Loosing An Annoying 'beep' Or Using The Tab Key Vs Return

Dec 6, 2010

The sample below does what I want it to do and that is once I've filled the maskedtextbox and press enter it goes and does stuff. However, because the maskedtextbox is full I get an annoying 'beep'. So I figured I'd just use the tab key, I changed theChrW(Keys.Return) to ChrW(Keys.Tab) but it doesn't fall through, it just changes focus to the next maskedtextbox that I have. Is there a way to lose the beep? Or how do I get the tab key to fall through?


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Play A Tone / Beep Without Using Console.Beep()?

Dec 25, 2010

How can I play a tone or beep using VB.NET. I don't want to use Console.Beep() because I want the tone to always come out of the speakers, not the speaker on the motherboard.Goldfish64

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RichTextBox Annoying Scrolling?

Apr 28, 2011

I have this timer system set up so that every 2 seconds a new line of code is added to my RichTextBox. The problem is, when the box fills up the scrollbar doesn't automatically go down. Every time a new line is added by the program, the user has to scroll down manually to see it. I would think there would be a simple solution to this, but I'm a VB n00b,

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Annoying Writeline When Writing To A File?

Nov 7, 2009

I am writing an array in a file with this loop.

For i = 0 To noatts - 1

This is creating weird results though.


Anyone know why could that be? In other parts of the file writeline works well. It only creates extra lines on that specific section. Btw: the file looks good if viewing by notepad, the extra lines appear when viewing in wordpad. Apparently that matters because when I reuse that file to read some values in my program, it crashes cause it reads those empty lines instead of the attributes.

View 14 Replies

How To Disable Annoying Treeview Tooltips

Jan 6, 2012

[code]when i put this code on my project message appears: Base class 'System.Windows.Forms.TreeView' specified for class 'myTVcontrol' cannot be different from the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.UserControl' of one of its other partial types.

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VS 2008 Annoying In Text Formatting?

Jun 4, 2009

So i wrote a script which does a few things and richtextbox2 is updated as follows:

a = 27,130,000,000
b = 2,930,000,000
c = 4,290,000,000

Problem is, when i copy the contents of richtextbox2 to the clipboard using "clipboard.settext(richtextbox2.text)" and then open up note page, and paste the clipboard contents, it is wrapped wrongly and i get the following in note pad:"a = 27,130,000,000 b = 2,930,000,000 c = 4,290,000,000"

I am using "system.envoronment.newline" in my code to start a new line.

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Asp.net - Annoying Indenting In VB When Editing .aspx Files?

Oct 14, 2010

When I am editing VB code inside a .aspx file in Visual Studio 2010, my code is automatically indented in a bizarre way. I have searched through the options and can't find anything that fixes this. [I thought unchecking Pretty listing (reformatting) of code in Text Editor -> Basic -> VB Specific would for sure do the trick but it didn't]Example -- here is the beginning of a .aspx page:

<%@ Page EnableSessionState="True" Language="VB" Strict="true" %>
<script language="VB" runat="Server">
Dim foo As String

If I go to the end of the "Dim foo" line and hit it will indent. If I fix the indentation, the next line will do the same thing.

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IDE :: Turn Off Those Annoying Popups In The Code Editor?

Aug 27, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 2008. However, the Report a Bug function does not work, which in itself is a major bug.While I am typing in the code editor, these annoying popups keep popping up and completely blocking my view of the code. I have no idea what these popups are showing and do not need them. I have not been able to find any way of turning them off. I consider this another major bug.

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Office Auto-mation :: Annoying Window Pops Up From Hidden Excel?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an application that opens and saves spreadsheet via interop.At start up I set

_excelApp.Visible = false;
_excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false;


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Prevent A Datagridview From Loosing Focus?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a datagridview. If the user adds a new row, and then clicks away from the grid. How can i stop them from doing this?

I want them to finish the row add first or cancel it. I want to then update the table adapter in the grid's leave event.

If the row validation fails, i want to display a message and re-focus to the cell in question.

The first problem i am running into is that the focus continues to go to the control that the user clicked on to move away from the grid.

How do i cancel that event?

As an example, if the grid is on a tab page and the user clicks on another tab page, i want to prevent that page from displaying if there is an error on the row that is being added to the grid.

I was hopeing for a cancel option in the lost focus event of the grid.

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Refreshing Listbox Without Loosing Selected?

Dec 28, 2009

Ok, So I have this prettey simple code to get the window titles of all running programs:

For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If p.MainWindowTitle = "" Then


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Resize An Image Without Loosing Exif?

Mar 29, 2010

That works fine, but the highlighted line creates a new bitmap, so the exif metadata are not exported to the resized image.

Is there a way to resize a picture without loosing exif data?

Creating a new bitmap with the new size is the only way to resize a picture?

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Gridview Loosing Styles In Child Form?

Sep 12, 2011

Window based application:I am populating gridview in a child form on load event as well as formatting gridview cell colors.Data is picked-up from parent form grid(Grid to datatable) by setting up global public datatable variable in child form.

Gridview formatting works fine for the first run.All the future runs the gridview formatting function in the child form is executed but the color changes are not reflected on the grid.

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VS 2008 : Loosing MSSQL Database Saves?

Mar 26, 2009

After a save, if the program crashes before I close the window I am loosing my changes. Is there a way to commit? here is my saving

Private Sub TicketBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TicketBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Converting An Image To An .ICO File Without Loosing Color Depth?

