Annoying Writeline When Writing To A File?

Nov 7, 2009

I am writing an array in a file with this loop.

For i = 0 To noatts - 1

This is creating weird results though.


Anyone know why could that be? In other parts of the file writeline works well. It only creates extra lines on that specific section. Btw: the file looks good if viewing by notepad, the extra lines appear when viewing in wordpad. Apparently that matters because when I reuse that file to read some values in my program, it crashes cause it reads those empty lines instead of the attributes.

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.net - Difference Between Console.WriteLine() And Debug.WriteLine()?

Jun 10, 2010

What's the difference between Console.WriteLine() vs Debug.WriteLine()?

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Debug.writeline Or Trace.writeline - No Output

Jan 27, 2012

in VS 2008, I started a new VB console project, using default options. I wrote this simple program:

Module Module1
Sub Main() Dim ArrayOfInts() As Integer
ArrayOfInts = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}


However, I cannot find the output from the calls to writeline. Not in the Output window, not in the Immediate window and not in the console output.

Or, do I need to do something extra to get these to appear?

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Create A Text File, Then Readline And Writeline It?

Sep 13, 2008

When the form load I needed to create a text file into "C:\Program Files\User\User.text" But if the file exist it will read line1, line 2 and line3 of the text in different textboxes Then if I click save, it will write textbox 1 to line 1, textbox2 to line 2 and textbox3 to line 3.How do I do it?

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Overriding System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine To Log To A File?

May 15, 2009

This may be more of an OOP concept question, but here's what I'd like to do.I have an application that outputs debug information using System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine so it can be viewed with DebugView.I'd like to override/extend (not sure of the proper terminology) this method to log the text to a file instead, or maybe in addition to the Trace output. This would allow me to write a new WriteLine method for my app, and I could leave all my other System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine statements unchanged throughout the rest of the application.?

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VS 2010 Writeline To Text File But Getting Error Because Of Syntax

Jun 20, 2012

I am trying to write line to a text file (a vbs script dynamically created by my program) But i get errors about syntax Here is the line:


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VS 2008 IO StreamWriter -- WriteLine Leaving Blank Text File?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to use StreamWriter to write to a text file; it creates the file fine, but when I open it up, it's still empty. I marked the code below where the writing action takes place.

vb Public Sub BHorse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BHorse.Click
Dim oMarketsReq As New BFExchange.GetAllMarketsReq
Dim oMarketsResp As BFExchange.GetAllMarketsResp
Dim BFWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter
BFWrite = IO.File.CreateText("C:Datamarket.txt")
With oMarketsReq


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VS 2008 Saving To .txt File (WriteLine Overwrites Existing Data)?

Apr 22, 2009

I have the below code simply to save a name and email, however i want to preserve the current lines in the text file.

'Pass the file path
sr = New System.IO.StreamWriter("subscribers.txt")
'Write a line of text.


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Difference Between Console.Writeline And Console.Error.Writeline?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a method called Connect() which connects to a PLC. But if it fails to connect, I want it to try again. So what have come up with, is this:


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RichTextBox Annoying Scrolling?

Apr 28, 2011

I have this timer system set up so that every 2 seconds a new line of code is added to my RichTextBox. The problem is, when the box fills up the scrollbar doesn't automatically go down. Every time a new line is added by the program, the user has to scroll down manually to see it. I would think there would be a simple solution to this, but I'm a VB n00b,

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Write Some Messages To A Text File Using Debug.writeline("Message")

Mar 16, 2012

I am trying to write some messages to a text file using debug.writeline("Message"). Here is the code.

Dim Tr As TextWriterTraceListener
Tr = New TextWriterTraceListener(System.IO.File.CreateText("Output1.txt"))
'Tr = New TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out)
Debug.WriteLine("Test Message")

I see the output1.txt file being created but nothing being written in the file.

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How To Disable Annoying Treeview Tooltips

Jan 6, 2012

[code]when i put this code on my project message appears: Base class 'System.Windows.Forms.TreeView' specified for class 'myTVcontrol' cannot be different from the base class 'System.Windows.Forms.UserControl' of one of its other partial types.

