Sql Server - Roles And Permissions In Windows Forms

Dec 7, 2011

I am wanting to update our current windows forms security to something a lot more flexible. At the moment we have a single column in thew users table which is named 'Access_Level', this field holds an int value (1 to 4) which is then use to determine users access to certain areas of the application. This worked fine when the system was small, but the system is growing rapidly now so I think it is a good time to update the user access and possibly introduce roles.


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Use Membership Roles Using Sql Provider In Windows Forms Application?

Nov 22, 2010

Is it possible to use membership roles using sql provider in windows forms application

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Scroll In Windows Forms Treeview Only On Windows Server 2003

Apr 10, 2012

I have a problem with scroll in a treeview in a Windows forms application (Framework version 3.5).

The strange thing about the problem is that on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 the scroll works as excepted, but in Windows Server 2003 SP2 the scrolling doesn't work. Enable/disable Visual Styles doesn't seem to make a difference on Server 2003.

Steps to reproduce the error:

1. Add a treeview to a form and add x nr of root items (and 1 sub item to each item).

2. Expand a number of nodes. The non-standard thing here is that we are changing the node integral height because we display a usercontrol with the treenode (See example of the code below).

3. When you scroll afterwards, you cannot scroll to the bottom node. The scrollbar is all the way down, but we are not seeing the last node.

Public Shared Sub SetNModeHeight(ByVal Node As TreeNode, ByVal IntegralHeight As Integer)
'Create instance of tvitemex structure.


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Implement Custom User-roles In Windows Application

Apr 21, 2010

I am looking for ways to implement custom user-roles in windows application with vb.net. I got a database table called Roles with Administrator and User entries. User cannot see some of the form data. In ASP.NET MVC we can do like.

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public function GetAccount() as Array

End Function

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Conrolling Site Access Via Windows Authentication And Roles / Groups

May 30, 2012

I am trying to restrict access to an intranet site via Windows authentication. I would like to control access via active directory user groups, but my added AD groups don't appear to be recognised by .net. I started with the following test code in my app to determine if the group could be used...

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.Label1.Text = User.Identity.Name


The isuserinrole returns false and the group is not shown in getrolesforuser. However, getrolesforuser returns all of the built in windows groups as well as custom admin user groups created by our anti virus software (SOPHOS). This tells me that .net doesn't seem to have any issue with reading our active directory but I don't understand why my custom group is not being recognised.

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VS 2008 - SQL Server Login From Windows Forms App

May 26, 2010

The configuration is as follows
Remote SQLserver 2005 back-end
Windows Forms Front end (Visual studio 2008)

Is there a way to provide the username and password for the data connection from a Login form and not have it stored in a Connection string? Even better, is there a way to invoke the SQL login window each time the app starts? I need each user to be able to use his own (sqlserver) login everytime the application is started.

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VS 2008 : SQL Server Login From Windows Forms App?

Oct 5, 2011

The configuration is as follows

Remote SQLserver 2005 back-end
Windows Forms Front end (Visual studio 2008)

Is there a way to provide the username and password for the data connection from a Login form and not have it stored in a Connection string?Even better, is there a way to invoke the SQL login window each time the app starts?I need each user to be able to use his own (sqlserver) login everytime the application is started.

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.net Windows Forms Chat Server Program With Sockets?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm developing chat program. I have database on my webhosting where I store rooms and memebrship tables... I created the client, but I still cant do the server side of the program. It must be in win forms app.(I use .Net 3.5)Every tutorialSample of server side is for Console app. Client code is very close to this(if somebody need it): LINK

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Create A SQL Server User And Then Apply Permissions?

Dec 12, 2009

I am creating a multi-user application using VB 2005 Pro and SQL Server 2005.I would like to know what your ideas are when it comes to managing user permissions in regard to being able to view, add, edit and delete information in the database? Do you think I should have the end user type in the information into the VB application which then will create an SQL server user and then apply permissions to that security user or should I fine-grain the application by allowing groups to be created and then assigning permissions and users to those groups?

