Read All Elements And Child Nodes Of XML In A List Using XDocument?

Jul 6, 2011

I have to get all the Entity Source,Entity Target,Property Source and Property Target values in list respectively.[code]...

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Read The Document And All Of Its Child Nodes?

Apr 12, 2012

I have an xml document similar to the what's below.I'm wondering how I can read the document and all of its child nodes.I want to only read the parent node called MYTYPES and disregard MYGRAPH. The code I am using reads the document but only prints out the parent node (Type1 and Type 2, in this example).How do i get all the child nodes, and their children. For example, i would like to print out:

Type 1: Clarion, 10. Pittsburgh, 20
Type 2: Trention, 10. Harrisburgh, 20

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Linq To Xml Query Returning A List Of All Child Elements?

Mar 8, 2010

I have got an xml document which looks something like this.



How can i write a linqToXML query so that it returns me an IEnumerable containing each child element, in this case all five child elements of , so that i could iterate over them. The order of child elements is not definite, neither is number of times the may appear.

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Checking Treeview Nodes - If Parent Is Checked Check All Child Nodes

Aug 31, 2011

I'm all new to this treeview business. I have a fixed treeview, very simple and basic. Only two levels, parent and child nodes. I just need two things out of this treeview.

1) If parent is checked, check all child nodes.

2) If just one child node is unchecked, uncheck parent node.

That's it! I've been looking for this for 30 mins and I cant find it. Maybe because my is old, it doesnt seem to be the same as others =/ I'm using 2003.

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Javascript - Check Child Nodes With Text (*x) In Different Parent Nodes ASP Treeview?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a problem with my treeview. I have two child nodes with different parents which contains a literal (*x). In this case (*1) (view image)


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Read The String Which Contains XML Data And Store The Elements In A List?

May 17, 2011

I have a string with xml data.Dim appManifest As String = New System.IO.StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(New System.Windows.Resources.StreamResourceInfo(e.Result, Nothing), New Uri("AppManifest.xaml", UriKind.Relative)).Stream).ReadToEnd()


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VS 2008 Add Child Nodes To Child Nodes?

Aug 10, 2009

OK, so I have the code to add a Child Node to a selected node in ta TreeView. The thing is, even if I select a child node to "add" to, it adds the new node to the parent of the selected child node.

I know why it does that: TreeView1.Nodes(TreeView1.SelectedNode.Index).Nodes.Add() adds to the first node. So how do I progamatically add to the child node I have selected, not it's parent node. I can't figure out the logic on how to accomplish this.

NOTE: There can be an infinite amount of child nodes.

UPDATE: I just found out that if I have a child node selected, TreeView1.SelectedNode.Index returns -1 since there is nothing selected in that first level. I'd have to use TreeView1.Nodes(0).SelectedNode.Index to get the proper index for the ChildNode. *sigh*

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.net - XDocument To Read MetaBase.xml?

Apr 13, 2012

I cannot get anything back from the following code... it always pops 0, and the _Qry is never populated, even though _MBXml is populated properly (hovering during debug shows it)

_MetaBasePath += "IIS6-MetaBase.xml" '"metabase.xml"
_MBXml = XDocument.Load(_MetaBasePath, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace)
_Qry = (From n In _MBXml.<IIsWebServer>


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Read XML File Using XMLFileReader Or XDocument?

Mar 8, 2010

I am receiving this XML file and I need to receive these values from there using an XDocument or XMLFileReader, I just can't figure out how to go through all the nodes to receive my values:

(Values I need: both results, address1, address2, city, state abb., and zip)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <ResponseArray xmlns="urn:mdWebServiceAddress"


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How To Read XML (Atom 1.0) Correctly? XDocument.Load(rss_url)

Nov 13, 2011

When I read XML in RSS 1.0 or 2.0 the following line works perfectly:

tmp_str_a = feedXML.Root.<channel>.<title>.Value
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="/~d/styles/rss2full.xsl"?>


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Read XML File Using XDocument And Build Dynamic SQL Query?