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Loosing An Annoying 'beep' Or Using The Tab Key Vs Return

Dec 6, 2010

The sample below does what I want it to do and that is once I've filled the maskedtextbox and press enter it goes and does stuff. However, because the maskedtextbox is full I get an annoying 'beep'. So I figured I'd just use the tab key, I changed theChrW(Keys.Return) to ChrW(Keys.Tab) but it doesn't fall through, it just changes focus to the next maskedtextbox that I have. Is there a way to lose the beep? Or how do I get the tab key to fall through?


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VS 2008 Annoying In Text Formatting?

Jun 4, 2009

So i wrote a script which does a few things and richtextbox2 is updated as follows:

a = 27,130,000,000
b = 2,930,000,000
c = 4,290,000,000

Problem is, when i copy the contents of richtextbox2 to the clipboard using "clipboard.settext(richtextbox2.text)" and then open up note page, and paste the clipboard contents, it is wrapped wrongly and i get the following in note pad:"a = 27,130,000,000 b = 2,930,000,000 c = 4,290,000,000"

I am using "system.envoronment.newline" in my code to start a new line.

View 3 Replies - Annoying Indenting In VB When Editing .aspx Files?

Oct 14, 2010

When I am editing VB code inside a .aspx file in Visual Studio 2010, my code is automatically indented in a bizarre way. I have searched through the options and can't find anything that fixes this. [I thought unchecking Pretty listing (reformatting) of code in Text Editor -> Basic -> VB Specific would for sure do the trick but it didn't]Example -- here is the beginning of a .aspx page:

<%@ Page EnableSessionState="True" Language="VB" Strict="true" %>
<script language="VB" runat="Server">
Dim foo As String

If I go to the end of the "Dim foo" line and hit it will indent. If I fix the indentation, the next line will do the same thing.

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IDE :: Turn Off Those Annoying Popups In The Code Editor?

Aug 27, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 2008. However, the Report a Bug function does not work, which in itself is a major bug.While I am typing in the code editor, these annoying popups keep popping up and completely blocking my view of the code. I have no idea what these popups are showing and do not need them. I have not been able to find any way of turning them off. I consider this another major bug.

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Office Auto-mation :: Annoying Window Pops Up From Hidden Excel?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an application that opens and saves spreadsheet via interop.At start up I set

_excelApp.Visible = false;
_excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false;


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File I/O And Registry :: Reading/Writing Objects To File?

Jul 5, 2009

So I need to write out an object to a text file as well as read in objects from text files.How do I accomplish this? This is the code i've used to read and write just simple lines of text. Is there a small modification to this or just a different function i use to read in an entire object?

Dim path As String
path = "Security.txt"


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File I/O And Registry :: Text File Reading And Writing?

Jul 17, 2010

I have just recently been using VB 2010 after using VB5. I have noticed a lot of changes. The problem I have is that I wish to open and save text files to and from arrays in the background. I've attached what I would do in VB5. I have searched around, but all the examples I find use a Textbox instead of an array. Can anyone show me how I can do this with VB 2010?

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Save File Dialog And Writing In Text File?

Jun 9, 2011

I am creating a text file using a save file dialog and copying the path to the text box which file is used to write from when i try to write i get an error "The process cannot access the file '....fileName.txt' because it is being used by other program".

The code is below

Public Sub writeInTextFile()
Dim oWrite As New StreamWriter(TxtOutputPath.Text)


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Writing Array Of File Names To Text File

Mar 11, 2010

I am attempting to gather a group of file names from a directory. I am able to do this. I tested the code by having the list populate into a listbox and all desired items were added to the list.

Here is my code:
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(strPath)
Dim dir1 As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.txt")
Dim dFiles As IO.FileInfo

However, a listbox is not my desired output. I am attempting to write these file names to a text file for purposes of then parsing the information to a datatable to compare with another datatable. How to get my filenames written to a textfile.

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.net - Debug.WriteLine Not Working?

Sep 2, 2009

In the past, perhaps versions of Visual Studio prior to the 2008 that I am using now, I would do something like this in my VB.NET code:System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Message")

and the output would go to the output window.Now it doesn't. Something must first apparently be enabled.

If this involves "attaching a debugger", please explain how to do it. It seems to me that it should just work without too much of a fuss.Here's a video explaining the issue in real time and showing you all my settings[URL]..

