Equivalent Using Statement Code For Which Online Translators Don't Work?

Aug 26, 2010

How do I write the equivalent c# code below in vb.net? This 'About' form is launched by a ToolItemMenu. It is just informational and contains only an OK button

//Form contains company logo, copyright info and OK button.
public About formAbout;
using (formAbout = new About())


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C# Code Online Converter Doesnt Work?

Jan 9, 2010

I got this code from a c# post on how to get the location of an open process. What I want to do is beable to snap applications to running processes by finding their location using winapi user32.dll and searching window name then parse the location and set my application on a time to constantly move to what ever location that program is in. I tried the C# to vb.net converter doesnt work.

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Equivalent Of Excel's CODE Function To Work

Jan 23, 2010

In cell A1 of Sheet2 I have the following text [code]how to I get VB to recognize that the 4<sup>th</sup> character of the string has character code 63?

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SQL Statement Doesn't Work - INSERT Statement Works Fine In The Form Load But Not In The Button Click Event?

Oct 14, 2009


Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?

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What's The C# Equivalent To The With Statement In VB

Jul 24, 2009

Equivalence of "With...End With" in c#?

There was one feature of VB that I really like...the With statement. Does C# have any equivalent to it? I know you can use using to not have to type a namespace, but it is limited to just that. In VB you could do this:

With Stuff.Elements.Foo
.Name = "Bob Dylan"
.Age = 68


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FtpWebRequest: Can It Work With Online Storage Sites

Jan 22, 2012

Can FtpWebRequest work with sites like Box.com or MediaFire (I suppose it isn't FTP)?

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VS 2008 Getting .Net Equivalent Of C# Statement?

Mar 10, 2010

I have below statement (bold, italics and red) in C#, but i want to know the vb.net equivalent. And also an explanation of c# statement would be great

IMessage m = parser.Parse(strMessage);//str message will contain your HL7 Message
ADT_A01 adtA01 = m as ADT_A01;
string strPID = adtA01.PID.GetPatientIdentifierList(0).IDNumber.ToString(); string strFamilySurName = adtA01.PID.GetPatientName(0).FamilyName.Surname.

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What's Equivalent Syntax For Anonymous Types In A LINQ Statement

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to translate some C# LINQ code into VB.NET and am stuck on how to declare an anonymous type in VB.NET.[code]How do you translate C#'s new { ... } syntax into VB.NET?

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Online Code Conversions From C# To .NET?

Jan 4, 2011

I usually use the developer fusion online code converter to convert code snippets from C# to VB.NET.It partially fails especially in LINQ or complex interface / inheritance scenarios. What are your experiences with other converters? Can you recommend another tool or website?

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Code For Checking Out Using An Online Shopper?

Jan 26, 2010

code for checking out using an online shopper i have the products what i need is help on getting the checkout to work.I want it so that when i lclick checkout i get the total amount, and when i enter the amound tendered i would like the change to come up with however mcuh change is left?

View 21 Replies

Links In Online "help" Don't Work In VB 2008 Express

Dec 15, 2009

I noticed that some of the links in the online help don't work in Vb2008 express. Does anyone else have this same problem?

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Asp.net - Why Won't Work As An IIF Function But Will As An IF Statement

Sep 13, 2010

The following works:


However, the following doesn't work:

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Can't Get If Statement To Work With Htmlelementcollection

Feb 28, 2010

I just can't get this If statement to work with htmlelementcollection. The problem is my msgbox pops up saying element found rather the element is there or not.[code]

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Can't Get MsSQL Statement To Work?

Apr 6, 2012

Dim connetionString As String

Dim cnn As OleDbConnection
connetionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=****; Initial Catalog=****; User ID=***; Password='****';"
cnn = New OleDbConnection(connetionString)


I have been working with this for awhile, and I can't get it to work, I have all the correct names where the connection string is, but I just can't get it to work. It is telling me the server does not exist, but I am using a hosted solution that I know is up.

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If Statement Doesn't Work Right

Oct 13, 2009

a As Date? = Nothing
Dim b As Date? = If(a Is Nothing, Nothing, GetValue(a))

I thought b would be Nothing, but it is not...is it a bug?

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VS 2008 Running Code On An Online Server?

Jan 22, 2010

ok so i have two "programs" one is a server and the other is a client (a little live chat). i dont want to keep my computer on for it to run the server so i wanted to somehow run it on my online server. is this possible?

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.net Equivalent For The Code?

Jul 28, 2009

private bool txtRegExStringIsValid(string textToValidate)
Regex TheRegExpression;
string TheTextToValidate;


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Equivalent Of C# Code In VB?

Nov 24, 2010

The code in C# is as follows:private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Equivalent Of This VB6 Code In .net?

Jun 6, 2011

Schema is a string, lstSchemas is listbpb and rc is a variant

Schema = VB6.GetItemString(lstSchemas, rc)

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Use Something Equivalent To The CODE In VB?

