Grab Attributes Of Articles Element Under Custom Section In Web.config File

Sep 2, 2009

I am building the 'TheBeerHouse' project in (the book is written in C#). Once I understand the concepts, I can usually convert it to vb. However, there are a few areas that give my some problems (which I will address individually). The first issue I have is the C# 'base' to VB 'MyBase'. [code] My understanding of this conversion is that I need to grab the attributes of the <articles> element under the <theBeerHouse> custom section in the web.config file.This code does not compile and the get the following error: 'MyBase' must be followed by '.' and an identifier.

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How To Build Custom Configuration Section In App.Config File

May 6, 2010

I am trying to build custom configuration section in my app.config file. I am using the following as my example: [URL]. According to this article, I am supposed to inherit from the ConfigurationSection class, add the desired section to my app.config file, and then specify a "configSections" declaration in the app.config file to identify the section and the class that should process it. My problem is that I cannot get the class loader to load my class for processing the section.

If I follow the example and set up my "configSections" as:
<section name="MyStuff.Configuration"
allowDefinition="Everywhere" />

I get the following error:
Could not load type 'MyStuff.MyConfigurer' from assembly 'System.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.

I think the error is telling me it can't load my class from the System.Configuration DLL and that makes sense; the class is in my application code. So how do I tell it to look in my application code to find the class? Do I have to put my class in its own DLL to get this to work? As an alternative approach, is there some way I can just find the section in the application configuration and process the XML myself? The app.config file is the ideal location for this information. Also, this would be easier for me than going through all of these contortions to do what should be a relatively easy operation.

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Read A Custom Section In App.config From Codebehind?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an app.config file that stores values in a few different sections. I have these snippets:[code]How do I read the connection string in the codebehind? Specifically the value which is [code]

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Set Up A Custom App Configuration Element Collection Section?

Aug 24, 2010

I would like to set up a custom app configuration element collection section like this

<logSection name="Testttt">
<properties name ="Pride">[code]....

Properties would be the configuration element, and log section would be the configuration element collection.The problem is, I've only seen where you can have multiple instances of a single element instead of multiple elements.

<Section name="Section1">
<Section name="Section1">
<SubSection name="SubSection1">[code]....

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VS 2008 Load Config / Use Custom Attributes

Jun 5, 2009

I have some custom user controls ( that is loaded via a configuration file this works great..

Problem - Some of these user controls I made you set some parameters.

Example - oUCtrl = page.LoadControl("UserControls/" & oCtrlNode.Attributes("name").Value & ".ascx")

This loads the control.. now that node has more attributes.. example url="" in the config file

<control name="RSSFeed" url=""> To set the url on the control it would be oUCtrl.url = ""

is there a way to enumerate the properties of a user control or a way to use something to eval a string like eval("oUctrl." & currentAttributeName & "=" currentAttributeValue)

Not sure the best way.. i would assume the best way would enumerate the public properties of the user control and compare against it.

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Add A Custom Web.config Attribute To A Pre-existing Element?

Jan 4, 2012

I have created Custom .NET controls, and I'd like to know if it's possible, how to add a custom attribute in the web.config when you add the reference to the control.

Currently it is:
<add tagPrefix="FOO" src="~/Controls/FooControl.ascx" tagName="Bar" />


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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Grab An Element By ID Using Httpwebrequest?

Jan 3, 2012

I understand the basics of httpwebrequest and I'm not looking for any answers on web browsers. My previous method was done using webbrowsers but because of the lack of speed I have transferred over to httpwebrequest to speed up the process.

I have an id of an element that I would like to grab and use in an httpwebrequest but not sure where I would start with that.

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Grab An Element By It Class, And Saying If It Contains A Number?

Jun 27, 2012

have been having. Basically what i am trying to do is grab an element off a WebPage by it's class name and make Vb automatically look up to see if there is a number greater than with in the element. I have the html code below.

