Persist Program Parameter And Variable Settings From One Run Of The Program To The Next?

Aug 2, 2009

I want to hear some discussion regarding what is the best way to persist program parameter and variable settings from one run of the program to the next. I used to often use the ubiquitous INI type file in VB6 programs but I am aware that these are not formally supported in .Net programs. I also have a major aversion to adding to the already overwhelming bloat of the Windows registry by using that to store values.


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Adding A Variable That Will Persist When The Program Closes?

Jul 26, 2011

Sorry for the extra long title, Here's what I want to do.I want to give the user the option of using or not using specific features of the program.If I can set a simple yes or no value that wil persist each time the program run and then depending on the variable turn off or on the feature at start

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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VS 2010 Program Will Need To Store Some Settings For When The Program Gets Closed Then Opened Again?

Jan 28, 2009

My program will need to store some settings for when the program gets closed then opened again. I would then like to reload the settings?

- Flat file
- Database
- Registry
- Other

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Persist A Value In An Inherited Class Or Create A Custom Parameter?

Apr 15, 2012

I am making some changes to a fairly old project.It has a DataGrid with an Inherited Class

Public Class CustomDataGridTextBox
Inherits DataGridTextBoxColumn

and a Override Sub Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Paint (.......What it was doing was alternating the Data Grid Line colours New Requirement is to break up some items in the DataGrid By categories So I have added new lines to the data and sorted so they show up ad category headers (Production Stations) And they would like the Category Header to be a different colour and then the alternating line colours to restart.This did not sound too difficult but that has proven a trap Setting the category header is no problem but restarting the alternating colours is Previously the row was determined to be odd or even to set the colour.Now I am intending to use an Integer to define what colour is used but it persists only for that text box.

How can I get it to extend its life so each call can refer to it and update it and set the desired colour?All I need to do is have an integer variable that will hold its value for the next call?

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Save The Settings Of Program So That They Are The Same Every Time Somebody Uses The Program

Apr 14, 2009

I am currently using vb 2008 and want it so when a user registers it will unlock all the extra features and stay that way even after the user quits and restarts the program... I already have everything set exept for the save feature. I don;t know exactly what to do. I just want to save the settings of my program so that they are the same every time somebody uses the program. I heard that you need to go into Project , then properties and then settings... But I don't understand what to do there...

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How To Maintain Application Modified Settings In The Settings Files After A Program Update

Sep 8, 2009

Is there a way to maintain application modified Settings in the settings files after a program update? i.e. I have 10 or so values in the settings file and the users can modify them... when I send a program update they revert back to what I initially programmed them to be.

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Program Function - Says, "The Type For Variable [variable] Will Not Be Inferred Because It Is Bound To A Field

May 18, 2012

Public Class Form1
Dim x, c, number(0 To 19) As Integer
Dim s As Integer


The variables in the brackets [example] do not actually have brackets in them in the original code. These are where the issues are. For both variables, it says, "The type for variable [variable] will not be inferred because it is bound to a field in an enclosing scope. Either change the name of [variable], or use the fully qualified name (for example, 'Me.[variable]' or 'MyBase.[variable]')." Now, I'm not entirely sure if this is a stupid question or not, as I'm used to VB '98 because that's what we use in my programming class at High School. let me know why this won't work.

-Note: The intention of this program is to continually loop the generation of numbers for this list until I tell it to stop. Button1 ends the program, Button2 generates the list one time only, Button3 is supposed to loop the generation of the list, and Button4 is supposed to end the loop, but not the program.

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Get My Program To Remember Settings?

Mar 15, 2009

How can i get my program to remember settings?I have made it so that they click on a register button, if they enter the correct registration code, it will unlock these features. How can i make it so it remembers that the key has been inserted, so when the user next uses the program, they dont have to re enter the key. I think it has something to do with ini files, but im not sure how i can implement it.Here is the

Private Sub Register_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Register.Click
If UserID.Text * (KeyID.Text / 2654) > "2234047144494" And UserID.Text * (KeyID.Text / 994) < "213725721516" Then
MsgBox("The User ID and Key are Correct! Registration is now complete. You now have full access to EVERY feature.

Base.CalenderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
Base.ShowTrackBarToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
Base.HideTrackBarToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True[code].....

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.ini Settings Not For The Program But For The Skin?

Feb 26, 2009

How would I be able to encorporate an ini file that is full of this...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<IpceloynProject CompactMode="1">
<ThemeInfo Caption="Common">
<Class Name="Documentation">


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How To Run A Program By Disallowing Its UAC Settings

Jul 6, 2011

I have a autoit script that I am using for automation testing. My autoit script is called from a file. Dialog box of UAC settings will appear and is stopping the execution of test scripts. Currently I am trying process.startinfo.username and password to give specifically username so it may execute the script. Please guide how can I avoid that UAC during my tests execution.

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How To Set Program Settings Via CheckBox

Oct 27, 2010

I have 2 Forms: (1. MainForm.vb and 2.Settings.vb). MainForm.vb is the Startup form and Settings.vb shows when the MainForm.vb loads. Settings.vb has a CheckBox that allows the user to check if they never want to see the form (Settings.vb) at startup again. When I check it and close the program, then restart the program the checkbox is unchecked. How do I get the program to remember the user selection of the checkbox? [code]Is this a "Writing to Registry" matter?

