Winforms - Difference Between Focus() And BringToFront()

Apr 12, 2012

I'm developing an application in WinForms and I have 2 MDI children and I'd like to know the difference between Form.Focus and Form.BringToFront

I would like to know which one to use when clicking on a respective form's titlebar in order to have it pop up while I'm drag/dropping the form

If you are setting the child form mdiParent property after you are calling Form.Show then it messes up the focus of all the child forms so for me, drag/drop of MDI children inside an MDI parent won't focus the form upon Drag start, but only after MouseUp

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Forms :: Difference Between .Focus And .Select?

Jul 3, 2009

In VB6, Something.SetFocus sets the focus to that Something. No problems there - in .Net it's called .Focus.On another thread I was told (twice!) to use Something.Select in a particular scenario (which works fine by the way).

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.net - Winforms Textbox Focus With TabControl?

Aug 22, 2011

VB.NET Windows Forms Project, VS2010.I have a tabcontrol with several tabpages and on each tabpage there is a textbox. I want the focus (and insertion point) to go to the end of the text in the textbox when the tab is selected. If I make a junky project with the following code in each tab, it works fine:

Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
With TextBox1
.SelectionStart = .Text.Length
End With
End Sub

However, the same code is not working in my actual project. I am having trouble debugging, because if I step through, the breakpoints and IDE mean the focus events don't fire in the same order.

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Find Out Which Control Has Focus In .Net Winforms?

Mar 18, 2009

How do I find out which control has focus in winforms?

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WinForms - Show Form Without Focus?

May 16, 2012

I would like to show a Form without focus - PLUS - I would like to have 'Enable Application Framework' enabled on the My Project > Application form. Having 'Enable Application Framework' enabled allows trapping of unhandled exceptions project-wide.

I have added this to my code:

Protected Overrides ReadOnly Property ShowWithoutActivation() As Boolean
Return True


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C# - WinForms UserControl How Do I Stop The Control Receiving Focus?

Nov 7, 2011

I have a custom UserControl that contains just one TextBox. When I set the control to Enabled = False, the TextBox is disabled but the control is not (control still fires the Enter event).

How do I ensure that the UserControl will not receive focus?My Enabled Property Looks like this:

Private _Enabled As Boolean = True
Public Shadows Property Enabled As Boolean
Return _Enabled
End Get


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VS 2008 WinForms Label Control Handle Focus?

Jan 30, 2011

There is a panel which contains 2 components: a label and a TreeView. The hierarchy, obviously, looks like this:panel1 // handles Enter event

- label1
- treeView1

I need to do some UI updates when user starts interacting with any of these 3 controls. My attempted strategy was to catch the Enter event of the panel, which would fire when user clicks a label, or TreeView. This way, I can write only one (1) event handler instead of several. While it worked for the TreeView, it didn't work for the label. When I click the label, I don't get the Enter event on the panel. Whats different about the label control? I could handle the Click event of the label. At the same time, I wonder what the other solutions might be.

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Winforms - Get Form To Focus Above Existing Users Windows And Applications?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a Visual Basic .Net form (launches after the splash screen tests database connectivity) and it is not focusing above other existing windows on launch. How do I get it to focus above all existing windows and Windows Explorer windows?

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Looking For A BringToFront Event?

Mar 31, 2012

I have a number of usercontrols on a form. Kind of MDI where each usercontrol contains a document and the user can pop any into the foreground.The code to pop one into the foreground is the BringToFront method which is called by the parent form to bring one of the usercontrols into the foreground.All that works without problems.But a usercontrol does not know when it's been brought to the front. I want the usercontrol to execute some code each time it gets brought to the front but there is no event telling the usercontrol when it's been brought foreward.I 'could' make background controls invisible and make them visible when being brought foreward and the control could detect it via it's visiblechanged property.

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Windows Forms BringToFront?

Nov 9, 2010

Not sure why I am having trouble doing this, but..I have a VS2008 Windows Forms app and I would like to display a set of floating windows on top of a main form. I am happy to use either MDI (Multiple Document Interface) or normal SDI.

With MDI, the problem is that the controls on the main form appear in front of the floating child forms. I have tried moving the MDIClient control back and forward in the z-order with no luck.With SDI, the problem is that I seem to be unable to bring all the open forms in the app to the front at once. I have tried iterating through the Application.OpenForms() collection but I have problems with recursion as the Form.Activated() events all trigger
each other when I use .BringToFront on each form in the collection. (To be honest, I wonder why this is the default behaviour - I would have thought it very rare that you would want some windows in an app in front and some behind other apps. I would have thought that all windows in an app should be contiguous in the z-order).

I would rather not use the Win32 API, but I am willing to use it if there is no other way. I'd prefer a simple MDI or SDI solution, though.

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BringToFront() Doesn't Actually Bring Dialog To The Front?

Mar 6, 2010

I've been having a slight problem with making a Window pop up. When I call it using ShowDialog(), it's supposed to be brought to the front (when in its code, Activated is called.) And yet it does not come to the front right away, it remains behind the Command Prompt. (My actual program.) Here is the code:

newconfig As
Configure 'Configure is the Form object.

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Private Structure Methods - 'implement' The BringToFront Method

Jan 13, 2012

I have the following

Private Structure FadeLabel
Dim Alpha As Byte
Dim Color As Color


Which I picked up from this thread: [URL]

What I'd like to do is 'implement' the BringToFront method so that when I use the 'FadeLabel' structure I can also call it's method 'BringToFront'.

