Pull 'Price' From 'Product' Table And Put Into A Label?

Mar 30, 2009

Anyway, i have a list of products in a product table. Primary key 'id', and 'Price' is a float(all variables defined at the top - cut main code out)

objConnect = New OleDbConnection
objConnect.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=|DataDirectory|Ecommerce.accdb;"


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VB 2010 Validation - Form As Follows "Price Changer" - User Is Allowed To Select A Product And Enter Price

Apr 17, 2012

I have a form as follows "Price changer" The user is allowed to select a product and enter price . So when the change price button is clicked...the price is stored in a array which is later called

So what i am stuck is when the user selects a product from the drop down menu...the user can enter price . But i need to display a error message when the user enters text instead of numbers for prices. I tried try parse method but it displayed the error message but did not transfer the entered price to the array.

My code is as follows

The bolded intMediaprice() are arrays....

Private Sub btnPrice_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrice.Click
If cbMedia.Text = "8-Track" Then


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VS 2008 - Pull A Price From An HTML Tag Using The .Document Method Of The Web Browser Control

May 18, 2009

I'm trying to pull a price from an HTML tag using the .Document method of the web browser control. I've done this previously with the following HTML lin:


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VB - Make The Price Corresponding With The Item Appear In The Label

Nov 12, 2010

I am writing a program that uses an array of structures to display a price in a label based on what item is selected in a list box(the data is stored in a text file). I am having trouble figuring out how to make the price corresponding with the item appear in the label. Currently, it just keeps showing the last price in the text file.


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Database-table That Contains Two Columns / Items And Price Of Each Item

Jun 5, 2011

I am currently using microsoft access 2007 and vb.net 2008. The problem senario is this: I have a database-table that contains two columns, items, and the price of each item. I tried to drag this table to the form as a checkbox tool, but only one checkbox1 was diplayed. The table consists of four rows. My requirement is when I drag the checkbox I want to see the all items in the first column, i.e. four checkboxes that hold the same name as in the table in the database, and when I check one or more items to be able to use, in somehow, the price(s) to make some kind of calculations.

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User Selects From Multiple Listboxes To Get A Price From A Price Array

Nov 25, 2011

I am new to vb and I am having so much trouble with this. What I need to do is this: I have a form application for winter sports equipment rental.I have a listbox filled with the equipment for the user to choose from then I have a combobox for the user to select the duration they would like to rent it. The book that I am using has no examples I can refrence and i have had no luck online either. I am posting what I have so far. However, i think I am going in the wrong direction. I have been working on this for so long that I think I have over thought it and made a mess of it. I am thinking that I need to add a new class for rentalRates then use enum of durationType and equipmentType but I am unsure how to move that way. That is using a enum, a 2d array and a parallel array? [code]

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Pull The Table In Without Headaches

May 28, 2012

Back again... getting into the next issue. My question is regarding a simple way to pull the table in without headaches. Right now I open the website, navigate to the page and am ready to pull in the needed info. It's Paypal, I'm trying to automate getting new sales customer addresses/orders downloaded into a spreadsheet.


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SQL Query With Three Tables And Sum Of The Product Of 2 Columns Of One Table

Sep 10, 2011

I am having 3 tables in my DB Challans, Challan_Details & Customers. They are as follows

Table Challans:

Customer_ID (Related with Customer_ID in Customers Table) Challan_ID (Key) Challan_VchNo (Voucher No.) Challan_Date Invoice_ID
Table Challan_Details


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Get The Price Of The Premium Or Regular In Price Per Unite?

Jan 24, 2012


Public Class GasPump
Private name As String
Private quan As Double


I get problem in the code when you going to pick y/n. how i going to get the price of the premium or Regular in Price per unite?

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Generate A Unique Number From DB Table ID, Time And Selected Product?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm developing a policy administration system and I need to generate a unique policy in this formart


Where R is the Region i select from a Combobox, P is the product the client chooses and the auto generated six digit number and HH is the hour when the record was entered in the system. I want the auto generated number to be the ID in my ClientDetails table in my DB.Here is my code of what I have done so far.They want to be able to tell the region and the product by just looking at the policy number.

Private Function PolicyNumber(ByVal intRegion As Int16, ByVal intProductCover As Int16) As String
PolicyNumber = intRegion.ToString & intProductCover.ToString & "000000" & "/" & Hour(Now).ToString
End Function


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Retrieving Information - Retrieve The First Product And It Repeat E Same Product In My Second Textbox

Aug 11, 2009

Right now i have a form in the VB where there are 2 combobox in it. user can choose from a range of products that comes together with some description and these are to be stored in a database table.. when i retrieve these data from another form in VB, i'm only able to retrieve the first product and it repeat e same product in my second textbox.

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Show Product Information And Another For Product Purchase Details Entry?

Jun 25, 2009

I have 2 datagrids. One to show Product information and another for Product purchase details entry. Both share the same dataset. The dataset (ds) is filled up with columns from 2 table

ProductMstrTbl : ProductID, ProductName..
ProductDetailsTbl: ProductID, PurchaseDate, Amt, BalanceQty..
DataSet(ds) : ProductID, ProductName, PurchaseDate, Amt, BalanceQty.

The problem is that: Showing from dataset or entering new records into the dataset is no problem, but am not able to save the modified dataset into DataBase. SqlCommandBuilder failed to generate the corresponding INSERT, UPDATE command as the dataset has multiple base tables.

