Pass NULL To A Store Procedure?

Mar 7, 2011

I see this asked many times on hereI'm copying this question that I found on here.Is there any way to pass a null value (I mean a value that the sql will interpret as null) to a stored procedure when using:tableAdapter.Fill(dataSet.table_name, param1 (as string),param2 (as string) etc...Which is the most painless way to do this(assuming that the sp stays inside the database!!)

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Pass A Null Value For Date To Sql Stored Procedure?

Mar 16, 2009

My application is with vb. In my page I have a textbox for passing date. If I didn't enter date and on clicking submit, I have to pass null value to the stored procedure. I tried following codes such as DBNull.Value and DateTime.MinValue. In that case instead of null ,"#12:00:00#" is passing. I have to pass Null.

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Pass A NULL In A Parameter To A DateTime Field In A Stored Procedure?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a stored procedure which updates a database using the parameters I supply but I'm having trouble passing a NULL to the stored procedure

The field I need to make NULL is a DateTime field

DB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", NULL)

This gives me the error 'NULL' is not declared. 'Null' constant is no longer supported; use 'System.DBNull' instead


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Pass A Value From A Sub Procedure To A Function Procedure .... Pass The Whole Subprocedure To The Function Procedure Argument?

Mar 30, 2012

Im a student doing an assignment, how do i pass the value from a sub procedure to a function procedure....i want to pass the value from decSubtotal to a function procedure named CalculateDiscount; check out my code--


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What Is Store Procedure

May 7, 2011

what is store procedure and why we use it?

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.net - Stored Procedure Parameters - Sometimes NULL?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a stored procedure to update a table. not all fields are required and some can be blank.

for example, title is not required, but when it's blank i get an error
Dim ptitle As New SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20)
ptitle.Value = objFormat.CheckSQL(title)
ex {"Procedure or Function 'sp_UpdateUser' expects parameter '@title', which was not supplied."} System.Exception

how can i fix it so that it allows for nulls if the data field is blank?

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Copy Store Procedure From One SQL Server To Another

Jul 27, 2010

Is it possible to code to copy store procedures from one SQL server to another SQL server in application without using SQL server replication?

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Create Store Procedure & Call It ?

Oct 21, 2009

I am extremly fresher in the above things. I want to create a store procedure in my programme and use it or call the store procedure. give me a standard sample code so that I can understandand.

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How To Store Item Name And Price In Procedure

Aug 6, 2010

I'm reading "Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008". At the end of each chapter there is excersize that I don't have the answers sheet for. Anyway, the first one is:
A procedure needs to store an item's name and price (which may have decimal places). Write the appropriate Dim statements to declare the necessary procedure-level variables.
What I have so far is:
Dim "Candy" as String

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Transaction With Store Procedure And SqlBulkCopy?

Apr 30, 2010

In a VB.NET, I code to exec a store procedre (sp_truncate) to truncate 10 tables and using sqlBulkCopy to download a huge data. Both them are working fine. Now I want to use transaction with (not in store procedure?) to rollback truncate tables if download is failed. Is it possible to use transaction to work with these two steps?

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Access Textbox Values Into Store Procedure?

Jun 21, 2010

I need information about store procedure in SQL and how can i access textbox values into store procedure. and connection string for remote server (sql server 2005 installed on server)

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How To Pass Parameters To Stored Procedure

Jun 26, 2011

This code calls a store procedure that takes input parameters. With this code I'm confused as to how the parameters are passed to the stored procedure. The parameters are first stored into 2 string variables (strCategoryName & strOrderYear). They are then copied/moved to an sql parameter prm.value. But the stored is stored in an sqlcommand (cmd ). I can't understand how the stored procedures knows what the parameter values are.

Private Sub btnWithParameters2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWithParameters2.Click
Dim cnn As SqlClient.SqlConnection = _
New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=SKYROCKET;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI")
[Code] ......

View 12 Replies

Pass A Variable To A Threaded Procedure?

