Private Structure Methods - 'implement' The BringToFront Method

Jan 13, 2012

I have the following

Private Structure FadeLabel
Dim Alpha As Byte
Dim Color As Color


Which I picked up from this thread: [URL]

What I'd like to do is 'implement' the BringToFront method so that when I use the 'FadeLabel' structure I can also call it's method 'BringToFront'.

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.net - Why Can't Call Private Shared Methods From A Public Shared Method

Aug 25, 2011

I have a class like this:


It works, when I make getBar methods public, but I don't want to expose these unneccessarily. Why I can't call private shared methods from a public one in the same class is over my head. I'm using .net framework 4.0 in a web application.

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.net - Can't Reflect On Private Methods?

Jan 5, 2012

So I created this thread: Invoking Private / Protected Methods Via Reflection From The Same Object Instance (or Base) And we got the problem fixed save for private methods. As this may not be the same issue I thought it may be best to post a different question with the full source. It is still a work in progress but it is functional.


So this class is being inherited by a (so far) empty child class and ProcessStage is being called. Notice that ConfirmFormDataIsValid() sub is private. If you run this it will not find this method. If I change it to protected however it works fine.

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C# - When Should Use Public / Private / Static Methods

Apr 27, 2009

I'm new to C#.Till this moment I used to make every global variable - public static.All my methods are public static so I can access them from other classes. I read on SO that the less public static methods I have,the better.So I rewrote my applications by putting all the code in one class - the form class.Now all my methods are private and there's no static method.

My question: What should I do,keeping everything in the form class is dump in my opinion. When should I use public,when private and when static private/public? I get the public methods as a 'cons' ,because they can be decompiled,but I doubt that.My public methods can be decompiled too.What is so 'private' in a private method? EDIT: I'm not asking how to prevent my program to be decompiled,I'm asking whether I should use static,private and public.And also : Is there are problem in putting all the code in the form class so I dont have to use public methods?

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Calling Private Shared Methods?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a form (frmMain) that contains a custom control (con class). frmMain contains a combo box control and when the user selects a value from it, I pass this value to a sub routine within con class (see red line below). This purpose of the sub routine is to populate a set of comboxes contained in con class according to the value that is passed in.

Private Sub cboGuidelines_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboGuidelines.SelectedIndexChanged
If bChanged = True Then


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.net - Reflection Retrieve Private Methods Of A Class?

Sep 13, 2010

I want to retrieve private (implementation and other) methods of a class which implements an interface and also is derived from (inherits) a base class.How can I achieve this using reflection?This is wat m tryin to do. I need to view these private methods and their contents, I don't want to invoke them.

Dim assembly As System.Reflection.Assembly
Dim assemblyName As String assemblyName = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("xyz.dll")
assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyName)
assembly.GetType("myClass").GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic) isn't working

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Implement What Ada Calls Private Types?

Aug 26, 2009

Is there a way to implement what Ada calls Private Types?Specifically I want to define two ID types (internally simple integers), but in a way that are assignment and operator isolated (aka SUPER strict type checking)

I can get close with a class, but you cannot have

a) constant classes (or structures) or

b) have optional parameters of classes or structures

c) class copies require clones to avoid assignment side effect (a1=a2 becomes a1 = a2.clone())


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Force A Form To Implement Certain Methods?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm fairly new to VB programming. I have a control which is mounted within a form. I need to implement a callback, so that the control can make the parent form do something. My plan was to create a MustInherit class with MustOverride methods, and make the form inherit the MustInherit class. However, Visual Basic tells me that the form cannot inherit more than one class, which means that it can either inherit my MustInherit class, or System.Windows.Forms.Form, but not both.[code]...

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Implement An Interface In .Net When Two Methods Have The Same Name But Different Parameters?

Mar 3, 2010

I am a C# programmer but I have to work with some VB.Net code and I came across a situation where I have two methods on an interface with the same name but different method parameters. When I attempt to implement this interface in a class, VB.Net requires explicitly declaring "Implements MethodName" after the method signature. Since both method names are identical, this is confusing the compiler. Is there a way to get around this sort of problem? I suspect this must be a common occurrence. Any thoughts?

N.B. This was more a case of the programmer not verifying that the interface in question had not changed from underneath him.

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C# - Invoking Private / Protected Methods Via Reflection From The Same Object Instance (or Base)

Jan 5, 2012

Is it possible to call a protected method via reflection. I am using this:


Which always calls a method with no params or return. The idea is that the user of my object (transactional processing of business logic) inherits the base class adds in a load of private methods to fire. They then add these method names to a list in the order they would like them fired and the code above will take care of firing them.

It works fine with public methods but not with private or protected methods in the same class (Protected because I have some 'standard' pre built methods to add to the base class). Realistically I could make the methods public and be done with it but my inner nerd wont allow me to do so...

I am assuming this is a security feature. Is there a way to get around this or does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed but keep my tasty, tasty visibility modifiers in tact?

(NOTE: ITS IN VB.NET but a C# Answer is fine if that is what you are comfortable with).

