Read And Write Permissions In Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I have developed an application in VS 2008 that generates crystal report.When I export the report to pdf,the application gets hang.The problem occurs since I can not create temp files in the temp folder i.e. %tmp%.The security level of windows 7 is high and it does not permits the application to create file.Can I alter the permissions in windows 7 using ?

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Site Level Folder Read/write/delete Permissions From Webpage?

Dec 20, 2011

I have a link on a aspx page that needs to open a folder in a subdirectory of a web site and provide read and write permissions so that files can be copied into and read from as well as deleted. ONLY from this folder.I have this funtionality working on a dev and demo PC but they are both on my domain. Clicking the link opens Windows Explorer and I can copy /cut & Paste, etc.The public/production PC is on the LAN, but not part of the domain. I know there are ways to allow folder read/write permissions on a public server like this but I am not too sure on the safest way to do this. The upside, the only users that need to have read/write/delete access are employees. Forms Authentication, ASP Membership directs non-employees to other pages within the site. Likewise, the membership directs employees to an admin section of the site.

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Object Use To Read And Write To Windows Registry?

May 5, 2009

In, What object can I use to read and write to windows registry?

(in vbscript, I use 'regread' in

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Read/ Write From/ To Web MyMysql Database Into A .net Windows Ap?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to write a ClickOnce ap that will connect to a web database and download the data into a collection that will be written into a local database. This will allow the user to update the data while online but use the program while offline. I see it as a hybrid ap using both Windows forms and asp sql calls.

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Are 'Program Files' Write Permissions Different Between Vista / 7 Or X86 / X64?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a user of one of my programs reporting that they get an "access to the denied" error during this section of [code]He's using Windows 7 x64 with UAC turned on. The location of "FilePath" is a subdirectory inside Program Files (x86) in this case.I tried to reproduce the error on my Windows 7 x64 system by enabling UAC (I usually have it off) but the program worked fine. However, in my case, "FilePath" is not in a protected system folder like Program Files (where write permissions are not given to normal users without admin elevation).So I tried to recreate this situation on one of my Vista x86 Virtual PCs where the "FilePath" would be inside Program Files. However, my program again worked fine. It had no problems writing to the Program Files folder with a normal user account, UAC turned on and no elevated permissions required.

Thus, I am confused. Why does it work for me and not for him? I want to try an x64 virtual machine but I can't with the software I have (Virtual PC doesn't support x64 guest OSs, VirtualBox won't run the software that my program interacts with). So maybe you guys can help me instead. Are the write permissions for the Program Files (x86) folder different between x86 and x64, or maybe even Vista and 7?

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Read NT File & Folder Permissions?

Feb 11, 2011

I would like to read the NT Security (Read, Write, List, Inherited, blah blah blah) permissions from a file. I already have some code, and can get the names and SIDs, but cant seem to figure out the actual access bits.


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Windows 7 Permissions And SDF Install?

Apr 24, 2012

I've got a WinForms install which installs the SDF file in the application directory but when my application tries to access it - permission is denied.How do I set the install such that my users can access the SDF file for update/delete functions?

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Windows Registry Key Permissions?

Oct 14, 2011

how can i deny all permisions to this registry value.. using


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VS 2008 Folder Permissions With Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2010

If I don't grant write permissions to the folder containing my exe file, I get an 'Access to the path binReleaseprogram.exe' is denied. But if I grant it write permission I don't get the error. Why would the executable need write permissions? I'm not writing anything to the root where it resides.

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VS 2008 Windows Folder Permissions?

Jun 17, 2009

If I adjust permissions using the Security.Accesscontrol.DirectorySecurity on a directory, how can I make it so that subfolders automatically inherit the new permissions?

Brief overview of the situation is that my neighbors can't connect their Vista laptop to a shared folder on their computer running XP Home. They're getting access errors which I believe is because of the rights set on the folder. The problem is that XP Home won't let you adjust that and they're not upgrading.

I'm able to add the Everyone user to the directory I specify. But if I drag a new folder in or create a new folder, it does not have the Everyone user. Is there something I'm missing in this class that will let subfolders and files inherit the permissions?

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Windows Vista & Internet Permissions?

Apr 7, 2009

I developed an assistance programme for an online game, and, in response to the users demands, I developed a secondary programme that downloads a zip file from a webpage hosted in a free Geocities server with the latest update for the programme and applies it. With the WinXP users it has worked perfectly, but with the Vista users, I've had a few cases where the update programme wasn't able to download the update, although everything worked fine with other uses.

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Sql Server - Roles And Permissions In Windows Forms

Dec 7, 2011

I am wanting to update our current windows forms security to something a lot more flexible. At the moment we have a single column in thew users table which is named 'Access_Level', this field holds an int value (1 to 4) which is then use to determine users access to certain areas of the application. This worked fine when the system was small, but the system is growing rapidly now so I think it is a good time to update the user access and possibly introduce roles.


