Previously Stored ListBox - Name Of Saved File?

Apr 7, 2011

I need to work with a previously stored listbox. Example: You save a file and it comes in the listbox, I can click it and I see it in all my textboxes. And if I restart the program it's still in the list. The files can be anywhere on the computer, that's why I need this method. The name that need to be in the listbox is the name of the save file.

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Overwrite Previously Saved Data?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to figure out/learn how to overwrite previously saved data. Right now when I save data to my excel form and then reopen it, to edit, a duplicate row with the edited data is shown along with the previously saved data as well.

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Autocompletecollection - Auto-complete List Of A Textbox To Be The Words That The User Has Previously Typed And Saved

Jan 8, 2012

I would like the autocomplete list of a textbox to be the words that the user has previously typed and saved. For example if they enter "dog", "cat" and "fish" I want the autocomplete suggests to show these three options. So far my Code only shows the last user input. I expect there is an easy solution as I am new to all this, but I can't seem to find it on my own.


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Highlight File In Listbox After File Is Saved

Apr 24, 2009

i have this app. with a listbox , a save button, and 2 textboxes the listbox loads all the files in a folder that i save directly from my save button it automatically loads up the files when i click on a listing in the listbox, text1 is the file name, text2 the content.i want to be able to have the listbox highlight the new saved file name in the listbox once i save the file in order to show that the file was created and such.

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Visual Studio .NET Color From A Previously Stored Color

Aug 8, 2007

I am redeveloping an application from vb6 to .Net 2005 using vb. I have values held in a database where are the long representation of the vb6 color object.Does anyone know how I can convert the long vb6 color into a .Net color?

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Saved Games To Be Saved Onto A Encryted File?

Apr 13, 2009

I am creating a simple button based rpg and was wondering if someone could help me with 3 things how to hold information within the game until the player save's the game, Saving the game, and Loading the game.I want the saved games to be saved onto a encryted file like .db or .dat file..

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Creating A New File From Another Previously Created While Program Is Active?

May 10, 2010

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'Ceci cr�e un fichier *.TXT dans un endroit statique


So my app is supposed to make a exercice.bak out of the .txt file but whatever I do it says the program is accessing it... any hints how i could makw the program SAVE the file and stop it's constant access to it...?

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Forms :: Reading From A Saved ListBox?

Jun 29, 2009

I am saving a ListBox to a file like this:

Dim Strm As New StreamWriter(FileLocation)

How can I read the file that was saved back into the ListBox?

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Delete A File That Was Previously Used With PictureBox.Image = New Bitmap(PathName)?

Jan 9, 2012

delete a file that was previously used with PictureBox.Image = New Bitmap(PathName)?

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Save A List In A Listbox And It Keep Saved When Close The Application?

Jun 11, 2011

My application is suppose to save the information that I put in the application that is in a listbox in form2. All the information is in form1, but I got it to save it in the listbox in form2 and I can see it when I load up the form2. Im suppose to make 10 different list for it, (it says it should be in arrays, but I dont know how to do it) and I should be able to save them everytime I put a new one in, but when I put a new list in the listbox and close the application and then reopen it, its erased, how do I save it and keep it in the lstbox so it doesnt get erased?

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Design A Program That Can Encrypt And Decrypt Messages Stored In Simple Text Files Using A Private Key Stored In A Separate File?

Jun 13, 2011

Need to design a program that can encrypt and decrypt messages stored in simple text files using a private key stored in a separate file. Software should also be able to allow the users to enter simple messages that either displays the encrypted or decrypted message. The encryption method should use a simple substitution method. It should be set out in the following format:

Example (the "@" is the separator):

The character The Code End of line
A @ 4gh EOL
B @ 84!9 EOL

Has to use the 256 ASCII character codes. The separator will be used to separate the character and its corresponding code.Here are the pseudocodes I have come up with:

� Read any private key file
separator = readline(file);
while not EOF(file) do
tempStr = readline(file);


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Removing A Listbox Item When It Stored In An Array?

Jan 7, 2011

Basically, the user can type in a name and a job description into two different txt boxes and then click add. It then adds the name to the listbox and stores it in a string list (Public strList As New List(Of String)) it also stores the job description in a string list as well (Public strListDescription As New List(Of String))Then when you select an item in the list box it knows what data to bring up in the txt boxes using an array with these lists:

Private Sub lstMyCourt_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstMyCourt.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim i As Integer


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Comma Separated Data File, Saved As A Text File?

May 30, 2011

I decided on a comma separated data file, saved as a text file. This is for data that will not change. After loading the data from the text file; then throughout the lifetime of the program the data can change. The data can then be saved back to a different binary file. The idea is to have a save state system going.Does anyone have a suggestion or is opposed to the idea. Is there a simpler way to organize something like this?

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Resources On Vb Controls - Use The Actual Vaue That Is Stored In The Checked Listbox

May 15, 2009

I was wondering if anyone had any resources on vb controls, I'm just a beginner so please excuse my little knowledge. I have been having troubles with the checked listbox control, selectedindex is the method for displaying the checked list position yeah? so what is the method that i need to use the actual vaue that is stored in the checked listbox ( the string ) ?

