Read And Store Ole Object From Access Database

Mar 30, 2011

There is an OLE object column that contains images in my access database. I'm trying to create a program that reads the images from that ole column and store the images to a file. Currently, I have a program that creates an image file but the image is blank.[code]

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Read Sms From Datacard And Store These In Database?

Jan 4, 2012

I want to read sms from datacard and want to store in the database how can I solve this problem I used AT-Command in c#.Net but only success to send sms from mobile but not read from mobile or sim . same thing I want to implement in datacard using c# or .

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Store Object Properties In A Database?

Oct 15, 2009

i have several classes / objects from it in a program that hold data like clsAddress with properties id, city, zipcode, name, and clsMyData that contain id, datafield1, datafield2, datafield3 and many more (just examples) I want to have methods in the objects to load the object from and save the object into a database, like me.loadFromDb and me.SaveToDb Of course i can do creating db tables like tAdress, tMyData, ... and in the methods do select / insert statements like "insert into adresses (city, zipcode, name) values(, me.zipcode, etc. BUT - what i dont like is a) i need to build this loadfromDB / saveToDB Methods for every class separately and b) whenever i alter a class, i must alter the DB structure and the methods.

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Store Data To Access A Database?

Nov 28, 2010

I am using an Access database and 2010. I have created a table in the database with columns for title, datein, dateout and roomnymber. In 2010 I made a distinguished title = combobox, datein and dateout = DateTimePicker. When I click on F5, an error occurs: INSERT INTO Syntax Error in statement. Here's my code:

Dim sql As String
sql = "INSERT INTO tcekin(title,firstname,lastname,address,country,company,roomnumber,datein,dateout,rommtype,note)" & "VALUES('" & ComboBox1.Text & _


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Where To Store Access Database File

Jun 4, 2012

I am building an application with an Access database, using Visual Basic 2010 and am not sure where the best place to store that database is. I am looking forward to creating an install file and want to make sure that the database is in the right place.

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Failure To Create Data Controls To Access Database Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

May 3, 2011

I was create Access database with Access 2003. I create VB project with Visual Studio 2005 Standard With connection wizzard I create coonect with this Access database, select all tablesI see this database inside Data sources and inside Server explorer Test connection is OK When I drag and drop table from Data sources, Wizzard don't create DataGridView, DataSourceBinding etc .. and I see popup window with mesage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object and then "game over"

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Store All The Values In Listbox To The Access Database?

Apr 1, 2010

The following is the code i used to get the value from textbox to listbox and store all the listbox values to the access database at the runtime.In the database, i have only one field called num which is been set as a multivalue field using the lookupwizard. But actually what happens is ,no error is occurred,but the value is not updated in the batabase.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim conn As OleDbConnection[code]...

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.net - Store SHA256 Hash In Access Database?

Feb 4, 2012

how to store a hash in my Access Database. Now I have generated a hash by salting a user password with the User ID (not highly secure I know, but plenty for my purposes). I have also stored the hashed values in the database as Base64 strings (manually, I haven't yet developed the module to do that automatically), however, when I go to retrieve the hash from the database I receive the hex code in place of the string. This is the code for the login button:

Sub prcLogin()
'Log User in
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim blnCorrect As Boolean


But when I run this instead of returning a value like "rlzhYoiO4+vpdJdsrFq5Sj9VBJ+FFYhIg9V5+z+jeNI=" which I stored in the database, it returns a value like "5C6BED0D94

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How To Store Data Into Database Such As Access 2007

Apr 1, 2010

I am a beginner. I am doing simple program that has database connection with access 2007 and i want to store the data (whatever i enter in the textbox) to the database.I did the connection as per the instruction in the msdn(i.e;datasource/database/ms access/selecting accdb file/draging and dropping the fields of the table to the form from the datasource window)I want the code to store data from vb 2008 to access 2007.

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Store & Retrieve Images From Access Database?