Jan 23, 2010

I find that when I have the string

in cell (1,1)

and in Excel I put in cell(2,1) the formula

= code(mid(A1,1,1))

I get the result 63, which I should.But in visual basic, when I write

v1 = .cells(1,1)
.cells(3,1) = v1
msgbox asc(mid(v1,1,1))

the message returns 65, which is the code for A, not Ā.It is clear that VB is reading the contents of cell(1,1) correctly because it puts the correct text in cell(3,1).The Code function isn't supported in Visual Basic. I have been unsuccessful trying to use Application.code It won't compile. How can I get VB to give the correct code of the character Ā?

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What Is The Equivalent Code In .Net

Feb 22, 2011

What is the equivalent vb.net code of the following?

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace ContosoUniversity.DAL


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If Statement - Program Doesnt Work ?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm not quite sure why, but this program doesnt work as intended. It's kind of difficult to explain but if you tried it, it doesn't work properly.

Private Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click
'clears the changes box before going through if statements
Me.txtChange.Text = ""


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Math.Abs Statement Doesn't Work?

May 12, 2011

I'm having a problem with the Math.Abs statement. When I try to use this statement to figure the absolute value of a number, as in:

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Select Case Statement Won't Work

Jul 13, 2011

I am trying to type in the food Pizza, Taco or Crepe and get a picture of the food to come up along with a message box that gives the country.[code]

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VS 2008 Randomize Statement Does Not Work?

Dec 31, 2009

I was thinking if I can create a code that creates 8 Labels, and each label will show someone's name. The name is not generated, it is randomized. But I Don't want to see 2 same names in 2 different labels. So what I came across is this:

First, I will make an array variable (0 to 8) as String, I will declare each person's name here, the 0 is not used. I Will call this "Names"Second, I'm going to make an array variable (0 to 8) as Boolean. Original State is False. I will call this "Type"Third, I will make another array variable (0 to 8) as Integer, this one is empty. I Will call this "Empty". Original value = false

The Point is that the application will randomize a number between 1 to 8, just say that the randomized number is "x". Then I will take Names(1) and fill it in Empty(x), and set the Type(x) to True, and keep looping. If the application finds the Type = False, then the application will randomize another "x". But after making the code, it seems that the numbers show up the same way everytime I run it. Even with the Randomize() statement.


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Compile Error For Seemingly "equivalent" .NET Code (compared To C# Code

May 4, 2010

Following is the OnCallBack (async communications handler method) in C# and translated to VB.NET.The c# one works fine, but the VB.NET one gives a compilation error: "Property access must assign to the property or use its value." The error happens on the following line:



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Break Up The Code In A Method Body Into Statement By Statement Symbols/"tokens"?

Apr 22, 2011

I'm writing something that will examine a function and rewrite that function in another language so basically if inside my function F1, i have this line of code var x=a.b(1) how do i break up the function body into symbols or "tokens"?I've searched around and thought that stuff in System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetMethodBody would do the trick however that class doesn't seem to be able to have the capabilities to do what i want..dit 2:basically what I'm trying to do is to write a program in c#/vb and when i hit F5 a serializer function will (use reflection and) take the entire program (all the classes in that program) and serialize it into a single javascript file. of course javascript doesn't have the .net library so basically the C#/VB program will limit its use of classes to the .js library (which is a library written in c#/vb emulating the framework of javascript objects)

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Can't Get Select Case Statement To Work Properly

Aug 19, 2009

I'm working through a programming project, which should be quite easy but im stuck right at the start (relatively new to VB). I have a textbox (named textbox1) and a checkbox next to it. I want the checkbox to be ticked (.checked) when ever the value in the textbox is between 1 and 100, the checkbox to not be ticked when theres nothing in there, and for it not to be ticked when the value is < 1 and > 100. Figured a case statement would be the easiest. (this piece of code is just a validation check, basically in the real thing the user would have to enter in a value between 1 and a given number, and need to tell the user if that value is valid).

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Select Case TextBox1.Text
Case Is = ""


But what happens is, if I enter in the value 1 in the textbox, the checkbox becomes ticked, as it should. It tick with any values between 2 and 99 (any number not starting with 1) but the checkbox becomes ticked again when the value is 100. For any other range, say 1 to 70, the checkbox would be ticked if the value in the textbox is 1 to 7, or any number starting with 1 or 7, but not 8 or 9, or any number starting with 8 or 9.

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Get The LIKE Statement To Work If The User Enters A Number?

Sep 22, 2010

how I can get the LIKE statement to work if the user enters a number like 403* ? The sql works if I do not enter an *

strWildCardFound = InStr(TNSearchTextBox.Text,
TNSearchTextBox.Text = Replace(TNSearchTextBox.Text,


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What's The Equivalent Code Of This In VB Express 2010

Jun 13, 2011

got this code from this site: [URL] public static void Send(String from, String to, String subject, String messageText).

SmtpMail.Send("mcb@mindcracker.com", "webmaster@mindcracker.com", "Subject", "Message body").

what's the equivalent code of this in vb express 2010.

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