Prevent Validating/Validated Event From Firing In Custom Textbox?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a custom text box component (inherits from that I created in (2005) that handles the input of numeric data. It works well.

I would like to suppress the validating and validated events from firing if the number hasn't changed. If a user is tabbing through the form and tabs from the text box, the validating/validated events are fired.

I was thinking that the text box could cache the value and compare it to what is listed in the text property. If they are different, then I would want the validating/validate events to fire. If they are the same, nothing is fired.

I can't seem to figure out how to suppress the event. I have tried overriding the OnValidating event. That didn't work.


Here is the custom text box class. The idea is that I want to cache the value of the text box on the validate event. Once the value is cached, the next time the user tabs through the box, the validating event will check to see if the _Cache is different from the .Text. If so that is when I would like to raise the validating event to the parent form (as well as the validated event). If the _cache is the same, then I don't want to raise the event to the form. Essentially the text box will work the same as a regular text box except that the validating and validated method are only raised to the form when the text has changed.

Public Class CustomTextBox
#Region "Class Level Variables"
Private _FirstClickCompleted As Boolean = False 'used to indicate that all of the text should be highlighted when the user box is clicked - only when the control has had focus shifted to it


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Prevent Firing RowValidate/Validating Event Before A Function?

Apr 4, 2012

I designed a DataGridView under the name "dgvTarifa" and took a chance on trying Row Validating (tried Validated, CellEnter, CellLeave, RowEnter, RowLeave all count same) event. The purpose of the code is to load the selected values of the respective columns into three textboxes in order to rephrase/revalue those and update them by pressing a button. All works fine every single line of code there's nothing wrong except one logical thing.

When the form loads the RowValidating automatically fires because I have a function that Selects the table from the Database and it fills the DataSet by then attaching it to the datasourse of the "dgvTarifa" table. After setting the datasource of the datagridview, it automatically jumps to the RowValidating event which I DONT WANT TO! It first has to finish the whole function and later when the user enters with mouse or enters/leaves a row this has to be fired. (eventually already have the CellClick event with the same code below so only RowValidating has to work properly...)

Here's the code I use at row validating

Private Sub dgvTarifa_RowValidating(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs) Handles dgvTarifa.RowValidating


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VS 2010 : Events Validating And Validated Not Firing?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to use the events Validating and Validated on a ToolStripTextbox.

Private Sub txtMenuOwnIP_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtMenuOwnIP.Validated
MyIP = txtMenuOwnIP.Text
StatusLabelIP.Text = MyIP
End Sub


Neither code is firing.The CausesValidatition of the txtMenuOwnIP is set to true.I can enter stuff into that Textbox and leave it using the Mouse or simply piush Enter, but the posted code won't get fired (used a Breakpoint in both subs). There are no other event routines for this command used.

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Datagridview And The Cell Gets Validated In The Validating Event

Aug 8, 2010

I have a datagridview and the cell gets validated in the validating event;


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Textbox Validating Firing Twice?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a MDIParent form and 2 child forms. One of them,form1, has a textbox for which certain validations are present in the validating event. The other one has a button on it. When I try to navigate from form1 to form2, the validating event is firing twice for the first time. Is there a way to make it fire only once. And also, this event fires whenever I try to close the mdi parent form Attached is a sample project.

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Prevent The SelectionChanged Event From Firing?

Jun 26, 2009

Is there a way to prevent the SelectionChanged event from firing when adding rows to a DGV programatically? I am adding rows in a loop & the SelectionChanged event fires twice, which is causing me problems. I only want it to fire when the user clicks on a row.

View 9 Replies - Prevent Firing The Code-behind Event From JavaScript?

Jul 22, 2011

I would like this ASP button control to stop calling its event handler when the JavaScript client method IsCorrectPrice() returns false.

<asp:Button ID="btnsubmit" runat="server"
Text="Submit" OnClientClick="javascript:IsCorrectPrice()"/>
btnsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnsubmit.Click

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How To Prevent Firing Of Last Event After Page Refresh

Oct 9, 2010

Every time I refresh the browser, my button's event handler fires again. How do you prevent this?

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Prevent A Sub / Function From Firing Multiple Times On The Same Event?

