Prevent Unnecessary Access Update?

May 6, 2009

In a VB App. I read an Access table and display it to the UserForm... I would like to prevent and skip Access database update "for the sake of application efficiency and speed" if user has not changed the data displayed on the userform... How can I do that?

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Prevent Direct Access To The Back-end Ms Access Database?

Nov 5, 2010

I have this problem, I can create a setup for my app/database but everyone can open the backend file which is an MS Access database. I want it so we can only access the database using the frontend app.

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C# - Isn't Number Localization Just Unnecessary?

May 10, 2011

I've just read this page [URL] One of the things they did was to convert the arabic date to the arabic calendar. I'm wondering if it is a good idea at all to do so. Will it actually be annoying/confusing for the user (even if the user is Arabic). Also, my second question is that do we really need to change 3,899.99 to 3.899,99 for some cultures like German? I mean it doesn't hurt to do so since the library already does it for us but wouldn't this actually cause more confusion to the user (even if he is German).


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Wish To Prevent Update Of Blank Text Box

Mar 3, 2009

I've written a simple visual basic database program using an access 2000 database.If I enter a non-numeric character in a numeric field, the program will not allow me to update the database, or scroll to the next record etc.My question is how do i invoke the same reaction on a field containing text? If the field is left blank by the user, I don't want the record to be updated, or the user to scroll to the next record until some text is enteredPulling my hair out over this.

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VS 2010 Removing Unnecessary 0's From An Array?

Dec 12, 2011

I have an array with a possible of 25 numbers that can be entered into it, how to take out the unnecessary zero's for the valueas i have not entered into my array.

Public Class Form1
Dim mintArray() As Integer 'Declares Array without giving it a size
Dim Array(24) As Integer


I get an error at the highlighted part : " InvalidCastException was unhandled, Conversion from string "" to type 'integer' is not valid."

View 22 Replies - Prevent Button Click 2 Times In Update Panel?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a button which is in update panel. When I click on button then it click event run two times. How can I prevent second time click event?

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C# - Does The JIT Compiler Optimize (inline) Unnecessary Variable Declarations

Oct 20, 2011

I've read several articles and questions/answers that conclude the best practice is to let the JIT compiler do all the optimization for inline function calls. Makes sense. What about inline variable declarations? Does the compiler optimize these as well?


Of course I prefer the latter because it's easier to read and debug, but I can't afford the performance degradation if it exists. I have already identified this code as a bottleneck -- No need for retorts about premature optimization.

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Prevent Access Data Duplication

Mar 28, 2011

i want to prevent user from adding same data on my database... (using access as database)

let say i have 5 fields on my database... ID, Name, address, contact, email... binded to textboxes... idTextbox, nameTextbox, addressTextbox, contactTextbox, emailTextbox.

if the user add a data.... and clicks the save button (saveButton) a messagebox will show a message saying that the data he/she entered already exist..

the messagebox will only show if the user entered a data with the same Name.

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Syntax Error On Update STATEMENT - Update A Row Within A Access 2007 Database

Nov 15, 2011

update statement, i am trying to update a row within a access 2007 database here is my code.


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Php - Prevent Users From Being Able To Access A Webpage Via Web Browser?

Apr 18, 2010

This program is going to submit GET data to our webpage. However, we don't want users accessing the webpage any other way than the program. We can prevent users from sharing the program using HWID authentication, but nothing prevents them from using a packet scanner to get the URL of the webpage. We thought about user-agent authentication, which we will implement, but user-agents can easily be spoofed.

how can we prevent users from accessing the webpage directly, instead of through the program?

Currently we will be implementing:

HWID Authentication to use the program User-Agent Authentication to access the web page Instant IP Blacklisting to anyone accessing the webpage without the proper User-Agent

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DataRow Update - Does Not Update The Access Database And No Error

Jun 26, 2009

What is wrong with this code. It does not update the access database and no error.