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Grab The Element By CURL An Then Just URL But Both Don't Work

May 17, 2011

var pageConfig = {



I tried to grab the element by cURL an then just URL but both don't work..not sure who to click on that link.

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.net - Moving App.config File To A Custom Location?

Jan 25, 2011

My application is a service application, and it needs to load a set of configuration that the user can change. I was using the System.Configuration classes to set up the app.config file, and then I was going to give the user the option of editing this file to change configuration.

Can I move this file to a custom directory, something like C:settingsapp.config? Or is it forced to reside in the app directory?

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How To Read / Write Custom Config File

Jan 6, 2011

Environment: .Net 3.5 (C#ok too) I wrote a multi-project WinForms app that needs to load a couple dozen variables from a client section of a config file based on user's selection of client. Also some program variables need to be loaded as well. So far so good, I put them in an app.config file.In the appsettings section I put the main program variables. e.g.


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Move The App.config File To A Custom Location?

Nov 27, 2011

I have an application that has a load of values in its app.exe.config file. The application is used by a few users, and the settings would change on a regular basis. so im having to change the config file, and send it out to all users.

I'd love to move the config file to the network somewhere and point the app to this file. ive tried to use;

Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
OpenExeConfiguration("I:app configHelpDeskQuickCallLogger.exe.config")

But i cant get it to read in the values.

View 2 Replies - Config Error : This Configuration Section Cannot Be Used At This Path....?

May 15, 2011

I got an ASP.NET app from someone who used to run it on his IIS on Windows XP (I don't know which IIS version he has).When I tried to deploy it on my IIS (v7.5 - Windows 7) - I can't open its default.aspx file and I get the following error page:

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Error Code 0x80070021

Config Error : This configuration section cannot be used at this path. This happens when the section is locked at a parent level. Locking is either by default (overrideModeDefault="Deny"), or set explicitly by a location tag with overrideMode="Deny" or the legacy

allowOverride="false". Config File
Config Source:

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LINQ To XML Syntax For XML Element With Attributes?

May 13, 2009

I'm a bit of a LINQ newbie and I was having some trouble with the following. I'm trying to perform a query using LINQ on an XML file and store the results in a list of DataClass objects that match the XML.I've got an XML file that is defined like this:

<Field>Accepted ASNs</Field>

I have created a Data class to support this XML format. What I would like to do is create a LINQ Query to grab these 3 records and store them into a List of my DataClass. In order to support multiple Order elements, I have my class defined with a generic list of "Order" structs... It looks like this:

Public Class ASNData
Private _field As String
Private _value As String[code].....

how to grab the 3 order elements and store them into my list of Order structs.

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Create A ConfigurationSectionHandler That Can Store All The Child Element Of A Section?

Oct 28, 2011

I want to create a custom section Handler for the 'Security' section of the following config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Filtering XElements By Descendent Element's Attributes

Mar 11, 2011

I'm trying to select elements based on the attributes of sub a element of that element.


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.net 4.0 - ASP.NET 4.0 Custom Configuration Section: "An Error Occurred Creating The Configuration Section Handler"

May 2, 2012

I am creating a custom config section that will allow me to manage what ELMAH exceptions I want to ignore from my VB.NET/ASP.NET app. Here's my code. I made it easy to paste in a blank code file if anyone's up to the challenge of diagnosing the problem.


When I execute this code:


I get the error An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for IgnoredExceptionSection: Could not load file or assembly 'WEB' or one of its dependencies..

What boggles my mind is that this all works fine in my C# console test app after I convert the code from VB.NET using a web utility. However, when I paste the VB code from my web app into my VB.NET console test app, it doesn't work there, either, so it appears to be a C#/VB issue. What am I doing wrong here?

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Custom Config File Entries Generated When User Adds Reference To Dll?

Jun 5, 2009

Don't know if this is possible, but I'd like a config section to be generated when another developer adds my dll to their project. This way they don't have to look up in code or a doc as to what they need to put in their config file.

