How can I play a tone or beep using VB.NET. I don't want to use Console.Beep() because I want the tone to always come out of the speakers, not the speaker on the motherboard.Goldfish64
i'm creating an alarm clock for my computer. my alarm is the console.beep() sound. can I somehow alter the interval speed between the beeps using a trackbar? here is my code so far. all i want to know is how i would go about doing this, i like to learn the specific code on my own.
vb Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load lblTime = lblTime
I have Visual Basic 2010, can you tell me how I could simplify this code without using the last IF statement? In other words, have console.beep when form2 comes up, but with out adding the extra line?What would an easier way to write this be? I mean instead of writing the separate if statement for the console.beep?
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "valentines" And TextBox2.Text = "day" Then Form2.Show() Else MsgBox("That's Not It Theresa!") If Form2.Focus = True Then Console.Beep() End Sub
I have background sound loop with the My.Computer.Audio and it works fine. I want to play another sound (like a beep) when desired without stopping the background sound. Several examples I have found don't seem to work. I am in VB.NET 2008 Professional.
I am in a programming class at my high school and I i was wondering if you can make a keypress eventand make it beep when you hit a letter or a number on the keyboard?
I am writing a program that involves a web browser. The programming I am using that is essential to my question includes a command that when I press enter in TextBox1 it runs the code:
How do I disable the beep on the enter key? I am using KeyDown to use the enter key (instead of the tab key) to advance. But whenever I hit the enter key it beeps.
Public Class Form1 Private Declare Function Beep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal soundFrequency As Int32, ByVal soundDuration As Int32) As Int32
This code is apllicable for windows but when I run this into Window CE 5.0 in a handhaled scanner/mobile computer it wont run. windows are using "Kernel32" how about in window CE 5.0? The error appeared is " Can't Find pinVoked DLL 'Kernel32'.
Is it possible to have a program sound the PC's internal speaker? you know the one that produces C's a BELL.I have tried beep(), but this only produces the error sound on the sound card.I have also tried.[code]With no joy apparently its only good on Vista and above.
I want to let my users use the Enter key to proceed from one text box to the next text box. I have used the KeyDown event to capture the Enter key press, then used the SelectNextControl(DirectCast(sender, TextBox)) to move to the next TextBox control. The problem, there is a Beep when the Enter key is pressed. How can I keep that beep from happening?
The sample below does what I want it to do and that is once I've filled the maskedtextbox and press enter it goes and does stuff. However, because the maskedtextbox is full I get an annoying 'beep'. So I figured I'd just use the tab key, I changed theChrW(Keys.Return) to ChrW(Keys.Tab) but it doesn't fall through, it just changes focus to the next maskedtextbox that I have. Is there a way to lose the beep? Or how do I get the tab key to fall through?
I'm trying to create an annoying alarm messagebox. So when I press a button, I want the computer to display a message box and beep until the user presses ok.
Is a way of creating a program (either in C(+,++,#) or that would be able to send a beep sound through the same line-in that is being used for audacity (not stereo mix)?
I am trying to make a way of syncing up audio and video from 2 different programs, in a similar way that a clapper bored works in the movies.
Would there be a way of using a sort of microphone enhancement that could be created because they affect the microphone input?
Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Long, ByVal dwDuration As Long) As Long I've used that API in both and vb6, but in doesnt work. Why?
i've been looking at something like this A Simple Beep - Reminiscing about ZX Spectrum audio - CodeProject But is not what i'm looking for. I want to know how to create a wav or a mp3 file using the system Beep!Simple i want to write a wav file with the specific Console.Beep(700, 220) Sound.
I just switched to Win7 Ultimate edition 64bit and now the beep functionality via internal speaker (system speaker on motherboard) does not work anymore.The reason is described here (basically M$ trying to clean up their code):url...I used "Console.Beep(a,b)" to notify me that a process has ended.Any ideas how to send some kind of acoustic signal through the internal speaker (any loud noise would do for my purposes).
When I put the command in the form_keyDown event that if I pressed the Ctrl+s, run the some instruction, when the focus in the one textbox control, run one beep sound Simultaneously with the instruction.
I'm trying to create an annoying alarm messagebox. So when I press a button, I want the computer to display a message box and beep until the user presses ok.
I don't want to actually MAKE the pong easter egg, but for anyone with Dreamweaver, try typing 'dreamweaver' into the color selection box to play a round of pong.The bit that I want to know how it works is the bit at the end once you lose.After your loss, it will immediately play a small tune, whether or not your volume is on. In fact, it plays whether or not you have speakers, which makes me think the sound card itself is playing the tune.How can you achieve a similar effect, playing notes without sound or speakers, in I would imagine this requires P/Invoke, seeing as there is no obvious way inside the framework.I don't need a whole song, a simple beep or the ability to change frequency of the beep will suffice.
How do I remove beep sound that comes with "KeyDown" event. When I press enter after I input a employee Id in the text box, there is beep sound. Private Sub TxtEmpName_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TxtEmpName.KeyDown
I've written a keydown event that needs to occur multiple times during the execution of a program, and it needs to play a sound each time. The first time the keydown event is triggered, the sound plays without a hitch. However, the second time (and all subsequent times) the keydown event is triggered, a system beep accompanies the sound. I'm using Studio Express '10 and I've already integrated e.SuppressKeyPress into my code:
I have a method in place to capture the "Enter" button when pressed and then move to the next control in the tab order. I do this to mimic Access (my users are spoiled).The problem arises when the current control is TextBox. I changed all my TextBoxes to multi-line and it got rid of the beep. However, it also added a "carriage return" and entered it as such in the DataBase.
vb Private Sub HandleEnterAsTab(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _
I was wondering if it is possible to play an MP3 file in a console application without using the Windows Media Player control (which is a bit annoying to use and would be more annoying on a console application) or DirectSound (which is not available in VS 2010)?