Playing Sounds (.wav, .mp3, Etc) From Gamepad Input

Nov 22, 2009


I just got back into VB since being, at best, a hobby programmer with VB6. Wow, so much has changed since then, so I feel like I am starting all over again.

After much hunting and searching, I found that great code sample that shows the input from the game pad/joystick. (Finding visual basic 2008 and gamepad input information isn't easy!)

Now I want specific buttons to play a random file from a specific folder.

The application runs on a Netbook, which is a bit light on resources. I would prefer to play WAVs and MP3s with something that's less resource intense than windows media player. (Perhaps its very easy to do so from the code level. I've noticed WMP is so loaded with visualizations and so forth, its hard to turn all that crap off)

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Playing Two Sounds At A Time?

May 26, 2012

how do you do this playing two sounds at a time?

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Playing Two Sounds Simultanously?

Nov 8, 2009

Is it possible to play two sounds using SoundPlayer simultaneously. I have got 2 sounds, one a music file which keeps on playing in the background and a message sound that will play if some condition is true over that sound. Is it possible??

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Playing Multiple Sounds Without Using DirectX

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible to stream more than two sounds simultaneously in .NET without using DirectX?

To obtain foreground and background effects I currently use the following:

' Background music
Private bkMusic As New SoundPlayer(My.Resources.bkm)


SoundPlayer is a wrap around to the win32 API:

Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

While for actual in game sound effects I am using a class that implements:

Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpszCommand As String, ByVal lpszReturnString As String, ByVal cchReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

It works. 1 snd effect at a time overlapping / mixing with the background music. But I am on the hunt for a better method which allows me to stream multiple snd effects simultaneously. DirectX is not an option, because most people (my audience) don't have the SDK (software development kit)

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Add Effects To Sounds That Are Playing Using The Mediaplayer Control?

Sep 15, 2009

is it possible to add effects to sounds that are playing using the mediaplayer control?. i have tried using directsound which works good and i can add effects to the sounds playing but it wont play mp3 files and i have looked all over for information on directshow which does play mp3s but all the examples i managed to find all have about 50 lines of code just to play one track and dont show how to add effects.

i need to play several sounds at the same time and add different effects to each track and also be able to play - stop - pause each individual track at will mediaplayer i can do this but dont know how to add effects directsound i can do all of this but cant play there any way to add effects using mediaplayer control? or does anyone please know where i can see a code example in directshow that adds effects to the sounds playing?

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Game Programming :: Playing 2 Sounds At One Time?

Feb 19, 2009

Its me again the newb programmer. lol why does it not allow you to play 2 sounds at the same time? the back ground loop ends when the button click sound is played :/ and I'm using vb express 2008 .net


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VB 2010 Direct Input With GamePad?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a form with 2 labels on it, the first label displays the USB game pads name (once found) the second i want to display the button pushed, here's what i have so far:

Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Public Class Form1
Public _device As Device


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Make An Option For Making A Playlist Instead Of Playing The Sounds Right Away When Press The Button

Nov 7, 2010

I have a Form that has several buttons on it, and each one plays a certain mp3 file. Thing is I want to make an option for making a playlist instead of playing the sounds right away when you press the button, adding them to a ListBox. So the code would look something like this on Button1_Click


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Gamepad Support - Get Code For C# ?

Dec 2, 2011

Well I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition & I have already coded support for buttons & sticks for the most part basically(I can't detect the two different triggers as two different values so I can't know when one is partially down when ones pushing in the other stick or letting that one go) I can't detect the guide button....also I can't make the controller vibrate...

Is there a way to solve this? I don't want to download C# express edition or visual studio trial & xna just to try & get code for C# which may include code I don't know what I need to copy(+translate to vb) or classes/functions not available in the Visual Basic language.

Can anyone help me so I can make this from VB? I want them to be able to use the buttons to move around the user interface(not a game), the guide button to be used to bring up a menu to turn off the controller & such like that & vibration feedback so they are sure when they pushed a button & an action was carried out for example....

---My last post was moved off-topic telling me to post in the xna forum but I don't want to build this using xna game studio or C# language that you must have installed to use xna game studio....I need this code for VB.NET if it's even possible to do at all, reccomendations to use XNA/C++/C#,F#, etc...these will be ignored as I don't want to have to download & install XNA or the express editions for all the different coding languages just because one thing in my own isn't turning out easy for me to work with.

If i had the money for visual studio this would be no big deal but im a single developer basically(all the coding for the program) & don't have enough money for the tool that could allow me to easily make a project using any language I want without having to download & install all the express editions seperately & start them up seperately when I want to work with certain projects.

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Register Gamepad As A Mouse ?

Mar 10, 2009

I want to use a gamepad as a mouse/keyboard in a online pc game. Im using a program called Xpadder to allow me to work the mouse/keyboard, but it wont work in game because it simulates the mouse. The game blocks the dll file that allows you to manipulate the mouse/keyboard, so that they can prevent bots.
So what if somehow i registered the gamepad as a mouse? So that its not simulating a mouse, it is a mouse.

If i could fool the pc into thinking it is a mouse then when they game receives inputs from it, the game would accept them because it also thinks its a mouse.

How would i do something like this?