Mar 4, 2010

How do I pass a variable to a threaded procedure? The clickedItem.Tag contains a username as a string which I want to pass to Public Sub GetLockoutInfo(ByVal UserID As String) but the AddressOf GetLockoutInfo line doesn't allow for a parameter to be passed to the procedure.

Private Sub CallGetLockoutStatus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim SearchUserDetails As New NiRDs_Functions_OC


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Pass MethodName As Parameter Of A Procedure?

Jan 2, 2012

I want to create a Procedure that its parameter is also a procedure. I created some procedures to be used as parameters below:

Private Sub Jump(xStr as string)
Msgbox xStr & " is jumping."
End Sub


this procedure should call the procedure above:

Private Sub ExecuteProcedure(?, StringParameter) '- i do not know what to put in there
? ' - name of the procedure with parameter
End Sub


ExecuteProcedure(Jump, "StringName")
ExecuteProcedure(Run, "StringName")

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Pass Parameter To Stored Procedure Through .net?

Jun 22, 2010

this is my coding when i run this coding for display the content in textboxes from the database by click event in datagrid. "Procedure or Function 'sp_developer_display' expects parameter '@developerid', which was not supplied."this error will display my sp in sql express is ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_developer_display(


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Pass Parameters To A Stored Procedure In SQL?

Jul 2, 2011

Im trying to pass parameters to a stored procedure in SQL but for some reason its storing the parameter(s) in the columns....

My code

Public Function AddRec(ByVal textbox1 As String, ByVal textbox2 As String, ByVal textbox3 As String, ByRef Creation As Date)
'Adding a new Record to SQL
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection


the addwithvalue all the textbox`s have a value in which i would expect but for some reason when i go to db in SQL it actually shows the @Username,@Account,@Password,@DatCreated not the values im passing in please see the attached image.

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Pass The Data To Procedure Instead Of Writing Out Each One?

Jan 7, 2011

I have 10 panels on a form and I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to loop through them to pass the data to my procedure instead of writing out each one the way I am doing

' sample shows only 3 but there are 10
For i As Integer = 1 To 3
Select Case i
Case 1


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Passing Null Textbox Value To A Stored Procedure (functions)

Apr 9, 2012

i have a stored procedure to insert data into table create procedure insertdata


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Pass Null Value But Error Dim Drf As Date

Jun 30, 2010

i need to pass null value but error dim drf as date


Dim Upd As String ="UPDATE sakit set tanggalsakit'" & drf & "' WHERE orang= '" & id& "'

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Pass The String As A NULL If Nothing Is Passed?

Oct 31, 2011

If I send a String set to Nothing as an input parameter to a SQL stored procedure, and in the sproc it's like this @MyString Char(9) = NULL, what does it turn NULL into? Because I'm firing the sproc and it's not firing the statement that says IF @MyString = NULL... So I don't know what it is... Or how can I pass the string as a NULL if nothing is passed as a parameter to my calling function?

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IDE :: Pass Parameters To Stored Procedure Through ObjectDataSource?

Jun 7, 2007

I am building a three tierd app, and therefore have all my data access methods in a class by itself.This class only calls stored procedures, basically, I need to pass in the following:

1) stored procedure name as string

2) parameters as IDataParameter() -- an array of parameters

3) other fields ( not important to this discussion)

If I use a GridView on my web form and choose an ObjectDataSourceObjectDataSource, and then choose my business object and method, since the method is a call to a stored procedure with a parameter array, I don't know how to pass it values in the IDataParameter format.The Method Signature listed on the wizard is "RunSP(String spname, IDataParameter[] params), returns SqlDataReader" which basically is calling a method called RunSP with two parameters, of which the second parameter is a parameter array for a stored proc.

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Pass Parameters To SQL Stored Procedure From Application?

