Validating Custom Attributes?

Oct 1, 2009

Im currently working on my first n-tier application. Im trying to validate the fields and properties in a class file and return a list of the violated business rules.I have the Custom Attributes built and in place, and the Validation method but its not working.

I created a test class with 1 field that has 4 custom attributes on it. I made sure that atleast 1 rule was violated by setting the value to either null or less than the required characters.Cant get this thing to validate for the life of me, keeps on returning 0 violations.

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Custom Attributes & Properties

Aug 25, 2009

I was thinking to put attributes on BLL classes properties which ever are mandatory and I'm successfully able to retrieve the attributes also. But, not I also want to check the value of propeties. How I can do that:[code..]

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VS 2008 Load Config / Use Custom Attributes

Jun 5, 2009

I have some custom user controls ( that is loaded via a configuration file this works great..

Problem - Some of these user controls I made you set some parameters.

Example - oUCtrl = page.LoadControl("UserControls/" & oCtrlNode.Attributes("name").Value & ".ascx")

This loads the control.. now that node has more attributes.. example url="" in the config file

<control name="RSSFeed" url=""> To set the url on the control it would be oUCtrl.url = ""

is there a way to enumerate the properties of a user control or a way to use something to eval a string like eval("oUctrl." & currentAttributeName & "=" currentAttributeValue)

Not sure the best way.. i would assume the best way would enumerate the public properties of the user control and compare against it.

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Prevent Validating/Validated Event From Firing In Custom Textbox?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a custom text box component (inherits from that I created in (2005) that handles the input of numeric data. It works well.

I would like to suppress the validating and validated events from firing if the number hasn't changed. If a user is tabbing through the form and tabs from the text box, the validating/validated events are fired.

I was thinking that the text box could cache the value and compare it to what is listed in the text property. If they are different, then I would want the validating/validate events to fire. If they are the same, nothing is fired.

I can't seem to figure out how to suppress the event. I have tried overriding the OnValidating event. That didn't work.


Here is the custom text box class. The idea is that I want to cache the value of the text box on the validate event. Once the value is cached, the next time the user tabs through the box, the validating event will check to see if the _Cache is different from the .Text. If so that is when I would like to raise the validating event to the parent form (as well as the validated event). If the _cache is the same, then I don't want to raise the event to the form. Essentially the text box will work the same as a regular text box except that the validating and validated method are only raised to the form when the text has changed.

Public Class CustomTextBox
#Region "Class Level Variables"
Private _FirstClickCompleted As Boolean = False 'used to indicate that all of the text should be highlighted when the user box is clicked - only when the control has had focus shifted to it


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Add Custom Fields/attributes To Active Directory User When Created?

Apr 12, 2012

add a custom field and/or attributes in active directory (whichever their called) for a user. For instance, im wanting to add a field for employee id but can I also get this field to show up in active directory users and computers to see if its working correctly? Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - "Sherlock holmes" "speak softly and carry a big stick" - theodore roosevelt.

View 5 Replies - Programmatically Change Custom Attributes Of User Control In Code Behind?

Jan 21, 2012

I have a User Control which is a customer input form.I'm working on a sales system, when generating a sale, the customer data is populated by a Javascript Auto Complete, but when loading a saved sale, I need to paste a User ID into the control programatically.

<controls:customerDataForm ID='customerForm1' partExchangeMenu="true" showBankDetails="false" customerID="****" runat='server' />

Renders my control on the page within the markup of the parent document (in this case it's called newSale.aspx)In the code behind in newSale.aspx.vb I need to be able to programmtically change the value of the Controls customerID attribute. I can't seem to do it.This is what I have done, following various Googling attempts, but it is always leaving the customerID as zero

Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
customerForm1.customerID = "0" '// default Customer ID if no invoice number
If Request.QueryString("invno") <> "" Then


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Grab Attributes Of Articles Element Under Custom Section In Web.config File

Sep 2, 2009

I am building the 'TheBeerHouse' project in (the book is written in C#). Once I understand the concepts, I can usually convert it to vb. However, there are a few areas that give my some problems (which I will address individually). The first issue I have is the C# 'base' to VB 'MyBase'. [code] My understanding of this conversion is that I need to grab the attributes of the <articles> element under the <theBeerHouse> custom section in the web.config file.This code does not compile and the get the following error: 'MyBase' must be followed by '.' and an identifier.

