Open Jpg Format Files Into Image And Fax Viewer?

Nov 15, 2011

I am using grid with image column. When user's click image to opened up image(jpg,jpeg,bmp,gif) via a image and fax viewer (i.e by the operating system). i have try to open but it's open in IE

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Open Image In Default Image Viewer Using Program?

May 4, 2012

Execute the default image viewer when i pass the path of the image.

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Open 2 And More Files(txt Format) Through Openfiledialog And Display All Content In Richtextbox

Feb 23, 2012

I would like to open 2 and more files(txt format) through openfiledialog and display all content in richtextbox.


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Open Local .msg Files In Web Browser (html Format) And Display Embedded Pictures?

Jun 1, 2012

I know how to open local .msg files in webbrowser in html format.The problem is when the .msg has embedded pictures, the only thing that appears is a blank space ("picture not found") where it is supposed to be.If I open the .msg file in Outlook, I see the images correctly, but in my program I can't see embedded pictures.

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Open Windows Picture And Fax Viewer?

Nov 14, 2010

I want To Open the Windows Picture And Fax Viewer when I click on the PictureBox Control and i make this but he does not display any thing


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Open Event Viewer Windows Latest 5-10?

Feb 21, 2011

i'm building my own monitoring system. I have allot but i'm stuck at 1 point: I wanna have a list of events out of the event viewer, it polls every 30 min.i have this:

Dim eventLogApp As New System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application")
Dim eventLogEntry As System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry
Dim eventCntr As Integer = 1[code]....

but this is way to heavy for a poll of every 30 min. Because is checks the WHOLE event viewer.What i want.. just the latest 5 or 10 events from the event viewer to reduce the load..

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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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Move The Picturebox's Image Like A Map Viewer

Sep 9, 2011

i'm trying to move the picturebox's image Like a Map Viewer (Clicking on button < > ^ V) and the image moves, but i can't make it I want to move the image NOT THE PICTURE BOX


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VS 2010 Secondary Image Viewer

Feb 18, 2011

I am currently working with a program where the user is prompted to click certain points on a picture within the picturebox on my form. The issue is that some of the points need to be pretty precise and i want to give them controls to slide the points once they have clicked them. The method for sliding is fairly simple but i want to be able to graphically show it in a secondary picturebox.


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Drawing Viewer That Displays CNC Files?

Apr 8, 2009

I have created a drawing viewer that displays CNC files. The viewer itself is a user control that i have compiled into a dll. I added a reference to this dll to a windows application and added the control to one of the forms. I also have a reference to other custom dll's within this project. The application works exactly as expected. CNC files can be viewed by using the File>Open menu. You can open a single file or load multiple files into a buffer that will allow you to scan through them using Next and Previous buttons.

What i want to do is open this viewer from another application but have certain CNC files already loaded into the viewer. I know i could get this working but i don't think it would be the best way. Is there a way for me to include a list of files in a shell command? Perhaps the enitre viewer application should be included in a dll that has a LoadFiles() and Show() method.

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VS 2010 RDL Files And Report Viewer

Jan 1, 2012

I have been provided with a series of RDL files and dataset specifications for each RDL report.I have successfully generated the proper data tables for each report specification but have not yet figured out how to successfully use the reportviewer in my application with the provided RDL files.Due to the large number of reports I will be working with I need to hard code the reportviewer instead of using the control in design mode.

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Interface And Graphics Image Pixel Viewer

May 3, 2011

I would like to create a pixel viwer (i.e. zoom into a picture to view the image's pixel information - Similar to windows paint or Photoshop). I have created an image zooming code, but it enlarges the image and sadly, doesn't show the blocks of pixels I was hoping for.I have thought of several ideas, but each worse than the next. As an example, re-create the image, increasing each pixel's area based on the zoom-level. But I can tell already that this process would be slow and judging by photoshop (or paint) there is a quicker method.

View 2 Replies - Crystal Reports Viewer: Failed To Open The Connection Error

Jun 19, 2012

Currently I'm working on a piece of code that involves using the Crystal Reports Viewer to export .RPT files to PDF. My problem is that the code works on literally everything except the website I'm planning to eventually put it on.

When placed on the website it throws back the error "Failed to open the connection." which I believe is connected to the SQL Server connection that's formed in order to read data for the report itself.

The code itself is solid and works when used in a separate console application I built to test it whether said code is run on my local machine or on the server itself. It even runs when I test the website in Visual Studio's virtual host.

I've narrowed it down to being some sort of permissions issue, but I am not knowledgeable enough in the various permissions settings to figure out which ones specifically apply to this situation. It's worth mentioning that other pages on the website are directly connecting to the same database, but they are doing so directly through Linq instead of going through the Crystal Report Viewer.

So does anybody know which settings I need to modify in order to fix the connection error.An added note: One of the other suggestions is to make sure there's an ODBC DNS in place that matches the one being used by the code. I have created such a DNS already.

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Tumbnail Control Viewer - View In Picture Box Instead Of Open A New Window In Other Application

Mar 11, 2010

I have a tumbnail Control box. Everytime my pictures load i click it will show in Image Viewer or photoshop can i view it in picture box instead of open a new window in other application?

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IDE :: Modi Image Viewer Do Not Display Tiff Images

Dec 26, 2009

m want to display tif images into my project. then i used a third party software (trial version CPImageViewer) it's working nicely. but problem is it's 3 months trial verison and it display message while running program....'Demo version'. so it hassle for end user. then im trying to use Microsoft Office Document Image Vierwer Library 11.0.

but problem is while i first time i set file name property its display the file but then it doesn't display any file.

note that, i m developing this project using VB6 under W2K3 platform.

my used code is given below:


i searched a day long for useful sample but nothing find useful.

