Populate Object With Data?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm looking to populate an object then display the data to labels.[code]...

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.net - Populate An Array Of Object Based On DataReader Data?

Jun 30, 2010

I am not sure how to phrase my question properly but I want to achieve something like this.

I have a class named Products public class Products

private ID as Integer
private Name as String
Public Property ProductID()
Return ID


When I do the same, I am getting an error "Object Reference Not Set to an Instance of an Object.

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Populate A Data Object Containing 30+ Properties From A Database Table

Sep 21, 2010

I have a need to populate a data object containing 30+ properties from a database table. I could create a simple class containing a public variable for each of the required properties, but I don't want to.

Is the following code a bad idea:

Public Class DtoEmployee
Public EmployeeId As String


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Populate A Combox Box With Counter Object?

Feb 27, 2009

How do i populate the combo box with counter object like in add counter dialog box in Perfmon in Xp.bottom line is i would like to get a dialog box like in perfmon add counter

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Populate Listbox From Items In List Object?

Jan 4, 2012

trying to write an updateview method to basically clear the contents of the current listbox and then loop through a list of objects and pass 2 items from each of the objects in the list into the listbox.This is what I have so far

Public Sub updateview()


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Populate System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Object From A Text?

May 6, 2010

Say I have a text file I want to load it to a System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

object dim a as System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

set a = a contains many systems System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection object.

Each line in text.txt go to an element in a.

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Office Automation :: Populate Access Data Table To Data Grid?

Nov 11, 2010

The control comes up blank??Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1


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VS 2008 Populate Object With List Of Windows Users Without Changing Datatypes?

Jul 25, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I need to populated a ComboBox and a CheckedListBox with a list of the Windows Accounts on the host computer. I also need to the user to be able to apply settings to the users individually. Thirdly, I need to find a way to add a startup registry key in the CURRENT_USER for a different user than the "Current User" (For example: User1 is an Administrator. User2 is a Limited Account [can't modify registry]. User1 needs to add Registry key to User2's "CURRENT_USER". This is a parental control application so the Admin accounts need to be able to access the registry from all users without affecting all users at once. I do not have any code to paste because I still have not the foggiest idea of where to start. I think it probably has something to do with an array (I have no experience with arrays whatsoever) but I am stumped from there. I'm a new, self-taught programmer so I speak idiot at times,

Summary of Questions
1) How do I retrieve a list of Windows Users?
2) How do I populate the objects above with such a list?
3) How do I interact with the items on that list (specific user accounts)?
4) How do I modify another user's CURRENT_USER Registry key?

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Forms :: Populate A Data Table With Some Data From Text File

Mar 29, 2010

Here is the code that I already have:


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Have A List Box With A Custom Data Template Populate With User Data?

Jul 2, 2011

I am working on a project and I want to have a list box with a custom data template populate with user data. My question is, when I click on an item in the list box, how can I tell what item I selected? Basically, if I select "kevin", I want to display his data. If I select Dave, I want to display his data. I do not know how to get the data our after it is bound...

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Format Date In Data Grid View Object Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm trying to set the format of a column in a datagridview.When I put the format statement in the on load event for the form, it has no effect. When I put it in the cellformatting event I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. I checked the column name. What I am doing wrong?

This is the code:Private Sub MeetingTblDataGridView_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles MeetingTblDataGridView.CellFormatting
Me.MeetingTblDataGridView.Columns("Starttime").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss"
End Sub What I'm trying to do is get rid of the date part of a Date/Time field (stored in an Access database) in a datagridview column.

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Failure To Create Data Controls To Access Database Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

May 3, 2011

I was create Access database with Access 2003. I create VB project with Visual Studio 2005 Standard With connection wizzard I create coonect with this Access database, select all tablesI see this database inside Data sources and inside Server explorer Test connection is OK When I drag and drop table from Data sources, Wizzard don't create DataGridView, DataSourceBinding etc .. and I see popup window with mesage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object and then "game over"

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How To Populate ListView With XML Data

Apr 13, 2010

I'm programming in VB, using Visual Studio 2008.This is a Windows Forms program.GOAL: I want to populate a multi column ListView1 with the <Name>, <Calories>, and <Fat> of each <Food> when I click Button1.

Objects I'm using:
Profile.xml (not technically an "Object," I know ...)


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Populate A Datagrid With The Ff Xml Data?

Apr 15, 2012

I can populate a datagrid in vb.net with the ff xml data. `

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Populate Data For Each Row In Listview?

Aug 15, 2011

it's a search listview and i want to retrieve the data all i want is to populate a data in listview per each row

here's my sample code
Dim objDataReader As OleDbDataReader
objDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader
If objDataReader.HasRows = 0 Then


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Populate Each ComboBoxCell With Different Data?

Dec 12, 2011

i have two DataGridViewComboBoxColumn that i add at run time i need the items of the first DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to stay the same in all the rows of the gridview but i want the items of the second DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to be different from row to the other depending on the selected item of the first DataGridViewComboBoxColumn


HOW FILL COM 2 PER ROW Dim ID As String = COMBOBOX1.VALUE dt = DB.returnDataTable("SP_UNITS_NAME", ID)


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Populate Grid With The Data?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a data grid, and I am pulling data from a mysql table. How can I populate my grid with the data? I also want it so when someone double clicks the item it will perform an event. How can that be done as well?

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Populate ListView With XML Data?

