Passing A GUID In A TableAdapter Fill Method?

Jan 6, 2010

The GUID is the SelectedValue of a ComboBox (cbNetwork) If I execute a Debug.Print on the cbNetwork.SelectedValue, I see:

However, when I try to execute the Fill method of the DataTableAdapter, I get an error "Specified cast is not valid."


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Pass Null Parameter Fill Method Of Tableadapter?

Jan 17, 2012

I have already defined in my SELECT statement in TableAdapter to tell it what to do if the parameters are Null:

SELECT a.ID, a.NameID, b.BNameID
ON a.ID = b.ID
WHERE ((@NameID IS NULL) OR (a.NameID = @NameID))
AND ((@BNameID IS NULL) OR (b.BNameID = @BNameID))

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Sql - Passing A List Of System.guid As Params To As SQL2008 Sproc?

Sep 24, 2009

I would like to pull a set of records in a SQL sproc by passing in a list of system.guid and also by passing in a list of integer keys.I can put the guids ihto a string, of course, but the question is - how do I quote the test values so they are recognized as UIDs by SQLIn essence I was to DECLARE @pklist AS VARCHAR(1000)-- This would look like "'45F4AE2A-D27C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683','EC824D02-D37C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683','BA8E4D02-D37C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683'" coming out of the execsql from vb .net - I think :-) but it seems it needs to look likeSET @pklist = '45F4AE2A-D27C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683,EC824D02-D37C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683,BA8E4D02-D37C-D711-83FD-0008C7FA9683'SELECT * from dbo.members WHERE members.cpk IN (@pklist)This only returns the record matching the first UID in the string. Is there something I can wrap a t-sql VARCHAR string with so each guid will be seen distinctly?In trying to do this with a list of integer keys, the problem is the value is seen as part of a string and is not cast to an integerIt would seem creating a table from a parsed version of the string passed in and then doing a JOIN would accomplish what I need as well, but struggling with the T-SQL syntax for that.

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Fill A TableAdapter With Multiples Filter Values?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a table adapter on the data set which is filled by using filter parameter (UserID Field). the filter column is an integer. if i pass one integer value it process perfectly. ie;[code].....i need to fill the adapter with multiple users, so i tried the following code and it gives an error [code] gives the error saying "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1,2,3,4' to data type int.

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DB/Reporting :: TableAdapter.Fill And Access DB Password?

Apr 19, 2008

I included a MicrosoftReportViewer to my project:

Private Sub Report_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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TableAdapter - Re-fill The Company Column From The Database?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a table adapter for a fairly sizable piece of data. Now with this data I would like to give the user the ability to change the company name and have this reflected in the form on the drop down list of all of the companies once they have clicked submit. However, in order to do so I currently "Fill" the entire table adapter again to achieve this.Is there any way which I could just re-fill the company column from the database in the same tablea dapter.Here is my code for the sub:

Dim NewName As String = txtNewName.Text
Dim OldName As String = txtOldName.Text
Dim FieldName As String = Me.Text[code]...

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Tableadapter.fill Times Out When Table Is Empty

Aug 24, 2011

I have a View that i am trying to use to fill a TableAdapter with. In my code i fill the table adapter properly the first time, filter my bindingsource and use datarowviews to loop through the rows of data and perform the updates needed (done by a stored procedure). Now the problem is, after these updates take place, i need to fill the tableadapter again so that it reflects these changes. Sometimes the View i am using will have no results, other times it may.[code]This is the exact Error "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."Okay, you'll notice that i fill my view, then filter those results on the column Number equal to 1. I loop through all those results and update the table my view is created off of. After exiting the loop i hit the second .fill which times out after about 20 seconds. After testing, this time out only seems to occur when MyView does not hold any records.

I use Visual Studio 2010 and sqlserver 2008. All work is done in VB.NET. Also, during debugging, i paused on the second fill, went to Toad for Data Analysts and ran a SELECT * FROM MyView which did not time out and returned the empty result table in about 19 seconds. I have also tried doing a dispose on the tableadapter before the second fill but it has a similar time out. Sorry if this answer seems obvious or something, i'm only an Intern and am still learning the language. That seems to have done the trick, from my understanding that lets it run until it finishes (SQLServer will shut it down if the connection stays open longer than it allows). The ta.fill runs at about the same pace as Toad coming in around 19-20 second mark and does not error after multiple tests.