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Forms :: Changing The Backcolor Of A Control When It Has Focus And Lost Focus?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there a more efficient/easier way changing the backcolor of a control when it has focus and lost focus? Let's say I've got 10 text boxes. Right now I would have 20 different events...10 for Enter event and 10 for Leave event. Of course, entering would change the back color to "green" and leaving would change it back to "white".


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Window Focus - Right Click On The NotifyIcon, Excel Gains Focus?

Mar 10, 2009

Here is what I've done:1) Created an Excel COM add-in for Excel 20032) Added a NotifyIcon to the Windows taskbar notification area (aka system tray) during ThisAddIn_Startup3) Added a ContextMenuStrip with a ToolStripButton to the NotifyIconWhy is it when I right click on the NotifyIcon, Excel gains focus? If after clicking on the NotifyIcon to display the ContextMenuStrip I choose not select an option on the ContextMenuStrip and instead click back on the Excel window, I get a weird flashing cell in Excel.I've created a video of the problem to help you see what I [url] anyone know how to prevent this? Ideally, I'd like to be able to click back on Excel and only have the ContextMenuStrip close and Excel regain focus.

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Forms :: Form Losing Focus - Keeps Loosing Focus ?

Nov 26, 2009

I have two forms in an application. One is he background and then I show another keypad form called with the show() method (not showDialog) because I need to perform some validations on btn click.

The kepad has 10 buttons and an Enter Button. The problem is that the form keeps loosing focus (I checked this with a messagebox which keeps poping up once for focus=true and again for focus=false, it continuously keeps losing and gaining focus) so it does not process any keypress events untill i click somewhere on the form. I tried using me.focus() in form load event but to no avail. The forms TopMost property is also set to true.

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C# - Books With A Focus On .NET Framework And Not So Much With A Focus On The Language Used?

Jul 18, 2010

recommend a book that focuses on the .NET framework in general and isn't too language specific.

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Lost Focus Event, What Control Is Getting Focus?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that when it loses focus it updates other text boxes on the form. But before it updates the other textboxes I check the input value in the textbox lostfocus event if it is undesired I return focus to the the textbox and alert the the user with a msgbox. However where my problem is, is that when the cancel button is clicked I don't care what the input in the textbox is because the changes are being canceled but if the value is undesired the it keeps returning focus to the textbox instead of canceling the changes. Is there a way to see what control was clicked on before or in the lost focus event? Can't seem to figure it out tried enter and leave events but no luck!

So for example something like this...

Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.LostFocus
If Control that was clicked <> btnCancel then


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Me.Focus - Return Focus To The Form

Oct 25, 2011

After I did a sendkeys to another program from my form, i wanted to return focus to the form. i tried me.focus = true but that doesn't work.

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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VS 2008 Set Focus (new Currrent Cell) Setting Focus On Specific Cell In My Datagridview1

Nov 7, 2009

I am having problem setting focus on specific cell in my Datagridview1 . On Form1 when clicking on cell 3 in any row, I am callig a Dialog1. However, when done working with it, and closing the Dialog1, the focus returns to cell 3 in my Datagridview1 . I like to set the focus on the next cell(4) making it the current cell.

I have tryed :

DataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.CellSelect
DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.Item(4, e.RowIndex)

DataGridView1.CurrentCell = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells(4)

And few other things, I am always getting this exception: Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.

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Set Focus On The Keydown Event So After The Button Control, Sets The Focus Into The Keydown?

Dec 15, 2010

Is it possible to set focus on the keydown event so after the button control, sets the focus into the keydown? although says often control can have focus,.Putting a button and a keydown event on a form...

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.net - What Is The Difference Between = And :=

Apr 18, 2009

I'm sure this is straightforward but I cannot find the correct string to get a google result. In VB.NET what is the difference between = (equals sign) and := (colon followed by equals sign)?

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Difference Between And C#?

Mar 30, 2011

can anyone tell me book for for beginner and complee package of books important for VB. as i don't know anything abt VB.

what is difference between and and c#??

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Difference Between C# And .net?

Aug 26, 2010

Possible Duplicate: What are the most important functional differences between C# and VB.NET? What are the basic difference between c# and

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Difference Between C#.Net And .Net?

Apr 27, 2012

know the difference between C#.Net and VB.Net. I use C#.Net for my projects, but when ever I met with some other programmers they often called VB.Net more powerful and easy, than C#.Net. I always asked them "Why it is more powerful then C#, since it uses the same framework?" but still I didn't get any answers.

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Difference Between COM And DLL?

Mar 1, 2006

what exactly distinguishes a COM component from a DLL? Isn't a COM component just a library of functions that can be called from another application? Why is using a COM component so much more complicated than just registering it like one would do with a DLL?

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Difference Between Dim Foo As And Dim Foo =

Jun 4, 2012

I'm looking for an explanation of the difference between

Dim sw1 = New StringWriter()
Dim sw2 As New StringWriter()

Both seem to instantiate new string writer instances that I can use.

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Difference Between For Each And For I?

Mar 10, 2010

I was under the assumption that VB's For Each loop was the same as a For Next loop. But when i try running the following code I do not get the expected result.


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Difference Between Tp(,) And Tpo(1)()

Jun 10, 2010

I have this code, first I thougt it should be the same but i cant acces the info in the same way .. why is this???

Dim tp(,) As Integer = {{1, 3, 5, 9, 7}, {34, 3, 4, 5, 6}}
Dim tpo(1)() As Integer
tpo(0) = New Integer() {1, 3, 5, 9, 7}


The first one I use only one for each and the other one I use two .. why is this different? are noy they 2 dimensional arrays ???

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Difference Between VB And .NET?

Jan 18, 2011

What is the difference between VB and VB.NET?

explanation with examples preferred

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