / Math.Abs(CInt(Val(TextBox56.Text))).ToString()

Error11Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'String' to 'Double'.

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VS 2008 Error 1 Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Double' To 'Integer'

Mar 4, 2010

how i have to write this variable not to have errors

Dim divider As Integer = (20 / 3)

Error 1 Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to 'Integer'

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VS 2010 Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Integer' To 'System.IntPtr

May 20, 2011


How do I convert this proper? (Option Strict On)

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"Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'System.Data.ParameterDirection' To String" With Sql Parameters

May 6, 2009

When I have Option Strict ON in my project, the IDE tells me that "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'System.Data.ParameterDirection' to 'String'." How can this be, since I'm using their built-in enumeration for the SqlParameter direction.


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Event Handler "Error1Option Strict On Does Not Allow Narrowing In Implicit Type Conversions Between Method 'Private Sub SearchResult_SearchFileMatches"

Oct 9, 2009

Error1Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between method 'Private Sub searchResult_SearchFileMatches(sender As Object, e As Jam.Shell.FileMatchEventArgs)' and delegate 'Delegate Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)'. on RED Text


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Option Strict - Error Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Object' To 'XtremeCalendarControl.CalendarControl'

Oct 17, 2009

How can I get round this error: Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from


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Run An App Online?

Mar 11, 2010

I thought you couldn't run an EXE from a web page, you had to download it. How can it be that ClickOnce lets you choose online-only? Does it temporarily install the EXE on the users computer?

If I want my application to run online only and I use the publishing wizard in Visual Studio, how do I get the whole install thing onto my website? Do I upload something onto my site using FTP?What do I upload onto the site? And once the files are on my website, what file does the user access to run my application online?

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Can't Get Online Program

Sep 18, 2009

I have a customer that does not allow for local installation of any version of MSDN so telling me to press the help or F1 key in VB6 will not help. What I need is a link to VB6 IDE functionality (ie all of the special characters in the find dialogue to help in searching or how to effectively use "use pattern matching" when I press CTRL+F).

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How To Know The Users Online

Jun 8, 2011

My friend s doing an online project...He wants to know how many users(REGISTERED) are LOGGED-IN CURRENTLY in his site...i.e if i'm ADMINISTRATOR of this DANIWEB, i want to know the USERS CURRENTLY LOGGED-IN...

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.net - Application Online Security?

Jan 29, 2011

I am developing and application in winxp+ (windows xp upwards). The application has to receive backup data from clients software located at different pc over the Internet. but am concerned about security of this application on the Internet. what would be the best way to implement security in 2008 to make sure that the data is not sniffed or interfere with?

am thinking of encrypting the data before sending, saving it that way until it need to be viewed before decrypting. what type of encryption would you suggest? Is there any other way you would suggest this data be sent?

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Check If Server Is Online

Apr 29, 2010

What is the efficient way to check if server is onlie? I used code to check one table in the server to see app can reach it or not. I do not think it is the best way.

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