Read String And Break It

Sep 6, 2009

I'm facing a problem in reading a string actually I have a String which have multiple value in it and I want to break it and use some characters in different variables.

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Break Point - Read Until End Of Stream

Sep 26, 2011

I was using a break point in this method to make sure every was running right with it. Basically it is a loop to read until the end of a stream but rwNumber resets after it gets to line 50. Does have a limit on it i am not sure.

Public Sub FormatText()
Dim filePath As String = openFileDialog1.FileName
If filePath = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("You have not opened a file yet")
[Code] .....

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Break String Up - Get The Start Of The String And Drop The End

Feb 16, 2012

I have a string that has 2 sections broken up by a -. When I pass this value to my new page I just want the first section. An example value would be: MS 25 - 25 I just want to show: MS 25 I am looking at IndexOf() and SubString() but I can't find how to get the start of the string and drop the end.

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Break A String Into Two Strings?

Oct 3, 2009

I am trying to take one string that is too long for it's container, so it wraps, and break the string at the wrap into two strings. So say I have this string

"this is a

I would like to make this into: "this is a" - "string", two different strings. But I will not know where the break is..

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How To Break Up String Of Key Value Pairs

Jul 23, 2009

I have a variable that reads in a POST from paypal. This is the instant payment notification stream and all the keys and values are stored into a string variable .


This is part of the string. How do I break this up into a set of variables. I tried using request.form but this did not do anything. I'm trying to get the variables and then pass them to a function that will write everything to a database.

Dim amount = Request.Form("mc_gross")
Dim currency = Request.Form("currency")
Dim pmtdate = Request.Form("payment_date")
Dim status = Request.Form("payment_status")

I only need certain variables from this variable which is strNewvalue. How to I get the values stored in this variable?

Dim myEmail As MailMessage = New MailMessage()
myEmail.To = ""


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Break The String MICROSOFT Into An Array?

Jul 22, 2009

Let say in .aspx, i have a text box at login menu After user key in the text box, I want the text box string eg : MICROSOFT Now want a Procedure for .net framework 1.1 how to break the string MICROSOFT
into an array


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Break Up String With Spaces Or Next Line

Feb 5, 2009

If i have a string "mystring" and it holds something like

"aaaaaaaa bbbbbb fffffff qwrt afsa hghf"

how can i get each word into its own string "mynewstrings()"? the number of spaces between the words isnt always the same either.

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.net - How To Break String And Sort On Version Number

May 13, 2010

I have an ASP app that has a string array as such (there are much more than this): Date: 05_03_10 Date: 05_03_10 Date: 05_04_10


How do I go about sorting these string by version descending?

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When Break Out Of Loop / Break All Nested Loops?

May 11, 2012

So I have some code, and I have a nested For loop inside a For loop, and then I have EXIT FOR statement, will it break out of one loop, or the whole chain?

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C# - Convert String Approximately 300 Characters And Then Showing Continuation With [...] After A Word Break?

Oct 14, 2011

I am working on RSS feed. In Rssfeed <description> (string) tag suggest using approximately 300 characters and then showing continuation with [...] after a word break.

<description>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially [...]</description>


How we can do with a string by showing continuation with [...] after a word break?

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Get Ctrl+Break On Laptop Without A Break Key?

Nov 12, 2009

-new Dell laptop without a Break key.

-VB6 and VS2008 IDEs use Ctrl+Break to pause execution for debugging.

-I need a way to map another key combination to trigger a Ctrl+Break

My setup may make this easier or harder but to be clear I am running Kubuntu 9.10 (latest stable) and WinXP in a VirtualBox VM. Obviously all VB6/VS2008 dev is taking place in the virtual machine.So maybe it's possible to have the linux host send through Ctrl+Break based on a key mapping, or maybe it's possible to remap directly in WinXP. I'd settle for any solution as atm I need to use the XP On-Screen keyboard to send a Ctrl+Break.

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VS 2008 - Take A String Of Variables With A Common Delimiter And Break It All Back Out Into Separate Variables

Dec 11, 2011

Last year (2010) I came across a FANTASTIC command that allowed me to take a string of variables with a common delimiter and break it all back out into separate variables (possibly an array) with one statement.


As long as the delimiter was a unique specifiable character, this one-statement command could break it out into elements. my memory and point me in the right direction.

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Read Unknown String After String In A Text File

Jan 30, 2010

i have a string with the value = "/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music/" i need to read the next 13 letter after this string in a text file i am also using a loop to do this multiple times

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Header As String = "/var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control/Music/"


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Read A Textbox Into A String And Use The String For Something Else?

Dec 24, 2011

I have two text boxes on my form. Textbox1 and Textbox2. Textbox1 will contain information. I want to code my button to read textbox 1 and put it into a string or some way for the app to read the textbox and store the information into it's memory.Then I want to be able to read that string into the second part of my application.

a). read the textbox into a string using a streamreader and then use a streamwriter to write the data into a string?

b). save the textbox to a .txt file then use the openfiledialog to read the text file into a string to use?

