Put The Coordinates Received In The Text Box VB 2008 Into Excel
Apr 17, 2010
I have used Winsock to receive coordinate of the objects (displayed in (Rich) Text box). How can I get those data into Excel or anything to display on GIS mapinfo??
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Dec 2, 2010
I am trying to build a coordinates system but am having trouble with how to.. What I have sofar is a textbox that allows the user to enter a length. This length is user defined but never smaller then 610 in length since this is the minimum unit size we use to build timber frames. The overall length of a timber frame is infinite (well not really, but it is for what I want) the timber frame has beams every 610mm set apart from each other (this is a legal requirement) so I want my vb.net to set coordinates for each beam at intervals of 610 then write that coordinates system to a text based *.SCR file
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Feb 12, 2010
is there a way of getting the screen coordinates of individual cells on an open Excel sheet, what I want to ultimately do is pass in a cell range say, "A5" into a function and watch the mouse cursor move slowly to that cell. I know this might seem a weird request. I already have a mouse move function but that accepts the x/y coords in pixel terms where excel using .TOP and .LEFT give an entirely different format?
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Jul 18, 2012
I'm struggling to think of a reason why I should be getting an 'Access denied' error when trying to save an Excel document opened through a program written in VB 2010 Express. The program is essentially glorified Excel automation. It converts information from hundreds of Excel documents into a few small text files in order to improve operation speed. The software is designed for use by no more than a dozen or so people in the office who are all editing these Excel documents (through the software), and saving changes. They edit a given document by selecting it in a list in the main form, which then changes the document to writeable and opens it for them. A FileSystemWatcher detects changes in the folder containing the Excel documents so that the aforementioned text files can be updated when the user saves the Excel document.
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Jun 28, 2011
This program is being used to analyze an excel document with coordinates for a robot. The entire program works...My boss indicated he wanted me to throw an exception in whenever a coordinate that wasn't being given a tolerance wasn't supposed to move, he wanted the program to give an error message. Which I figured out and outputs a message box saying "Result Compare Fail!"
Now here is my dilemma..whenever I encounter a section in the excel sheet analyzing multiple variables, I still get the error message, because the program doesn't think of it as multiple variable coordinates changing. Is there an easy way to fix this? I'm stumped! This is one of the cases, but they are all very similar.
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Nov 29, 2010
I want to translate MouseArgEvent.Location (x,y) coordinates into my custom graph coordinates. Mouse Y coordinates increase from top to bottom while my grid's y value increase from bottom to top. Given my following code, I would need to create 21,500 separate conditional expression for 100(y) x 215(x) possible coordinate locations for my grid.
Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
If e.X > 48 AndAlso e.X < 50 AndAlso e.Y > 397 AndAlso e.Y < 399 Then
MessageBox.Show("about 0,0")
View 5 Replies
Mar 4, 2010
read the received SMS and place the message in the text box.I am using GSM modem.
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Jul 28, 2010
I am building a program which relies on getting info from a twitter user. My idea was, I could either: A. Search the twitter user's feed for the current time. Or B: Get a email notification when he tweets, and send a sound. If I go with I would need to know how to search a webpage, get the time, and ring a sound if the time is present. If I go with B, I would need to know how to check email, and play a sound if a new email is recieved. Which one should I go with, and how would I do the things that I would need to know?
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Mar 31, 2011
At the minute I can display the mouse position using Cusor.Position.ToString() but my screen resolution is widescreem - 1360:768. What about about someone with a standard 1024:768? If I use my application on other computers, it won't work because it deeply depends on mouse co-ordinates
I am aware of a world coordinate system (or something) that will work on all screen resolutions. To use this (which I will need to) I will need to change all of my coordinates in the code? So I'll need to display it in a text box like I did with Cusor.Position.ToString() but what code can I use to get the world coordinate?
There is something like PoibntToScreen and PointToClient but what do these do exactly and how do I use them? I tried using
MouseCoordinates_tssl.Text = "Mouse Coordinates: " + "{X:" + PointToScreen(New Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)).X.ToString + "; Y:" + PointToScreen(New Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y)).Y.ToString + ";}"
but much to my disappointment, it didn't work. What could I do that would work?
View 4 Replies
Apr 28, 2011
I have a problem related to a project work of field observations of points. So I have a text file (file.txt) of coordinates X and Y of vertexes (separated by a comma like below):
X, Y
12.2 , 13.1
15.4 , 19.3
13.6 , 12.5
(and so on to 15 lines of x's and y's)
I need a program which can read this text.txt file with the given coordinates and store them as 2 generic lists using Loop and Split function and also the program should display the data read from text.txt file into a multiline text box. Next the program has to use the 2 lists to be passed to a function that first calculates the average values for the coordinates X and Y, and then work out the areas of triangles by = 1/2 SUM [ (xb-xR)(ya-yR)-(yb-yR)(xa-xR) ] where x/y ''a'' is the current vertex and x/y ''b'' is the next vertex in the polygon. I presume the program has to loop around the whole polygon to vertices to summing up the areas of the triangles and at the end multiply by 1/2 and give the positive modulus or ABS() of the area.
View 8 Replies
Jan 18, 2011
Develop a Company Logo application that allows users to draw shapes. The application should provide the user with RadioButtons to allow the selection of the next shape to be drawn. TextBoxes should be provided to allow the user to enter coordinates (X and Y coordinates) of the shape, the width and the height of the shapes. Users should also be able to change the shape�s colour.my question is how to allow the user to enter coordinates (X and Y coordinates) of the shape, the width and the height of the shapes and change the shape�s color from combo box. pro help
below is my code:
Public Class Form1
Dim mycolor As Color
Dim mypen As Pen
Dim mygraphics As Graphics
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a Geo-tagged snapshot (photo) captured with a my digital cam.
