Persist A Value In An Inherited Class Or Create A Custom Parameter?

Apr 15, 2012

I am making some changes to a fairly old project.It has a DataGrid with an Inherited Class

Public Class CustomDataGridTextBox
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn

and a Override Sub Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Paint (.......What it was doing was alternating the Data Grid Line colours New Requirement is to break up some items in the DataGrid By categories So I have added new lines to the data and sorted so they show up ad category headers (Production Stations) And they would like the Category Header to be a different colour and then the alternating line colours to restart.This did not sound too difficult but that has proven a trap Setting the category header is no problem but restarting the alternating colours is Previously the row was determined to be odd or even to set the colour.Now I am intending to use an Integer to define what colour is used but it persists only for that text box.

How can I get it to extend its life so each call can refer to it and update it and set the desired colour?All I need to do is have an integer variable that will hold its value for the next call?

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Create A Custom Class That Has Inside An Array Of Another Custom Class?

Jan 31, 2011

I want to create a custom class that has inside an array of another custom class (see my code below) but when the programm runs is crashes. Why? What is the right expression???? Plz help I'm a newbie in

Public Class ctrarray
Public nameclass As String
Public ctrlindex(glvar_spaces) As ctrlindexclass
End Class


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Does An Inherited Class Automatically Implement An Interface From Its Base Class

Jun 10, 2011

Suppose I have piece of code like this:

Public Interface ISomething
End Interface


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Returning A Inherited Class As Base Class Type With Web Services?

Sep 25, 2009

I suspect I am being very silly here but I have the following setup

Class MustInherit myBaseClass
'some stuff
End Class
Class myInheritedClassA


Running this results in the following error

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException:
There was an error generating the XML document. --->


is there any way of 'Widening' the inherited class to the base class so this would work?

EDIT:regarding XmlInclude(typeof inheritedClass), currently this method could potentially return a number of types of inherited class (i.e myInheritedClassA and myInheritedClassB) is it case of simply having to add each of the inheritedTypes in this tag?

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Persist Program Parameter And Variable Settings From One Run Of The Program To The Next?

Aug 2, 2009

I want to hear some discussion regarding what is the best way to persist program parameter and variable settings from one run of the program to the next. I used to often use the ubiquitous INI type file in VB6 programs but I am aware that these are not formally supported in .Net programs. I also have a major aversion to adding to the already overwhelming bloat of the Windows registry by using that to store values.


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Create Custom Button Using Class?

Nov 20, 2009

I use this code to create the same Button in multiple Forms[code]....

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Create Non-blocking Custom Events In Class?

Jan 11, 2012

Declare Custom Events To Avoid Blocking, with more than one custom event. If I duplicate the Public Custom Event section and just change the event's name, then both events are called even if my code only calls one of them.

Public Class TestClass
Private EventHandlerList As New ArrayList
Private EventHandlerIndex As New ArrayList


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Convert From Base Class To Inherited Class?

Jun 2, 2009

I understand that inherited classes can't be converted from base classes. But is there any way to write a conversion sub, so that the base class gets assigned to MyBase, then extra properties are added?[code]...

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Force An Inherited Class To Use An Attribute On The Class?

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to force an inherited class to use a custom attribute. I'm creating a class library where the user who wants to create an item will do so, but be forced to add an attribute (or visual studio will automatically add the default attribute) to their inherited class. Here is what I'm hoping to achieve:

<CustomAttribute(10)> _
Public Class BaseClass
End Class


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Create A Custom 2 Dimensional Array Datastructure/class?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to create a user defined data structure, which will be a 2 dimensional array such that each individual square of this 2-dimensional array will also store the score and the grades. ( Iam using VB.NET) More details:

for example: There is an 2 dimensional array with 3 columns and 2 rows, I want to fill each of the

(0,0);(0,1);(0,2) with their own score (Integer type) and grades (String Type).

And this is same for the rest of the squares i.e. (1,0);(1,1);(1,2) and (2,0);(2,1);(2,2)

After creating such custom data structure: "CustomArray", I should be able to create the instance of this custom data structure (which will be a class) and code something like this:

Dim objCustomArray as CustomArray
objCustomArray = New CustomArray
for i as Integer =0 to 3


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Databinding A Custom Property On An Inherited Control?

Apr 26, 2012

I am creating an Extended DateTime picker. I have created a Class the inherits the Default DateTimePicker and Adds a new Property NullableValue. I have placed the control on a form and bound it to a Binding Source using the NullableValue Property. When I load the record the control updates as it should. But when I change the value and save it does not save back to the database.


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Difference Between Custom Control - Inherited Controls Adn Usercontrol?

Dec 14, 2009

what is the diff between custom control ,inherited controls adn usercontrol in vb.netadil

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Scrollbar On Custom Control (inherited From Windows.form)?

May 16, 2011

I'm trying to create my own control to build a custom planning on it.After trying it with loose controls I got an error but after advice on my previous post, I redraw everything.I have now the header of the control finished, the header shows the days of the month for as many months that fit in the window.Now I want to put the list of data below it, but it will be more than the windows height, so I need to have a scroll bar that will scroll the data but not the header.I would not like to design my own scrollbar and rather use the scrollbar control for it, but when I put it in, I cannot use the NEW keyword.example:

Dim sb

with this I get the error message: 'New' cannot be used on a class that is declared 'MustInherit'.How can I get a scrollbar on my form to scroll the list only (so not the header)?

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Create A Custom ListViewItem Class To Store Additional Hidden Info?

Apr 29, 2011

I want to store additional information about a listview item using a custom class, but I can't seem to get it to work.I'm currently using this code to accomplish something similar using a listbox item.I just want to do the same thing with a listview.