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection

Dim sqlQRY As String = "SELECT * FROM StdMaster WHERE StuNo = " & txtStudentNo.Text & " ORDER BY StuNo"


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Synclock Doesn't Prevent Sharing Errors When Multiple Threads Access Same File

Apr 14, 2010

I am using Synclock to prevent multiple threads from logging text messages to the same file at the same time, but this doesn't seem to work:I get frequent sharing errors on the logfile, within the synclock block.The Synclock is using the variable holding the filename, because it exists all the time and because it is always the same object, whatever class instance or thread I'm in.[code]Despite using Synclock and a Using block around the code, I keep getting this error in the sw.WriteLine(Msg) line:System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file '(filename)' because it is being used by another process.Should I use some other type of object than a string to synchronize on?I cannot use a user interface object (button or so) because it is a windows service project.It was written and compiled in Visual Studio 2008, but targeting the 2.0 framework because it has to be able to run on some old Win2000 machines.

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Update Access DB From .Net?

Mar 11, 2010

I am attempting to use VB2008 Express to Display, Edit, and Append an Access database. I can display information fine, but for some reason updating the database is posing an issue. The code below runs fine and doesn't throw any exceptions.However the Access database itself does not update. When I physically open the table in Access, the field I am attempting to change remains empty. Furthermore, when I try to display the changed field in a label (the very last two lines) I get a discrepency between what is in the data set and my dbrow object despite filling the data set and setting the dbrow = data set. For some reason label30 displays the information that I want while label13 remains blank.

Adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Machines", Con)
Builder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(Adapter)


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Can Update To MS Access Database

Apr 17, 2009

I'm having problems with the updating of my datagridview. I can update to the MS Access database. The problem is I cannot update to my datagridview!-[code]

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Delete And Update MS Access Using VB?

Mar 9, 2012

add new records into access but the uploader didn't add any delete and update button. im hoping that anyone in here can continue he's work. because he's not active on youtube anymore and i tried to message him but not replying..

this is the code below i just need the delete and update button.

Private Sub add_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
con.ConnectionString = "provider= microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source =..VG.mdb"


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Update A MS Access Database

Feb 27, 2011

I am trying to update a field in a MS Access database and it appears to be working but it keeps coming up with an error on the last line "executeNonQuery", I think it has something to do with data type but not sure.

Using conProduct
cmd1 = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE tblSODetails SET StartTime = " & soStartTime & " WHERE SO = " & CurSO & "", conProduct)


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Update A Table In Access?

Apr 5, 2010

I've created a Point of Sale program using Access and I have an Inventory table from which items are sold. There is a quantity column and I want to be able to reduce the quantity for any item by the quantity that was sold in the point of sale front end. For example, there are 5 bracelets in inventory and 1 is sold. The quantity is typed into a textbox. The inventory quantity should now be 4 in Access. I don't know how to make this happen from the point of sale screen.

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Update A Table Via Access?

Apr 24, 2012

I am building a VB table which syncs with Access using multiple forms. I have managed to complete the first form. For the second form i am trying to add information into the database and save it. i do not know where i am going wrong with the code. with the code i am using it keeps bringing up errors. I am very new to VB and do not understand them.

Public Class Form2
Dim sqlString As String
Dim connectionString As String
Dim dataAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


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Update Access Database With .net?

Mar 27, 2009

I have created a datagrid and populated it with data from a database. When the data is changed, I try to update the database and I get an error without any description of what the error fill the grid:

With dbAdaptr
'populate jobs table
Dim SQLStr As String = "Select * from jobs"


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Update Access From .net Application?

Mar 11, 2010

im trying to update access from application. when excuting im getting this error: the microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0 source="c:...."provider was not registered on the local machine. when i go and run cmd to register ddl files. i was able to register msjet40.dll and msjetoledb40.dll with the other dll a box pops up: the module "c:..." was loaded but the entry point dllRegisterServer was not found?