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GUID In Registry - Get The Program To Preform This Task On Another Computer As Their GUID Will Be Different?

Feb 26, 2012

im workin on a task that will get the current computers Default Gatway, So i chose the easiest option, using the Registry, in most cases i find this with no problem at all, here's the code im using right now,

Public sHost As String = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue _
("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001servicesTcpipParametersInterfaces THE GUID NEEDED HERE ", "DhcpServer", Nothing)

Which works fine, if i put My GUID in where i've stated in above code, I get the right value ect..., no what i was woundering is how would i get the program to preform this task on another Computer as their GUID will be diffrent, if their away i can do this with simplicity?

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VS 2008 TableAdapter.Update Method, Not Available In IntelliSense?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a TableAdapter I created in the DataSet designer. It contains joined tables and I set it up to automatically generate Insert/Update/Delete commands. I understand that I have to write my own UpdateCommand. I did so, in the DataSet Designer, for this particular TableAdapter.

The issue is that the Update Method is not showing up via IntelliSense, when I attempt to write code like this: Dim x as Integer = Me.DPTableAdapter.Update(), IntelliSense does not show the Update Method with the parameters I set up.I created the same exact method with another TableAdapter, in the same manner, and it worked just fine.

I also call EndEdit on the BindingSource, I just did not put it in this post.

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In Visual Studio 2005 No Tableadapter Update Method

Jan 11, 2011

Whenever I create a table adpater the wizard does not create and update command. It creates Select Insert and Delete but no Update command. I have a primary key in the data and have completely deleted my dataset and created connection and table adtaer from scratch with still no update command wizard says it will create it but does not.

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Catch DataTable RowChanging Event When Using TableAdapter.Insert Method

Apr 19, 2011

I setup a strongly typed dataset using the DatasetDesigner in VB2010. I am using the TableAdapter.Insert method to add data to an Access table. Before the data is inserted I need to validate the data using the DataTable RowChanging event.

How can I get the DataTable RowChanging event to fire when using the TableAdapter.Insert method?

Here is an excerpt of code I have so far:

When the Insert method runs, it does not fire the datatable RowChanging or NewRow events.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Data


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Tableadapter.fill(datatable) Fills The Row That Was Not Added To The Datatable

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to add NewRow to the database by using datatable in dataset, but before I do that I want to make sure that row is not already there. I create new row for the datatable I am working with, fill it with information. I fill datatable with the row from database that has the same primary key as my NewRow by using tableadapter.fill method, but when I do that my NewRow that was never added to the datatable is filled with information from database(and not information that I assigned to it). I count rows in my datatable before I fill it and it's 0, so why is my NewRow affected by Fill command? (I am using VB.NET 2005 Framework 2.0)


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How To Make Own Fill Method()

Jun 7, 2011

I've always been curious on how ADO/OLEDB/SQL method/functions does their fill method? Like

Dim tTable as New Datatable
Dim iAdpt as New SQLDataAdapter(CommandString, ConnectionString)


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Adapter.Fill (ds)Method Is Slow?

Mar 2, 2010

rsReturn = New DataSet()
objCommand.CommandTimeout = 240
Using objadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(objCommand)


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Data Adapter Fill Method?

Jun 5, 2011

Data Adapter on VB.NET. I'm having a problem with retrieving data on different tables.

Example database: BookInfo[INDENT]BookID: HSD993Z
Title: Introduction to SQL[/INDENT][INDENT]BookID: LDJA293
Title: Advance Computer Programming[/INDENT][INDENT]BookID: KSKL194


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Slow Fill() Method Of Sqldataadapter?

Jan 19, 2010

I fill a dataset using fill() method of sqldataadapter. The select query call a user defined function in it. My problem is that when I run this query in sqlDataAdapter , the fill() method take about 70 Sec. to give output but if I run the same query in Enterprise Manager or in Query Analyzer it gives output within a 1 or 2 Sec.

