Open Vb6 Projects In Vb 2010?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a few projects that I started in vb6 and would like to continue working on them in vb2010. I looked all over and I can't find an Import feature, like vb2008 had.

I don't have vb2008 so converting from vb6 > vb08 > vb2010 is out of the question. Also, the projects are to big to remake from scratch in vb2010.

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VS 2010 Cant Open Projects Created By VB6?

Jun 12, 2010

I was using VB6. Recently I updated to VS2010. Now I cant run my old projects Would you please tell how to run or convert the old VB6 project files to VS2010.

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Why Would A .sln File Open As Empty In VB2010Express When It Should Open Referring To Projects Etc

Mar 6, 2012

Why would a .sln solution file open and appear empty in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - i.e. no windows showing projects and code files etc.When I inspect the file in a text editor, it contains references to vbproj files (which are present) which indicate that it should not appear as empty.No error messages are reported when the file is opened.

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Can't Open Saved Projects

Jul 24, 2009

After I finish messing around with my projects I open up VB 2008 and try to open them up again and there is so much stuff in the folders I press everything and none of it works?

EDIT: I can debug the program but can not find where to edit the coding and layout?

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VS 2008 Can't Open Projects?

Apr 20, 2009

Slightly odd problem I'm having at the moment, 2008 was working fine for me until today when it has decided it doesn't want to open any of my projects/solutions anymore. When I click them in recent projects or even navigate to them and try to open them the program attempts to load them and then just stops without returning any error.

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Open Source Projects Using BDD Testing?

Mar 9, 2011

My team is interesting in understanding BDD better. Are there open source .NET/Java projects which use behavior driven development (BDD)?I would like to focus my attention on static language examples.

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Tutorials And Projects Open Source For .net?

Apr 19, 2010

New site for Smell of tutorials and projects open source.

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Open Source Projects That Employs Linq Within?

Sep 23, 2009

I am on my way of linq learning and would like to see how linq is applied in the real world projects. So is there anyone who can suggest some open source C# and VB projects that employs Linq technology within?

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C# - .NET Beginner Learn And Where Find Open Source Projects?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm beginner programmer in the amazing world named ".Net".I've a lot of questions

well, what I should learn C# or What's the best blogs which talk about .Net technology and Open source projects Where can I find good tutorials, free books and ideas of projects how can I progress in ".Net" please, share your knowledge , your OPML of your favorite blogs or web sites about ".Net "

View 12 Replies

Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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IDE :: VB2005 Projects With 2010

Jul 5, 2011

I have many projects VB 2005 ... the question is:

How could I open these projects with VB 2010 version?

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Opening VB 2010 Projects In VB 2008?

Sep 20, 2010

or saving VB 2010 project for VB 2008 use

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VS 2010 Can Have All 4 Projects START When Click RUN

Dec 30, 2011

I am creating an application that is actually 4 seperate executables - UI is one and then 3 background services (console apps - no FORM's).I believe I can do one solution with 4 projects - would that be the recommended method? If a transmission class is common to all 4 would I make that a separate project or put it in one project and share that folder with the others? Can I have all 4 projects START when you click RUN?Does the OUTPUT window and other debug windows work with all 4 projects?Or is it better to make them 4 solutions for debugging purposes?

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VS 2010 Working With Multiple Projects

Aug 18, 2010

How would i reference a control or form from another project. I have a solution with multiple projects (Project1 & Project2 for example) and I want a button on Form1 of Project1 to open Form1 on Project2. I know if they were part of the same project it would simply be Form1.Show() and I thought something like Project2.Form1.Show() would work but unfortunately it doesn't seem that easy.

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Visual Studio 2010 :: Merging Two Projects?

Apr 14, 2012

we are new to Visual Basic Programing, We are working on a project, which has modules. My team worked on these modules and prepared 3 separate Visual Studio Projects. Now, I want to combine then into one Visual Studio Project for Integration purposes

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VS 2010 - Saving Projects To Network Share

Jul 13, 2011

I've had this problem with both VS 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010. I want to save my projects on a network share (which I have as a mapped drive), because our network drives are backed up daily. For some reason though, VS only shows local drives when I try to save a project - all my network drives do not show up.

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VS 2010 Projects Corrupted When Moving Between Win XP SP3 And Windows 7?

Mar 9, 2011

I seem to be having some problems with my projects for school. I use Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 Professional at school and I do my homework on Visual Studio 2010 with WinXP SP3 (fully updated) at home. When I move the project files back and forth the projects become corrupted. I get the following problems.Form controls move or properties do not work as they are specified in the property box such as:

Link label with the property set to hoverUnderline text.Labels that move position.I also get x86 errors that show up during a Debug or Build, such as:x86 Only one reference to Resources is allowed.I need to be able to work on both my WinXP SP3 (fully updated) machine at home and use the schools Win7 Professional machine to both complete projects and get my project graded.

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VB 2010 - Get The Links That Open In A New Window To Open In Main Webbrowser Control?