Mar 5, 2011

how to store & retrieve images from d access database using 2008

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Store And Retrieve Data From An Access Database?

Dec 16, 2010

If you have to store and retrieve data from a database is a string not the most effcient way? What is best?

How does this work in a real world scenario.

For example: I have a customer ie first name and last name and the CustomerID is autoincremented when initially added to the database. Now, the user could lookup and find the customer by their ID but we all know that's not practical. They don't know 231223 is John Adams, they know John Adams or Adams John.

So how do you handle this? Access is the database I am using but I think this would apply to any database.

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Store Image Data In Access Database?

Jun 29, 2011

I am following some examples I have found in earlier discussions, but have run into a problem trying to save the data. I have included my code below, and everytime I reach the ExecuteNonQuery() command it generates a syntax error in the Insert command error.[code]...

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VS 2008 Store Just The Time Only To An Access Database?

Nov 1, 2009

I need a way to store just the time only to my access database. the datetimepicker isn't working because there is no way to have a null date.I found this and it seems to be exactly what I need.When I try to convert it to vb2008 i get a few errors I can't figure out.

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Create An Application That Can Store And Access Database Online?

Feb 2, 2010

i've got a free mysql database online hosted by 000webhost, i'm just wondering if i could connect to the mysql database, and if so what would the connectionstring be like? when i connect using php its something like this: new mysqli("", "user", "password", "database1"), how do i translate this into a vb connection string, i can't decide what to put as the data source [code]if there's no way to connect, is there anyway for me to create an application that can store and access database online?

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Extract Data From Html Table And Store Into Access Database?

Mar 20, 2010

I am new here and really excited to see the huge resources on this forum for I have just started my learning of vb8 and need to create some basic applications for my personal use.I need to develop an application that can extract data from a html table and store that data into Access database. I have learned to create web browser on Visual Studio 2008. Below is the link from which I need to extract data and store into a database

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VB 2010 Object To Access An MS Access Database?

Nov 17, 2010

quite new to database queries through VB. I have just created a DB using MS Access and I need to write data to it from my VB Application.Can anyone point me on which objects should I use to execute these write transactions?

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Read From Access Database In VB 2008?

Mar 11, 2010

i am trying to read from access database and that work with data in a program. I used to work with VB from previous version and now it seems to me there are differencies. If someone can paste a working simple code.I would like to make a windows form aplication.

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VS 2008 : Read Access Database From Within 64-bit App

Oct 17, 2010

I am creating a drawing manager, to be run inside 64-bit AutoCAD. From what I have read, there is no 64-bit version of the msjet40.I thought was going to be successful was to build the class as a 32-bit, but I still get the error. is there a way that I can read an access database from withing a 64-bit app?

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Get Application To Read To And Write From An Access Database?

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to get my application to read to and write from an Access database. I am running Windows 7 x64.

If I disable UAC, I don't the error. If I have UAC enabled, then the error occurs. Here is a screen shot of the error:

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Cannot Get The Database OLE Object From MS Access 2007 To DataBind

Oct 20, 2009

I have been trying for 2 weeks now to get this program to work.I am using VBasic and MS Access 2007 in conjuntion with a software application.the Database has 2 fields

1) Text
2) OLE Object (.jpg)

when I try to preview the data inside the DataSet I can only get the text to come threw, but that isn't the problem...the problem is binding the data to a datasource and displaying the information.I cannot get the database to display the information in FIELD 2

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Read Then Update Rows In An Access 2007 Database?

May 8, 2012

I am working on code in Visual Basic 2010 that will read from an Access 2007 data table. If the row has one of the fields marked as processed then do nothing with it, but it not, then process the data in that record, and update the field as processed, and move on to the next one marked as needing processing, looping through all of them. Later I'll go back and repeat this again.

I am able to read from the database and get all the information from it just fine, but I can't then update the 'processed' field. I'd rather like to avoid having the database integrated with the project as other processes will need to access it when this process (program) is not working on it.


