Generate A Category Report That Calculates The Percentage Of The Tickets Whereby The Ticketstatus Are Closed And Opened?

Apr 14, 2009

i need to generate a category report that calculates the percentage of the tickets whereby the ticketstatus are closed and opened.I have to get the percentage of opened tickets by:(number of open tickets/total number of tickets) * 100 with that, i came up with a function in the class

below is the code:

Public Function DBSelect_TicketCategoryOpen() As DataTable
Dim local_dbConn As New SqlConnection
Dim local_sqlCommand As New SqlCommand


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Coding A Button That Calculates A Set Of Label Answers And Represents A Percentage Answer In A Different Label?

Feb 19, 2010

Private Sub uiSCORE_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uiSCORE.Click
'Displays Correct or Wrong in Labels
If ui1Textbox.Text.ToUpper = "FOOD" Then[code]....

I finally finished all my labels and textbox codes for this button.But now I have to code it so that I will be able to click the button and it will calculate all the wrong and correct answers in the labels and then finally place the percentage score in the uiScorePercentagelabel. What I dont understand is how to calculate all the different labels as one and then show the percentage right in the appropriate label.

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Connections: Opened And Closed?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a Visual Studio 2008-SQL Server 2005 app that will be throwing alot at it. It's my testbed learning app. I'm also a student of this craft(43 years young) like another poster posted on another thread. I come from a PICK/BASIC jBase background. Anyway as-is my app has a connection to the database that is opened on form load. I close the connection on form close. It's a one form app currently. Is this wrong? It seems that maybe I should not have a connection opened possibly all day. I'm looking into incorporating Datasets, dataAdapters into my next phase of evolution. I looked at the material and it's tough. For me anyway. But I will get into it. I will fetch the data into a dataset so that I can keep the connection open only for a little while. I was turned on to this "keep the connection just as long as you need it" idea from someth

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Opened Connections Are Closed After Transaction?

Mar 31, 2009

I am in the situation on preventing connection leaks. and one of the possible solutions is to make sure that all opened connections are closed after transaction. That means closing the sqldatareader too.

I am confused on the part of closing the sqldatareader. if the method that will be read by sqldatareader encounters error, it is not successfully initialize. If this happens, i will encounter an error once i close the sqldatareader. does it mean the most proper way of closing sqldatareader is like this?


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Stop The Fade In Out Of The Forms When They Are Opened / Closed In Vista / 7?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an app that opens and closes several other forms. How can I stop the fade in out of the forms when they are opened/closed in used in Vista/7? It just gets annoying.

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VS 2010 Store Some Settings For When Program Gets Closed Then Opened Again

Jan 2, 2012

My program will need to store some settings for when the program gets closed then opened again. I would then like to reload the settings, and I was wondering what is the best way to do this with VB?

- Flat file
- Database
- Registry
- Other

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VS 2005 : Determine Whether Processes Have Been Opened Or Closed During A Given Time Frame?

Feb 11, 2010

Is there a way to determine whether processes have been opened or closed during a given time frame? I'm working on code that will take an initial copy of your processes list, and then based on a timer, continue to take copies, which will compared to the initial processes list to determine which processes have been opened or closed until the timer ends. I'm capturing the processes list's in an Array list.

Dim processesList As String //Initial processes list
Dim processActivity As String //Opened or Closed processes
Dim processesAtStart As New ArrayList // Initial processes as ArrayList (To Compare)
Dim processesCheck As New ArrayList // Latest processes as ArrayList (To Compare)


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Generate Runtime Legent In Report Viewer Chart Report?

Mar 11, 2009

i have tride to generate report by using in built functions of report viewer. but it disply only the default color in to the legend. in my report i am showing chart report by using student marks and their name. the chrt bar color get changed as per the students marks means if student is pass then the the report bar display with green if failed then with red color i want to show the legend with student pass and fail status but on my x axis i have given a only a marks column value and it s showing only marks lable in legend but i want to show it with their status means pass with green color and fail with red color if anybody have the answer of this query plz reply immediatly

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VS 2010 Program Will Need To Store Some Settings For When The Program Gets Closed Then Opened Again?

Jan 28, 2009

My program will need to store some settings for when the program gets closed then opened again. I would then like to reload the settings?

- Flat file
- Database
- Registry
- Other

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Crystal Report Connection Not Getting Closed Using SetDatabaseLogon

Oct 19, 2011

I am using crystal report (procedure bind) which is not releasing connection when I exit from report. I am passing parameter to crystal as :


Which closes connection in UI but not releasing connection of crystal report.

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Report Percentage Of File Writte By A File Stream?

May 30, 2009

is it possible to report the percentage of file written by a file stream wile it is writing a large file?I am using a code like this one to write a large file

Using Fs As System.IO.FileStream = System.IO.File.Create(FolderPath)
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter()
bf.Serialize(Fs, data)
End Using

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Generate A Report Using A Printdocument?

Sep 28, 2009

I have written a timeclock application for my employees and am trying to generate a report using a printdocument.The problem I'm having is finishing out the entries on another page. This code is causing the remaining entries to be printed on the same page over top of the original ones.Here is the basics of the code.

Private Sub prtReport_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles prtReport.PrintPage
Dim TitleFont As New Font("Times New Roman", 22)
Dim HeaderFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 14)
Dim FooterFont As New Font("Microsoft San Serif", 6)


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Generate Report For An Application?

Jul 18, 2012

i need to generate report for my application and i don't know how to go about it.

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Generate Report From Database?

Aug 12, 2011

i am new beginner of visual basic, could you give me step by step to generate report using visual studio 2005 and my database is sql 2005.currently i am using a windows aplication..