Apr 6, 2009

I have created a database with on table that is very similar in setup to ProductCostHistory from the Adventureworks database. Using the adventureworks database as an example, when the procedure is given the parameters of date and productID it will change the EndDate of the currently active cost to the date value and insert a new record with productID as the ProductID and Date as the StartDate, leaving EndDate null for the newly inserted record. I am looking for a way to create a simple form with two textboxes and a button. textbox1 accepts the ProductID parameter and textbox2 accepts the Date value. when the button is pressed, the stored procedure is executed and the table is updated. This seems pretty simple and I am very familiar with tieing stored procedures to a table in a dataset when each prcedure handles only a single simple action (either, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE but not a single procedure that combines UPDATE and INSERT as the procedure described above does). I've done some reading and played with this on myown but can not find the simplest straightforward way of accomplishing this seemingly simple task.

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Pass SQL Stored Procedure Results To Javascript?

Jul 19, 2011

I have an page that contains a javascript function. I am using a code behind to run a stored procedure against the database to pull back address information. Results can be 1 or more rows. I need to pass the results to the javascript for processing. My code is as follows:


Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Pass Stored Procedure Name Dynamically To Linq-to-SQL?

Jul 11, 2011

How can I pass stored procedure name dynamically to Linq-to-SQL, and get the result into a datatable.

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Pass Values From A Stored Procedure To Datagridview?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form that I'm running a stored procedure in and I'd like to pass the results to a datagridview and then offer the user the ability to export those results to a flat text file.

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DB/Reporting :: Stored Procedure Test For Null/empty Uniqueidentifier

Sep 6, 2008

I have a stored procedure (SQL Server Express) that returns a count of records:

FROM Licenses
WHERE (AdminUserID = @AdminUserID);

Table "Licenses" has a field "CompanyID" which is a uniqueidentifier.

I need to add a clause to the WHERE to exclude records from the count where "CompanyID" is null/empty.

In VB code I'd do this with "If Not (TheCompanyID.Equals(Guid.Empty)) Then"

How would I do this in a stored procedure?

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Create MySql User With Store Procedure (Server Mode)

May 17, 2011

I have successfully create a user name = 'root' and host = '127 .0.0.1 ', use the mysql command (client mode) as follow: sql = String.Format("CREATE USER '{0}'@'{1}' IDENTIFIED BY '{2}'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '{0}'@'{1}' IDENTIFIED BY '{2}' WITH GRANT OPTION;", userName, serverHost, userPassword) When the script above I change it to store procedure (server mode) as below, I found the error as follows: (Error 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual That corresponds to Yout MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'pass' at line 1)


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Inserting Data To Database By Calling Store Procedure From Sqlserver2005?

Dec 8, 2009

i have problem with inserting data to database by calling store procedure from sqlserver2005. i try to insert, but i can insert some field i don't know this problem correct the code below the procedure is :


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XML Document To Store Queries / Stored Procedure Names In ASP Application

May 4, 2011

I am having some difficulty with an xPath expression. I am using an XML document to store queries / stored procedure names in an ASP application. I use a utility function to load the xmldocument (if it isn't previously loaded) and I am attempting to select the node set from the document that matches an Id element. [code] the node variable only returns the first element. I have verified the that the qry string that is used to SelectSingleNode IS the correct Id value (i.e. USER002) - however the node is getting loaded with the USER001 element. It is obviously the xPath expression that is messed up. What do I need to tweak on the xPath expression so that I can return the correct <Id> element and corresponding child <Sql> element.

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C# - Pass Collections Of Data To PL/SQL Package Procedure Or Function From .NET?

Aug 27, 2009

I have a table that I need to insert a set of records into based on user input. IE: Selection from a list of items to choose from. For this example, let's just say it's a collection of int's.

Not a lot of good examples on the internet. There's only one related question here on SO, but it lends no answers either (both answers are dead ends).

How do you setup the call into the Package from .NET? How do you setup the Package Procedure or Function to receive the collection? How do you process the collection once inside of the Procedure or Function?

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