Jul 8, 2011

I wrote a function ReadXML().This function reads XML file and returns a string.The string contains all the XML file nodes values to duild SQL query dynamically. Any way My code is working. Is this right way? Can you please suggest me the unnecessary code(loops...)in this function, So that I can do the code in a better way.[code]

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Open An Xml File To Search And Replace / Add Elements - Nodes?

Jul 20, 2010

I am needing to open up a file, it is a kml file, and I am wanting to search for a particular line and the replace some of the lines following that.

Dim file As New System.IO.FileStream(kmlFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)But I don't see any means in which to actually go through the file line by line in order to search for my criteria.

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Check Child Nodes Tag?

Dec 30, 2010

How to check child nodes tag.


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More Child Nodes In A TreeView?

Jan 25, 2010

Is it possible to have more than one level of child nodes in a treeview? fore example can i have:


right now it only lets me have


and also if it is possible how would i enable it?

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Recursively Add Child Nodes?

Apr 14, 2009

I want to make a treeview from a Listbox.The Listbox contains N number of items.Suppose the List contains:Node1Node2Node3Node4Node5I want this to appear as shown below:


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Add Child Nodes To Treeview Dynamically

Aug 24, 2011

I have the following code which checks for the value of the 'cc_supplier_status' column for each of the rows in my table. If the state is 0, I need a child node to be added to a node named 'Inactive Suppliers' in my tree view (tvw_Supplier) with it's text being the value of the 'cc_ supplier_ name' value for the same row.If the state is 1, a child node is to be added to a node named 'Active Suppliers'.If the state is 2, a child node is to be added to a node named 'Pending Suppliers'.The code I have now just filters out the status value for each row, and performs a select case on it. I need to know how I'd add a new child node to the parent nodes mentioned above.[code]

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Deleting TreeViewControl Child Nodes

Sep 23, 2010

i have a treeview control which i have popuplated with parent and child nodes.What i want to do now is to be able to delete the child nodes if i wish and then the parent nodes.But rigth now i am able to delete the parent node on via the index of the node but with the child nodes it has keys which is the same as its parents node so i can not delete the child node as i will.I am using this code to delete the parent node


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Show Child Nodes Of Treeview?

Sep 29, 2011

I have the following code for a treeview, It only shows a +sign against some folders, mostly system folders but not others, a mod to this code to show all childs, irrespective of how many levels the child folders exist?

Dim basenode As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
If IO.Directory.Exists(path) Then
If path.Length <= 3 Then


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VS 2010 : XML Child Nodes 'loops'?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a bunch of XML's that need to be put into an SQL database. One XML represents all orders for a certain department of a store. The problem (for me) is that in one XML there can be (and are) multiple orders (called distributions in my case.) The XML looks as follows (truncated):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


So in this example I have two 'distributions'. Now I can get all data out of the XML fine, which I do like this:

get xml data
awsFeed = XDocument.Load(fileName)
Dim orders = From order In awsFeed...<order> _


However, in this case my SQL input would have to result in 2 entries, because there are 2 orders. Both entries would have the same data, except for different entries. I know how to post to SQL, that's not the problem. My real problem is, how do I 'loop' it through the XML. I think i'm looking for something like:For each 'distribution' in orders -> put into array.Or something like that. After that I could query the array and put it in the database.

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Xpath - LINQ To XML Sum Child Nodes In .NET?