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Unable To Read Records From Local MS Access Database

Aug 27, 2008

I am a Visual Basic Programmer and presently migrating our applications to Vb.netQuestion : I need to access the records from a MS Access database to the Text box or for some user login validation using vb.netso i coded to give a message box if any row is returned by the connection.but its not all selecting any rows even though i queried as "Select * from <Table Name>"also i am unable to debug it.....I am attaching th code snippet used along with this mail.plz revert back if there is a solution.[code...]

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VB 2010 Express Opens MS Access Database As Read Only

May 16, 2011

I am brand new to VB. I am using VB 2010 Express. I have a MS Access database and can read & display the data. However, when I enter a line of code to manipulate the data I get a "read only" error message in the project editor. I have checked the file and directory structures from windows and the command prompt. I have even used the "attrib" command to make sure the file was not read only. Then I put the following code in the form and it dispaly the read only message.

Dim infoReader As System.IO.FileInfo
infoReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("C:zzz-devaccesswhitneywhitney.accdb")
If infoReader.IsReadOnly = True Then
MsgBox("File is readonly!")
End If

I am using the VB 2010 Express DataSource to connect to the MS Access database and not a connection string in the program.

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Delete A Record From An Access Database Using The Command Object?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm trying to delete a record from an access database using the command object in 2010 express but can't seem to get anywhere.If I run the code below, I get no errors but nothing happens. The connection opens fine but the db does not update.the table has only two columns.The variable strCrit is so that I can build the sql string with exclamation marks, When I debug.print the sqlupdate string it seems to read fine.the routine is called from a form with a button.

Dim sqlupdate As String
Dim strcrit As String
strcrit = """"[code].......

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Data Access - Read And Write Images From A Database Doesn'?

Jul 26, 2009

i've download the 101 Visual Basic and C# Code Samples from downloads/details.aspx?familyid=08E3D5F8-033D-420B-A3B1-3074505C03F3&displaylang=en i was going to learn "VB.NET - Data Access - Read and Write Images from a Database" from that 101. the program is written in 2003 the conversion of the problem to 2005 and 2008 failed.

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Object-Orientation - Implement The Class And Access The Database For Values?

Dec 17, 2009

I've now properly started implementing OO into my system (which I probably should have done from the start) but I just want to clear some best practices.So let's say I have a class called Job which contains information such as Description, Project Manager (Employee class), Value etc. at the moment, if I initialise the Job class it will initialise all the information held within it, even if I only want the job description. Is it best practice to do this or is it better to implement the class and access the database for values as and when they're needed? Or is it just better in those cases to just access the database directly?

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How To Store An Object In Register

Feb 26, 2009

I wish to store, and recover some simple object in the register, a Class MyWindows Friend MyPlace As

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.net - Binary Read Jpeg And Store It In SQL Server Db?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a jpeg file in my C drive from my application I want to binary read it and store it in SQL server.

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How To Read Data From File And Store Into Specified Arrays

May 24, 2011

I have a data in the below format
number = 4
length = 7
force = 100
Now I want to read it in a format that it will check the string 'number' or 'length' or 'force' or whatever and stores this data into specified arrays or listboxes. Like a force() array or listboxforce.items()

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How To Read From TextFile And Store Data To Modify Later

Sep 2, 2011

What I am trying to do may be better for use with SQL Server but I have seen many applications in the past that simply work on text files and I am wanting to try to imitate the same behaviour that those applications follow. I have a list of URL's in a text file. This is simple enough to open and read line by line, but how can I store additional data from the file and query the data?

Text File:
link1 - 0
link2 - 0
link3 - 1
link4 - 0
link5 - 1

Then I will read the data with:
Private Sub ButtonX2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX2.Click
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "*txt Text Files|*.txt"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim AllText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim Lines() = Split(AllText, vbCrLf)
[Code] .....
Am I going completely the wrong way about storing the data after importing from a text file?

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