Mar 11, 2010

Private Sub LinkClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim link As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement
Dim url As String = link.GetAttribute("href")

Okay so here's the question how do I get the links that open in a new window to open in my main webbrowser control. The above code does some, but it's not fool proof.

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IDE - Upgrade To 2010 Projects Referencing A Class Library Targeting A Different Framework Fail To Build

Aug 18, 2010

Say I have a Framework 4.0 project that is referencing a class library targeting 3.5. The project will simply not build. It won't give me any valid error message it will just act as though the reference does not exist.

Projects that were working like this in Visual Studio 2008 are no longer working in 2010. Took me forever to figure out what there error is. If I remove the project reference and add it back the intellisense lights up and you can tell a variable referenced in the class library is found. But as soon as you build the project everything is lost. My using statements get underlined, references to the variable all turn grey and project fails to build saying the class cannot be found. Once I make the class library 4.0 as well everything builds. I get the same issue between 4.0 client profile and 4.0 as well.

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VS 2010 Publishing Multiple Projects - Get The Error : Application Validation Did Not Succeed. Unable To Continue?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a solution with two projects. The main project connects to the second project via a reference, and the reference path is local to my machine. It looks like it references the .exe file.So when I publish the main project (ClickOnce), i get the following error:
Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue.In the log file, under Error Details, it says

System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (RefDefValidation)
- Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the download assembly Project2.exe
- Source: System.Deployment

How can I include this second project? Should I publish it, then reference the published files? What do i reference? The .application file?Is there a way to just include this second project, so when I do publish the main project, the second one just goes along with it?

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VS 2010 Settings - Projects - Message - "Project Name" Could Not Be Opened

Feb 26, 2011

When I open Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express, the following message comes up:

Quote: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express. The automatically saved settings file 'visual studio 2010settingsvb expressCurrentSettings.vssettings' cannot be found. You can change this file on the 'Import and Export Settings' Tools Options page. The IDE will use your most recent settings for this session.

I click the 'OK' button, and the Start Page loads with the "Recent Projects" list on the left.

When I click on any of the projects to open them, another message comes up saying:

Quote: Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express. "Project Name" could not be opened. Do you want to remove the reference(s) to it from the Recent list(s)?

I read about a potential solution going to "%programfiles%Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDE" but I'm not sure how to proceed. Does anyone know why this problem is occuring? Did I truly lose all my projects?

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VS 2010 - Open The File VB 2010 On VB 2008?

Nov 27, 2010

When i try to open the file in Visual Basics 2008 it says: "The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened"

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VS 2010 Open A Web Page Link In VB 2010

Jan 15, 2012

How do I open a web page link in code for 2010?

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IDE :: 2010 Cannot Open A New Project

Mar 22, 2010

Having just downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta, I decided to put together a little application I coded under 2008 VB.Net.when I click on "New Project", select new Windows Form Application project and try to open it, I get the following error dialog box & msg:"Unable to cast COM object of type'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation. IVsGlobalUndoCapableUndoManager'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID'{305E8709-55B7-4732-B872-1C073AB58047}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."

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Open A File In VB 2010?

Jan 15, 2012

How to open an array into visual basic. I have it saving as a text file correctly but i have no idea on how to open it up to use it again. what i have so far is Private Sub Hour1ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Hour1ToolStripMenuItem.Click[code]...

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Open Up A File In VS 2010?

Feb 12, 2011

The console is closing automatically.


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VS 2010 Open File From .ini?

Dec 30, 2010

I have custom .ini file named Config.iniHow to make when they start the program and click the button to open the file that they have located in the .ini fileI have 3 buttons:

- 1 - GS 1 Start
- 2 - GS 2 Start
- 3 - GS 3 Start


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VS 2010 Open&SaveFileDialog?

Dec 30, 2010

Im a vb newbie n currently have a personal project making a notepad...But i always get an error when i click Cancel in OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialogThe problem code is :

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Can't Open MSI Database For A Query Using VB 2010

Jun 28, 2012

I am trying to query a MSI to get the ProductCode from the MSI so I can later populate a script with the proper ProductCode.During debugging it "looks" like the database is open for read, however if I look at the oDB object I see this "Error = No further information on this object could be discovered" When it tries to do the OpenView on the SQL statement it throws an exception "OpenView, Sql" I believe that is because the MSI really isn't open for read?I have added the reference to the Microsoft Windows Installer Object Library version

Here is the code: (I pass the fully qualified path + filename of the msi)

Private Sub GetMsiProperty(ByVal sMSIFilePath As String)
Const sReadMSIDataBaseErrorStr As String = "ERROR: Could not read MSI database!"
Const msiOpenDatabaseModeReadOnly = 0


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IDE :: How To Open A 2003 Template In 2010

Mar 4, 2011

I'm working with 2010 now, but I have an old project that was created in 2003. I started that project with a 2003 template. I would like to use that template again, but I want to develope a current 2010 application. Does that make any sense? How do I get the vb 2010 express to recognize my old 2003 vb express template?

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