VS 2008 Printing Bingo Tickets

Feb 3, 2012

I am developing one desktop app for printing Bingo Tickets, Can you please help or provide any links to guide me on how to print the tickets.I am able to generate the required random numbers, what is best way to put the numbers in table format and print them as shown in the picture.

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VS 2008 How To Make Printable Tickets

May 20, 2010

I was wondering how I could make a "ticket generator" for say. I want it to be something like this. I want to have a couple of textboxes for passenger details, then I want to have to push a button and it input whatever is in the textboxes into a specific spot on a ticket

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VS 2008 - Print Dialog Box Would Come Up And Bingo They Could Print The Contents Of The Listbox

Jun 9, 2010

Basically on my form I have a listbox containing data. Under the listbox I want to place a button named "btn_PrintData" or something to that effect. The user will click this, the print dialog box would come up and bingo they could print the contents of the listbox.

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C# - How To Print Tickets / Invoice

Sep 18, 2011

Any class written in C # or VB.NET that serves to print tickets in a mini printer?
Printer: EPSON TM-U220PD

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Cinema Tickets Using Loops?

Mar 19, 2012

im new to this site and also a beginner on visual basic During form load, the number items required in the Adult ticket and Child ticket CBO's must be populated with code using a single For Loop.The Items Collection in Design mode must not be used to populate these CBO's1. Movie ticket prices, taxes, and fees are as follows:a. Adult Matinee - $9.25


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Shuffle Bingo Numbers?

May 16, 2010

I want to shuffle the numbers in each column of _bingoNums(,)I've included the code I've tried thus far that dosen't work.

Dim _bingoNums(,) As Integer = {{1, 16, 31, 46, 61}, _
{2, 17, 32, 47, 62}, _
{3, 18, 33, 48, 63}, _


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Bingo Game (Random Image From 1 - 49)

Feb 4, 2012

I have done allot so far but now im stuck on this:

1. i have 35 picture boxes on my form

2. i have a folder with 49 images (.png) 7 colors * 7 numbers = 49

3. i have 2 timers 1st set to 3min. second to 2 min.

evrything is good so far what i need to do is when timer 2 starts to start drawing the balls (images) from the folder

It needs to be random and only 1 image each round

I dont get it done sitting 2 days watching youtube videos and googeling about it and still nothing i got it that far that it shows random images but then i get same image 4 or 5 times on the form.

View 4 Replies

Create A Tool For My Group (6 People) That Tracks Tickets?

Apr 12, 2009

first wanna say, awesome forum here wish i'd found it sooner so basically im trying to create a tool for my group (6 people) that tracks tickets they work, basically we work jobs by ticket request and im trying to create a tool/program where they can enter:the ticket number if they completed,pending etc and notes of the job i figured it was gonna be easy, do a simple GUI that saves the info to a excel sheet or a access DB file.

that is basically how it looks. what im trying to figure out and hoping to get some help on is what is the best way to go about this? would a access DB work out better? (since i am hoping to expand it later like add a auto date/time function etc)how do i get it so when i hit the "submit" button it copies the fields and puts them into the DB file?

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Polling A SQL Server For New Tickets And Inserting Them Into A Dataset For A Car Wash?

Mar 24, 2012

We are writing a program to work alongside our SQL/VB.NET-based POS system.We can both co-exist in the same SQL instance, but we have to keep the two databases separate. Any extra columns that don't belong in their tables causes their DB maintenance to fail, so I have a second database with all of their table names, with column 1 being the GUID from their table, and the remaining columns are the ones that I needed to add, and I'm going insane having to split between the two. I've looked into a lot of different ways to handle my issue below, and the only thing that I can seem to get working are datasets created at runtime through code. I can get SELECTs into my program just fine, but my problems are when I want to run loops on the datasets, and then insert, update, or delete back to SQL.

My first problem is that every time I run the select command to fill the dataset, it duplicates the entries in the dataset. The only way I know how to stop it is to clear the dataset before each poll, but I don't want to erase what's in the dataset. I want to insert the records that don't exist, and update the ones that have changed since the last poll. How can I say "only insert new records into the dataset that are not already in there"?

I have a Windows service set up with a timer that runs a "Check for New Tickets" function stored in the SQL Server every 5 seconds to check for new tickets. It returns 1 if there are New Tickets, or 0 for No New Tickets. When SQL returns 1 to the service, then the service will temporarily stop the timer to process stored procedure 2, which gets all the new ticket GUIDs and inserts them into a dataset to process. The part that I'm having trouble with is using if-then logic to run different procedures based on different variables returned from the database (i.e. what items are on the ticket, who created the ticket, if it's from workstation B, run this procedure, mark the ticket as synced, etc.) So my goal is to get data from the SQL server, run logic to update the dataset, and then update it back to the SQL server, or insert/delete/etc.). I know it's possible because this book I have steps you through it, but the book's examples don't fit what I'm trying to do.