View 17 Replies

Print Settings In Program?

Jan 6, 2011

On the printer preferences side, paper size is Letter. So when i try printing a Rectangle it is cutting from the bottom, using following code. The reason i found is Printer is not listening the code to change the size from Letter to A4. Only then Length of page will be increased.[code]...

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Program To Make New Settings?

Apr 23, 2012

Is it possible for a program to make new settings?

To enter the settings name, type, scope, value?

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Save Settings In Program?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to save settings in my program as follows. I have an import button to open files. How can I make it so when I start up my program next time, they are already "imported" as a setting or something? *Note - I have not tryed anything as I do not have the slightest clue how.

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Saving Program Settings

Jun 15, 2009

Okay, i have this program that gives the user some settings that need to be saved and loaded when the program runs. Can anyone help me with this?

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Call A Program With Parameter Arguments?

Oct 21, 2009

I build two programs, 1 - bootstrap and 1 - mainprogram

now, mainprogram has 2 constructors, the default and the one which i defined and it accepts an integer the default constructor checks the variable named iscalled a type of integer to have a value of 1 or zero, if its zero then it should shows a message saying "Improper initialization" then exits..

What I mean here is, mainprogram should only run if its called by the bootstrap program.

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Get A Parameter Back After Running A VB Program?

Apr 12, 2010

I need to get a parameter back after running a VB.Net program.

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Send Parameter Value When Run Program From Shortcut?

Nov 1, 2011

i write a exe file in

There is a string variable "filepath" in this program and i want to send parameter value When i run this program from shortcut

exam windows run c:\program.exe -parametervalue

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Unable To Get Sp Output Parameter Value In Program?

Jun 25, 2009

I am having a stored procedure in sql 2005 the procedure is to retrieve year code between two days it works correctly in sql query analyzer and it returns value [code]...

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Change Registry Settings Via Program?

Jul 9, 2010

We have a VBScript that launches an Access app that connects via ODBC to SQL Server - wouldn't you know the server name is changing.

Is it possible to use VBScript to modify the ODBC information in the registry to point to the new server? Basically changing one specific value for one specific key. Am I better off deleteing the ODBC key and readding it from scratch?

View 6 Replies

Make A Program Remember Settings?

Mar 26, 2012

How do you make a program remember settings. For example, first it prompts you for your name, then when you close out of it and start it again, it will display your name?

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Remembering Settings When Program Closes?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm working on program that has two forms. The main form is called 'frmMain'. Second form is called 'FrmHistory'. In the History form, you can check a number of combo boxes to set settings for a grid.

This works.Now, when I close the FrmHistory form and then open it again, I have it so those combo boxes (Settings) are how I left them. This works. I do so via this.


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Save Data To Program Using My.Settings

May 17, 2012

To save data to your program using My.Settings. To do this go to your program's properties and to Settings. Create your variables there and to access them, here's an example:


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Save Personal Settings Program?

Jun 10, 2011

I coded a small application in VB Express 2010 and I wish any one could provide for me some code on how to save personal settings from an options form so that the end user don't have to keep making their personal choices every time that start my application that I created.

Personally I don't have a clue on how to accomplish this feature with in VB Express 2010.

I used check boxes and radio buttons in the options section on a form for the end users choices.

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Save Settings During Program Usage

Oct 27, 2010

I have created a bunch of user settings using my.settings.*** and only save these upon form_closing for the time being.I wanted to save the settings every 30 or so seconds, so I created a timer with 30 second tick intervals. Inside the tick event of that timer I included the code that I had in the form_closing event.While it works to save the settings, it also 'freezes' or 'skips' the main program for about a second or 2 while it's saving. The code to save settings includes looping through at least 2 arrays and adding them to the settings specialcollection object one item at a time.Is there a better way to accomplish this, without 'locking' up the main form for a second or so? Is it feasible to loop through all the settings in a different thread (can you access settings cross-thread)?

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Using A Check Box Tied To A Program Settings?

Feb 22, 2009

I am using a check box tied to a program settings. When I am in form designer my check box property is "unchecked", however, when I debug my program the checkbox is checked.

My value for my settings is set to false and my property setting is also false.

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Add Parameter To Insert Command In Program Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I have two tables and the form contains a text box so I need to add rows of Table 1 to Table 2 and taking the value in the text box for each row is added to Table 2.[code]...

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Pass Particular WebControl Type As A Parameter In Program?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm trying to create a function that searches up a WebControl's parent-child relationship (basically the opposite of WebControl.FindControl(id as String), but looking for a specific WebControl type).


I have a user control in an ItemTemplate for a GridViewRow. I'm trying to reference the GridViewRow from the user control. The user control may or may not be inside a div or other types of controls, so I don't know exactly how many parent's up to look (i.e. I can't just use userControl.Parent.Parent). I need a function that will find the first GridViewRow that it finds on the way up the parent-child hierarchy.

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Change Class Library's Settings From An Another Program?

Apr 8, 2009

I want to change my class library's settings from an another program. For this, I've made a Public property in my class library. It worked right. But this is not my question. I wonder this is a right method? Can I access a class library's settings (My Namespace) from other project directly?


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