Apr 1, 2009

I'm trying to prevent a sub / function from firing multiple times on the same event.My app is for handling inbound phone calls (tapi).The app is supposed to route calls based on the callerid number.

aircode below:


Private Sub OnNewCall(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As NewCallEventArgs) Handles tapiManager.NewCall
if newcall.callerid = "5551001" then


If callA.callerid = "5551001" then redirect(callA)but, once it is redirected to the new extension, do not then grab the call from the new extension and try to redirect again (resulting in infinite loop).I realize I could use an integer as a counter, but the problem is, I might actually get more than 1 call at the same time from the same callerid number. And, all the calls would need to be redirected (once).the calls do have properties like (which are unique identifiers to each call):

Code: and phcall.hashcode

I'm thinking I need to put that unique id into a temp var / array to run a check against to see if it has been redirected, if it has then skip, if it has not then redirect.The app would run 24x7, and I don't want the temp var / array to get too big, and would want to have it clean automatically (up on a timer maybe?)(I'm guessing it would be a dynamically growing array.)

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VB - Validating Text Boxes - Customer Information Is First To Be Validated As All Being Strings And Not Empty

May 19, 2011

I have a problem in that I have five text boxes pertaining to a customer/client, where there is a txtbox for each: Name; Address; City: State; Zipcode. Of course all the txtboxes are "" at initialization. I also have 2 combo boxes and a 2D array for prices which I have finally been able to understand the array logic. I have also been able to do my necessary calculations for.

My problem. The customer information is first to be validated as all being strings and not empty. The combo boxes I was able to get to tie to my 2 dimentional array and get good output and calculations for a finished product. I am just having problems with the error messages. Also I don't want summary totals unless the data is valid. In other words, the user must enter a complete address and make decisions about the two combo boxes, both of which are needed to use the price array. I will change the comboBoxes to represent dress sizes,"S" "M" "L" and "XL" and the other combobox to describe colorRedSatin or colorBlackBroadcloth with a two dollar difference in price between them. 'That would be similar enough to the problem I need to solve.

Basically I do not want any numbers to appear for price of the dress or addons to the dress unless all validation is complete. I do understand how the radio objects work for discounts and check boxes for accumulating accessories. The program should not give any totals untill the user has input all customer information and made decisions about input from combo boxes and selected calculate from menu. Right now it calculates and puts zeros in when choices are not made from the combo boxes by the user. It will include correct amounts for radio buttons and checkboxes if anything is entered. I need error messages for customer inputs and combo box inputs (if not selected from list of option in drop down for choices) (basically if nothing was put in a text box, the text box is empty. Of course the problem is the user must enter something in all 5 textboxes and not get multiple error messages in rapid succession to fix. We can't always count on our users putting in good data.. When I tried a Do While False with ORs I was getting endless looping. I could not get it to work because it will never execute because the control never passes back to the user.

I don't want to list a series of If/Thens becauser the user will see about 7 messages, where he/she only needs to be fed one at the time. I hope someone can give me some direction. I just need guidance on how to validate the text boxes and combo boxes. The code is analyzed with a "Calculate" on the menustrip. I would like for the calculation not to calculate and put outputs into the summery text boxes unless all textboxes are filled and combo boxes are valid for all the customer information and combo box choices for my two combo boxes describing what is needed for the order to calculate. There are also the radiobuttons and checkboxes, DIMs, Const, Variables, but not having problems with that part I have my indexing problems on the combo boxes worked out also, so I am not concerned about those now except for getting the error messages when I should. I hope that I have described my issues fully. I am using visual studio 8 with Windows 7

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Never Ending Loop While Setting Focus To Control On Validating Event In Cantrol Validating Event?

May 9, 2012

I am writing below code for validating compulsary field account no. in form.User's requirement is set focus back on field when error comes :

If txtAccountNo = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If

It's working properly. But suppose user don't want to fill form and exiting from application.Message box keep on appearing till user enters account no.

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Validating Textbox - Which Event To Use

Feb 19, 2012

I have a textbox control to take some input and a button to execute something. I want the button's click event will not work as long the validation to the textbox is successful.

Private Sub txtSuffix_validate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtSuffix.Validating
If Not txtSuffix.Text = "" Then


View 4 Replies - Custom Validator Validation Not Firing For Textbox?

Jun 14, 2009

I have created a custom validator for maximum characters for a multiline textbox in ASP.Net.Below is the code that I am using.