Sep 2, 2011

In a form I have an ImageList named MainLogoImageList containing a 100x100 pixel 32-bit colordepth image. That is my app logo.

I am too lazy to set up an icon editor and edit an icon of that logo, or convert the image to an .ICO file. (Ergh, well, I am not allowed to install custom utilities.)

To set my forms' icon, I use

Icon = IconFromImage(MainLogoImageList.Images(0))

in the OnLoad event handler to set the window icon.

In my about box, i have a PictureBox with no image. In its OnLoad event, I use

LogoPictureBox.Image = MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0)
Icon = IconFromImage(MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images(0))

to set the About box's icon and content.

So far, so good, the icon looks pretty good for a being created from a 100x100 pixel bitmap.

Is there an easy "no utility required" :-) way to get the icon that is returned my IconFromImage saved into an .ICO file so that it will keep the color depth when loaded as the app icon? I want to use exactly the icon that IconFromImage creates.

Saving it using

Dim S As New FileStream("MyAppIcon.ico", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write)

in the main form's OnLoad event handler and loading that .ICO file as the app icon in VS's project properties dialog yields and icon that is obviously converted to 16 colors, and looks awful.

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Decimal Data Type Loosing Accuracy During Calculations?

Dec 24, 2011

I have to display all the digits of 2^90. This is within the reach of the Decimal format which can display up to 2^96-1. The Decimal format stops displaying after the 15th digit.The real answer for 2^90 is : 12 379 400 392 853 802 274 899 124 224 (29 digits)

Here is what I do:
Dim a As Decimal = 2^90
TextBox1.Text = a


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Loosing Database Data When Exiting Visual Studio?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a Visual Basic application that I use to access an SQL 2008 database. When I add a record to my table everything appears to be fine. As long as I keep visual studio running the data remains in the database. But if I exit visual studio and then reopen visual studio the data in the table is gone. I can reenter the data and again everything look fine. When I created this application I selected my SQL Server database from the Add New Item dialog. I selected service-based database. Instead of creating the database from the server explorer. Are there settings I need to change when a database is created this way?

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Move Controls Into A Tab Control Without Loosing Handlers & Code?

Oct 30, 2010

How do I do this? If I cut and paste, then it wipes the code, sometimes the stuff doesn't even show up when I run the program (I guess it's loosing all the handler information) I read about not cutting / pasting controls in the sticky at the top.

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Convert Richtext Box Content To Word Without Loosing Format In Program?

Nov 17, 2010

I copied word content to richtextbox without loosing format perfectly...but now i am editing the content in the richtextbox ...now i want to copy the richtextbox content to word document without loosing any format.

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Forms :: Load Event Only Fires One Time (Loosing Handle)

Jul 17, 2011

I have a form for which the form load event only fires one time. When the program starts. It will not fire again until I end the program and restart. I have tried .show and .showdialog, but it acts the same. I have read about form load events loosing the handles, but my code looks exactly like it should.

Here is the load event code
PrivateSub frmBilling_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load
LoadCPT() EndSub

Here is the code that calles the form.
PrivateSub BillingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BillingToolStripMenuItem.ClickfrmBilling.Show()

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Calculator / Add A Beep?

Jan 22, 2010

I have this:

If (TextBox1.TextLength > 16) Then Return

But I want to add a beep to how can I do it? I mean I can only Return and I want to use Beep() too.

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Beep On Key Press?

Jan 31, 2008

I am in a programming class at my high school and I i was wondering if you can make a keypress eventand make it beep when you hit a letter or a number on the keyboard?

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Beep After Web Browser Navigated

Apr 4, 2009

I am writing a program that involves a web browser. The programming I am using that is essential to my question includes a command that when I press enter in TextBox1 it runs the code:


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Disable Beep On The Enter Key?

Jan 26, 2007

How do I disable the beep on the enter key? I am using KeyDown to use the enter key (instead of the tab key) to advance. But whenever I hit the enter key it beeps.

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Function Beep For Window CE 5.0

Jan 13, 2009

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function Beep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal soundFrequency As Int32, ByVal soundDuration As Int32) As Int32


This code is apllicable for windows but when I run this into Window CE 5.0 in a handhaled scanner/mobile computer it wont run. windows are using "Kernel32" how about in window CE 5.0? The error appeared is " Can't Find pinVoked DLL 'Kernel32'.

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Make A Beep Sound?

Jul 16, 2009

How i can get the beep sound in vb.

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System Beep Sound On XP

Apr 11, 2012

Is it possible to have a vb.net program sound the PC's internal speaker? you know the one that produces C's a BELL.I have tried beep(), but this only produces the error sound on the sound card.I have also tried.[code]With no joy apparently its only good on Vista and above.

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VS 2005 Using Enter Key Without The Beep?

Mar 31, 2009

I want to let my users use the Enter key to proceed from one text box to the next text box. I have used the KeyDown event to capture the Enter key press, then used the SelectNextControl(DirectCast(sender, TextBox)) to move to the next TextBox control. The problem, there is a Beep when the Enter key is pressed. How can I keep that beep from happening?

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Detecting A Beep Sound By Speaker In .net?

Oct 26, 2010

i need to make an app which detects if the speaker has given out beep sound or not

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Detecting A Beep Sound By Speaker?

Oct 26, 2010

i need to make an app which detects if the speaker has given out beep sound or not

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