Polling A SQL Server For New Tickets And Inserting Them Into A Dataset For A Car Wash?

Mar 24, 2012

We are writing a program to work alongside our SQL/VB.NET-based POS system.We can both co-exist in the same SQL instance, but we have to keep the two databases separate. Any extra columns that don't belong in their tables causes their DB maintenance to fail, so I have a second database with all of their table names, with column 1 being the GUID from their table, and the remaining columns are the ones that I needed to add, and I'm going insane having to split between the two. I've looked into a lot of different ways to handle my issue below, and the only thing that I can seem to get working are datasets created at runtime through code. I can get SELECTs into my program just fine, but my problems are when I want to run loops on the datasets, and then insert, update, or delete back to SQL.

My first problem is that every time I run the select command to fill the dataset, it duplicates the entries in the dataset. The only way I know how to stop it is to clear the dataset before each poll, but I don't want to erase what's in the dataset. I want to insert the records that don't exist, and update the ones that have changed since the last poll. How can I say "only insert new records into the dataset that are not already in there"?

I have a Windows service set up with a timer that runs a "Check for New Tickets" function stored in the SQL Server every 5 seconds to check for new tickets. It returns 1 if there are New Tickets, or 0 for No New Tickets. When SQL returns 1 to the service, then the service will temporarily stop the timer to process stored procedure 2, which gets all the new ticket GUIDs and inserts them into a dataset to process. The part that I'm having trouble with is using if-then logic to run different procedures based on different variables returned from the database (i.e. what items are on the ticket, who created the ticket, if it's from workstation B, run this procedure, mark the ticket as synced, etc.) So my goal is to get data from the SQL server, run logic to update the dataset, and then update it back to the SQL server, or insert/delete/etc.). I know it's possible because this book I have steps you through it, but the book's examples don't fit what I'm trying to do.

For example, there is a bit column called 'TicketHasCarWash', 1 is yes, and 0 is no. If the ticket has a car wash, I need to determine what kind of car wash they have. There is a table called 'TicketItems' where the car wash type is stored. I need to say "For each ticketGUID in the dataset where "HasCarWash = 1", UPDATE LocalDataSet SET CarWashType = (SELECT CarWashType FROM SQL.dbo.TicketItems WHERE TicketGUID = @TheTicketGUIDOfTheCurrentRowInTheDataset) Next.

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Communications :: Polling A Server For A Value Using TCP

Jun 3, 2008

We have a server in the building that we can poll for barometric pressure using TCP. Another developer uses LabVIEW to do this, so it may be a little more straightforward for him.

Here are the instructions:[CODE...]

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Inserting New Record In Msaccess Using Dataset

May 17, 2011

I am trying to insert a new record into msaccess2003 mdb file my version is VB.net 2005, it doesnt show any error and also when i open my access db file, there is no record inserted, And also how can i format the date field it is giving me error, how can i convert the txtdate.text to date compatible with ms acess.[code]

View 1 Replies

VS 2010 Inserting Dataset To MySQL?

Feb 2, 2012

I know this is simple, but for some reason.. Im just simply trying to take my whole dataset and put it into my premade mysql tables.


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Inserting Records To Two Separate Tables Via DataSet

Dec 19, 2009

I've got a form where a user enters data. When the user submits that data, it inserts a record to two separate tables via a dataset. One of the records has no problem being saved into the database (in the table it was put into), but the other record seems to temporarily be in there (according to a third form), because it exists for the duration of the application, but when I exit, and then check the database, it's not there, and it's not shown on the third form when I restart the application again either.

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VS 2005 Inserting Records From Dataset To Table?

May 11, 2012

Im inserting records from a dataset to access table by selecting a key(dix) from a listbox. below is the code Sub loop2(ByVal dix)

table_name1 = "TestStepDetailTable"
con.ConnectionString = dbprovider
'MsgBox("database is open")


The problem is when i insert a first key(dix) records its coying fine. But when i insert the second set of records in is sorting int he table. but when i looked at the dataset by using gridview the recods appears in a right order. but the updated table is somewat sorted order. Is there any possible way to insert the records in the same order in the dataset..