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Passing A Setting To A Method?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a method which must take an application setting as a parameter. E.g. MyMethod(ByVal setting As Setting)This example doesn't work because I do not know what to declare the variable as. Can someone please advise me on how I can get the method toaccept a My.Settings settings? My intentions are strictly to make the program

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Passing DataSet To A Method Using CodeDOM?

Jun 17, 2010

In my main application i am trying to run Pre-defined Code blocks that the user has created. I would also like to send a DataSet as a parameter when the code is compiled. Is this possible. Currently I can pass in single values by assigning them as a string in the code wrapper through the <%= input %> expression. Then i compile this as source.


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Passing Variables From One Method To Another For Log File?

May 15, 2012

I deleting the files of certain age in a directory and also need to write a log file. So my question is how can we pass a variable from one method to another?
Example : Dotnet.Explorer

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DataSet Has Errors In Multiple Cells After Fill Method?

Mar 2, 2012

I am experiencing something very bizarre when I execute the Fill method of my adapter. I've been running this query for months and all of the sudden this is happening after I installed SP1 for Visual Studio 2008. For some reason several DataRows in 2 of the 3 tables within my DataSet have errors in them when I view them in debug mode using the DataSet Visualizer. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about

It does this to random rows. If I execute the Fill method the first time, rows (5-10) will have these errors. If I execute the Fill method again rows 12-23 are affected and so on. I have no idea what is happening here.

This is effected my DataGridViews, because they don't display any rows, because of the erros. I should also note that when I run the lines of code below in the Immediate Window it says the DataSet doesn't have errors.


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Specify A Custom Select Query For A Datatable Fill Method?

Dec 17, 2009

VB.Net 2005 SQL server 2005

I have a project I have a dataset that contains tables In the dataset designer, each table has a defaiult FILL command set. I have draged and droped my table as a grid onto my form VB automatically sets up the table adapter, and binding source to make it all work.

in my code, is placed in the form load routine, a tableadapter.fill(dataset.datatable)

Here is my dilemma. The data in my table may have 100's of thousands or rows.

I have presented the user with a front end that allows for filterring and selecting based on several columns. reguardless of how many rows the result set contains, there will always be the same columns in the dataset.

Because there are so many combinations of select query, i do not want to make 20 or 30 custom fillby's in the dataset. I want to make an addhoc select query and have the binding source and table adapters work as expected. I have created a query called "FillByCustom" in the dataset designer attached to the DataTable Adapter section.

My question is this.

If i build a select query that returns the desired rows, how do i place it into the adapter in place of the FILLBYCUSTOM select command, such that it all works as expected?

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.net - Passing A Method (that Returns A Value) As A Parameter A Bad Thing?

May 21, 2012

So for instance I have this method: LoadFunkyInfo(byval funkyData as string) And I pass it something like this:

LoadFunkyInfo(giantTable.Rows.Item(0).Item("blahName")). Should I do this instead?

dim foo as string = giantTable.Rows.Item(0).Item("blahName")

I read somewhere long ago, that it's better to assign the method to a variable and pass that variable to a method, as opposed to passing the method as a parameter. Is that still true? Or true at all?

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Ajax - Passing Instance To Shared Method In .NET?

Nov 4, 2010

I have been thrown in at the deep end with an existing VB.NET project at work. I have never used VB.NET before so I am struggling a little. Does anyone know how to solve the following.I need to pass an instance to client side and then pass it to a shared method in order to access instance methods from when the shared method.The starting point is a fileupload control within the HTML of my Contacts.aspx file:

<asp:FileUpload ID="DocUpload1" runat="server" onchange="CallMe();" />

The onchange event calls a javascript method, see below, this uses AJAX PageMethods to called a Shared method in my code behind This is the script code which is in my Contact.aspx file


If anyone knows the solution please could they update the code as I probably won't be able to understand if you just give a description. I just hope I am along the right tracks.

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C# - Interface Method Implementation And Passing ByRef?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a C# interface defined as so:

public interface IMenuSecurityService
void SetSecurityFlags(List<MenuItem> items);

I need to implement this interface in a VB.Net class. When I implement the SetSecurityFlags method with the items parameter passed ByVal, it compiles.