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Image Viewer Control - Zoom / Draw / Rotate

Jun 22, 2010

Im looking for an image viewer that supports most types of image formats, including PDFs, and has the ability to rotate/zoom, and draw on an image. I've been looking but to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way of going about modifying a control so that I would have these features? The main problem that I am running into is the lack of the ability to draw on an image. Im still sort of a newbie to .NET,

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Make An Image Viewer In VB With Visual Studio 2010?

May 14, 2012

I want to make an image viewer in visual basic with Visual Studio 2010, but i have a little problem. I loaded an image into the program and i want to save it in another location but it didn't work. The image doesn't appear in location where i saved it. I attach a .doc with the code.

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Report Viewer Control Too Slow When Background Image Is Used?

May 25, 2009

I have already posted this question on the "reporting services" forum and received no responses, so i thought i'd give it a try here.

SQL server 2005 SP3, VS 2005,, RV control.

When i add a background image to the page header, body and page footer, The rendering takes about one second per page. Without the background images, it renders about 25-50 pages per second. My report is a statement print report and has about 1500 pages.

Since it is the same image on each page, why does the server need to send that image over and over again to the report viewer control?

In i have the Report Viewer control and i bring up a report in normal viewing mode. when i click on the print layout mode, or have that mode set up to be the default mode, It takes forever when i have a background image and virtually no time for the same report without the images. The images are gifs about 5 or 6k each. I have chosen to embed the image into the report.

How do i optimize the usage of background images so they do not interfere with the rendering speed? Or at least minimalize the slowdown.

[EDIT:] I have discovered that if i render it to PDF and open the PDF and page through the report, it is much much faster. In other words if i choose to render to 'printlayout', it is say 25 times slower than when i render it to default, and about 20 times slower then if i render it to PDF. And the PDF contains exact rendering for all pages, exactly the same rendering as the print layout mode generates.

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Make Photo Viewer Open When User Open Drive C And Get All Photo In The Drive To Be Shown In It?

Jul 12, 2011

I design photo viewer app using this code


now how to make my photo viewer open when user open drive C and get all photo in the drive to be shown in it ?

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Custom Cursor - "Image Format Is Not Valid. Image File May Be Corrupted?

Oct 11, 2011

I created a new cursor (it works properly, I tried it in windows 7) but is not working for me in the program.I took the Windows cursor (aero_helpsel_xl, from C:WindowsCursors) and it appears to me the same error.i use with this code:

Me.Cursor = New Cursor("Patch..")

The problem say:: "{"Image format is not valid. Image file may be corrupted.

Parameter name: stream "}"

edit: I realized what the problem ... It can read only cur files with 24-bit color and lower - but it shows only two colors: black and white.

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Convert Eps Format To Jpg Image Format In .NET?

Feb 25, 2009

How to convert eps format to jpg images in VB.NET?

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Convert Image Format From .bmp To Other Image Formats In .net?

Sep 6, 2009

How do you convert a System.Drawing.Bitmap image to any other type of image? I tried CType, which failed, since I do not know the type for .png or .jpg. I cannot find it anywhere on google either.What is the most efficient method to do this, which keeps the quality of the image as high as possible?

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VS 2008 Open Image + Save Image + Keep Quality?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to edit an image. I can open the image with Picturebox1.load(mypicture)

I can change the pixels/edit the picture by Dim img as new bitmap(picturebox1.image)


now here is the weird part. When I save the image the filesize INCREASES..but the picture dimensions are the same Example... TEST.PNG 1.3KB, when opened up via picturebox/saved the image is now 2.3KB

not sure why...i even though I specify system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.PNG

samething with JPG... it actually SHRINKS it evenmore.. example 88KB jpeg.. saved as jpeg is now 47.7KB...

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VS 2008 - VB BITBLT Equivlant - Build Image By Opening Files With Image Data

Nov 2, 2010

In VB6 you could BITBLT things around before refreshing the screen. In .NET, I'm aware of DrawImage, but that can only be done on a paint event rather than before anything gets painted. The issue I have is, I need to open several files with image data in them and then build a bigger image with those smaller images. Before I could open them, BITBLT them to a Buffer. As far as I can tell .NET offers no way to do this as the only function I've been able to find (DrawImage) only works within the paint event. Is there still a way to do this in VS08 or no?

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


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VS 2010 - Image Viewer - Random Number Is Not That Random At All

Apr 19, 2012

I've made an image viewer which opens a random image from a specified folder, but the random number is not that random at all... I've already used Randomize(), but without result.

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How To Open Audio In Other Format

Apr 25, 2011

I found some program can run Audio on other format audio, That program can open a .OJM format and OJM Format contain OGG audio file...How to Play Ogg audio that contain in other format?

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DB/Reporting :: Difference Between Microsoft Report Viewer And Crystal Report Viewer

Dec 28, 2008

These things look about the same to me. Is there any reason I should use one over the other?

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How To Open Multiple Files Using "open With" Command Line Arguments

May 15, 2012

I have an application that can read certain types of files, and I have it working so that if you do "open with" from windows, it automatically starts the application and opens the selected file.

Unfortnately, I cannot get it to work for more than one file.

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() contrains the following:
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(0) = name and path to the .exe
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(1) = name and path to the first file selected to be opened

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length is 2 when the user tries to open 1 file, which makes sense since the first argument is the .exe itself and the 2nd is the path to the file, but it does not increase to 3 if the user tries to open 2 files... meaning that System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(2) is never populated Here is some sample code that shows the problem: It will recognize no files or 1 file being opened, but if you try to open multiple it will only show the first.


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Convert Any Image To Any Other Format?

Feb 10, 2009

How can we convert any image to any other format e.g BMP to Jpg or emf.I am able to convert only bmp to some of these format by using this code which i found.


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