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C# - ASP.NET Development Server Permissions And Network Resources?

Sep 17, 2010

My ASP.NET 4.0 Web App is unable to access Network Printers, while debugging on VS 2010. It can access local printers. Seems like it may be a permissions issue. Since VS2010 Debugging runs on ASP.NET Development Server, it must be running under the account I used to log into Windows, right? Does that user need to be added as an Admin in that printers users? Is there any account that I can impersonate to get this working?

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Windows 7 Permissions And SDF Install?

Apr 24, 2012

I've got a WinForms install which installs the SDF file in the application directory but when my application tries to access it - permission is denied.How do I set the install such that my users can access the SDF file for update/delete functions?

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Windows Registry Key Permissions?

Oct 14, 2011

how can i deny all permisions to this registry value.. using vb.net...


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Administer Website (create New Users, Assign Users To Roles) From A Windows App?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an asp.net web app that uses forms-based authentication, a SqlMembershipProvider (using an encrypted password format), and a SqlRoleProvider. I need to know if it's possible to administer the users (create new users, assign them to roles, etc.) from a windows application - the powers that be don't want any administrative functionality in the web app itself.Here is the membership provider definition from web.config:

<membership defaultProvider="MyProvider">
<add name="MyProvider"


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Read And Write Permissions In Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I have developed an application in VS 2008 that generates crystal report.When I export the report to pdf,the application gets hang.The problem occurs since I can not create temp files in the temp folder i.e. %tmp%.The security level of windows 7 is high and it does not permits the application to create file.Can I alter the permissions in windows 7 using vb.net ?

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VS 2008 Folder Permissions With Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2010

If I don't grant write permissions to the folder containing my exe file, I get an 'Access to the path binReleaseprogram.exe' is denied. But if I grant it write permission I don't get the error. Why would the executable need write permissions? I'm not writing anything to the root where it resides.

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VS 2008 Windows Folder Permissions?

Jun 17, 2009

If I adjust permissions using the Security.Accesscontrol.DirectorySecurity on a directory, how can I make it so that subfolders automatically inherit the new permissions?

Brief overview of the situation is that my neighbors can't connect their Vista laptop to a shared folder on their computer running XP Home. They're getting access errors which I believe is because of the rights set on the folder. The problem is that XP Home won't let you adjust that and they're not upgrading.

I'm able to add the Everyone user to the directory I specify. But if I drag a new folder in or create a new folder, it does not have the Everyone user. Is there something I'm missing in this class that will let subfolders and files inherit the permissions?

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Windows Vista & Internet Permissions?

Apr 7, 2009

I developed an assistance programme for an online game, and, in response to the users demands, I developed a secondary programme that downloads a zip file from a webpage hosted in a free Geocities server with the latest update for the programme and applies it. With the WinXP users it has worked perfectly, but with the Vista users, I've had a few cases where the update programme wasn't able to download the update, although everything worked fine with other uses.

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C# - Using Evidence, Security Policy And Permissions To Prevent Assembly From Loading On Web Server?

Mar 11, 2010

Assume a .NET class library code that, for example, writes to the Windows registry. Then this code has problem to run over internet, because default Internet policy does not give access to write to the registry.By adding a RequestMinimum statement in the assembly we can specify that the code requires permission to write to write to the registry. This will not alter the fact that the code does not have the permission, but will stop the assembly from loading; the runtime will throw a System.Security.Policy.PolicyException and identify the permission that is required.Do you now any other examples of using evidence, security policy and permissions (the key elements of code-access security) to prevent an assembly from loading on a web server?

