Read String As Time?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a string coming over that reads as "15:40:20" (without quotes). I would like to read this in as time so that I can add a minute to it and then put if + or - a minute from the original time then do this. Any idea how to read the above string in as time so that I can do so... ???

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Converting A String Representing 24H Time To 12H Time

Mar 26, 2009

[code]I am reading a database that holds time information in a string format, hh:mm. For some reason I am remembering a built-in function I used a long time ago to accomplish, but for the life of me I cannot remember how to do it. [code]

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Read Unknown String After String In A Text File

Jan 30, 2010

i have a string with the value = "/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music/" i need to read the next 13 letter after this string in a text file i am also using a loop to do this multiple times

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Header As String = "/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music/"


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String Search - Parse The String Of Characters One At A Time

May 5, 2012

I have written a program that uses an array of the english alphabet and Morse code. I also built a form with a input box for the alphabetic information and an output box with the Morse Code. What i am trying to do is basically type a word like "Hi" in the input box and produce the Morse Code equivalent in the Morse Code output box. [Code] This works but only one letter at a time. Do i need to Parse the string of characters one at a time, and then run it through a loop like i have created?

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Can't Read A File One Bit At A Time?

Jul 7, 2011

This is what I've written so far.

Using sr As New IO.StreamReader(File.OpenRead("c:\test.txt"))
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
TextBox1.Text = sb.ToString
End Using

I've tried a bunch of intellisense options, but I can't seem to read by bits. For this example, I'm just using a .txt file, but would like to read ANY file type.

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How To Read A Character One At A Time In A Text Box

Aug 18, 2009

we have a project in our school. we are going to create C like compiler. Our group will go going to use to make it happen. But our problem, we don't know how to read a character one at a time of every line if the user input the codes. here are some example input:


we get the output in the database. we don't know how to make it happen.

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Read Hex At The Same Time Loop The Function?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm a newbie in VB.. I'm editing a file that sets the click-able area of a button in a game.


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Read One Character At A Time From Keyboard?

Aug 31, 2009

I am running Visual Basic Express 2005. I am trying to develop a program to send morse code out the serial port. I have created working code that can determine which character needs to be sent and toggles the RTS line on com 1 with the proper pulses. What I can't seem to figure out is how to be able to type in characters at a higher speed than they will be sent out the port, so as to be able to use the backspace key etc.

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Use StreamReader To Read One Word At A Time?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm a VB newbie and am trying to figure out the StreamReader function.

I need to read data from a text file which consists of several lines which each contain a number and a name (eg "634 John").

I can manage to read entire lines at a time but is there an easy way to read in one "word" at a time without using the peek function?

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Read Value To Be Updated Real Time In Program?

Mar 13, 2009

I have made an application where I connect a VB.NET program to a PLC. I read and write to/from PLC variables.I would like any read value to be updated real time in my VB.NET program. Is there a good way of doing that? For now I update a variable by a button click.

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How To Read Clock (Official Time) From Website

Sep 1, 2009

Is it possible to make program with VB to read the clock from websites? The official U.S. time - clock. How can I do that? And trigger actions based on the clock time.

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Read 1 Line At A Time With Text File

Mar 9, 2010

how can I do the following Read line 1 from text.txt file (C:\txt.txt) Wich Is URL than Webbrowser1.navigate( Line1 ) Do something and continue loop for line 2, 3, 4, 5, etc..

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Read A Text File 10 Lines At A Time?

Sep 24, 2010

How can I read a text file 10 lines at a time?

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Read And Write To Shape Properties At Run Time?

Jul 29, 2009

I've dynamically created some ovalshapes and need to change their fillcolor and their tag at run time....

I can't seem to get at their properties

below is the code I'm creating my shapes with:

Dim alert(6) As PowerPacks.OvalShape
Dim canvas As New ShapeContainer
canvas.Parent = Me


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Read Data From A Database At An Time Interval?

Feb 24, 2009

I like to update data from an access database every 100ms. This works fine, but it does not look good on the screen. It refresh the whole screen on my laptop and it is not looking good. Is it a good way of updating data without getting this disturbanses in the screen?

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Read Data From Two Serial Ports At Same Time?

Aug 8, 2009

I am still new in programming. I am an electrical engineer. I have to read the time from GPS from one serial port apend this time to a data got from other device serially.

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Unable To Read Time Date Correctly?