I suppose i would have to make a mouse driver that worked with the gamepad? But i dont know how to do any of that stuff...

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Use Forcefeedback On A Gamepad In VB 2008?

Sep 6, 2009

How do I use forcefeedback on a gamepad in Visual Basic 2008?

I can only find things that relate to C++

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VS 2008 Handling Xna Gamepad Button Press?

Oct 4, 2009

I have an xbox 360 guitar hero x-plorer controller and I was wondering if anyone here knows how to handle the event of a gamepad button press in the xna framework.

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VS 2008 Sendkeys To Xbox 360 Controller Gamepad?

Oct 4, 2009

I was just wondering if there was a way to send the button value of a button on a controller to the controller. What I mean is, if the xbox 360 controller was a windows form, clicking the mouse on one of the buttons would be like regular button presses, and then the button.performclick for that button would also press that button. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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Get Media Playing Now Playing Using Sendmessege / Wmp.dll?

Jan 22, 2010

How I can get the Media playing now playing using Sendmessege or wmp.dll?

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VS 2008 : Write A Small Application That Is Able To Read What Button Is Pressed On The Gamepad?

Sep 13, 2009

I have this gamepad: [URL]I want to write a small application that is able to read what button is pressed on the gamepad.I've seen this thread:[URL]but this does not read the input of the controller, it only initialize it.[URL]

View 7 Replies

How To Play Sounds In Vb 9

Nov 25, 2009

well i wanted to make a piano with visual basic 2008 and i searched around the internet to see how to play a sound but my search returned results relating only to visual basic 2005 & 6 so i am again forced to waste your time

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Mute Sounds JUST From An App?

Apr 8, 2010

How can I mute sounds JUST from my app?

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Play Wav And Mp3 Sounds Using .net?

Apr 23, 2010

i need a way to play wav and mp3 sounds using vb net. its has to be able to play more than one sound at same time and also to play the same sound again even if it has not finished playing

i tried this

Dim ch As String
ch = Chr(34) & TextBox1.Text & Chr(34)
mciSendString("open " & ch & " alias s1", Nothing, 0, 0)
mciSendString("play s1", Nothing, 0, 0)

it plays the sound once then will not play any other sound at all.

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Why Cant Hear Any Sounds

Nov 23, 2011

Turns out, visual basic cant play wav files under 100 kb :S, just needed to edit my wav file with audicity to extend it and increase its size.

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Click The Button Sounds ?

Jun 4, 2011

I need help for button sound that when i click the button sounds.

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Grab My Background Sounds?

Feb 10, 2010

Is there a way to hook the computers sound card and record the sounds?

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Multiple Sounds With Directx?

Dec 22, 2009

i have a little project I have been working on over the past few days just a simple piano project, during making it I used directx sdk To allow me to play multiple wav files at the same time. everything worked out great got the piano working and was able to play some sound effects while I banged out a master piece on the piano . So the next step was to make an exe file , I knew that once I used directx sdk I might run into a problem when trying to make an exe to run on all my PCs that dont have directx sdk installed on them .

My question is it possible to make an exe that will allow my program to run on any pc even without directx sdk installed?

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Play 2 Or More Sounds At The Same Time

May 4, 2011

What is the simplest way to play two or more sounds at the same time? It should be a light software.

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Possible To Play Two Or More Sounds At Same Time?

Feb 2, 2009

Is it possible to play two or more sounds at the same time (i.e., one plays in the background and one plays a sound effect) and if so, how can I do this? I am having problems because it is cancelling one of the sounds out when the other starts.

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Resolved How To Play Sounds In Vb 9

Oct 29, 2009

i wanted to make a piano with visual basic 2008 and i searched around the internet to see how to play a sound but my search returned results relating only to visual basic 2005 & 6 so i am again forced to waste your time (sorry about that) oh and i also have the wav soundfiles i only want vb to read them in the final exe

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Sounds - Play Two .WAV Files At Once

Dec 7, 2009

I am making a program that plays a sound whenever you hit a button, and was wondering if there was a way to play two .WAV files at once. Here is what the code looks like:


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VS 2008 Play 2 Sounds At Once?

Dec 11, 2009

How do i play 2 sounds at once? i have a sound effect on a button, and when i press it, it does the sound effect of the button and stops the music sound

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Adding Sounds Like Clicks To Program

Jul 1, 2011

i would like to add sounds like clicks to my program. for example someone clicks a button and a buzzing sound would occur.

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C# - Recording And Saving Sounds From Applications?

Oct 17, 2009

I Would like to make an appliaction in c# (or that records every sound that comes out from the speakers when i tell it to, and when im finished i want to push a button and save it as an mp3 (or some other format).

So far i have only found APIs that can record something from a microphone.

Is there anything in the .NET framework or is there some API for making this possible?

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Deleting Controls (sounds Dumb)?

Oct 29, 2009

I was transferring a lot of controls from one form to another and somehow along the way I ended up with a lot of "extra" controls and apparently when you do this they don't retain their Names so they are all default-type names (Label1, Textbox1, etc)I can see them all listed in the properties window dropdown box, but they are not on the form. Selecting them from the dropdown does not reveal where they are at on the form either.

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