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Setting Up The Listbox To Have Multiple Columns That Will Be Populated From A Stored Procedure Within SQL?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm doing a project in database development which requires to use a list box that will populate from a SQL Server database.I'm confused on setting up the listbox to have multiple columns that will be populated from a stored procedure within SQL.I drag and drop the listbox onto the form, size it, change it's property to multi-column, set column width to 10, but don't know what to do next.The listbox on the form design doesn't show multi-columns.

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Automatically Create Pps File With Saved Ppt File In .net?

Oct 12, 2010

the software im currently creating requires that a loaded powerpoint slideshow be automatically saved as a powerpoint show file (without actually creating a pps file).

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File Is Saved Without Extension?

Jul 1, 2012

I am trying to copy a file from one location to other by clicking on a link label.the original file is saved at "D:\New Folder\" and the complete address of the file is stored on the link label.whenever i click on the click label, a form appears with three button Open, Save as, and cancel file is opening normally but when i click on save as , save as dialog box appears normally, but after entering the file name when i click on save button, file is saved on the destination but without any extension.

Here is the code...

ext1 = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(LinkLabel3.Text)
saveFile1.DefaultExt = ext1
saveFile1.Filter = ext1 + "All Files|"
If (saveFile1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) And (saveFile1.FileName.Length) > 0 Then
System.IO.File.Copy(Form3.LinkLabel1.Text, saveFile1.FileName.ToString)
End If

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Open Up A Saved File?

Apr 23, 2010

How do u open up a saved file in vb 2010?

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Opening A Saved File?

Mar 31, 2010

Basically im designing a programme where someone can put their information in, save it, and then I can access their information by clicking on their name in a list box.For example, they type in their name and number, when i open another form, their names come up an a list box, click on their name, and another form appears with their name and number in it.

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Run / Execute Saved File Afterwards?

Feb 25, 2009

Im right now working on a "notepad" type application, that i want to be able to save a code as a .vbs (I know how to save it as that), and then run/execute it. (the same as double click on it)[code]....

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Delete A Saved Image From File?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a button which when clicked, saves an image of any format from a picture box to a file.I have tried to come up with a code which can open the same file and delete any selected image but to no success.

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DGV Loaded And Then Saved To Text File?

May 10, 2012

I have my datagridview being loaded from a Text File and then being saved to a text file as a comma separated file - the commas obviously separate the columns. However in some of the cells prior to saving, I have data that i have inputted over two lines by pressing shift + return.


This saves fine, but obviously shows up in the text file as a line break, which then causes some issues when I choose to re open the info back into DGV. How I can code so that it saves as a line break within a cell, rather than a completely new line.

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Get Location / Path Of Saved File

Dec 23, 2010

Lets say I have a program that opens a save file dialog and the user selects a place in their computer to save the .txt file. One they clicked save is there a way to get the path of that saved file.

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Multiply Textboxes Saved As One Txt File

Apr 18, 2012

if i had say 10 labels with 10 textboxes how would i save all those labels accosiated with that text box as one text file

say example

label = name ---- textbox1
label2 =surname ---- textbox2
label3 address ---- textbox3

so in the text file it saves it to look like this

name = hayden
surname = doh
address = johnston hwy

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Overwriting And Existing Saved File?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm creating an app that will be run via scheduled task, it will save an XLS file with the following naming convention:'S14-PROORDEREXP-Thursday' (the Thursday will change depending on what day of the week it is)I have the following line of code to save this excel file:

If gstrJob = "S11" Then
xlWorkSheet.SaveAs(gstrFilePathS11 & gstrFileNameS11 & gstrFileTypeS11)


this will work fine the first time this scheduled task runs and there are no existing files but at the end of 1 week when I will be overwriting the existing files, how do I tell the application to overwrite the existing files without waiting on a yes prompt from me which it does in debug mode?

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Play A MP3 File That Saved A Resource?

Aug 28, 2009

How do I play a MP3 File that I saved a resource?

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Search Text From Saved Txt File?

Apr 30, 2010

How to search certain word in text file and display in textbox/listbox?[code]...

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Using Variable As The Name Of Text File Saved?

Sep 16, 2009

make the file saved with a variable as its name.

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.net - Change Label Text Into The Name Of The File Saved?

May 8, 2012

I'm trying to change the Label.text into the Name choose of the File that i'm going to save. This is the Code:

Dim saveDlg As SaveFileDialog = New SaveFileDialog
saveDlg.Filter = "JPEG (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg |All Files |*.*"
saveDlg.Title = "Save Picture"


i want to change the label text into the File saved names, i want show just the name and not the entire path.

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Keep Saved Settings When Moving Or Renaming A File?

Apr 17, 2011

I develop a web browser. It has a settings feature where you can change the homepage and some other options and it has bookmarks. Well, if you rename the file, then all of these settings are erased and reset to the defaults. How can I make this where all these settings are included no matter if moving, renaming, etc.?

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