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Console.writeline Not Working?

May 9, 2011

i've been doing research about this for a while now. I'm pretty sure it's correct, but the console.writeline is not providing any messeges when program is executed. Im using Visual Studio 2010 pro. Is there anything im missing or doing wrong? Here's what i have:


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Why Is WriteLine Not A Member Of ScriptingFileSystemObject

Jun 6, 2010

I probably have something misdeclared but can't find it. I'm trying to open a file to write data into and the last line in the code below gives the message "WritiLine is not a Member of ScriptingFileSystem.Object". I have something similar in another module that works. Maybe I don't have the inheritance correct? This is from VB 2005.

Here is the code

'// Variables for creating/opening the output file.


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Writing File/Folder Sync Prog, Result Text Boxes Not Updating Untill After All File Action Is Done Even Though Update Code Comes Before Copy?

Apr 12, 2011

I am working on a program using VB.Net 2010 which will enable me to setup groups of files & folders for back up with syncing capabilities etc. I have a concept program which is based on some sample code I found out in one of the VB.Net forums. I have modified it from a command line based program to a form based program. At the moment I consider this code to be a "concept" program which once I have the various copy/sync routines developed and debugged will be integrated in to another program I wrote for
creating "Back Up" groups to automate the process. There are some 3rd party programs that do similar things that I want to do such as Microsofts Sync Toy, but none of them offer the grouping and exclusions options that I am going to program in to this backup/sync program.

So here is my problem, I have the included code taking two folders, a source and a destination, and copying everything from the source to the destination. It will skip over any unchanged files/folders and will delete anything found in the destination folder that is not found in the source folder and it will update all files in the destination folder that have a newer version in the source folder. In other words it will mirror image the source to the destination but will be smart enough not to copy unchanged items from the source to the destination thereby saving a lot of time. The sync part of the program is working fine, the displaying of the progress and results is not.


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File I/O And Registry :: Writing An Array To A File?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a structure in memory which is working fine - now I need to write this entire structure to a file.The below code almost compiles, the problem is that "mstaRecordInfo" cannot be changed to a string, probably because of the Date field. I've just spent over an hour experimenting and searching the web but have gotten no closer to a solution


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File I/O And Registry :: Writing Array To A File?

May 31, 2011

I am trying to print the contents of my array to a text file, but instead of just printing whats in the array it prints all indexes even if they are empty.

this is the code i am using..

FileOpen(3, "garbage.txt", OpenMode.Append)
Dim intCounter As Int16
For intCounter = strFirstName.GetLowerBound(0) To strFirstName.GetUpperBound(0)


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File I/O And Registry :: Writing Data To File?

Jun 6, 2011

for a school project I have to write data from a listbox to a new file that a user can create. I can create and save a file no problem, but for some reason I can't write anything. I followed the textbook provided but when the file saves, I open it up and it is blank. I'm using fileWriter.WriteLine and I'm just test something basic to write to a file first and I can't do it:

Private Sub storeFileButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles storeFileButton.Click
'creates a new file
Dim result As DialogResult ' stores the file
Dim fileName As String ' name the file to save the data


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VS 2008 Writing To Same File Twice Causes File To Be Cleared

Jul 11, 2009

Well I'm in the middle of making a program to edit .ini files. Although I have hit a snag. I can save my settings (relies off checkboxes) with ease, however if I change something and/or hit the save button again even after the code has finished, both my entire .ini files are cleared (filePath and filePathPrefs) and all text is gone. Here's my


why it's clearing the .ini file even after the initial write worked? I've tested to make sure the entire code has finished before making another save with different settings but the issue happens again.

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Wizwig Editor Using WebBrowser Control Shows Annoying "This Page Has Been Modified Message"?

May 19, 2009

I am using a webBrowser control in vs 2008 to be used as a wiziwig editor to edit newsletters, everything works find but when I specify designmode = "On" -Me.webDESIGN.Document.DomDocument.designMode = "On" And try to load the webBrowser control with another newsletter, it comes up with this annoying message "This page has been modified Do you want to save changes". I need to somehow supress this message and don'twant to do anything, I' have already saved the page at this time. I tried the solution her

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