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"Custom" Attributes Added To A Control?

Nov 12, 2009

I need to know the answer to this. I have a standard asp control (CheckBox) and I want to bind some data to it. I also want to be able to access it via vb in an easy manner. Can someone tell me quickly if this is possible? An example of what I want to do is below:

Dim myValue = TestCheckBox.Attributes("MyAttribute")

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Never Ending Loop While Setting Focus To Control On Validating Event In Cantrol Validating Event?

May 9, 2012

I am writing below code for validating compulsary field account no. in form.User's requirement is set focus back on field when error comes :

If txtAccountNo = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Account no filed can't be left empty")
Exit Sub
End If

It's working properly. But suppose user don't want to fill form and exiting from application.Message box keep on appearing till user enters account no.

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DB/Reporting :: Validating XML Against XSD?

Apr 2, 2008

Basically I have a routine that validates an XML document, here is the code:


If you look at the XSD file you'll see that the element ID is supposed to mandatory in that I have set minoccurs to 1. However when I run the code this doesn't seem to be flagged as an error. Also I get 20 errors like Could not find schema information for the element Employees etc.

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NumericUpDown Validating?

May 15, 2009

I'am using the NumericUpDown_Validating event to cancel mouse clicks on the up and down arrows of the control.The idea is that the NumericUpDown control will stop incrementing when the base of a form reaches the bottom of the screen. That works, however the textvalue keeps incrementing. Why does the text keep incrementing and how do I stop it?

Private Sub NumericUpDown5_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As .ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles NumericUpDown5.Validating
Dim y As Integer


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Possible To Validating A Text Box?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a form that has a text box that I want to only allow users to enter a date and then a MessageBox.Show stating that their data was submitted when they press a submit button. I know that you can do this with a regular expression validation but I have no idea how to do this in Visual Basic. Can anyone offer how to do that?

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Validating A 'Sent' Email?

Jan 12, 2009

I have a VB.Net program that manually sends email via the MS Exchange Server. When an email is sent it will always have at least 1 pdf file attached to it. After all the emails have been sent (which could be alot), the pdf files are moved to an archived directory.My problem that seems to be occurring is that some of the attachments are not being moved because they are "locked" by another process. I'm assuming this "other" process is the Exchange server handling the pdf attachment but I'm not positive about this.How can I check to see if the attachment was successfully depositied into the Exchange server?

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Validating A Text Box?

May 5, 2011

I have two text boxes on my form (Text Entries) How do I code either the button or the text boxes to ensure entries are made in them Regards

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Validating Many Groups?

Apr 25, 2009

I'm throwing errors when I call this function before running my calculations:

Function CalcValidation() As Boolean
' Didn't want to leave something out, so I needed a validation to ensure that a selection
' had been made for each component.


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Validating Only By Enter Key

Jul 18, 2009

what I want is the following:

1. I have this form: img1

2. I filled up this form navigating with the tab key. I reach the last cell of the datagridview (dgv): img2

3. now, when I press enter, a new row is adding to the dgv and the first cell of this row has the focus and the cursor is blinking: img3 (while pressing tabs in the dgv, the current cell is always in edit mode, I don't need to do an extra click, I can write immediatly)

4. but my problem is that when I press the left arrow key at the end of the first row, a new row is adding to the dgv in this case too: img4

5. that is what I want to prevent, but the navigating with the arrow keys (switching between cells) should not be disabled, it just should not add a new row to the dgv.

6. and here my related codes:[code]

I think if I press the left arrow key, that fires up the cellvalidating event and after that the cellendedit event. I 'd like to manage this so that if the current cell is the 5th (e.ColumnIndex=5) then it should detect what was pressed (arrow key or enter). If enter then add new row, if arrow key (left) then cellendedit and switch to another cell but in the same row (of course if more rows existing up and down keys are possible).

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Validating Only By Enter Key?

May 17, 2010

Ivalidating only by enter key

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Validating The Text Box?

May 18, 2010

-When adding a consignment, the system should generate the consignment number automatically in the format XY12-xAB, where x is a number that increases by 1 for each consignment AB is the Shipment Type (EA, SA or SF) and XY12 is the Office ID.I know how to validate it to be XY(digit)(digit) by using regular expression.

