Populate Results From Combobox To Textbox?

Jan 9, 2009

Im using a combobox that bound to a DataSet. The Dataset retreives it's values from SQL.

I can retreive the values fine. However only displaying (1) Column. Which is fine.

Here's where it gets complicated for me. The dataset has 2 other columns that get filled. I need the resulting columns to be sent to text boxes when I select a value from the combobox.

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Populate A Combobox Using The Results Of A SQL Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm having a devel of a time getting what I figure is something simple to work.

I need to set up a Combobox where the list of items is created by accessing a stored procedure.

The SQL code is simply (I left off the code to create the sp);

FROM vw_CodeList

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Datatable Rows - Populate A Combobox With All The Results Where A Condition Is Met

May 5, 2012

I've populated my DataTable will all the results from a SQL search. Upon a button click I want to populate a combobox with all the results where a condition is met. My DataTable as a column called UserID and I want to add all results where the UserID is equal to a set value (for example 12). I can do this to add all results and I guess I could add a if statement inside this to be If Entry.Tag = 12 Then but is there a better way?


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Combobox To Populate Textbox?

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so far only gets the names from sql server but doesnt show the corresponding id in the textbox. I have been searching and cant find anything similar to this.

this is the code for combobox. i placed it in the formload


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Combobox To Populate Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to display an ID which is a primary key in my table by selecting the corresponding name in my table. the names have been saved in a combo box and depending on the name selected the textbox will display that Id. the code I have so far only gets the names from sql server but doesnt show the id in the textbox.

this is the code for combobox. i placed it in the formload

Public Sub RtnCmbVal()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim str As String = "select ConsultantId, FullName from Derma_Consultants"


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Populate A Textbox From A Selected No From Combobox?

Feb 7, 2009

I had a combobox which is generating auto number from DB. i need to get data automatically to the ramain ing textbox , if i select a no from combo.[code]...

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Take Orders - Populate Textbox From Databound ComboBox

Dec 1, 2010

I got a pizza shop and the assingment is to create a application which allows the user to take a customer's order... I have a combo box filled with all of the items you can order (data from an access file)... and I need to have it so that when you select an item, it shows up in a text box below... I keep getting an error message saying you can't convert datarowview to string..

Here is some
Private Sub TakeOrders_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'PROJECT4DataSet.Items' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Populate Combobox Textbox From List

Jan 24, 2012

I have a form with a textbox that holds data relating to job priority. txtPriority.Text = "Low" or "High" I have an amend button on the form that when clicked displays a cmbPriority object with a list that has "Low" and "High" in the list. When I click the amend button I want to the cmbPriority.SelectedText to = whatever is in txtPriority.Text. The item in the field will always be in the list. I have my combo box set to cmbPriority.Dropdownliststyle = DropDownList.

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Populate Textbox Based On ComboBox Selection Not Using Databinding

Apr 27, 2010

I have a form, frm1 w/a combobox, cboLocations, which is being populated using a sql string. There is also a frm2 w/a series of textboxes and other comboboxes. I want it so that once a selection is made from cboLocations, the textboxes and comboboxes on frm 2 are populated with the corresponding data. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmLocations
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=f03d3s-dev01; Initial Catalog=dos_track;User Id=vbuser; Password=tran3;")
Dim depot_refnbr As Integer
Private Sub frmLocation_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

What's happening right now is that I make a selection from cboLocations on frm1 and click on the OK button, frm2 loads, but none of the textboxes are populating and one of the comboboxes, cboDepot, shows the different data when you click on the down arrow, but it's not displaying anything it its text field when frm2 loads.

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Results From Query - Populate Textbox Controls With Query Result?

Mar 11, 2010

how to take a query that returns a single row of data and load that data into textbox controls.I know about ExecuteScalar but it is only good for a single column of data from the query.

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VS 2010 Populate Textbox With Excel Data Based On Combobox Selection?

Nov 29, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Express: I have a form with a combobox that is populated with the names of locations from a datagrid which in turn was imported at run-time (Form_Load) from an Excel database. The Excel database (and the datagrid) also stores the information for addresses and phone numbers for their respective locations.