Feb 19, 2012

I am reading a CSV file using OLEDB command in VB.Net

Everything is working fine. the only problem is that one of my columns has time value in a format "07:53.8"

When i read this value using dr.item(1), it reads the string into a date "01/25/2012".It gives me the same value in dr.item(0)

I am not able to read the correct value as shown in the CSV file.

following is the code

For I As Integer = 0 To 2
dr = dt.Rows(I)


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VS 2008 - Read Only File Creation Time

Jun 22, 2011

I have a ERP system which create a PDF file and write it to the disk when the invoice is beeing created. On the other side a have an .NET app, which every 10 minutes read data in that folder and automatically send an e-mail to my customer with the invoice attached.The problem is that sometimes, when .NET app try to read a file which currently is beeing created -> The file is damaged. How to avoid such a situation? Is there a way to e.g. read only file creation time, and if it's "younger" than 5 seconds order app to wait a while?

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Read A Single Character Each Time From A Text File?

Feb 1, 2011

How to read a single character each time, from a text file using I mean that if the txt file contains code as " my name is...".It should be read initially as :'m'..after some time it should show 'y'. then 'n'.'a'..'m'.'e'.like that..

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Read Contents Of Text File One Line At A Time

Oct 9, 2011

I am totally embarrassed at having to ask this question, but I'm having trouble with file IO.I want to write a line to a text file. On another form, I want to read the contents of the text file one line at a time, so I can make comparisons of it's contents.

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VS 2008 Read 1 Line At A Time With Text File?

Mar 9, 2010

how can I do the followingRead line 1 from text.txt file (C: xt.txt) Wich Is URLthan Webbrowser1.navigate( Line1 )Do something and continue loop for line 2, 3, 4, 5, etc..

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VS 2008 Read Multiple Arrow Keystrokes At The Same Time?

Jan 29, 2010

how to read multiple arrow keystrokes at the same time.Like when I have up + left so it should do something like diagonal up-left? I have search the forum to no luck, also tried on keydown, keyup, ProcessCmdKey, etc etc... no good.

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Date And Time Picker Cant Read Data On Previous Year?

Jan 24, 2012

my date and time picker cant get data on my SQL yog database it only get data on year 2011 .it cant show me data on year 2012...i hava a range of code is :sSQL = "select * from qry_reciept where product_name LIKE '%" & txt_name.Text & "%' and b_desc = '" & cbx_brand.Text & "' and d_purchased >= '" & datetimepicker_1.Text & "' and d_purchased <= '" & datetimepicker_2.Text & "'"

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Read A Textbox Into A String And Use The String For Something Else?

Dec 24, 2011

I have two text boxes on my form. Textbox1 and Textbox2. Textbox1 will contain information. I want to code my button to read textbox 1 and put it into a string or some way for the app to read the textbox and store the information into it's memory.Then I want to be able to read that string into the second part of my application.

a). read the textbox into a string using a streamreader and then use a streamwriter to write the data into a string?

b). save the textbox to a .txt file then use the openfiledialog to read the text file into a string to use?

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Forms :: How To Read HTML In Textbox In Real Time With Cursor On Web Browser

Sep 16, 2011

How would one be able to sync the cursor on a web browser to the html placed in a richtextbox?I am able to get the source code of a web page and put it into a rich textbox.How can I setup a caret to sync up in real time with my mouse on the web page?

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Read A String As XML In .NET 2.0

Mar 4, 2011

I have a string that is coming from DB. I would like to read this as XML. String looks like below


I would like get the value of OfferIDs as a string using VB.NET.

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Read RTF To String?

Dec 19, 2011

I am loosing all of the vbCrlf (enters).

Public Function readRtfToString(path As String) As String
Dim theReturnString As String = ""
'Dim path As String = "test.rtf"


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How To Read Certain Line Of String

Nov 13, 2011

How do I read a certain line of a string? Here is my current code:
TextBox2.Text = SuperVB.ReadFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim lineFirst As String = TextBox1.Text.Line(1)
I don't want to read a file's line.

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Read A String From A Registry Key?

Jan 8, 2011

I want to read a string from a registry key, if its 0 do one thing, and if its 1, do something else.

This code (if it works..) would at the first time create a sub key, and assign it to 1, but if its not existing, it would then show a few messageboxe's - But it doesnt work, even if I set it to 1 or 0, it won't work, it always displays the messages.

If My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USERA Sim Game StudiosA Sim Game - Business",
"FirstRun", "1") Then
MessageBox.Show("Your name is Jay J, you are 23 years old")


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Read String And Break It

Sep 6, 2009

I'm facing a problem in reading a string actually I have a String which have multiple value in it and I want to break it and use some characters in different variables.

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