Program Won't Compile Because Of Underscore

Feb 23, 2011

I've been running the same project on the same computer for months now in VS2010.

There have been no code changes to the class that contains the following [code]...

Recently, when I compile, I get an error that my class must implement event ValueChanged.

When I remove the underscore and bring the Implements piece to the same line, it compiles.

If I then undo checkout and revert it back to what the code was before, it compiles.

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No Underscore Character When Program Is Running?

Feb 1, 2011

I have several HotKeys setup in my program that functionally are working, my problem is with the dispaying of the text. The underscore does not appear when the program is running.I have several radio buttons that have the text property set to something like "&1 Fold" while in design mode the underscore is present, but when the program is running the underscore is not present. FYI the background is set to transparent.

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Compile VB Program Decompile ?

Jan 29, 2011

I made an application in for my collage, but I don�t want to share my code with my teachers, even I don�t want to let them re-distribute my app. I made some licensing algorithm in my app. But by searching on Google, I am sure that it can be reverse-engineer.I want to know that, is there any free method to compile my vb program into any kind of encrypted exe, so no one can break the licensing algorithm using any reflector or disassembler. I searched the net, but all tools are expensive and commercial. Is there any free but hard to break technique.

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Can't Compile / Run My Hello World Program

Dec 11, 2010

Im new to this and im currently teaching my self how to code using "sams teach your self C++ in one hour a day" (of course ignoring the 1 hour a day part!)


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Fake Compile Errors / Rebuild Program

Jul 26, 2010

Anyone ever get fake compile errors and rebuild the program and then they go away? Well mine aren't going away and I can compile and run no problem. I've got something like 100 compile errors and the "run with error's" warning doesn't appear at any time and when I do run my program it runs just the way it should. However I still see like 100 errors.

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VS 02/03 Underscore In Folder Name?

May 3, 2009

The code below works fine on Windows XP but raises "InvalidCharacter in path" exception on Windows 2003. It works on Windows 2003 when I remove the underscore from the foldername. I don't have a Windows 2003 machine at hand right now so I was wondering whether the underscore is a reserved character on Windows 2003.

foundFiles = Directory.GetFiles("c:junkwatch_product", "BA*.txt")

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Hide Member Without Using Underscore?

Aug 8, 2010

I have a class written in VB.Net exposed to COM via the ComClass & ComVisible attributes. The class is then made available to VBA via a TLB. In VB6 you could easily mark a member hidden in the object browser but still available with a check mark. In VB.Net the only way I found to make a member hidden the VBA object browser is to prefixing the name with an underscore.

Is there a way to hide a member without underscoring it?

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Underscore In Label.content In WPF App?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a series of variable values that use an underscore to represent the space between words (e.g., abc_def_hij or klm_nop). When trying to display them as label.content (e.g., MyLabel.Content = DataType) the label always suppresses the first underscore. The examples I gave would display as abcdef_hij or klmnop and I can't seem to find anything that defines this anomaly or how to alter its behavior.

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Add A Number And Underscore To Main And Sub Folder

May 20, 2011

I have a directory with a bunch of sub folders. I need to add a number and underscore to the main folder and all sub folders.



I need it to say

There will be 500 subfolders, How would I have a form that can name all the subfolders at once?

View 19 Replies

Replacing Space With Underscore In WriteXML?

Aug 15, 2011

I have code to write xml file but unfortunately the database had field name with sapce eg. "form no" but when the xml file saves it converts to

"form_x0020_no" Pls tell me if there is any solution so that xml could be written with "form_no". and at this stage of application development i cannot chnage the variable names.

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VS 2008 Regular Expression Underscore?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a string that likes 1234_a34_b789 There are at least two "_" in the string. It cann't be the first or last letter. What is the regular expression pattern?

View 7 Replies

Why Not Use Underscore (as Opposed To CamelCasing Etc) In Function_names

Apr 4, 2012

Is there any good reason not to name functions with underscores in them? I'm aware of using a leading underscore for private members etc. but why not have functions like do_this_work()?

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Regex To Match String Containing Letters And Only Underscore?

Dec 2, 2011

Well my question is simple, I want to match a string with following attributesNo white spaceMust start with a letterMust not contain any other special characters other than nderscore

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VB 2010 Underscore And Small Rectangles In String Outputs?

Dec 1, 2010

I've made some good progress with my first attempt at a program, but have hit another road block. I'm taking standard output (as a string) froma console CMD window (results of dsquery piped to dsget) and have found small rectangles in the output. I tried using Regex to clean the little bastards but it seems they are related to the _ (underscore), which I need to keep (to return 2000/NT logins). Odd thing is - when I copy the caharcter and paste it into VS2K10 Express it acts like a carrige return?Going to try using /U or /A CMD switch next..

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IDE :: Linq Causing Run-time Compile Error But No Compile Error In VS2008?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a Linq-to-SQL class diagram in my web application containing the two tables in my database (held in a DBPro database project in the same solution). All was working fine yesterday. I start doing some work tonight and note that the solution compiles fine in Visual Studio, but when I run the web app I get a compilation error:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'FrostAlertDatabaseDataContext' is not defined.


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Regex Email Address Validation Fails If Underscore Character Present

Aug 31, 2010

My Regex works, except if the email address entered has an underscore character (_) in it.