What I would like to do is have the phone number and address text boxes automatically be updated with the proper corresponding data when the user selects a location from the combobox. Whether the text boxes are updated from the datagrid or Excel database is not a concern; I'm mainly looking for whichever way is simpler.

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Populate Combobox With Database, Select To Populate Second Combobox?

Jan 27, 2011

I need to pull from an access database to populate a combobox. Then from there I need to have a second combo box populated depending on the selection in the first box. My thought of an example would be a website that is setup for selecting car make, modle,year...can that be done in VB?

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Add Array Values And Populate The Results In A Specified Text Box?

Jun 21, 2010

How could I add array values and populate the results in a specified text box?Then repeat for each line after. Then get a final total.

For example:
1 2 3 4 5 (15)-text box

1 2 3 4 5 (15)-text box

2 4 4 3 5 (18)-text box
(48)-text box

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Adding To StringArray - Populate Results From A Table

Sep 22, 2009

I'm trying to populate it with the results from a table in a dataset, something like Dim MyStringArray() as string = {Me.MyDataset.MyUsers.Rows.Tostring}. So I would end up with, StringArray() = {"Bob", "Jane", "Sally"}. I know I'm missing something very simple but I'm just not getting it.

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Cannot Populate The Data Grid With The Results Of Loop

Mar 9, 2009

why I cannot populate the data grid with the results of my loop>

Public Class FormInput
'The disabled close button declarations;written by Achmad Zeanuri
Private Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400


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Populate A Listbox Control With T-SQL Query Results?

Dec 17, 2009

populating a Listbox control with the results of a T-SQL query in VB.NET? Here is some code to start with:

Dim myconnection As SqlConnection
Dim myda As SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As DataSet


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Search Dataset And Populate List Box With Results?

Jul 28, 2011

I do however have a slight background with VBA particularly with MS Access, so I am not completely lost.I am recreating my Access database application in VB.net.I created a new project and added an Access database through the wizard, which automatically created a dataset for the database. On one of my forms I have, esentially, a search form. What I want to happen is have a text box, and as I start typing display a search result from my customers table in the list box under it. So for example, I type "A" and all customer names that start with "A" are displayed in the list box.I continue typing with a "p" (full string is now "Ap"), then all customer names that start with "Ap" are displayed and so on...

I did search on my own first before posting this and found a few tips but cant really get it to work the way I want. This is what I have... I know I would put this code in the keypress event of my test box, but just until I get it working I attached it to a button to search. (I basically got this online and not even sure its the correct usage.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'Create a dataview[code].....

The item in red is where i get an error. it sucessfully builds and i open the find form enter a last name that I know is in the customers table, but I get the error "Cannot find Column ["whatever name i typed inthe text box"].So first of all is this the correct way of going about what I want to achieve?If so how can I get it to work?BTW the next step for the user would be to double click the customer in the list box they are searching for to open the customer Details form for that customer, so I would need an ID or Index attached to that item to be able to open that record in another form.

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Wpf - Populate ComboBox Based On Another ComboBox Using XAML?

Jul 29, 2011

I have two ComboBoxes

<ComboBox Name="cmbMake" DisplayMemberPath="MakeName" SelectedValuePath="MakeID"/>
<ComboBox Name="cmbModel" DisplayMemberPath="ModelName"/>

I use LINQ-to-Entities to populate the cmbGroup ComboBox

Dim db as myDataEntity
cmbGroup.ItemsSource = db.Makes

How do I populate my second ComboBox (cmbModels) based on the selection of the first ComboBox (cmbMake) using XAML so that whatever I select in the first ComboBox automatically filters the ItemsSource in the second ComboBox?

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Populate Combobox From Selection Of Another Combobox?

Jan 1, 2012

I currently have a form with two comboxes. The first cbo is being populated with a project number, which is being pulled from the first column of a spreadsheet. I now want the second cbo to read the first cbo and then find that project number on the spreadsheet; when it finds that project number, I then need it to copy data from the row the project number is on. I have converted to vb from vba. Below is the code I used in vba (which obviously does not work). I only need certain cells from the project row.