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Inserting Data In Multi Tables Using Details View In DataSet

Mar 27, 2009

There is a "how do I video" on how to properly control updates, inserts and deletes in multi-user applications on forms that edit master-detail related data. [URL] Massi worked through the process using Order (OrderID is PK) as the master table and Order Detail (OrderDetaiID is PK) as a related table in dataGridView. The dataGridView automatically generate orderDetailID whenever the mouse enters in a new row. I am doing a similar form, but placing order form and orderDetail form in two separate tabs in a tabcontrol, and also using Details view for both tables. When I click "new" button in BindingNavigator, the orderID is automatically generated. If I use dataGridView for my orderDetail tab, then the orderDetailID is automatically generated when the mouse enters. This allow me to insert/update tables correctly. However I need the Details View for my orderDetail form too. How do I get a orderDetailID automatically generated when user insert a new order and have the mouse click on OrderDtail tab?

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VS 2005 Polling Data From Devices?

Aug 19, 2009

We are currently polling data from devices and sharing these data using shared memory. So other applications can get the data off from the memory mapped files.

Now we are moving on to web and we are still using the same method of using asp.net to read data off the memory files.

Would like to find out if there are better methods of doing this?

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How To Extract Info From Textbox Using Timer (polling Every 5s)

Nov 23, 2009

I was told to create a project that requires me to extract information from a created textbox to another. This will happen only when the timer reach every 5s. How do I do this using timer that will allow it to run and automatically record the copy the result to another textbox after every 5s.Thx for helping

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Inserting MDB Data Into SQL Server DB?

May 4, 2009

OK i am using the following code to copy data in an MS Access database to an SQL Server DB

Dim cmd As OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM [" & CurrentTable & "]"
Dim u As SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy = New SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy(CurrentRSConnection) 'SQl Server Connection String Try CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Sql Server - Inserting A PDF File Into Sql Using VB?

Apr 21, 2011

i'm building a vb application using VB2010 and SQL2008, this is application is used in the university to add lectures and assignments as a PDF file into the database.

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Inserting Data From Front End To Sql Server?

Jun 22, 2010

I have designed a front end screen for a simple login page with two fields username and password in ASP.net/VB.net. I want the data that I enter into the textboxes to be populated into the database, on click of submit button and a confirmation message like 'Your data has been entered successfully'.Please explain me two things.1.How can I connect to the database and how should the insert statement be?

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Inserting Data In Sql Server Through Combo Box?

Mar 15, 2012

i wanted to get some information on how to insert data into sql server through combo box selection. i have 2 values in combo box. 1 is admin and 2nd is employee. basically its an employee registration form. if during registration the value is combo box is selected as employee to that value in combobox should be saved in sql server usertype field.

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Inserting Data Into SQL Server Database?

Jan 1, 2012

I am currently using HDI Membership provider and the design looks as shown below:Now I am trying to create a new user and insert those values into the database as shown below:

Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=HDIMembershipProvider;Integrated Security=True"
Using cn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)


Now the problem is the data is not inserting to the database.

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Inserting Data To SQL Server Database?

Nov 21, 2011

I have tried to insert data to SQL Server 2000 database but in vain. I am using Visual Studio 2010. I am using the below code that does not generate any error when i click on the button to insert but instead it inserts NULL as a string in the table for both column. show me how to write a simple application that inserts some data to a database table.Below is the code I have so far managed to write and am using an sql datasource:


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Sql Server - Inserting The Values With Condition?

Feb 7, 2010

Using SQL Server 2005 When i insert the date it should compare the date in the table. If it is equal with other date, it should display a error message and also it should allow only to insert the next date.For Example




Insert into table1 values('20091202')The above query should not allow to insert the same value Insert into table1 values('20091204') The above query also should not allow to insert the long gap date.The query should allow only the next date. It should not allow same date and long gap date.How to insert a query with this condition.Is Possible in SQL or VB.Net

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Error While Inserting Data In The Sql Server Database

Oct 9, 2011

I'm using the following code to insert the data in a table and i am getting the error at cmd.executenonquery()....The exception is labelled as SQL exception and the underlying message says "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated." [code]

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Inserting Data From DataGrid Into SQL Server Table

Apr 15, 2012

How to insert data from a populated datagrid into sql server table and how to make the values conform to the specified datatypes construct in the sql server side. Assuming the datagrid headings have already been created in the sql server side.

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Inserting Records In Access/SQL Server Through VB 2010?

May 5, 2012

how to connect to databse from vb and insert records ?