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C# - Equivalent Of WinForms TextBox.Validating Event In WPF

Sep 11, 2009

In WinForms I could handle the Validated event to do something after the user changed text in a TextBox. Unlike TextChanged, Validated didn't fire for every character change; it only fired when the user was done.Is there anything in WPF I can use to get the same result, an event raised only after the user is done changing the text?

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Textbox KeyDown Event Not Firing?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a textbox on a tabcontrol page, and when someone tabs out of the textbox, it is suppose to move to the next tab. This was working great before I switched the form from a UserControl to an actual Form. This change did not change actual code. So now, I have tried everything. I have the textbox to set to AcceptTab = True, and I have KeyPreview = False (because if the form grabs the event before the textbox does, it would mess things up I am assuming).Here is my code for the textbox:

Private Sub txtMsgDTG_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtMsgDTG.KeyDown
'check for tabbed out
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then[code]......

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Prevent Button Serverclick Firing On Every Page Refresh?

Feb 22, 2012

prevent a button serverClick event from firing on page refresh?


<INPUT id="btnGo" type="button" value="Go" runat="server">

Public Sub btnGo_ServerClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.ServerClick

The btnGo_ServerClick function needs to fire on the button click, but not on page refresh.I've tried using IsPostback, but that is always true- even on the button click.N.B. I'd rather not go into the reasons behind why I'm using a serverclick, rather than an asp:button and a click event. Suffice to say it just isn't suitable for I am doing.

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Prevent Value Changed Events From Firing On Form Initialization?

Jun 30, 2010

Consider a simple VB.NET form with a couple of radio buttons and a checkbox.

Each of the radio buttons has a CheckedChanged handler setup that performs some action based on the state of the checkbox.

My problem is, when I initialize on the default radiobutton to be checked (from the designer properties window) the CheckedChanged event is fired for that radio button, but the Checkbox hasn't been initialized yet so I either get a null pointer exception or the wrong value is used in the handler. Either way, I don't want that handler code to be run unless the user picks a radio button after the form has been loaded.

I currently get around this by not initializing the radio button, but I need to set that default eventually and the best place is from the designer. I also can add a boolean field that's not set to true until the form is fully loaded and not process the events if that is false, but it's a dirty hack.

What can I do to prevent that handler from running its code?

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Custom ASP.NET TextBox On Textchanged Event?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to let TextBox control TextChanged event fire only when there are more than one character in the TextBox.

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Custom Control Inheriting From TextBox Does Not Fire Paint Event

Aug 25, 2010

I need a multiline TextBox which is always disabled, but it shouldn't paint itself in gray, but I want to keep its designer choosen color. I previously had the same requirement with an always-black Label (no multiline) and so I inherited from Label like:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class LabelDisabled
Inherits Label
Sub New()
Enabled = False
End Sub
[Code] .....
But this way, neither I can set the "real" Enabled property, I mean the backing field.

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Raise Event - Put An Extra Event In - UpdateID And It's Not Firing

Aug 9, 2011

I am trying to put an extra event in, UpdateID and it's not firing.


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Validating Custom Attributes?

Oct 1, 2009

Im currently working on my first n-tier application. Im trying to validate the fields and properties in a class file and return a list of the violated business rules.I have the Custom Attributes built and in place, and the Validation method but its not working.

I created a test class with 1 field that has 4 custom attributes on it. I made sure that atleast 1 rule was violated by setting the value to either null or less than the required characters.Cant get this thing to validate for the life of me, keeps on returning 0 violations.

View 2 Replies - Custom Validator Not Firing (No Error Message, But No Validation)?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a custom validator:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="QuestionValidator" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Please select an option" ClientValidationFunction="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" OnServerValidate="QuestionValidator_ServerValidate" ValidateEmptyText="true"></asp:CustomValidator>

I have a list of questions provided by a datalist, which I need to ensure a user selects an answer to each question. I then have my validation functions:

Protected Sub QuestionValidator_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As ServerValidateEventArgs)
Dim SelectedItem As Boolean = False
For Each c As Control In Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls
If TypeOf c Is RadioButton Then


When I run the page, there is no validation and no error message. Please can you point out where I am going wrong, I'm suspicious it is at Page.Master.FindControl("form1").Controls.I have previously done such validation by looping through controls via form1.controls but this is unavailable as the page uses a form passed down via the master page.

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Validating Event Getting Triggered Twice In Maskedtextbox?