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File Permissions - Can't Access Documents Folder From .net In Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2011

I've been struggling with this problem in for a while: whenever I try to access the My Documents, My video's or simular in Windows 7, I get an access denied error. The program that uses this code is a file-backup application, so it's important it can access everything. The app has admin rights, using this line:requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

To confirm, I also get a nice UAC popup when starting.The app accesses the files twice. Once to calculate the file size, and once to actually copy the files. Here is the file-size calculation code (that I found online:) Function GetFolderSize(ByVal DirPath As String, ByVal includeSubFolders As Boolean) As Long


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Windows Xp - Get Full Permissions To Modify Boot.ini File And A Registry Value And To Delete A File

Jun 13, 2010

i am working on an application called logonscreenchangerxp i made my program and when i run it on xp virtualmachine i get errors the program is made using vb 2008 and using .net framework 2.0 i am not able to get full permissions to modify boot.ini file and a regisrty value and to delete a file

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How To Read And Write Xml

May 7, 2012

I have a folder called movies. In this folder is a collection of different movies each in their own folder with their own xml file called movie.xml.I would like to extract lets say the localtitle and aspectratio from each movie xml and send to Excel. What code would I need to achieve this?So far I have the attached code which reads only one file and it is directly from the xml outside of a folder.

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Read MP3 - Write Wav?

Jun 13, 2009

Is there anybody out here in the VB, C# 2008 world that can direct me in the right direction? I do not want anything that has todo with c/C++or Direct Draw. When converting, there is no equal for SizeOf, and a few other things. I am using Lame 3.98.2.exe in my app along with LameShell that works fine for resampling, but , not for decoding an mp3 to wav or encoding a wav to mp3. You can find the LameShell project at [URL] . LameShell is a wrapper for the Lame.exe file. Here is the complete LameShell class file along with my app button clicks for the following,


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VS 02/03 Xml Read & Write?

Dec 21, 2010

I am trying to extend an application to to write the details from textboxes on a invoice form to an xml file.I have created 3 methods for my invoice class which will open the invoice xml document, write to it, and close it.The open Invoice method creates and invoice.xml file and writes a start tag named invoices.

The WriteInvoice method writes an invoice element for the invoice with attribute named customerName and three child elements named ordertotal, discounTotal and Invoice total. These values are taken from the textboxes form the form.

The CloseInvoice writes the end tag for the root element(invoices) and closes the file.

I have wriiten code for these methods but can only get the open invoice method to work.

My code for the 3 methods is shown below:

Public Sub OpenInvoices()
Dim sInvPath As String = "C:MurachBeginning VB.NETExercise startsVB.NETChapter 14InvoiceInvoices.xml"
Dim InvoiceWriter As New XmlTextWriter(sInvPath, Nothing)
InvoiceWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented 'Set formatting of XML file


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Can't Read / Write To Registry

Feb 15, 2012

I have several programs that must write to HKLM in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro.

The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine.
Same exact windows. [code]...

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How To Communicate With USB (Read / Write)

Mar 15, 2010

How to communicate with a USB port using VB.NET?

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How To Read & Write CSV Files Using WPF

Sep 21, 2009

i'm using sharpdevelop to program WPF application(I'm newbie to WPF i've knowledge of VB only and no C#, is it necessary to learn C# to know WPF ?).

and i want to read CSV file first. after that i want to modify and save file. any suggestions and pointers for this ?

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How To Read And Write To Registry Using .NET?

Nov 15, 2009

How do I read, write and delete a registry using VB 2005/2008?

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Making A .net App To Read / Write SQL Db?

Jul 30, 2009

recommend some tutorials that show very simple examples on how one can read / rwite to an SQL db?

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Read / Write To File

Feb 27, 2010

i'm trying to read from a file and copy the text into a 2d array withought the selected item from a list box then rewrite the file from the array into the text file. however it writes a single part of the array times the variable count when i write back to the csv file. within the array everything is correct its only when i rewrite to the file is when the problems occur.


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Read / Write XML Files?

Nov 9, 2010

I have the following code for reading XML files.[code]...

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Read And Write Files?

Jan 27, 2010

reading and writing files. Let's say I have a text file with multiple lines that I want to be read into my visual basic program. The first line is displayed in textboxA while the rest of the lines are displayed in textboxB. How do I accomplish this? Am I able to use the peek method for textboxB but somehow tell it to skip the first line? Now textboxB is obviously a multiline textbox and I want the user to be able to type something into another textbox (textboxC), press a button, and it will be displayed in textboxA. How do I make the text in textboxC get displayed on the first line of textboxA and move all the other lines down the list?

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Read And Write From The Textfile To .net?

May 5, 2009

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.IO


I want read the content of the text file and write to application. My text file name is wires.txt. The above code only read and the file appear on the application. I dont want the file to be visible to the end user.

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Read And Write In INI File?

Dec 29, 2010

i am using VB2008 to develop a Settings program for my game Lined World, creating with Game Maker. I've created a settings.ini:

fullscreen=(off or on)
resolution=(800x600 or 1024x768)


answers are depending on settings

now, i wanna create in the settings app the following:
"fullscreen" (radiobutton-on & radiobutton-off)


if radiobutton fullscreen is on, [screen]fullscreen must be on, and if turned to off, the INI value should be "off".

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Read And Write JPG Tags Using VB6?

Mar 22, 2009

How can I read and write JPG tags using VB6. The ones that I want to read& write are

Keywords &

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Read And Write Record?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm using begintransaction to update multi-tables. I need to update one of the table while retrieving some records from that same table before commit. But it seem the table become locked after I inserted a record, and timeout at last.

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Read And Write To A File?

Nov 7, 2009

I'm creating a project where I need to store information in two files. As I understand, I can store information in a text file or a binary file?

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