Public Class myListboxItem
Public id As String
Public rootFolder As String[code]....

I forgot to add "Inherits ListViewItem" to my class.I'll update the code listed here to serve as an example for others.

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Create A User Control With A List Of Custom Class Type Property

Nov 29, 2011

Is it possible to create a user control with a list of custom class type property? If it is, how can I? The issue is that, in designer mode the property is not displayed in property window. I can add the list on markup but when i switch to the designer mode it gives an error which is 'The user control does not have a public property named BookList'.

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C# - How To Prevent Class 'a' From Being Inherited By Another Class

Jul 31, 2010

i have a class named fdetails and i do not want any other class to inherit from this classCan i set it to not being inherited by another class. I would like to get the things done in the following 3 languages

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Prevent Class 'a' From Being Inherited By Another Class?

May 23, 2010

i have a class named fdetails and i do not want any other class to inherit from this classCan i set it to not being inherited by another class. I would like to get the things done in the following 3 languages

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"upgrade" An Object To An Inherited Class, And Keep All The Base Class's Property Values?

Jul 5, 2010

bare with me during this silly example. :-) Let's say I have a class like this:

Public Class Animal
Public iLegs as int32 ' Number of legs
Public bWings as Boolean ' Wings? Yes/No
End Class

And another class that inherits the "Animal" class and adds one more property:

Public Class ScaryAnimal
Inherits Animal
Public iScariness as int32 ' 0-100, how scary is it?
End Class

Now, if I have an instance of "Animal" with some values in it, and I decide I want to cast it to a ScaryAnimal for some reason, how do I do that without having to create a new instance of "ScaryAnimal" and copy each property value?Basically I'm looking for a way to do this, without having to write the lines marked with '*** below:


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Access Class From Inherited?

Oct 14, 2011

I have two classes[code]...

How can I modify class1 in a sub in class2?

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Cast Inherited To Base Class?

May 19, 2010

The program below trhows an error in the line "mTable2 = mTable.Copy". The error is: "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataTable' to type InherintanceQuestion.InheritedTable". This is because mTables is an instance of the InheritedTable class which inherits a DataTable and mTable is a DataTable. So, is there any way I can create the mTable2 to the mTable.copy to the mTable.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Generic Inherited Class Definition

Jan 11, 2010

I'm having trouble with the definition of an inherited generic class. I have two base classes that are defined like this:[code]

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Hide A Method In An Inherited Class?

Feb 13, 2010

Is there a way to hide a method of a base class that has been inherited?Lets say the base class has the properties:


and the method

sub SpecialInstructions()

Now this class is inherited by some classes that either use the SpecialInstructions method or override it. But one class inherits it but cant make use of the method and therefore wants to hide it. I tried shadowing but it still seems that the method is visible ex

Private Shadows Sub SpecialInstructions()

View 9 Replies

Inherited Class Designer Locked ?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a class which inherits a form class, and just recently it's started acting strange. All of the controls on the form are locked, and I don't understand why. I can't edit the properties of any controls, or anything.

View 4 Replies

Narrowing The Scope Of Sub In Inherited Class?

Apr 5, 2011

Below is example code of what I want to do:

Public Class Test
Sub New()
Dim cool As New B


View 6 Replies - Could Not Load Inherited Class For Aspx Page

Feb 29, 2012

When I transfer my project to a server, I now get this error message. What does it mean and how do I fix it?

Server Error in '/HD' Application.

Parser Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'HD._Default'.

Source Error:

Line 1: <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="HD._Default" %>
Line 2:


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Auto-code Generation In Inherited Class?

Jul 10, 2009

I am wishing to emulate the auto code generation that happens when you derive from a class, such as Form, and declare the Public Sub New() constructor. When this happens the constructor will auto-generate code like the following:

Public Class MyInheritedForm
Inherits Form
Public Sub New()


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Error: Class 'InheritingClass' Has No Accessible 'Sub New' And Cannot Be Inherited

Nov 26, 2010

I have an issue with FxCop and the warning: Abstract types should not have constructors.This is being displayed for a number of abstract classes (possibly all, I haven't checked). When I look most of them have no new method so I assume it's the complier adding a default one. So to remove it I add a private default constuctor (Private Sub New()), this then means all the inherting classes fail to build with the error: Class 'InheritingClass' has no accessible 'Sub New' and cannot be inherited.This seems odd as FxCop requests no public constructor, but when I remove it the build fails.

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Initializing Class Collection Of Inherited Types

Oct 4, 2010

Is there a way to have a class collection of inherited types be initialized? For example, here is my code:
Public Class CamryCar
Property Name As String = "Camry"
Property Color As String
End Class
Public Class RedCamry
[Code] .....

I prefer this one as I don't have an extra property to deal with. But I can find a way to initialize that that list with objects of RedCamry and BlueCamry. Is it impossible or is there another way to do this?

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Overriding Properties Of A Subclass Of An Inherited Class?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to override a property of a subclass of an inherited base class. I've tried to simplify this code as much as possible but am not comfortable enough with my own abilities to simplify anything else without loosing the ability to understand an answer.The property propertyName in the otherClass is currently incorrect. I want to be able to override propertyName in baseClass with the propertyName in otherClass. Is this possible to accomplish?

Public Interface interfaceName
Interface iInterfacePropertyName
Enum enumName


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Set ReadOnly Field In Constructor Of Inherited Class

Apr 1, 2012


Is there an explanation for this limitation? I mean, it's still in the constructor for the object, and the base class constructor is still executed first.

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