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Update Data In MS-Access?

Nov 3, 2010

How to update the database records through

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Update Is Not Working With Access?

Jan 29, 2010

Dim sqlupdate As String
sqlupdate = "UPDATE sysdep SET sysaccount= @sysaccount, syspw= @syspw WHERE id= @id"
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand(sqlupdate, con1)


This is my code for update, but not working,UPDATE STATEMENT WRONG?

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Update Ms Access Database Via VB

Dec 6, 2009

How can I do that? I already have the code I'm working on but it seems that it doesn't work really fine. I input an id number(unique) on a text box and click the search button. The entries that corresponds to the id number is then displayed on the other text boxes. And then I try to edit one of the entries manually(changing its letters or name) then I click the update button.

Here is now the problem: It really updates the entry but it makes a mirror of the entry with a different id number(maybe automatically generated). So basically the ms access database will now contain the old entry and the updated version of the entry.

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Update Ms Access Using Program?

Sep 25, 2011

I have a program that discover the network..and give IP addresses of the active I want to connect my program with MS access my database I added the IP addresses..but I want to update my database everytime I debug my program..i want my database to check if IP address is already in it if yes then check its status and depending on the status update the database(0 in the case of off and 1 in case of active)..and if IP address is not already present then add that in the database..and do the same with every IP addresse that my Network Monitor program has discovered ..m having problem in updating my databse and check if IP addresse are already present[code]...

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Update Statement In Access DB?

Nov 16, 2009

I'm working a code to do an update statement but I get an error. I have the name of the column in a variable I added a parameters to pass the value but I get an error. The error says that Parameter @Ronda has no default value?

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Using DataAdapter To Update MS Access?

Jan 24, 2009

I am trying to make a little search system, so the user can enter a search parameter which then populate a DataAdapter, DataSet then DataGridView with the selected data then any change the user makes in the DGV are then commited to the MS Access (97) Database when a Update Button is pressed. This is what i have so far, at the minute it seems to populate the DA, DS and DGV but when i come to press the Update Button I get a pop up box with a long error message:

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
connetionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & frmMain.varDP_System


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Access Database Record Update?

Oct 6, 2010

Code to insert and update the record. I read the record sucessfully but without exception applied. I want also use the try catch statement for catch exception if generate. I want to know only sql query with in the try catch or datset connection adapter all in the try catch.

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Access Database Update Via Form

Nov 16, 2009

I am trying to update a Database via a form. In the update button I Have the below code
Dim bm As BindingManagerBase = frmFindCustomer.DataGridView1.BindingContext( _
frmFindCustomer.DataGridView1.DataSource, frmFindCustomer.DataGridView1.DataMember)
dr = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row
'This gets a reference to the row currently being edited
[Code] .....
I do not get any error messages but the database is not getting updated.

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Add New Row In Access 2007 - Cant Update My Table ?

Jun 2, 2011

It seems that i cant update my table in access 2007. Here is my code.

Try con = new oledb.oledbConnection("Provider = Microsof.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"; data source =
|DAtaDirectory|Attendance.accdb; Persist Security Info = False;")


--I dont received an error message when i run the codes i even dont receive an exception message. but when i check my database the record was not added.

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At Wits End Trying To Update An Access Database In VB8

Apr 11, 2010

I am an experienced VB6 programmer trying to adapt to the mindset. I am using Visual Basic 8 and I am using Microsoft Access 2003 as my database. I have spent the past 6 hours trying to do something as simple as updating my database for the following event. Everything I find on the net is either using SQL server or bound controls (which I don't think can work here).

I have a login page (gets the data from the database)( which then opens my main form. This works fine. I then have a menu item that allows the user to change his password. After doing all the appropriate validity checks, the program is supposed to save the new password back to the database. This does not work. I have a textbox where the user enters the new password. How do I set up (in code) the appropriate objects to then save the data. The pertinent code is below. I have left off the connection string (cn) as I know it works.


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