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Read A String As XML In .NET 2.0

Mar 4, 2011

I have a string that is coming from DB. I would like to read this as XML. String looks like below


I would like get the value of OfferIDs as a string using VB.NET.

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Read RTF To String?

Dec 19, 2011

I am loosing all of the vbCrlf (enters).

Public Function readRtfToString(path As String) As String
Dim theReturnString As String = ""
'Dim path As String = "test.rtf"


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How To Read Certain Line Of String

Nov 13, 2011

How do I read a certain line of a string? Here is my current code:
TextBox2.Text = SuperVB.ReadFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim lineFirst As String = TextBox1.Text.Line(1)
I don't want to read a file's line.

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Read A String From A Registry Key?

Jan 8, 2011

I want to read a string from a registry key, if its 0 do one thing, and if its 1, do something else.

This code (if it works..) would at the first time create a sub key, and assign it to 1, but if its not existing, it would then show a few messageboxe's - But it doesnt work, even if I set it to 1 or 0, it won't work, it always displays the messages.

If My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USERA Sim Game StudiosA Sim Game - Business",
"FirstRun", "1") Then
MessageBox.Show("Your name is Jay J, you are 23 years old")


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Read String As Time?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a string coming over that reads as "15:40:20" (without quotes). I would like to read this in as time so that I can add a minute to it and then put if + or - a minute from the original time then do this. Any idea how to read the above string in as time so that I can do so... ???

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Read The 2nd Row Into A String Using A Streamreader?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a csv file and I want to read the 2nd row into a string using a streamreader but not sure how to get to the second one on file?

The file looks like the following:


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Read XML String And Get Values?

Jul 22, 2011

Using VB.Net, I need to read the following XML from a string variable (not a file) and pull the AuthNo, Client ID, Client Name, Supplier ID, and Supplier Name for each Dispatch contained within the XML.

I have looked at tons of examples on the web using XMLReader but I can't figure out how to pull the separate ID's and match them up with their appropriate Names and also matched up with appropriate AuthNo.[code]...

View 7 Replies

Save And Read A String?

Jan 27, 2011

I am working on a project that is essentially a task manager. It has some special features, but in essence, you put in tasks, and when you check them they move. I have got most of it done, but I need the ability to save separate lists.[code]...

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Connect To Site, And Read String(s)?

Apr 9, 2010

i was wondering if/how i can make visual basic 2008 to connect to a web site and search for a string (for example, an antivirus program would read a string from the first link, or which ever string is the virus path, and then takes that string and uses the method (string1 being the string found on the site))

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How To Use Split String To Read File

Apr 7, 2011

I'm using this script:

Dim idnumber = InputBox("input client no", "Search")
currentdir = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory + "


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Read A String And Call The Method Of The Same Name?

Nov 2, 2009

Is it possible to read a string and call the method of the same name?For example: I have many buttons and if the user presses the button named A1, I want the Sub AI() to be called. I don't want to do an explicit If-Then for each button. Rather a common ONCLICK method that is called by all buttons and another method (the same name as the name of the button) is called.


Sub Click(byVal buttonName as string)
call ButtonName ' <<<< Error. ButtonName is string and not a Method.
End Sub

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Read Byte Array To String

Sep 20, 2011

I'm trying to read a byte array into a string however it's array is filling up from a dll in the following format. [Code] now its decoding the first byte but I think because of the next [0] it's not completing the whole array. This is the code that I'm using:

Radiotext = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(szRetRDS)

I did think about writing it into another byte array excluding the [0] but unsure how I would go about this.

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Read From Txt File, Get Data As String?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a feeling it is an easy one, but for the life of me i cant figure it out. My project at the moment is to grab content from a website and use it in some way (havent worked out this part yet, still trying to get the data).

Currently, i have grabbed the whole website and written it to a text file.. No dramas there. Then i read each line until i find a certain string... Again, no dramas. MY problem is; after reading and finding the certain string, i want the program to grab whatever "characters" there are until it reads a certain string again, and then put those characters into a string for later use.

so for example:


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Read String In Text File?

Jun 28, 2010

I know how can i read string from the text file?[code]....

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Read Text From Url Then Convert To String?

Jul 13, 2010

I would like to know what code I should add so it would read then convert the text in a URL to string. I would then use this string for my application to check for updates.The text in the URL is a HTML document that i uploaded and all it has is four or five characters.

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Read Values Set In A String That's Retrieved From The Web?

Jun 10, 2011

I would like to read values set in a string that's retrieved from the Web, I've already got the string in a string called Webdata.The string is like so...

"Info" {
"Name" {


I need to set Value1, Value2, Value3 as strings that I can use.

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