Because of my lack of experience with regular expressions, I'm not sure where in my pattern I'm supposed to add the offending character to allow it:

Dim pattern As String = "^[-a-zAZ0-9][-.a-zA-Z0-9]*@[-.a-zA-Z0-0]+(.[-.a-zA-Z0-0+)*." & _

He said he fixed it by adding the _ after the numeric check.

I see the A-Z0-9, but I'm not sure which is the numeric check...

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Compile A ".c" C Program With VB 2010 Express?

Jun 24, 2010

This question might be over asked but I just can't seem to find a good answer.

My question: I have a simple area1.c file which has the following code:

/* area1.c */
/* Calculation of the area of a circle */
/* Author: Vishal. Date: 23/06/10 */
#include <stdio.h>


I have downloaded and installed the free edition for download on Microsoft's website which is Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.Can I compile a C program with the program that I have installed? If so, how? Please provide a clear explanation, as I am only a beginner.

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Access A "private Virtual" Property Starting With Underscore Through Reflection?

Apr 10, 2011

I was trying to access the following property using Reflection because I don't have the original source code (suppose this was decompiled through Reflector). It seems that something is special about it being "private virtual" or maybe because it has "_" in the beginning of the property. I can access all the other private properties no problem except this one. Just can't figure out what I am doing wrong:

private virtual String _MyProperty


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C# - Access A "private Virtual" Property Starting With Underscore Through Reflection?

Jul 15, 2011

I was trying to access the following property using Reflection because I don't have the original source code (suppose this was decompiled through Reflector). It seems that something is special about it being "private virtual" or maybe because it has "_" in the beginning of the property. I can access all the other private properties no problem except this one.

private virtual String _MyProperty


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Ampersand In The "text" Property Is Not Showing The Underscore During Runtime

Feb 6, 2010

I have a form with 2 radio buttons where the "checked" property is false, yet when the form loads the first radio button is selected. I tried .refresh and no positive results... Grrr! Also, the ampersand in the "text" property is not showing the underscore during runtime. This is with the entire project.

View 16 Replies

Compile With OCX?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Express and I am trying to compile a very simple project that uses an OCX that I downloaded and is on my desktop. How do I include this in the compile so that I can just forward the exe to another user?

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Dll Can't Compile With Others

Aug 4, 2010

I got a situation where I have a group of projects in a solution. All the projects are dll's except one - which is an exe. When I run the project, it compiles all the dll's except one of them - for some reason this dll needs to be manually compiled.

I have my options set to save projects on run and to build projects that are out of date. This works for all my other dll's except this one.

Do I have something set wrong in this particular dll?

View 7 Replies - Compile Code In VB Are The Same As C#?

Mar 15, 2012

Let's say that I have an entire project build in C# and other project build VB and I made a reference to this VB project Because this two projects need to interact between each other. Is this possible? the compiled code of this two project could live together??. Also if i made the same project VB and C# the compiled version are the same??

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Build & Compile 2 Exe's In VB?

May 1, 2011

Let me explain a bit.... let's say I already have MARIO.EXE and I want to create another (let's call it) SETUP.EXE that must have 2 buttons 'Yes' & 'No' How can I build the setup.exe and bundle these two apps together and when the newly exe (mario.exe + setup.exe) is created and launched : -if the 'yes' button is pressed it should continue with the mario.exe installation process -if the 'no' button is pressed then quit. What i don't know is the code and and how can I compile these 2 exe in a single one.

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Cannot Debug Or Compile

Feb 24, 2012

Im using Visual Studio 2008 in Windows 7. Recently I cannot debug(F5) any projects because this following error is appearing

Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'WindowsApplication5' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.

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Compile - Cannot Run .exe On Some Machines

Jun 21, 2010

I have a small form program that is basically an interface for installing different software packages so that we can distribute a CD with our products that our customers can just pop in the drive, autorun, and click the button to install what they need. The problem that I am running into is unlike when I had built this same program in VB6, the program rewritten in will not run on some machines, and shows me an error: .net Framework initialization error. required version of .net framework v2.0.50727.

I realize that it is asking for that version of .net framework in order to run, but what I would really like to know is if there is a way to make my exe non-dependant on this so that it will run on any machine. Requiring my customers to install .net framework in order to access an interface designed just to idiotproof the installation of some setup files and provide easy access to a few pdf's really would just defeat the purpose.

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Compile A VB File?

May 14, 2009

I'm trying VB.Net for the first time, and I must say, after spending two hours pulling my hair out (literally!) and trying one thing after another, I am severely disheartened. I just want to compile a simple .vb file.

I used notepad to create a helloworld file. Then my problems started. The book I'm using told me to use a command prompt, and enter:

vbc helloworld.vb

No dice, though. The vbc command was kicked out by the command prompt. I installed Microsoft Visual Basic 2008, and tried again. No dice. Double checked to make sure I had all my updates - check, but still nothing. So I just went ahead and double clicked the the helloworld.vb file. It displayed the text, but still didn't compile, and it wouldn't even allow me to debug it.

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Compile An Exe With Icon?

Nov 5, 2009

heres my code :

If File.Exists(TextBox2.Text) Then
If File.Exists(Application.StartupPath & "config.vb") Then
Dim pr As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider()
Dim cp As New CompilerParameters()


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Compile App To A Single Exe?

Dec 7, 2009

Compile app to a single exe

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Compile C# For Use Into Application?

Mar 13, 2012

Is there any way that I can compile a piece of C# code written on a file, then insert it in a function and run it(under[url]...

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