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XPath When A Root Node And Element Have Different Name Space Attributes?

Jun 8, 2010

I got struck with a problem in VB.Net getting Xpath for an XML element as shown below:

<Parent xmlns:"">
<Child xmlns:"">


I need Xpath of the "element" in above XML using VB.Net NameSpace Manager For the "body" node i have done and its working but i couldnt do the same to "element":

dim bodynode as XMLNode=XML.SelectSingleNode(//ns:body,nsmngr)

where "nsmngr" is the namespacemanger created by me and "ns" is the name space of the "parent node" (which the "body" node inherits) added to the namespace manager as "ns"

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Html - Grab Webpage Table Data (using Span Class Element) Into Listview Control In App?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to grab some data from a webpage but for me the main problem is I can't grab the data the way I want. I want to grab the data in a listview control but my code is fetching all data within any span tag (span class "inputFieldLabel" which is not required) in a single column of a listview control. I am giving the format (source) of the webpage below and my coding in (2008),

<span class="inputFieldLabel">Following Are ...</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">01/02/2011</span>
<span class="inputFieldLabel">And</span>


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Access Compilation Element In Web.config?

May 18, 2010

I want to be able to determine if the web.config element

<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="false" />
if the property is debug is set to true or false.
Public Shared Function isDebug() as Boolean


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AppSettings Clear Xml Element In App.config

Jun 13, 2011

What is the purpose of the <Clear > XML element within the <AppSettings> tag in an application's config file?I see it removes previously added settings (see code below), but why would you want to do that? [code]I also understand that when manipulating app settings in code you could clear existing keys, but why have the <clear> XML element?Also, out of habit really, i've been putting the <clear> element before any <add> elements. Do i need to do this, should i not be doing this?

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C# - Custom XML Serialization, Write Custom Root Element?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm using custom serialization and when the xml is generated it's putting the class name as the root element




I'm invoking the serialization by calling xmlserializer.Serialize(writer,Me) so I'm sure that has something to do with it.I've tried putting XMLRoot onto the class, but I think as vb is compiling this partial class with its aspx page, it's either overwriting this property or ignoring it entirely.I'd like to just tell it to either throw away everything it has and use a different root element.

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Accessing A Custom Configuration Section In .Net

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to access settings in my config file, which is a series of xml elements listed as such:


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Read A Custom Configuration Section?

Sep 23, 2009

VS 2008, .Net 2.0. Read a Custom Configuration Section?

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Custom Attributes & Properties

Aug 25, 2009

I was thinking to put attributes on BLL classes properties which ever are mandatory and I'm successfully able to retrieve the attributes also. But, not I also want to check the value of propeties. How I can do that:[code..]

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Validating Custom Attributes?

Oct 1, 2009

Im currently working on my first n-tier application. Im trying to validate the fields and properties in a class file and return a list of the violated business rules.I have the Custom Attributes built and in place, and the Validation method but its not working.

I created a test class with 1 field that has 4 custom attributes on it. I made sure that atleast 1 rule was violated by setting the value to either null or less than the required characters.Cant get this thing to validate for the life of me, keeps on returning 0 violations.

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Implementing Custom Configuration Section Handler?

Nov 2, 2010

I have put together a custom configuration section handler (, based on gleanings from a variety of sources (including stackOverlflow), however when I come to use it, I get the following error message "The Configuration property 'deviceconfig' may not be derived from ConfigurationSection." The app.config file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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VS 2008 How To Read A Custom Configuration Section

Sep 23, 2009

I need to store some information in my Configuration Section. Probably three different sections with each having I want to hand type in the custom configuration section and then read it in my program. Looking for a good example but have not found it yet. I do not want to use appSettings, Key/value pairs. Need something with more depth than that. Also, what are the standard naming conventions for Config or xml file tags? When to start with an uppercase, when to use a ".", etc.

<!-- Example -->


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