Property 'Cars' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Jun 2, 2010

I have myself a problem here. I created myself 2 classes like the ones below:

1) Vehicles
2) SportsCars

I then created some "Properties" like the ones below:[code]I want to get the price of a selected car, but when i try to build i get the following error: Property 'Cars' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

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VS 2008 Doesn't Return Value On All Code Paths?

Sep 20, 2009

I'm trying to get my head around this issue, on a few of my functions i get a warning " 'functionDealWithHiddenFields' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used."Example function:
Function functionDealWithHiddenFields(ByVal HTML As String, ByVal numHiddenFields As Integer, ByVal X As Integer)


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Function '<procedurename>' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Nov 23, 2011


I know the error and why. I am just curious. For some projects this show up as warning while for others this doesn't show up at all.

How do I set up so that the warning show up?

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Warnings 'ipAddr' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths?

Feb 12, 2012

What does this warning mean and how can i get it to go away.? Warning1Function 'ipAddr' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.C:Documents and SettingsHP_AdministratorDesktopMoney Manager in MysqlMoney Manager V1connection.vb385Money Manager V1

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VS 2008 : Warning - 'functionDealWithHiddenFields' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Nov 21, 2009

i get a warning " 'functionDealWithHiddenFields' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used."

Example function:
Function functionDealWithHiddenFields(ByVal HTML As String, ByVal numHiddenFields As Integer, ByVal X As Integer)


The functions still work correctly (as far as i can tell) what would i need to do to the above function to remedy that warning?

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Warning 1 Function 'ReadEOFData' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths?

Sep 19, 2011

I have this VB crypter I am trying to build, but I am getting 2 warnings. I Would like some help if someone has the time. Please PM me and ill send you the crypt.Warning 1 Function 'ReadEOFData' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used. I:Usersn oahDesktopI am CrypterI am CrypterForm1.vb 189 13 I am Crypter

Warning 2 Variable 'Buf' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. I:Users
oahDesktopI am CrypterI am CrypterForm1.vb 203 19 I am Crypter

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VS 2008 Getting Error "function 'getRemoteMac' Doesn't Return A Value On All Code Paths"

Jun 14, 2010

im trying to get mac adddress from this code but i get eerror on END FUNCTION line it says this "function 'getRemoteMac' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used." what am i missing here?


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Make Function Not Generate 'doesn't Return A Value On All Paths' Warning?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a function to recursively search through windows (and their child windows) to find specific ones, it works exactly as expected, however it causes "function doesn't return a value on all paths" warning. This is the only warning in my entire program, and although it might be silly, I'm interested in knowing if there is a way to stop this error from occurring, but still allowing the function to work properly.[code]

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Can't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Mar 5, 2010

I'm attempting to use the Left function to extract the 3 leftmost characters from a string.

I declare the function as follows

Public Shadows Function Left(ByVal str As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String

End Function

I get a notification that "function Left doesn't return a value on all code paths"

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.net - Function Does Not Return A Value On All Code Paths?

Mar 19, 2011

Private Function ViewPropertyCast(ByVal type As String) As String

Select Case type
Case "smallint"
Return "Short"
Case "nvarchar"
Return "String"


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Function Can't Return A Value On All Code Paths

Oct 11, 2009

Function can't return a value on all code paths.[cde]...

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Function Does Not Return Value On All Code Paths

Nov 20, 2011

I am getting the warning that the function doesn't return a value on all code paths.

Function newgradelevel(ByVal valscore As Integer, ByVal strgradelevel As String) As String
If valscore >= 70 Then
If strgradelevel = "Freshman" Then
newgradelevel = "Sophomore"
ElseIf strgradelevel = "Sophomore" Then
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Function Does Not Return A Value On All Code Paths?

May 5, 2009

How can I handle the above warning? Should I just return nothing when an error occurs?

te Function RetrieveAllCustomers() As DataTable
Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter


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No Value On All Code Paths

Aug 26, 2009

In more and more of my functions (althought they still work) i'm getting a warning the function doesn't return a value on all code paths.[code]...

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C# - Use ResolveUrl() To Set Some Paths In The Code Behind Of A Custom ASP.NET User Control?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm trying to use ResolveUrl() to set some paths in the code behind of a custom ASP.NET user control. The user control contains a navigation menu. I'm loading it on a page that's loading a master page.When I call ResolveUrl("~") in my user control it returns "~" instead of the root of the site. When I call it in a page I get the root path as expected. I've stepped through with the debugger and confirmed, ResolveUrl("~") returns "~" in my user control code behind.Is there some other way I should be calling the function in my user control code behind to get the root path of the site?

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Develop A System For Booking Cars?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to develop a system for booking cars for example. Suppose that one customer wants to book a car and this is the last one.Another customer searches with the same criteria and is finding this car too. How I am able to stay away of this situation?I don't know if I explained well... Imagine when you book tickets. How they can 'lock' the last ticket (or maybe the one that someone is viewing it) and make it unavailable to customers that have browse the site after?I use C# and it's about a very simple web service.

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If Statement Doesn't Return

Mar 22, 2012

Am I just being blind or does this If statement genuinely not do what it's meant to.[code]This displays the message box even though textSample is one of the letters. In my eyes that If statement should see that textSample is one of those letters and skip it, whereas if it was Z it would "Not" be equal to any of those and would therefore show the message box.