Jan 30, 2012

I have some trouble populating ListView with XML data. Writing data in XML isn't a problem. The following figure is an example XML data.[code]...

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Populate PDF Document With Data From SQL?

Nov 3, 2009

We have a lot of PDF documents and would like to save information filled in by the user in SQL database and then pre-populate the answers in multiple PDFs for printing. We'd also want user to digitally sign the pdf and store the signature in database. Ideally I'd like to create VB project with form that users would fill in and then information should "flow" into existing PDF. Then later I'd setup some reports based on user-filled information. We probably will purchase Adobe LifeCycle software to use with PDF.

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SQL Data To Populate Graph?

Jun 15, 2009

I have created a function to create a string to populate a y axis with data:

Function talktosql() As Double
Dim ConnString As String = "Data Source=MARK-WORKMSSMLBIZ;Initial Catalog=Yahoo_data;Integrated Security=True"
Dim SQLString As String = "SELECT [RDSA.L] FROM yahoo_data.dbo.XLON"
Dim SqlDataAdapter1 As New SqlDataAdapter(SQLString, ConnString)


so it should for example come out like this:

Dim yValues As Double() = {55.62, 45.54, 73.45, 9.73, 88.42, 45.9, 63.6, 85.1, 67.2, 23.6}

I cannot seem to get the data from the function into the right format to populate "yvalues".(the msgbox that I put in at the end in the first code renders the result "0")

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Asp.net - Populate A Dropdown List With Data?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a dropdownlist that I want to populate with a specific value and specific text. I'm not using a datasource but I am manually making a connection and retrieving data in code. How can I populate this dropdownlist? If I read the data with a datareader and increment an array I only get either the value or the text. This is what I have so far, but it is completely wrong:

//connection string etc goes here
Dbcmd2.CommandText = "select dept,deptname from table"
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader[code]....

How can I get this to work without having to create a class object for Department? Is there anyway or should I create the class object?

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DatagridView - Populate Data From The Database?

Jan 10, 2012

Im new to vb.net and would like to know the very basics on how a datagridview works? how does it populate data from the database? what process does vb follow to update this datagridview? I'm trying to get my head around the following terms and need some explaining how they work and how they are linked? if possible, is there a link to a diagram that explains this?


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How To Populate A Combo Box With Data From A Database

Jun 6, 2011

can someone please give me basic steps on how to hard code a combo box to display a column from a database?

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How To Populate Combo Box With Data From Access

May 1, 2011

Im trying to pooulate a combo box in vb.net 2008 with information from my access database, but I have no idea how to do thi :S im trying to get it so that the customer names from the database appear in the combo box this is as far as i've gotten for my form load.[code]

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Load Event And Populate Data

Jul 7, 2010

<Visual Studio 2008 / VB.NET /SQL 2008>. I have a form that populates data when Load event occurs. The problem is it looks like a slow motion movie when the form is loaded since there some quite amount data is populated. This is happen because I put a coding to populate data on Form Load event. Is there anyway that I can prevent the slowing down of form load event? I guess best thing is load form completely and trigger populating data.

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Populate A Treeview With Data From And Xml Document?

Jul 19, 2009

I am trying to populate a treeview with data from and xml document.

The loading of xml is no problem i have done that a million times over, the problem seems to be able to fill the treeview with content. My problem is this: I have a treeview with this in it:


now... the program loads all units from xml. so when it encounters for instance a unit with a "<class>" tag containing HQ, how do i make it put it in the HQ node? I cant make it put new nodes into existing ones, only into new ones....

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Populate An Ado.net Dataset With Only Changes From The Data Source?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a simple access database that a log record gets written to a few times an hour.

I'm trying to make a DataGridView that shows that data as it arrives.

My "Solution" is simple;

when a user clicks the view -> read from the database (fill the datatable) -> update the view.

Not what I dreamed of, but functional, if totally sub-optimal.

However, my "solution" is a dud, using fill draws every single record from the database, even if there are already 599 on screen.

Really, I just want fill the datatable once, and add new records as they arrive (or on click if needs be).

Bonus point if you can also explain another way (that isn't called so often) to hide the ID column, and change the header of column 1 (named DateTimeStamp) to TimeStamp.

Public Class FormMain
Shared dataAdapter As OleDbDataAdapter
Shared logTable As New DataTable("log")


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Populate Combo Box Through SQL Data Reader Using DAL,BAL & UI

Jun 17, 2010

How to populate a combo box using SQL Data Reader in DAL, BAL and UI atmosphere. Please find below my code snippets and correct me if I'm wrong anywhere in this code.

'DAL Code

Public Function PopulateComboBox() As SqlDataReader
_cnCon = New SqlConnection(_conString)


What should be the UI code? Is the code specified in DAL and BAL is correct? I knoiw how to fill the combo box with values from SQL Data Reader. But I dont know how this can be done in 3 Tier application.

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Populate Data From Excel To Listbox?

May 12, 2011

i think the answer is to loop each of the cells/columns/rows in excel then show it in the listbox... i think.. the problem is i don't know how...

is populating from a text file the same with populating from an excel file?

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Populate Data From Note Pad Into Listview?

Apr 29, 2009

currently i have created a note pad which contain names

For Example : ( inside the note pad ) Sam1


But it not showing up in my listview1 box , it seem to go straight into the Error Msg ( File not found )

Private datCallDefaultResult As StreamReader
Private Sub frmTesting_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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