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File Permissions - Can't Access Documents Folder From .net In Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2011

I've been struggling with this problem in VB.net for a while: whenever I try to access the My Documents, My video's or simular in Windows 7, I get an access denied error. The program that uses this code is a file-backup application, so it's important it can access everything. The app has admin rights, using this line:requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

To confirm, I also get a nice UAC popup when starting.The app accesses the files twice. Once to calculate the file size, and once to actually copy the files. Here is the file-size calculation code (that I found online:) Function GetFolderSize(ByVal DirPath As String, ByVal includeSubFolders As Boolean) As Long


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Creating New DLL's - "the Call To The Server.CreateObject Falied While Cheking Permissions. Access Is Denied To This Object"

Jun 21, 2010

I am getting this error saying "the call to the server.CreateObject falied while cheking permissions. Access is denied to this object".I get this error every time I create a new DLL after compiling my VB6 code and drop it in the component services.i am using these DLL's for the web application i am working on. Is this a DLL registration issue, or is this because the DLL is not being generated correctly. What are your thoughts on this? i have attached the error message for reference

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

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Windows Xp - Get Full Permissions To Modify Boot.ini File And A Registry Value And To Delete A File

Jun 13, 2010

i am working on an application called logonscreenchangerxp i made my program and when i run it on xp virtualmachine i get errors the program is made using vb 2008 and using .net framework 2.0 i am not able to get full permissions to modify boot.ini file and a regisrty value and to delete a file

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Implicit Conversions From 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' To 'System.Windows.Forms.Webbrowser'

Sep 8, 2010

I have the code which checks if there is a selected tab

Private Function GetBrowser() As WebBrowser
If TabControl1.SelectedTab IsNot Nothing Then
For Each c As Control In TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls
If TypeOf (c) Is WebBrowser Then
Return c


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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' To Type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Apr 28, 2009

I have a panel with some controls in it (several textboxes, a slider, 2 buttons, and a small groupbox).. When I click a button, I want all of the textboxes within the panel to be readonly... So I have this code: [code] When I run it though, I get the following error:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.Button' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.If I remove a button, it moves on to give me the same error but for a label..

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SQL Server 2008 Configuration For Client Server (Windows Form) Application

Apr 6, 2012

Case : I'm creating an application (desktop application) with VB.NET (actually windows form), and using SQL Server Express 2008 for its database.


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Web Services - Change Authentication From SQL Server To Windows In Webservice (SQL Server)

Aug 20, 2010

Web service uses SQL Server based authentication how to change to windows based authentication both web server & Database service resides in different domain .

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Access 97 And Windows Server 2008 R2 Farm Server?

Oct 26, 2010

We are currently using Access 97 as our database. This resides on the remote farm server (which is a Windows 2008 R2 server). We are using a front end vb6 exe which accesses the back end data.Occasionally we are getting corruption to our database and we have to make sure everyone exits the software to allow us to repair/compact it. There are 2 physical servers, each running 2 virtual machines. When the user logs onto the farm using RDP, they go to one of these 4 virtual machines.We are getting all kinds of corruption, some where # characters have been inserted into the top of one table, some where the indexes are corrupted, and some where access needs to repair the database.

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Registry Program - Moving Applications From Windows 2000 To New Server Windows 2003 ?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on moving applications from Windows 2000 to new server Windows 2003 R2(64 Bit). I noticed that there are some VB programs and config files for those programs have been placed in Windows 2000 Registry. Some other applications are using them from different servers.Why do we use registry here? How can i move these to registry in windows 2003? Can I just move these or do I have to write VB programs to place them in 2003 registry?

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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Using Roles In MVC 3 App

Nov 4, 2011

I have an issue to do with roles in mvc 3 vb.net app..Say I have Admin, Developer, PowerAdmin roles.. if I want to restrict view options based on roles I have been using a if statement in the view to hide the link all together such as:[code]I am also decorating controller actions with authorize in places. The Problem is this say I have several actions that should only be available to say a user who is in all three roles or even 2 of the roles in any combination.. Would I simply nest the if statements in the view to hide those view items? What about controller functions.. Is it possible to decorate controller functions with something like [code]and then have that function only accessible by someone with both roles????

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