Nov 1, 2011

I have the following XML from Amazon's Marketplace API. I need to sum all the values of Item/ItemPrice/Component[type='Principal']/Amount for all Items to compute an order total. Is this possible to do using LINQ to XML in VB.NET?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd">


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Add Child Nodes To A Treeview From A Directory Path?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a treeview, a button and a textbox. When you click button1 a folderbrowserdialog opens and after choosing the folder the path to the folder and anything in it is show in the textbox and with this

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sDirs() As String


adapted from Major treeview/list view head ache I managed to make the treeview display the folder and the sub folders... but it isn't very hierarchial. Check attached pictures. Image1 shows how it is and image2 shows how I want it to be. Can anyone tell me how to get it to look like image 2?...Image2 was made in Windows Explorer. Image1 is a screenshot of the runing program that I am trying to make. I have been googling around but no luck so far. Practically I think what I shoul be asking is how to create child nodes of subfolders. The program is going to copy whatever the user checks in the treeview into another folder chosen by the user. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express.

View 2 Replies - Adding New Child Nodes To XML On Each Function Call?

May 12, 2012

I have an XML file and I have a function to which this XML is passed as string. I have loaded this string in Xmldocument and I need to insert few children nodes under one node. This function returns the modified XML string. I want that whenever this function is called, new child nodes are added, currently, It adds child nodes once.Do I need to overwrite the XML file ? If so, How can I replace the node with new node ( with new child nodes added) so that It has child nodes added before the function is called again ?

My code looks something like this:

Dim doc As New XmlDocument
Dim parentNode As XmlNode = doc.GetElementsByTagName("prList").Item(0)


View 1 Replies - Create Child Nodes Of Treeview Node?

May 15, 2012

I have an xml file with following structure:

<table name="tblcats">


I want to create a treeview using this XML file. I have written following code

' Load a TreeView control from an XML file.
Private Sub LoadTreeViewFromXmlFile(ByVal file_name As String, ByVal trv As TreeView)
' Load the XML document.


where as I want table as parent element like this

->Fortune 100

so that If i click table node, all tree collapses or expands.

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Collecting Arrays Of Parent And Child Nodes

Jul 17, 2010

Most of my treelist code is working ok, however I would like to produce two arrays of string, one which contains all the parent nodes in a Treeview, and the other with all the child nodes. I'm obviously doing something stupid as I have "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." I'm not declaring something.

This is my attempt:
Private Sub listbuilder(ByVal nodelist As TreeView)
Dim parentlist() As String
Dim childlist() As String
Dim j, n As Integer
[Code] .....

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Reading XML Element & Child Nodes Using LINQ

Aug 26, 2009

I am new in LINQ world.I need an urgent help in reading the xml elements using LINQ with specific where condition.I need to find the max air_temp for a county i.e where county name = "Boone" and hour id = "06/03/2009 09:00CDT".[code]

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Remove Duplicate Treeview Child Nodes?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a treeview that gets populated from a MySQL database

i want to find out how to go thru each item on the tree and delete any duplicates

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Tree View Child Nodes Events?

Jun 16, 2010

i want to use a tree view to select different from in an application but i can get the appropriate event to work with all i get is the entire tree view event but what i want is to be able to click on a child node inside a parent so that upon clicking the child node something will happen.

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VS 2008 TreeViews - Parent And Child Nodes

Apr 25, 2010

I'm new to this Visual Basic stuff. I have TreeView under the name of TreeView1 and it has two Parent nodes, one is Library and the other is Store. Under Library and Store I have childnodes and thats were I'm stuck. For example under Store there is Downloads and Apptrackr.

What I want is when a user clicks on Apptrackr it runs this piece of code
WebBrowser1.Visible = true
DownloadsBrowser.Visible = false
And when the user clicks on Downloads it then does the opposite
WebBrowser1.Visible = false
DownloadsBrowser.Visible = true

View 1 Replies - Find The Child Nodes Of An Node Of An Infragistics Web Navigator?

Apr 10, 2012

I need to find all the child nodes of a particular node in Infragistics tree view(WebNavigator). it is possible to get the parent() using the available property. But I need the childs. How can i access the childs of that particular node. I am using 2.0 with VB.Net. T

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Create A Treeview With Radio Buttons In Child Nodes?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to create a treeview that looks something like the following:[code]I am using in Visual Studio 2008.

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