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.net - Grouping Methods In Test Structure Of Nunit Gui

Jan 26, 2011

Currently I have nunit's gui Test Structure setup to use Automatic Namespace suites.I was wondering if it was possible to group up method names inside the TestFixture.At the moment, the tree looks like


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Use A Structure To Implement IComparable?

Jan 15, 2009

This question spawned from an example jmc gave to someone on how to use a structure to implement IComparable... now I always thought that structures could only be used to store basic things like this:
Private Structure PersonStruct
Dim FirstName As String
Dim Surname As String
Dim HouseNumber As Integer
End Structure

but it turns out you can define functions, subs, delegates and even events, all from within a structure. So that made me think... whats the real differences between a Structure and a Class? JMC highlighted one difference and that was not being able to create a new instance of a structure and pass in arguments to be initialized but apart from the lack of constructors is there really much difference? I assume there must be as Classes seem to get used a hell of a lot more than structures but I dont really understand why there is a need for both of them if they are so similar... I mean if classes have a few more features then why ever use a structure? Are they more 'lightweight' or something?

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Class, Method, Namespace, Private Vs Public?

Feb 16, 2012

what websites, books or courses you guys suggest to use so I learn the fundamentals of programming. What is a class, method, namespace, private vs public. That leads me into .Net programming. A lot of intro to programming use java or C++ as the platform but I want to find one with or maybe C# if.

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Way To Add An Overload To A Method That Already Has One Or More Extension Methods?

Jan 8, 2010

Is there anyway to add an overload "extension method" to a method that already has one or more extension methods?For example theString.Contains method has two extension methods totalling 3 separate versions.Is there anyway to add an extra extension method also called "Contains" ?By the way I have tried it but the IDE does not seem to recognise additional EXTENSION methods where a method already hasone or more extension methods.Is there anyway around this restriction?In other words I would like to be able to change the Extension method below from"Contain" to "Contains" but it seems it is not recognised.

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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C# - Implement GetStableHash Method

Mar 17, 2012

I've already asked this question on several forums, but without any good explanation of why the code above cannot be converted from C# to Visual Basic. The code is actually from this forum, written in C#. (the source)


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Implement An Extension Method?

Nov 10, 2010

I want to implement an extension method in VB.NET that will clone an object of type T.Say, I want

Dim cust1 as New Customer() //...
Dim cust2 as New Customer() //...
cust2 = cust1.Clone()


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Method "ToBoolean" Is A Private Method Of Value.One?

Oct 15, 2010

This code works well ... But it should not I agree that "Value.One" implements IConvertible, but:the method "ToBoolean" is a private method of Value.One Why can I expose it outside of the class ( As far as I could test, this is true for everything that implement an interface nothing can be private )


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.net - Suitable Method To Implement Caching In

May 14, 2012

I need to implement caching in web application My need to store data with different ID's. So which method is better ?

Use a dictionary variable. Insert the data (key as ID and data as value).

Dim mDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
mDict .Add(bID, uwtTree.WriteXmlString(True, True))
Cache.Insert("mTree", mDict)


Which method is the best way ? Or is there any other method exists ? I am using .Net 3.5 /IIS 7 (VB.Net).

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Implement Common Method To Forms?

Feb 8, 2011

I'd like to implement a common method on most of the forms, but not all.Let's call the method 'FormCleaner'.

I'd like to recursively call each forms FormCleaner method and ignore cases where the form has no such method.[code]...

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Dynamic Invocation Of Methods In DLLs / How To Change Method Signature

Dec 27, 2011

I am using some interesting code to perform dynamic unmanaged dll calling:[code]I want to be able to change the parameter signature and type of the delegate to void or to a function returning integer, string, or boolean.Basically, I want my program (interpreter) to be able to call upon any method in any unmanaged dll that the programmer has access to since I cannot predict what method the programmer will want to have access to - I'd like to enable them to have access to any useful method.[code]This raises a complaint on the line with 'Dim theResult = ' on it. The error is "Object of type 'System.Int32' cannot be converted to type 'System.Object[]'."

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C# - Implement A Handler Method For Exceptions Correctly?

Jul 5, 2011

Suppose I have the following construct:

Public Sub SomeMethod()
Catch ex as Exception


And I would like to write handleException(ex). Suppose my class has different options of handling events:

Public Enum ExceptionHandlingType
DisplayInMessageBox 'Display in msgbox
ThrowToCaller 'Raise the error to the caller routine


Below is my attempt at writing "handleException". It seems no matter what I do, if the object was set with Exception mode of "ThrowToCaller" then the stack trace gets all messed up when I use handleException(). How can I just have a clean stack trace generated when the option is "ThrowToCaller" (every other option seems like it is working fine)

Public Sub handleException(ex as Exception)
Select Case mExceptionHandling
Case ExceptionHandlingType.DisplayInMessageBox


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Json - Use An Extension Method With A Structure In .NET?

