Printing A Picturebox Image As Background?

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to print the selection of my picturebox as the background of the image. I can get the image to show, but it's not the height and width of the background.

' Fig. 15.24: CheckWriter.vb
' Printing a paycheck.
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging


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Printing/Previewing A <body Background> Image?

Dec 24, 2008

i haven't messed with much of the web content of vb, oh, im using VB 2008 Pro. Edition.Now, my problem is this...Inside my program, i have a webbrowser that only loads local html files, so what i need to do is somehow have the option to show up on the menu of "PRINT BACKGROUND COLORS AND IMAGES".Is there a way to ENABLE this option for the webbrowser1.etc...() class?any example code would help greatly if theres another way to print <body background> there anyway to get that option that appears in IE's pagesetup "Print background colors and images" checkbox to show up in the webbrowser1.showpagesetup()?

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Check Background Image Of Two Picturebox Same Or Not?

Dec 23, 2010

I use the following code to check the background image of two picturebox but it not work.

name of 1st picturebox is :cell1

name of 2nd picturebox is:cell2

code :

If (cell1.BackgroundImage Is cell2.BackgroundImage) Then
'Do somethings

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Show Background Image For Picturebox?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a form that contain an big image and an small image.The small image will be showed on top of the big image. Both images are in .gif format and the small image background is transparent.I set the picturebox's backcolor for small image to transparent, but I only get the backcolor of the form in stead of the big image.Is there anyway to see the big image at the transparent area of small image?

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Background Image In PictureBox With Tile Effect?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a picturebox and I have a image with a blue and red square. When I click a button it puts that image into the picturebox as background image. The background image property is set to tile. But when I click on my form to draw the image to it, it just draws the original not the one that has the tile effect from the picturebox. Is there a way i can do this to keep the tile effect?

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VS 2005 - Setting Background Of PictureBox As Image?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a problem when i opened a picture that
size image < size picture box
How can make the background of the picture box become an image too because my coding was to get the pixel from width and height picture box.. When I found the none image property, vb will show the error.. said coordinate(x,y) was null. It can be illustrated like on the picture above.

Sometimes I will used it when:
picture properties - size mode = center image
So the picture will found at center height and width.. and the background will surround it. Sometimes I used it after rotating the picture.. The problem occur when the picture get rotate for 45 degree. I am taking all point corners of the image and rotating it. So the picture will create 4 triangle at the corners..

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VS 2008 - Picturebox - Remove The Image And Have A Transparent Background

Feb 26, 2010

Im displaying an image in a picturebox when i mouse over a button PictureBox1.Image = (My.Resources. Get_Info_icon) But when the mouse leaves the button how do i remove the image and have a transparent background, so u cant actually see the picturebox ?

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VS 2010 Function For Changing Picturebox Background Image With String?

Mar 1, 2012

What I have done is named a bunch of picture boxes "Q," "W," "E," etc. (the whole alphabet) and named picture that correspond to these picture boxes ("Q.png," "W.png," and so on) and added them to my resources.

For example, the following code would give the picture box named "Q" it's corresponding image "Q.png":

Q.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Q

Of course, it's kind of a pain in the backside to copy and paste this code and change all the Q's to W's and so on, so I was hoping to create a function to do the job for me:

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'So that I can run the letter as a string through the function,


Hopefully I've provided enough detail so that it is obvious what I'm trying to do.

Obviously, the code I tried above (the second block) doesn't work - it gives a syntax error. I need to change/write to make this function functional.

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Interface And Graphics :: Rip Pixel Color Off Of The Background Image Picturebox ( The Level)?

Feb 27, 2009

Ive been working on creating a side scroller game, and the back color of my pictureboxes needs to go. when transparent, it shows through the program and onto whatever is active in your Windows os(usually Visual studios).

I am trying to rip pixel color off of the background image picturebox( the level), and replace parts of the character picture box that show transparency with the level art. there may be poor logic in my code?

Heres my code:

Dim newImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim backImage As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox2.Image)
Dim ximg As Bitmap = New Bitmap(PictureBox3.Image)


not the best idea, but all i get is one color for all the level pixels placed in the new image, which is odd. any poor logic you see in this code that could allow the newImage.setPixel not to be 1 color? when i breakpoint, it is recieving different colors from the backimage.getpixel, but only putting one shade on for setpixel somehow. im not going for an accurate color read from the background yet, just wondering why im getting 1 pixel color for the whole picturebox background when being changed.

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Picturebox Transparency - App Has Scrolling Images In The Background And A Picturebox On Top

Feb 28, 2009

My app has scrolling images in the background and a picturebox on top. The image in the picturebox has transparent parts. How can It so that the transparent parts show whatever is belo the picture box, not the form background? I have tried taking screenshots and positioning them as background but this just freezes the app.

Dim ScreenSize As Size = New Size(154, 83)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(154, 83)
Dim blank As New Bitmap(100, 300)


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VB Image - Transparent Parts Dont See Form As Background But Marioland As Background?

Feb 18, 2011

Background of form: black

background of char, bombs and shrooms: transparent

picbox behind char, bombs and shrooms is regular (marioland)

How can i fix it so the transparent parts dont see form as background but marioland as background?

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Printing In Background (produces PDF Files Instead Of Paper Copies)

Oct 28, 2009

I want to convert documents to PDF by "printing" them on a "virtual" printer (which produces PDF files instead of paper copies). My code looks like this:


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Drew An Image In A Picturebox With The Image Height As Picturebox Height And Image Width As Picturebox Width

Aug 15, 2011

I drew an image in a picturebox with the image height as picturebox height and image width as picturebox width. The image is placed somewhere on the center of the picturebox. My intention is to scale the image to fit to the picturebox.