If Not Regex.IsMatch(txtShipConsignmentNumber.Text, "(?s)^(XY)d{2}$") Then
MsgBox("Please enter a valid Shipment Consignment Number e.g XY12")

But not sure how to implement the other stuff required.

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Validating A Number In A Textbox?

Nov 19, 2011

I'm writing a part of an application for a movie ticket program.

Basically, I have to write an If statement verifying the age put in a textbox, based on a radiobox that is checked.

So, if the radiobox "PG" is checked, the age in the textbox has to be equal to or greater than 12. If "Restricted" is checked, then the textbox has to be equal to or great than 17.

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C# - Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons. In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank. If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked? Handling toolstrips is really a headache. I'm badly in need of it.

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C# - Validating Dropdownlist OR Textbox?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a page where a user can either select a vendor via dropdown or enter a vendor number via textbox. One or the other must have a value. I can do this in javascript easily but how can I do this using a custom validator provided by ajax all on the client side?


Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
If Page.IsValid Then
//save stuff
End If


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IDE :: Validating A Login Password?

Nov 5, 2007

why the following Sub does not work as expected. It has no compile errors but it does not work. It suppose to validate a password entered by a user on a login form with users password in a table called 'passwd' in the LgaPayroll database. If the password entered matches what is in the password field of the 'passwd' table then it will display a form else, it will tell the user 'The password you enter was invalid". My problem is; even when you entered a password that is in the 'passwd' table, it is tells you 'The password you enter was invalid'. Below is the Sub:

Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
' Set the SelectCommand properties...
objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand()


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Textbox Validating Firing Twice?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a MDIParent form and 2 child forms. One of them,form1, has a textbox for which certain validations are present in the validating event. The other one has a button on it. When I try to navigate from form1 to form2, the validating event is firing twice for the first time. Is there a way to make it fire only once. And also, this event fires whenever I try to close the mdi parent form Attached is a sample project.

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Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons.In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank.If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked?

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Toolstripbutton Not Validating Textbox?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a textbox, a standard button and a toolstrip containing a couple of buttons. In the validating event of the textbox i coded to check whether it is blank. If yes then it shows a message 'Enter Value'. When the standard button is clicked while the textbox is empty, it's validating properly and showing the message but when the toolstripbutton is clicked it's not not validating the textbox and no message is being shown. It seems that I gotto write the validation code explicitly in the toolstripbutton_click event which is too troublesome when there are multiple textboxes and toolstripbuttons on a single form. What I want to know is whether the textbox_validating can be fired while the toolstripbutton is clicked?

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Using Cases And Validating Input?

May 18, 2009

I am trying to calculate from a case, and it does not seem to work, and I also need to validate when no input is entered and the person presses the calculate button. my code is a follows

Public Class Question2
Dim intSal, intCount As Single
Dim intPiece, intRates, intPay As Long


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Validating A Column In Sudoku?

Apr 11, 2010

I am working on a Sudoku project and am stumped on how to finish my code below so that it will check the rest of the rows in the specified c

Private Function validCol(ByVal col As Integer)
Dim myCol(8) As Integer
Dim valCol As Boolean = False


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Validating A Datagrid Coloumn?

Dec 15, 2011

validating a datagrid coloumn..,i want only alphanumeric values.,symbols like -,+..etc were not allowed..folliwing is the code wht i have.,but it allows only alphabets but not numerals.


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Validating A Phone Number?

Dec 13, 2009

I have had a look over some posts in here on a similar theme as to my question but none of them are getting me any further forward. All I am trying to do is make sure that when a phone number is entered in a textbox that it conforms to the following formats:

1) #### ### #### (All numbers)
2) ##### ###### (All numbers)
3) ###### (All numbers)

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Validating A String In A Textbox?

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to validate a string that has been inputted into a text box to make sure there is nothing but alphabetical charecters in the textbox. The following code only checks the first character in the textbox...

If Char.IsLetter(textbox1.Text) = False Then
MsgBox("Error! Invalid charecters present")
Exit Sub
End If

I was wondering if there was any way that i could turn this into some sort of loop so that it checks all of the charecters present within the textbox?

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