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Very Simple Database Interaction - Using Textbox To Pull User ID From The Table

Jun 25, 2010

I have one table here with a list of UserIDs, Users, and ClientCodes. Each user can be assigned a client code to view that client's data elsewhere. Right now I have to change it for everyone via SQL Server and actually going into the table manually, but I'm trying to make a simple little program that will let the user change it themselves. All I need is a textbox that pulls the user based on a certain UserID from the table, and a drop down list that will not only show the current ClientCode they're set to, but allow me to change it and save that change to the table in the database.

What's the best way to go about this? I tried using the wizards but I guess that's not the best way to go about it. I have it displaying the correct user and their current ClientCode but that's about it.

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Incorporating Product IDs And Product Registration Into VB Projects?

Oct 5, 2010

I am looking for a free utility or way to protect my software by requiring a Product ID (Which will be created when a customer requests a paid license) to use the application after a demo version. Like most shareware apps.

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Enter The Price In A Text Box And Click The Enter Button To Send The Price To A List?

Nov 15, 2011

I have to create a form that I enter the price of gas each month over a year. I enter the price in a text box and click the enter button to send the price to a list box immediatley and use an array. I have the following code but I don't think it's working with the array correctly as it will let me enter the information but doesn't stop letting me enter after the 12 prices. I am really having a hard time trying to figure out how to set up this input for an array and make it all work.


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MS Access: Pull Data But Can't Pull Field Name?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to work with an access database. If this line pulls data from a dataset and puts it into a textbox: TextBox1.Text = Me.A_DataSet.a_Table.Rows(0).Item(0).ToString How would I pull the field name? For Example, in this database I have 3 fields:


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ADO To .net Recordsets - Pull Data From A Table Once Then Split The Data With A Filter

May 22, 2010

I am trying to learn the new methods in .net, but, I cant see a way to step through the data like you can in an ado recordset. I want to pull data from a table once, then split the data with a filter, then step through the rows gathering the dtata till eof. Clear the filter and reset it for the next batch.

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Pull Data From Table To Set Variable With That Data?

Mar 13, 2012

I need to be able to pull the data from a row to either store in variables or to place into a class to store the variables there. I've tried to do so with the following code but get an error about the row not existing


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Pull Data To DomainUpDown Box From Some Data Table?

Sep 14, 2009

how can I pull data to DomainUpDown box from some data table

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Bind Db Table To Label?

Feb 20, 2010

i want to read the data from the table to textbo.below is my code


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Multiplication Table In A Label Control?

Nov 1, 2009

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim intCount = 1


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VS 2008 : Get Value From HTML Table To Label?

Jul 30, 2009

I would like to retrieve a value ( in this case: windspeed) from a HTML webpage the has table with the desired value contained it and put this value into a label within windows app form. Below is this HTML Data from the webpage.Ultitmately I would like to refresh the value every 30 secs

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" />


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Insert Program Label To Mysql Table?

Jun 5, 2012

How to Inserting Label.text data into mySql table.i have no problem with textbox.text but i can't figure out how it with Label.text[code]...

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Forms :: Lookup Table That Contains A Label That Describes The Data To Be Written Back To Database

Jan 9, 2012

I have a lookup table that contains a label that describes the data to be written back to my database. For example:Label = Manufacturing Repair Issue (This is what the user see's in my front-end windows app)Data = Mfg_Repair (What I want to save to the database when the user choses the label)

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Calculations Using Quantity And Price - Not Getting Right Value

Jun 3, 2011

I got a program I am working on. It does some calculations using quantity and price in such. Heres the calculation module.
Private Sub calculations()
If AdultsizeRadioButton1.Checked = True Then
adulttotaldecimal = quantityinteger * adultpricedecimal * hoursinteger
ElseIf ChildsizeRadioButton2.Checked = True Then
childtotaldecimal = quantityinteger * childpricedecimal * hoursinteger
[Code] .....

Ok, everything has worked when I display the information.... up until the accumprofitdecimal variable. When i display that value its NOT what it should be. For instance i'm putting in a quanity of 1 and an hour of 1 for an adult then for a child, the extended price comes out properly as $2.15 now the code accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal SHOULD add the extended price (2.15) to the accumulative total. but when i display the accum profit total it shows a number that makes zero sense... is accumprofitdecimal += extendedpricedecimal not correct code?

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Comparing 2 Lists Name And Price?

Dec 17, 2009

I'm creating <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-


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Program That Will Calculate The New Price?

May 4, 2010

I'm doing a program that will calculate the new price. Iv been using a class to put my code their. Iv been getting errors in my form code.

Heres the class code

Public Class Computer
Private _id As String
Private _price As Decimal


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Running Two Programs For The Price Of One?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to make a program(Program A) that allows you to use another program(Program B ) for an amount of time, then shuts it down. I already know how to shut down ProgramB down during runtime, now all I need is the part where Program A automaticly starts when Program B is opened.

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Adding Records Litres And Price?

Jan 30, 2009

Here me again since i'm done now in Sign Up form.Another database coding to add a records..i try to copy the same code with my sign Up form to insert a records....to input a Litre and Price. is this correct?

Public Class frmGasolineSales

Private Sub slc(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim thistabcontrol = CType(sender, TabPage)
Select Case (thistabcontrol.Name)
Case "TabStation1"


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Array Price Not Showing In Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I can not tell if my array is not working at all. Here is the code:

Friend Class pizzaarray
Structure Size
Dim sizedecimal As Decimal


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