Public Sub SetSecurityFlags(ByVal items As List(Of L1.Common.Model.MenuItem)) Implements IMenuSecurityService.SetSecurityFlags
' do some work
End Sub

When I try to implement it with the items parameter passed ByRef, I get the following compiler error: Class 'UserRights' must implement 'Sub SetSecurityFlags(items As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Model.MenuItem))' for interface

Public Sub SetSecurityFlags(ByRef items As List(Of L1.Common.Model.MenuItem)) Implements IMenuSecurityService.SetSecurityFlags
' do some work
End Sub

I can't seem to figure this one out. Does VB.Net not support this or am I doing something wrong?

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Passing Parameter (Value Or Referenced Type) Into Method?

Nov 11, 2009

What happened when parameter passing. Here is a test project I write.
Public Class Form1
'1.test string
Private Sub btnString_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnString.Click
Dim str1 As String = "x"
[Code] .....

From the project you can see, when pass integer type parameter (value type) into a method , if use ByVal keyword, the value won't change. If use ByRef keyword, the value will change (I can understand it, to my understanding, when using ByVal, It pass the value of the argument to the method; when using BvRef, it pass the address of the argument to the method, so the value can be rewrite)

Well, for the following two scenarios , I can't understand why.
String type is reference type, but it acts like integer type.
Val type is also reference type, but no matter what you use(ByVal or ByRef), the result will be the same.
So my question is what actually passed into method? What's the underlying mechanism about pass parameter? What's the effect of ByRef and ByVal to value type and reference type?

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VS 2008 Passing A Class Method In A New Thread

May 14, 2010

I am looking for a way to pass a class method into a new thread. On my form I have a few object that contain methods.

For example obj1.doWork.

Now I want to do

Dim t as new Thread
t = new Thread(AddressOf obj1.doWork)

However I get an error on this saying:

Error1Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' is most specific for these arguments:
'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart)': Not most specific.
'Public Sub New(start As System.Threading.ThreadStart)': Not most specific.

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Html Method=get Not Passing Values To The Next Aspx Page

Jul 2, 2010

i have simple html page with 3 textboxes.


The page loads but is these textboxes are empty. what am i doing wrong?

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Passing Date Parameter To DataTable.Select() Method

Apr 9, 2009

Jst recently i came across the select() method of data table and felli n love with it instantaneously.

Basically I want query the data table on a date field, unfortunately the format of the date string returned from y database in to data-table and the date string i'm passing as inputs are different.

How can i make sure that the data is compared irrespective of the formats ? Can I use something like SqlParameters whoes data type is date for comparison ??

this is what i'm tying :

dim dat as date = "#1/3/2009#""StzDate ='" & dat "'")
entry in datateable dt : StzDate : 3/1/2009 12:00:000
Am I do'in something wrong ??

Also, can anyone redirect me to some site where I can learn a bit more about passing parameters to the select statement,etc...

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Selecting A Particular Query In The Dataset Designer To Be Used In The Fill Method Of The Table Adapter?

Mar 1, 2012

I created a new query in the dataset designer. There are now 2 queries there. The original one and the new one.I also added named parameters in the Where clause of the 2nd query.This is the query in the new one:

SELECT ID, FatherName, MotherName, EmergencyContactName,
EmergencyContactRelationship, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip,
PrimaryPhone, SecondaryPhone, Emaile.


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When Passing An Object As An Argument To A Method, String Properties Are Populated But Integers Are Null

Jan 27, 2011

I have a class and method exposed to a client app. The class looks like

<DataContract()> _
Public Class Class1
Private v_string As String
Private v_integer As Integer


The method is declared as

<OperationContract()> _
Function GetStuff(ByVal bar As Class1) As String

In the client code I create an instance of Class1 and set the values for v_string and v_integer, but using Wireshark to look at the xml being sent to the server only a value for v_string is being sent as part of Class1. I'm guessing this is because it considers the value of v_integer to be null/not set. Here is an example of the client code.

Dim MyService as New Service1.ServiceClient
Dim test as New Service1.Class1
test.P_integer = 1


how different types are passed/used since Integer is a intergral type and String is a class, but can't seem to work out what to do to fix the problem.

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