For example, there is a bit column called 'TicketHasCarWash', 1 is yes, and 0 is no. If the ticket has a car wash, I need to determine what kind of car wash they have. There is a table called 'TicketItems' where the car wash type is stored. I need to say "For each ticketGUID in the dataset where "HasCarWash = 1", UPDATE LocalDataSet SET CarWashType = (SELECT CarWashType FROM SQL.dbo.TicketItems WHERE TicketGUID = @TheTicketGUIDOfTheCurrentRowInTheDataset) Next.

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Forms :: Random Numbers For Bingo Card?

Jan 7, 2010

Random Numbers for Bingo Card?

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Create An Application That Allows User To Enter Number Of Tickets Sold

Apr 16, 2012

i'm having a bit of a hard time on setting up the calculations.There are three seating categories at a stadium. For a baseball game, Class A seats cost $15, Class B seats cost $12, and Class C seats cost $9. Create an application that allows the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each class and the total revenue.

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Bingo Game, Change Color Of Chosen Items?

May 11, 2011

I have created the random bingo calls needed with the standard bingo letter restrictions.. i.e. B = 1 - 15, I = 16 - 30, etc. I have a form with 5 columns with B I N G O at the top and the corresponding numbers beneath. Those are labels named lblB1, lblB2, etc.

My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to get get the text to change on the called tiles. Logically it would be easiest to use something like

varLabel="lbl" + varCalled
varCalled.Forecolor = red

Where varCalled is the ball number being called.But.. that is not the case. (I'm at work so can't submit the actual code at this time.. will do so later if needed)I've done some searching and can't find anything that helps out.. but searching for "change label color dynamically" comes up with how to change the color of a label at runtime.. not sure how else to search on it.

View 6 Replies

Eliminate Duplicate Random Numbers For A BINGO Game?

Nov 24, 2011

how to eliminate duplicate random numbers displayed in labels ( a column of 5 labels). This is for a BINGO game i am doing. I have tried a Do .. Loop until structure with a for next but i am not sure how to proceed:

For NumB = 0 To 4
B(NumB) = Int(15 * Rnd() + 1)
itemarrayB(NumB).Text = B(NumB)
Loop Until

View 2 Replies

Generate A Category Report That Calculates The Percentage Of The Tickets Whereby The Ticketstatus Are Closed And Opened?

Apr 14, 2009

i need to generate a category report that calculates the percentage of the tickets whereby the ticketstatus are closed and opened.I have to get the percentage of opened tickets by:(number of open tickets/total number of tickets) * 100 with that, i came up with a function in the class

below is the code:

Public Function DBSelect_TicketCategoryOpen() As DataTable
Dim local_dbConn As New SqlConnection
Dim local_sqlCommand As New SqlCommand


View 4 Replies

Complex Process Of Making Typical Housie / Bingo Game Ticket?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a typical Housie/Bingo Game ticket in Asp.net 2.0 (VB). But, not being succeeded. Ticket contains 3 row with 9 columns. Total 27 blocks, and it must be only 15 should be fill outta those 27. and each column contains value like 1st column should be between 1-10 and 2nd must have random values between 11-20.. It doesn't matter how many blocks filled in each column.. 1 is must, no single column should be blank, all 9 columns must be filled, some have all 3 blocks filled, some have 1 with total of 15 blocks filled in whole ticket. with random numbers..

View 1 Replies

Stop Printing And Paper Feeding In The Middle Of Printing In Dot Matrix Printer?

Jul 1, 2010

I need stop printing and paper feeding in the middle of printing in dot matrix printer.(Like a POS Printer - When wrote 'End Doc' on POS printer can stop paper feeding)

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Printing On DotMatrix Printer (Ascii Printing) - Print Wont Come Right

Dec 6, 2010

I am using VB 2008 & Access Databases for creating WinForm Applications. Also i am using Crystal Reports for Report solution. my question is How do i created reports such a way that they can be printed in faster Ascii Format on any DotMatrix printer. The default true type fonts make printing very slower.

I tried to use "Draft 10 cpi" font which come to available me after i installed a correct driver for my Epson printer. which also helped me overcome this problem. however it wont be the scenario with all my clients i.e. they might have different printers having different Make with different drivers installed. i have tried to open such project on there PC but the printing wont come in Draft instead the fonts get expanded too much & the print wont come right.

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Program To Randomly Select Numbers For A Bingo Caller - Prevent Reversed Numbers Being Selected

Mar 6, 2011

I have just about completed a .NET project to write a program to randomly select numbers for a Bingo caller. Over the last month or so Ive learned a lot about .NET but heres something that I consider to be odd and maybe one of you guys can offer an opinion.

One of the features of calling Bingo in a small local club is that callers often use little sayings to accompany certain numbers, I expect youve all heard of (say) All the sixes, clickety click for 66 or 5 and 9 the Brighton line for 59 etc. My little program gives an option to incorporate these with a prompt for the caller that can be edited outside of the program. One of these conventional sayings is used when a number is reversed 12 followed by 21 or 45 followed by 54 for example, when the caller might call (say) 1 and 2, one dozen, number 12 And the other way round 2 and 1, twenty one.