Dim proj_num, rng As Range
Dim data, i As Long, j As Long
With Sheet1


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Display Queried Results In Textbox Where Criteria In Another Textbox 1 Form

Jun 21, 2010

I have a database I am creating with about 50 users over a network. There are about 6 groups of users and these users are spread across 10 branches. I want to block/allow users from particular forms and views. For example I want branch users forms to be filtered by their branch number but depending on the group they are in they can only see some forms. i.e. 50 users, 10 branches, each branch has about 5 ppl of where 1 is in group A and 4 are in group B. I want all users that belong to branch 1 to see the information they enter, but Group B enter data but cannot approved or delete, and group A can enter, approve and delete. So then. On my login form I have the user type his/her username but the i want LEAVE function to update 2 textbox where I have named GroupName and BranchNo. Basically to run a query and look for the username and return in one textbox that user's groupname and the other textbox the user's branch no. This information will be used to filter forms and block the user from certain controls. This is the code I have so far but still can't figure how to display the results.

Private Sub UsernameTextBox_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UsernameTextBox.Leave
'Make Connection to database


It keeps highlighting the BranchNumber and UserGroup and giving error "Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to System.Data.OledbCommand

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How To Limit Results Of ComboBox

May 28, 2011

I have a simple database comprised of one table (called "Plants") and one form (called "Plants To Use"). In the "Plant To Use" form there are two fields: Plant ID (a nine-digit ID) and Paired Plant ID (a combo box pulling all of the Plant IDs). I want to limit the Plant IDs in the combo box to only IDs that match the 3rd, 4th and 5th digits of the "Plant ID" on the form. For example, if I pull up the record of 99874234 on the "Plant To Use" form I want my combo box to list all other Plant IDs that have 874 in the 3rd, 4th and 5th digit (e.g., 778746320, etc.).

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ComboBox Results Equaling A Answer?

Feb 4, 2011

I have 3 ComboBox, I need the selection of the combobox to equal a number, (for example, the first option would = 1, second option would =4 and so on).the numbers will then be added up to show the sum.

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Populate One Combobox From Another?

Jul 23, 2009

I select first value from a combobox1 but combobox2 was not populated corresponding to value selected from first one. Again I select same value now combobox was populated

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DB/Reporting :: Combobox To Show The Results Of The Query?

Apr 17, 2009

populate a simple combobox with a query to a MySql database. I Just want the combobox to show the results of the query:

SELET DISTINCT models from Cars

I am using VB 2008 with Datasets, how can I achieve this?

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How To Populate ComboBox From INI File

Jan 12, 2010

I can understand since .ini files are pretty outdated, but I'll explain. I have a combo box, and inside the combobox I want it to display the names in a section of the .ini file. So say my .ini file contains the following:

Name = Billy
Lastname = Bob

Inside the combobox I wan't it to display the items "Name ", and "Lastname " only, not the section or the values.

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How To Populate ComboBox Without Using Database

Jan 21, 2009

I want to populate a combo box but not using a database
e.g. combobox displays

But want I want is if a person chooses red I want to pass back the number 1 value to a backend database. I'm able to populate a combo box with the colours but not sure how i 'grab' the value to pass back
Dim colours as string[] = new string[] { "red", "white", "blue" }

What I want is this
value Colour
1 red
2 white
3 blue

Combobox just displays the colours and when chosen in the combo box I grab the value corresponding to colour chosen.

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Populate 2nd Combobox Based On 1st's?

Dec 13, 2010

How do i populate my state combobox,such that when i select the appropriate country my combobox will automatically display the appropriate state?

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Populate A Combobox Display?

May 24, 2011

I want to have a combobox, but I have two fields from my Access table that I want to display in my Combobox. I want to show the entire row in the combobox. Do I need use an asterisk at the line for adding items to the combobox? [code]...

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Populate A ComboBox Using SqlDataReader?

Nov 16, 2007

I am a beginner in VB.Net. I have a table tblName; which consist of columns 'Name' and 'ID'. I want to populate the comboBox, where displaymember = 'Name' and ValueMember = 'ID'. In short, when a user selects a 'Name', return value should be the 'ID'. I can do it using DataAdapter. Another way of doing is; using a Listbox in parralel with the comboBox, which will be hidden, to save the 'ID' .


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Populate A Combobox With Txt File?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 and i need to populate 1 combobox with a txt file.

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