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How To Generate Automatic Report

Nov 2, 2010

I need to generate a report of my software automatically at 0.00 everyday.I'd thought in a timer, but I think that'd be pretty inefficient.Does anyone know how to generate this automatic report?

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Filter Dataset To Generate Report?

Aug 31, 2009

Im generating a report for a billing system, user makes a payment and have to print it.I Created a dataset with a custom query, something like select ID,Detail,value,client from. that gives me all transactions.With that I fill a report.Now I need a way to filter so the report only show the current transaction (I have the ID but don't know how to change the dataset query).How can I do this? or there is a better way to resolve this?

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Generate Report From Encrypted Data?

May 17, 2009

I want to get input data from user and encrypt them and save to database. Is it possible to retrieve this encrypted data and show in DataGrid?

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Generate The Report Base On The Selection?

May 3, 2006

I am currently working in an access database.Using, I made a form wherein a user can sort data he wanted to generate in a report...sorting are done by selecting the order_date of the transaction(e.g. from 12/01/2005 to 05/03/2006) then he had to select an account(e.g. company name) and lastly exam(e.g. urine test)...Upon completing the selection on the three fields, I want to generate the report base on the selection...I am obliged to use crystal report for this...

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Using Crystal Report To Generate Reports?

Jun 12, 2011

My program is using Crystal Report to generat reports. Fine. Everything worked in 2005 and Crystal report XI. But know, when I have build the project in 2010 I cant open the reports any longer from the program.

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Generate Excel Report From Access Database?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to generate an excel report where the data is coming from access database using VB.

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How To Generate A Crystal Report From Gridview Data

Jun 8, 2011

generate a crystal report from gridview data!i ady can get data in gridview through the code below!How can i generate a crystal report from this???

Dim sColList, sTableName As String
Dim DT_Data As New RS_UtilityService.dsSDFSystem.sp_DynamicSQLDataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet


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How To Generate Custom Report In Specific Format

Dec 14, 2011

I am working on a simple window application (VS2010,VB.NET). It's an HR management App - Employees records.I need simply insert/edit Employee Info, reports in Excel (with out crystal reports) & Show in Grid.So I am thinking of using Telerik RAD WinForms (2011) only because it looks cool. But I also know that Telerik could be a real pain when you need more flexibility.Although my application is quite basic still I want to determine whether I should go with Telerik or just use standard Windows Forms functionality? How can I generate custom report in specific format.Also It would be nice if some one point me to some sample application or VB.NET windows Tutorials?

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Generate A Report That Shows The Products Ordered For A Given Customer?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm trying to generate a report that shows the products ordered for a given customer.

I'm getting an error on the line that states:

lblList.Text &= rowInvoices(
& " "
& rowInvoices("Quantity")

The error message states: Column 'ProductCode' does not belong to table Customers.

I have three tables: The Customer Table, which points to the Invoice Invoice table via the CustomerID.

Also, the Invoice table, which contains the product code, points to the Invoice table via the InvoiceID.

If possible I'd like to bring in the Products table to get the Product description.


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VS 2005 Generate All Data In Database Using Report Viewer

Aug 20, 2011

i have probleam with my reportviewer, After i generate my report it only show 1 row from my database, My report also to big which is width until need 2 page . Any advice how i can generate all data in my database using reportviwer.and how i can resize my report. For you info i use visual studio 2005 and sql 2005. I also attach here the picture of the report and my database contain

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Disable Excel Export Option When Generate A Report Via TReportViewer

Apr 19, 2010

How can I disable the Excel export option when I generate a report, via the ReportViewer, in my winforms application? In particular, I want to hide the toolbar button that refers to Excel output/export task, and not .the one that handles to the pdf export option.

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Software To Build Program - Use Crystal Report To Generate The Sheet For Print

Feb 8, 2009

I need a software to build a program that can do the following:

-use a sql server 2005 express maibe
-use a sql server 2000
-connect to mysql
-use crystal report to generate the sheet for print

Until now i use the vb6 to work with that things that i have say but i looking for a new language because vb6 is a "little" old but i dont want spent many time learning a language for say to my self "damn this program cant do what i want" i have seen many versions of visual basic and one of them is the visual basic 2008 express that is free, but what is the limitation of this software? i can build all of that i build in vb6? i have the same controls? i know some controls dont exist in others versions of visual basic 2005,2008 etc but my question is the visual basic 2008 express if good for what? until now i dont spend many time using this software because the language if a quiet diferent from vb6 the vb6 to .net have many diferences but i need know is if i learn use the visual basic 2008 express i able to use the others versions? like visual basic 2005 and others products the is more professional?

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C# - How To Print Tickets / Invoice

Sep 18, 2011

Any class written in C # or VB.NET that serves to print tickets in a mini printer?
Printer: EPSON TM-U220PD

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Cinema Tickets Using Loops?

Mar 19, 2012

im new to this site and also a beginner on visual basic During form load, the number items required in the Adult ticket and Child ticket CBO's must be populated with code using a single For Loop.The Items Collection in Design mode must not be used to populate these CBO's1. Movie ticket prices, taxes, and fees are as follows:a. Adult Matinee - $9.25


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.net - DataReader Not Closed When Connection Is Closed, Consequences?

May 31, 2011

for example i have this code :

Sub Month()
Dim Conn As New Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand
With Cmd


What will happen to the datareader when the Connection is closed ( Conn.close)

Will the Cursor that is used by the datareader be freed ? or will it stay open ?

If the cursor that is used by the datareader is still open , when will it be automatically closed ? or should i just closed it manually ?

Will it cause the dreaded "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" ?

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VS 2008 How To Make Printable Tickets

May 20, 2010

I was wondering how I could make a "ticket generator" for say. I want it to be something like this. I want to have a couple of textboxes for passenger details, then I want to have to push a button and it input whatever is in the textboxes into a specific spot on a ticket

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