So, I programmed in a bit of code to detect this and to over-ride whatever might otherwise have been the quote with And the other way round and set about testing it. Ive been through literally dozens of full 90 calls watching for the occurrence of a reversed number, spent a few hours doing it, and not once has it occurred which is to say the least, unusual.

So, Im wondering about the Rand Function, could it be that it isnt possible for a reversed number to be selected? Just so you know, I randomly pre-select the order of all 90 numbers, I fill each of the 90 elements of an array with a random number first checking that the number selected hasnt already been stored, if it has, I just get the next random number (and check that too of course), but I cant see how that could prevent reversed numbers being selected, especially in light of the fact that frequently it's not the 'next' number that's used.

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Printing An External File In Its Own Printing Routine

Apr 19, 2010

I basically have an application that generates reports in a .html file, I use a .html file for the ease of making tables and formatting text.Now I would like to introduce a way of printing the reports from my program. Because I use a .html file, the formatting would not the correct if I was to print it directly from my application (as far as I know). For this reason, I would like to print it just like my web browser would have in order to keep the tabular data intact and the text formatting.

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Schedule Printing And Check First If There Is Pending Job Before Printing?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm creating an application which has an scheduler to print and it checks if there is a pending job on the print queue before it prints the next file. I use a timer which checks if there is any file to be printed on my database. Example, the timer ticks and selected 10 files to be printed, it should print the 10 files 1 at a time, if there's no print queue, that's the only time the next file should print. I think another timer is required which will keeps on checking if print queue is done. How will i do this?

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VS 2008 Printing In .Net?

Jul 8, 2009

I have this Dim CurrentPrinter As PrintDocument 'This must be declared.


I'm trying to print a small label but it constantly throws errors. I've never printed in vb 2008.

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DataGridView Printing In .NET 2008?

Aug 17, 2010

Making a comeback after five years, I am greatly impressed by the functionality of the DataGridView.It seems to me that the most obvious omissions are:

1) numeric columns, numeric up/down columns, date columns, list box columns;

2) printing a DataGridView;

3) binding a DataGridView to a database table when the database is selected at run-time. I see that several software houses offer products to complement the standard Microsoft DataGridView feature, all of them at a hefty price. I am satisfied with the RustemSoft product's DataGridView column features but it does not seem to offer any help with printing.Before I spend another $80 on DataGridView software, I would like to find out whether free coding is available for cut-and-paste or download. Maybe these features will be included in the next version of VB.NET but I cannot wait for that.

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Printing MSChart In Vb 2008

Apr 8, 2010

How do I print a MSChart in vb2008?

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VB 2008 - Printing Via Windows CE

Mar 6, 2009

i hope i am posting this in the right place. i have developed a application in vb.net 2008 prof for smart device. all is working fine the data storage and retrieval. now my prob. is how do i print a report? i don't see any printer dialog. i have done a lot of search and have come to know that to print via windows ce we need to use some ESCAPE characters (which i dont know anything of) can some one pls. guide me to a eg. where i can understand it pls.

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VS 2008 Cancel Printing Job, After It Has Been Sent?

Apr 5, 2009

if I print 100 copies of say, my document, is it possible to cancel it after say 30 seconds, if the client does it, and has made a mistake, can I have a UI with a cancel button allowing them to stop it? or once it has gone to the printer, is it too late?

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VS 2008 Printing From A Datagridview

Aug 24, 2009

I would like a favour i'm using visual basic 2008, i want to make some reports and print from a datagrid.

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VS 2008 Printing PDF Files

Oct 12, 2011

I am using the adobe pdf control in my app to load a pdf file and I call the PrintAll method to print it. I then tried to loop through pdf files by loading and printing each. But it only prints one. It seems not to runi n synchronous mode. It done one and then is done because it did nto have time to load and print the others? Not sure.Does anyone know how to print multiple pdf files? I've already tried many codes I saw for calling the pdf with shellexecute and other ways but it does not work.

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Not Able To Import System.Printing In VB 2008

Oct 16, 2009

I am trying to develop an application to monitor and keep track of all the prints in the office.I have gone through some of the tutorial and found out system.printing has the functions to do so. But when I tried to import it, it says name space or type specified for system.import doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found.

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Printing :: VB 2008 Prints The Same Page Over And Over?

Feb 16, 2010

I have tried to create an amortization program The issue that I am having is that the program wants to print the same page over and over again. The first page of the printout runs through the "While loop" appropriately, but when the second page starts printing, it repeats the information that is on the first page. This is true of all subsequent pages I have included the printing portion of the code.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click(ByValSystem.Object,System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPrint.Click 'Defines printed page


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Printing Querries In VB Express 2008?

Oct 7, 2009

I am trying to find the most simple way to print up a query in Visual Basic 2008? am doing this for a company where I am trying to keep the User's from doing anything that could mess with the data, and would like a way to print that is simple.

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