I want to read world coordinates (real coordinates) upon click on any pixel on this photo.
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Feb 4, 2012
I just wanted to confirm my reading -- this is the number of bytes that is put in the buffer before the data received event is triggered, correct? And it's ONLY for that purpose?
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Jul 6, 2011
I am running a program that is connected through the internet and i gets disconnected at times.wanted to know how this would be to examine a color of a pixel , If the colour turns changes, my mouse will move to reconnect
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Aug 10, 2009
I cannot find a way to get the server to put the information of the recieved packet onto a textbox for the user to see.Client Side:
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Client
I am also trying to get the server to send back a packet to the client saying it recieved the packet sent. I just dont know how to translate the packet to a textbox.
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Aug 24, 2009
I took a look at System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 class about using a checksum for a UDP program i am making.Basically i want to use it, to ensure the server is receiving what the client sends it, in a way that the server can make note of it receiving properly without having the client keep track of how many proper payloads the server received. The reason i need a checksum is because the client is sending a random hex payload, so i cant have the server predict what it should receive the same way as i have it working with the sequence number.I dont fully understand how i could implement this to my code. I believe i should make a public property in my packet class, but im having trouble implementing it with the way i coded my program. [code]
View 39 Replies
Dec 20, 2009
Is it possible to monitor how much traffic my application has used? I'm interested to see how much data that has been sent and received over the internet from/to my own vb.net application.
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Mar 12, 2009
In my serial port application, I have my code -
Private Sub SerialPort_DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort.DataReceived
Dim cnt2 As Byte
For some packets I sent, "Error Data Received" came up. I checked BytesReceived, it was 0. My question is: since SerialPort_DataReceived processes data received, data was supposed to be received. Why the number of bytes I read was zero? BTW, when is this event accessed? it is accessed when any number of bytes received or the whole packet received?
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May 27, 2009
i have an excel spread sheet of my movie list, along with a column of what each movies genre and a column for its length. I am writing a program to randomly pick a movie because I can never decide on what to watch.I have options in the program to pick genre and a length (eg 90-100 mins), which are hard coded in, and then a button to pick from the criteria. So I need the program to filter when a criteria is picked, for example if I pick Action I want the program to filter and leave only those movies with Action in the genre column. The same for length. Once these have been done, and I hit the button I want the program to select one of the remaining movies at random.
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May 15, 2012
How do I find the color of a pixel at a certain coordinate of an image in a picturebox?
I found a bunch of tutorials but they are irrelevant and do not work for vb 2008 express.
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Jul 10, 2009
I've been trying to publish some software for 2 days. At first, I received an error about frontpage extensions not being installed so I installed them, only to screwup the ht.access file on my site and lose my web site for 5 hours.
I had an email this morning from Lunarpages saying they installed the extensions, recoded the ht.access and even tested frontpage on it. SO -- I tried again this morning and still received "the components for the frontpage extensions are not installed". ?
AND --I must be missing something and looked everywhere in VB.NET (options etc) but how in the heck can you publish something directly to your website (I used the wizard and setup all the publish options) and NOT be prompted for your user ID and password? Obviously, VB.NET has it's own ftp program.
View 14 Replies
Jan 23, 2011
How can i monitor the HTTP data (headers including raw html data) that is sent and recieved while a user browses with a web browser control in my application?
is there some way to capture the connection itself into a socket?
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Sep 21, 2009
VB 6 has a ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth property which VB 2008 does not support and this is causing me fits to work around. I'm trying to draw some lines (a graph) on a Picture Box (or a Panel) using my own coordinates (not pixels). This can't be all that hard can it?
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Apr 12, 2009
i want to locate specific coloured pixel on whole screen (if i set it to red then it should point cursor on the first red pixel that was found on screen)i managed to get cursor coordinates and pixel color of place where cursor is pointing, but i cant figure this out.
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Jun 22, 2010
I wonder how I can validate that the GPS coordinates are inserted in the right format.
Like 38.722617
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Mar 1, 2009
I'm going to start delving into maths in vb Now want I want to do is convert the distance between two coordinates. I've found this linke below on the web. Does anyone have a link to good tutorial for this conversion?
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Aug 16, 2009
I am trying to populate info on an excel for textbox that the user populates in the form.
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm trying to figure out the mouse position on the form, how do I do that?
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May 12, 2010
In VBA I am able to search a text in an excel range like this:
With Worksheets(1).Range("C1:C10000")
I have upgraded to Visual Studio because of the jobs I am to carry out. So I am translating all the codes from "VBA" to "VB.NET" (Visual Basic 2008)But I haven't been able to use "Find Method" in VB.NET. I am using Microsoft Office XP Standart Edition (2002 Version). I downloaded and installed Office XP PIAs. After that I referenced them in my project. I used the code Code:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.ExcelBut I can't do what I want Now, how can I use "Find Method" in Visual Basic 2008 to find a text in an excel range in one of my workbooks?
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Mar 11, 2010
Im just learning and have made some userforms with text box's and comand butttons and i am trying to make them create a new excel workbook and save it. I have try'd all sorts of different code that i have found on the net but carn't get any to work.
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