Aug 17, 2010

I am facing a issue while using the "validating" event of the maskedtextbox. I have an MDI form, in which there is a main form and a form acting as bottom bar. The bottom bar comprises of buttons for moving to "previous" and "next" forms. If suppose in the main form i have a maskedtextbox and the initial focus is set on it, then on the click event of the button (next; which is on the bottom bar form), it calls the validating event of the maskedtextbox twice. In the validating event of the maskedtextbox, i am checking some validations and if it doesnt pass, then i set [e.cancel = true]. just let me know the reason behind the triggering of "Validating" event twice?

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Event Firing Twice?

May 25, 2010

I am using a monthcalendar inside of a panel. when the user changes the "showweeknumbers" of the calendar I need to move some label to the right of the calendar, but I also need to resize the panel. The problem comes into play when the user hides the weeknumbers, the monthcalendar resize event fires and the labels move, but the panel resize causes the month calendar to fire the resize event again, making the labels all out of wack...

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Bypass Validating Event For Exit Button?

Jan 31, 2009

I have a validating event for a txtbox called txtname. If the user tries to leave txtname for another txt box without entering their name a messagebox comes up giving an error. I have an exit button which will when clicked ask you if you really want to leave then you can choose yes or no. I can't seem to figure out how to allow the user to click the exit button while leaving the txtname blank so it would bypass the error message and only bring up the exit prompt. Here's what I have coded for the validating event and the exit event.

Private Sub txtName_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles txtName.Validating
If IsNumeric(txtName.Text) Then


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Disable The Validating-Event When Form Close?

Dec 5, 2005

i have a form hold some textboxes ,writed validating-event code and sometime set cancel=true in validatingnow,the problem is,when i click the close button of the form,the validating-event fired,and the form can't close when the validating set cancel=true,but this not i want.i think click "close" that meaning abandon all the form's data,so it not need can i do ?

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Suppress The Validating Event When The Form Closes?

Jul 1, 2009

We have a window that has a text box on it that the user must enter in valid data before going on. So we have put in a message box letting the user know that they have to enter in the correct data before going on in the Leave event. That works just fine, but when the user press ALT+F4, or presses the X in the upper right corner of the window it still goes through the event. We would not like for that to happen. When we were using VB6 the same code was in the lost focus, and when the user pressed ALT+F4, and the X the LostFocus event did not fire, or acted like it did not fire. We have also tried moving the code to the Validating event, but it behaives similar to the Leave event? how to close a window, and either have the Leave, LostFocus, and Validating events not fire when the user Presses ALT+F4, or the X

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Validating Event For Multipel Text Boxes?

Jan 13, 2010

I have an application that has more than 20 text boxes used as inputs(numeric) ( in a form with multiple tabs), and from these numeric inputs I calculate many parameters and display them in other text boxes.The question is how can I trigger an event that will run the calculation procedures each time any of the text boxes numeric values change?( with out having to make procedure for each text box validated eventIs there some thing like a common validation event for any entry in any text box?

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.net - Event Handler Not Firing?

Apr 1, 2012

I've been looking for a solution to this for several hours now and cannot find a solution.

The Scenario:I have a masterpage baseclass (called basemaster)All of my master pages inherit from basemaster
basemaster defines an event 'Public Event HandleClickEvent As EventHandler'I have a masterpage named master1
master1 defines an event handler 'Public Shadows Event HandleClickEvent As EventHandler'master1 has a user control named usr1 usr1 has a button that raises event ButtonClicked when clicked I have a page (thePage) that uses master1 thePage has a button click event handler that it registers like so: 'AddHandler Master.HandleClickEvent, AddressOf HandleTheClick' master1 has code something like:

Protected Sub Usr1_ButtonClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Usr1.ButtonClicked RaiseEvent HandleClickEvent(sender, e) End Sub when thePage loads I see it register the handler on master1 when the button is clicked, Usr1_ButtonClicked is fired and I step through the RaiseEvent but HandleClickEvent on thePage is never reached.

View 1 Replies - Event Handler Not Firing?

Jun 9, 2011

i have a page which dynanically create a link when it load, after i click on the link it should loop in the database fetch all the record and display another set of link , then when i click on these link it should give me all information about this particular record it like this one

Q: when the page loads, it creates the first link which is associated with an event handler, it fire the first event handler (Getname) but it not firing the second event handler (GetnameDetails)

Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If ViewState.Item("nameload") IsNot Nothing Then
If ViewState.Item("nameload").ToString = "True" Then


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