View 4 Replies

C# - How To Print Tickets / Invoice

Sep 18, 2011

Any class written in C # or VB.NET that serves to print tickets in a mini printer?
Printer: EPSON TM-U220PD

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Cinema Tickets Using Loops?

Mar 19, 2012

im new to this site and also a beginner on visual basic During form load, the number items required in the Adult ticket and Child ticket CBO's must be populated with code using a single For Loop.The Items Collection in Design mode must not be used to populate these CBO's1. Movie ticket prices, taxes, and fees are as follows:a. Adult Matinee - $9.25


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Error While Inserting Record Using SQL Server Stored Procedure

Jul 4, 2009

I am using sql server 2008 as database server. I have created "AddTest" stored Procedure and using it in my app,

Dim cn As new SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * from dbo.Subjects", cn)
Dim ds As DataSet


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Inserting 10 Digits Number From Textbox To Sql Server 2005?

May 23, 2012

It try to insert 10 digits number to database sql server through textbox it give me this error.Here is the code which i use for validation the textbox

Private Sub contacttxt_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles contacttxt.KeyPress
If (e.KeyChar < Chr(48) Or e.KeyChar > Chr(57)) And e.KeyChar <> Chr(8) Then


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VS 2008 How To Make Printable Tickets

May 20, 2010

I was wondering how I could make a "ticket generator" for say. I want it to be something like this. I want to have a couple of textboxes for passenger details, then I want to have to push a button and it input whatever is in the textboxes into a specific spot on a ticket

View 23 Replies

VS 2008 Printing Bingo Tickets

Feb 3, 2012

I am developing one desktop app for printing Bingo Tickets, Can you please help or provide any links to guide me on how to print the tickets.I am able to generate the required random numbers, what is best way to put the numbers in table format and print them as shown in the picture.

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Sql Server - Inserting Values Into Master And Transaction Table At The Same Time

Sep 29, 2009

After inserting into masterTable it returns an ID. With that ID I want to enter more than one row into a transaction table.

I am using two separate procedures. The problem is, after inserting the record into master, and while inserting into the transaction table, if any interruption occurs I want to abort the corresponding insert of the master table.

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Sql Server :: Stop Inserting Records In SQL Table When A Limit Is Reached?

Sep 25, 2009

My Problem is that I want to give user a message if the delegate limit has reached for that course.See I have a course where I have MinDelegate and MaxDelegate limit. I want to stop inserting and give user message that "Max Delegate limit has reached can't have more delegates for this course"And below is the insert commmand which is inserting records in my delegate table.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspInsertDelegate]
@CourseID int,


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Sql Server - Updating SqlClient Dataset Table With OracleClient Dataset Table?

May 5, 2012

I use a dbDataAdapter to populate a DataTable from an unlinked oracle database.I have a dbDataAdapter that I want to insert rows into an SQL Server table using SQLCommandBuilder.I have been trying all day to update the DataTable that references the SQL Server table with the data from the Oracle DataTable so that I can insert the rows.

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Asp.net - Inserting Records From Multiple Computers In The Same Database At The Same Time In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a web portal designed in ASP.NET in which we ask customers to enter the data. On the click of submit button all i have done is, just read the data and called a stored procedure which inserts that into a table. There seems to be a problem in SQL Server 2005 while inserting the data from multiple computers at the same time. We have tested in our lab with three computers, result is that we get the data inserted successfully in only one machine and on the other two machines we get error on page. I have used transactions in the stored procedure and also tried setting the isolation levels to READ_UNCOMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE and SNAPSHOT. Nothing seems to work properly.

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Create A Tool For My Group (6 People) That Tracks Tickets?

Apr 12, 2009

first wanna say, awesome forum here wish i'd found it sooner so basically im trying to create a tool for my group (6 people) that tracks tickets they work, basically we work jobs by ticket request and im trying to create a tool/program where they can enter:the ticket number if they completed,pending etc and notes of the job i figured it was gonna be easy, do a simple GUI that saves the info to a excel sheet or a access DB file.

that is basically how it looks. what im trying to figure out and hoping to get some help on is what is the best way to go about this? would a access DB work out better? (since i am hoping to expand it later like add a auto date/time function etc)how do i get it so when i hit the "submit" button it copies the fields and puts them into the DB file?

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