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Drag Image From Picturebox To A Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program I'm working on that, for one of the features, allows the user to drag an image from a picturebox, into the main form space, anywhere they want. [code]...

When trying to drag the image from the CurrentTilePicBox, the very moment I move the mouse while dragging the cursor becomes a circle with a cross and won't drag and drop into the new picturebox.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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Transparent Controls Over Form With Background Image Shows Backcolor Not Image?

Sep 18, 2009

I can't remember exactly if this is possible or not but what I am attempting I would think should theoretically be possible. I know it is possible in WPF but the company I am working for doesn't want to make the transition just yet. Basically what I want is to use a background image on a form for the background and I have a docked control on the right and left. I have set the background on both of these docked controls to transparent however it is showing the back color rather than the background image. I tried, rather than setting the background image property, to override the onpaintbackground and onpaint events and use, me.clientrectangle) but it still seems to just pick up the backcolor as the true transparent background so I'm wondering if it's possible to get it to show the background image through the control rather than the backcolor of the form?

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VS 2005 : Printing Chart From Picturebox?

Nov 10, 2009

I am creating a bar-chart at runtime using the code below. I would like to print the result of the chart on a A4 paper (Landscape). And add header and footer to it. Do i need to save it as a graphic first?How can i print this?

Private Sub PictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Paint
Dim canvas As Graphics = e.Graphics
Dim heighestamount As Integer


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Background Image Will Not Switch Back From The Plain Background Color Of "control"?

Feb 19, 2011

what I am trying to accomplish worked with the code in the last thread I posted a while back. I still am using this code, however, I changed the window size to work better and gave it a nicer background for the title screen of my project. Now what I am working on at the moment is making a settings form that has 2 labels. One for "Default" Layout and one for "Plain" layout. When default is at start, the default label is disabled,and when plain layout is clicked, the button is disabled and default button is enabled.Basically, this is a toggle switch for default or plain where if one is enabled, the option for it is disabled and the other is enabled.My problem is that when I switch from Plain back to default, the background Image will not switch back from the plain background color of "control"Here is my code:

Public Class Settings
Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked
MiDNiGHT.BackgroundImage = Nothing[code].......

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Make PictureBox To Non Background?

May 12, 2012

I want to make a PictureBox to non background color, when I change its backcolor to transparent its backcolor still black.

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Transparent Background In Picturebox?

Nov 1, 2011

ok, is there a simple way to make a color in an imported picture in a picutrebox transparent?

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Interface And Graphics :: Printing ALL Content In Large PictureBox Which Has Scrollbars?

Feb 5, 2009

My project needs to print a large PictureBox which during runtime only part of it is shown (as it's too large, width=4000 pixels and height= 2000 pixels) and to see the rest of the picturebox, user needs to scroll through the vertical and horizontal bars. On top of the picturebox, there are many controls which are loaded and positioned by user on run-time. Those include lines, labels, another picturebox
with image and user-defined controls. Now, i need to write a print function which will print that picturebox to not too many pages in A4 size or A3 size. Not too many means less than 5 for both paper size.

1) How can i print the whole picturebox with all its contents and go to next printing page until the whole PictureBox is printed? I tried using the following code but

(i)The image of picturebox inside that picture box and user-defined control are not printed whereas others are printed. Why is that so? How can i print the picturebox including both the "un-printed"?

(ii) Even i can print out the picturebox, only the part where the picturebox is shown is printed. How can i print the whole picturebox including those parts which needs scrolling to reach?

Private Sub CmdPrint_Click()
Dim rv As Long
'Picture1 is the picturebox to be printed.


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PictureBox - Image: Select The Path To A Local Folder That Is Within The Application And Get An Image From It?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Picturebox and a two Buttons on my Form. On click of one of the buttons I want to change the image in the picture box at runtime.

This works fine when I give the location of the image (the full path ) on my computer - but then of course it will not work if I use the solution on a different computer .

So I have made a folder named "Pics" inside my application and added two images into it.

How do I get to this local folder in the following code?

Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile (??? )
instead of the usual,
Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile ("C:UsersMyName My PicturesMyPicture.jpg" )

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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Add Picture Box Image Name To Textbox - Depending On Image Displayed In Picturebox

May 20, 2009

i'm lost on this code.. i have a picturebox that swaps 2 images, depending on the action, file_red and file_green.. what i'm trying to to is, if a picturebox switches a image or not, to be able to detect that and have textbox8 add a line with the detection.


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Forms :: Transparent Background Over A Picturebox?

Jan 3, 2009

I have a picturebox with a pic in it, and I have a label on top of the picture.

I want the background of the the label to be transparent, so I set it's background prop to transparent and it's parent to the picturebox. I do this on form load, but for some reason the label entirely disappears once the form loads?

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Set Contents Of Picturebox As Desktop Background?

Dec 5, 2009

Set contents of picturebox as desktop background?

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VS 2008 - Picturebox Transparent Background

May 9, 2010

I have a picturebox that contains an image and the background of that image has been set to transparent and saved as a .gif in photoshop cs2.

I used that image in a picturebox and I set the BackColor of that picturebox to transparent, but it's not transparent; I have a gray background on that picture.

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FAQ: Draw An Image Respectively On The PictureBox Control And Image Object?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I draw an image respectively on the PictureBox control and Image object? Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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Make A Picturebox Image Equal A Certain Part Of The Image

May 23, 2010

i have a image with four squares evenly spaced out. I want a picturebox's image to be one of the squares at a time so it's like a animation except it's only one image.

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Copy Background Of A Form To Picturebox / Bitmap?

Oct 4, 2010

Using a blank form I draw simple colored shapes to the form(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0).

I'm using a picturebox(x800 - y600 @ x0 - y0), how do I copy whats on the form to the picturebox?

I want a mirror image copy.

Also, how do I copy from picturebox to form?

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