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Function Doesn't Return A Value?

Feb 18, 2012

[code]i want to change password for the users [code]

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Dataset Doesn't Return The Selections?

Aug 17, 2010

im trying to get a selected time and my dataset doesn't return the selections what am i doing wrong in this statement

dim startindex as integer= 0
dim endindex as integer= 0
for each regel as datarow in my dataset.tables("Bookingen").rows


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DB/Reporting :: SQL Query Doesn't Return Right Value

Mar 2, 2011

it seems that this query doesnt read the begindate and only displays record with enddate.

str = ""
str = str & "Select sum(quantity) as totalpurchase from purchaseorder where itemcode='" & itmcode & "' and"
str = str & " category='Consumables' and company='" & company & "' and (datereceive >= '" & datebegin & "' and datereceive <= '" & dateend & "')"
str = str & " and (postatus='received' or postatus='oh-hand')"

i am using vb2010 and mysql community server.

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Sql Query Doesn't Return Any Results On Datagrid

Jul 7, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2005, and I have a datagrid connected to a table from an Access database.

I added 4 textboxes so the user can type search filters to search within the table and a "search" button.

Then, I created a query using the "add query" tool on the datagrid. I wrote it like: select field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6 from table where field1=? and field2 like "%"+?+"%" and field3 like "%"+?+"%"
and field4 like "%"+?+"%"

Both field5 and field6 aren't search criterias, so I didn't add them to the query. Once the query was created, I replaced the parameters inside the procedure with my textbox1.text, textbox2.text, textbox3.text, textbox4.text and then cut and pasted the whole thing inside my SEARCH button click event, so the query is executed when the user clicks on the button.

Now the problem is: when I search using the first field it goes ok, but when I try to search by any of the other fields it returns zero results, even though I double-checked I had written the words correctly. I don't know why it does this. I already tried deleting the datagrid and creating it again.[code]...

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Xml - Using XmlReadert How To Handle When ReadToFollowing Doesn't Return A Value

Apr 19, 2011

If I use

valueA = xmlCommand.ReadElementContentAsString


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Encoding.GetString Doesn't Return Proper Length

Jun 28, 2010

My system has Japanese regional settings. I have used this as default encoding in my code. But Encoding.GetString() method doesn't return proper length because of DBCS.[code]

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Set Property Values With WMI But It Doesn't Work

Jan 16, 2009

I need to set property values with WMI but it doesn't work. For example:

obj = New System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objMgmt In obj.Get
objMgmt("description") = value

That is supposed to set the computer description but it has no effects at all (and doesn't produce any exceptions). I can successfully retrieve value but I can't set it. The "description" property is supposed to be read and write, according to MS.

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C# - Can A Property Return A Default Value

Sep 27, 2011

Is there anyway to have a class that can return a default type without specifying the property.

If I had a class that had a few properties and one property returned a string value and others returned additional types, could I do the following?

Dim StudentGrade as new StudentGradeClass

'call and get default property

Dim CurrentGrade as string=StudentGrade

'instead of this

Dim CurrentGrade as string=StudentGrade.Current

The reason I am asking this is when I have classes that have other classes as properties and would like to just get a default return value,.

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Property Return Value Error?

May 23, 2012

I have a class classed class1.vb, it has a public property named prop1 with a get and a set clause. I add one to the value passed in the set clause and in the get clause return the value variable as determined in the set clause. However, I get an error on the variable in the get clause...

Public Property prop1()
Return value


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Databinding An Object Property And Modifying Another Property In Code?

Jan 15, 2010

on a Windows Form, an object myObject is bound to myObjectDataBindingSource like this:myObjectDataBindingSource .DatSource = myObject on the form, i have a check box bound to the property: chkProp1 for example of the object: myObjectDataBindingSource In the code when the checkbox is clicked, I need to go in code and change another text property of the object txtProper2 for example like this:

Private Sub chkProp1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkProp1.CheckedChanged


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Combobox Formatstring Property Doesn't Work

Jan 19, 2012

I have a form created in It is used to get some information form a user. The form is not bound to any data source.A combobox on this form is used to enter a cost. I want the value entered by the user to be displayed using currency format. I have used the Format String Dialog that opens from the ellipses button on the FormatString property of the combobox and selected Currency. This put C2 into the FormatString property.When I run my application, this format is not applied to the value entered into the combobox at the time the number is entered or when I leave the combobox.

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Object Doesn't Support This Property Or Method?

Feb 9, 2012

Are shared properties accessible from a COM exposed .NET assembly?

Dim appExcel As Object
Dim objAppSingleton As Object
Set objAppSingleton = CreateObject("Pitchbook.CommonUtils.Application.PitchbookAppSingleton")[code].....

The line appExcel = objAppSingleton.CurrentPitchbookExcelApp gives the error:Run-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method

View 2 Replies Combobox Formatstring Property Doesn't Work

Feb 15, 2012

I have a form created in It is used to get some information form a user. The form is not bound to any data source.

A combobox on this form is used to enter a cost. I want the value entered by the user to be displayed using currency format. I have used the Format String Dialog that opens from the ellipses button on the FormatString property of the combobox and selected Currency. This put C2 into the FormatString property.

When I run my application, this format is not applied to the value entered into the combobox at the time the number is entered or when I leave the combobox.

What am I missing?

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