Aug 21, 2010

I am wondering whether I can use DataContractJsonSerializer to serialize a Structure type, or does it have to be a reference/Class type? I have the following code:

<Extension()> Public Function ToJSON(ByVal target As Object) As String
Dim serializer = New System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer(target.GetType)
Using ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
serializer.WriteObject(ms, target)


And yet if I call it on a Structure type, such as a KeyValuePair(Of T1, T2), I get the following error:

Public member 'ToJSON' on type 'KeyValuePair(Of String,Object)' not found.

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Method Of Search In An Array Structure?

Jan 6, 2010

I have this as the structure

Public Structure TagInfo
Dim TagName as String
Dim hpt as Integer


have the structures are populated and when the form opens up, I make a copy of the structure.on my form i have a textbox... that would have information matching the TagName(x).TagValue I am trying to figure out how i could find that value in my textbox quicker than doing a loop through the tagname structure.

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Another Method To Reference The Array And The Member Of The Structure To Get The Data?

Jan 31, 2010

I have problems with array of structures are like this

structure order
end structure

and then I created many array of structures, like this private arrayorder (100) as order

now i need to sort the entire xxxxxx member of the array of the structure with a function, but I dont want to use loops with arrays indexes to access the information. I want to know if there is another method to reference the array and the member of the structure to get the data.

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Implement The .Find Method When Binding A BindingSource To LINQ (IEnumerable) Result?

Mar 15, 2008

I'm binding a DataGridView to a BindingSource to a LINQ IEnumerable, I found that the BindingSource.Find method throws an exception because .Find isn't implemented in IEnumerable (and the BindingSource just passes the call to it's DataSource). I need to use BindingSource.Find to select/highlight a particular row in the DataGridView.

Is there a feasable way to extend my DataContext to support this behavior w/o breaking anything else? I expected to find the code out there already, but I've searched exaustively with no luck.Without it, I cannot "move" the BindingSource using .Position and that's a pretty common use of the BindingSource I think.

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Looking For A BringToFront Event?

Mar 31, 2012

I have a number of usercontrols on a form. Kind of MDI where each usercontrol contains a document and the user can pop any into the foreground.The code to pop one into the foreground is the BringToFront method which is called by the parent form to bring one of the usercontrols into the foreground.All that works without problems.But a usercontrol does not know when it's been brought to the front. I want the usercontrol to execute some code each time it gets brought to the front but there is no event telling the usercontrol when it's been brought foreward.I 'could' make background controls invisible and make them visible when being brought foreward and the control could detect it via it's visiblechanged property.

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Windows Forms BringToFront?

Nov 9, 2010

Not sure why I am having trouble doing this, but..I have a VS2008 Windows Forms app and I would like to display a set of floating windows on top of a main form. I am happy to use either MDI (Multiple Document Interface) or normal SDI.

With MDI, the problem is that the controls on the main form appear in front of the floating child forms. I have tried moving the MDIClient control back and forward in the z-order with no luck.With SDI, the problem is that I seem to be unable to bring all the open forms in the app to the front at once. I have tried iterating through the Application.OpenForms() collection but I have problems with recursion as the Form.Activated() events all trigger
each other when I use .BringToFront on each form in the collection. (To be honest, I wonder why this is the default behaviour - I would have thought it very rare that you would want some windows in an app in front and some behind other apps. I would have thought that all windows in an app should be contiguous in the z-order).

I would rather not use the Win32 API, but I am willing to use it if there is no other way. I'd prefer a simple MDI or SDI solution, though.

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Winforms - Difference Between Focus() And BringToFront()

Apr 12, 2012

I'm developing an application in WinForms and I have 2 MDI children and I'd like to know the difference between Form.Focus and Form.BringToFront

I would like to know which one to use when clicking on a respective form's titlebar in order to have it pop up while I'm drag/dropping the form

If you are setting the child form mdiParent property after you are calling Form.Show then it messes up the focus of all the child forms so for me, drag/drop of MDI children inside an MDI parent won't focus the form upon Drag start, but only after MouseUp

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Populate The Structure From The Data File, Then Call The Method To Transfer It Back To The Website?

Apr 13, 2010

I am adding a web interface (ASPX.NET: VB) to a data acquisition system developed with LabVIEW which outputs raw data files. These raw data files are the binary representation of a LabVIEW cluster (essentially a structure).LabVIEW provides functions to instantiate a class or structure or call a method defined in a .NET DLL file.I plan to create a DLL file containing a structure definition and a class with methods to transfer the structure.When the webpage requests data, it would call a LabVIEW executable with a filename parameter. The LabVIEW code would instantiate the structure,populate the structure from the data file, then call the method to transfer the data back to the website.

How do you recommend I transfer (copy) an instance of a structure from one .NET program to the VB.NET program that executed it?

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BringToFront() Doesn't Actually Bring Dialog To The Front?

Mar 6, 2010

I've been having a slight problem with making a Window pop up. When I call it using ShowDialog(), it's supposed to be brought to the front (when in its code, Activated is called.) And yet it does not come to the front right away, it remains behind the Command Prompt. (My actual program.) Here is the code:

newconfig As
Configure 'Configure is the Form object.

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