Read And Write To Shape Properties At Run Time?

Jul 29, 2009

I've dynamically created some ovalshapes and need to change their fillcolor and their tag at run time....

I can't seem to get at their properties

below is the code I'm creating my shapes with:

Dim alert(6) As PowerPacks.OvalShape
Dim canvas As New ShapeContainer
canvas.Parent = Me


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How To Read/write Properties To Xml File For Later Retrieval

Aug 31, 2009

First off I am fairly new to VB .net however I have had some success in my project so far. I am creating a simple envelope accounting program for personal use. So far I have some basic forms created and have my class defined and a few methods for calculating my balances as well as changing the property data I want to work with. I now want to take this property data and save it to an xml file that I can easily retrieve the data into another form and save for later.

Here is a screen shot of the form used to gather the property data for my class

Here's the class code:

Public Class EnvelopeSystem
#Region "Identification"
Private eUsername As String = ""
Public Property Username() As String


I am looking for advice on how to get this to xml the most efficient way possible. Also if there are any blatant errors or easier ways to code what I already have I am still very new at this and would be glad to see easier more efficient ways of coding.

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Customize Scrollbar Properties (colors And Shape)?

Jun 11, 2010

Hoe can I customize scrollbar properties (colors and shape)?I need to change its color and shape to make it closer to the Winamp scrollbars.

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Adding Components - Use Oval / Rectangle Shape Properties

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to add shape per user's selection...
if (chosen circle)
use microsoft powerpack ovalshape and all its properties
if (chosen rectangle)
use microsoft powerpack rectangleshape and all its properties
I have installed the Visual Basic PowerPacks V2.0. How do I add this powerpack component to my VB2005 code to use oval or rectangle shape properties?

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VS 2008 Customize Scrollbar Properties (colors And Shape)?

May 20, 2010

Hoe can I customize scrollbar properties (colors and shape) p need to change its color and shape to make it closer to the Winamp scrollbars.

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Forms :: Control Shape Graphic Properties From Background Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I have got a couple of VB Powerpack Ovalshapes on my Form.I use these for a quick indication if the networked device is online or offline.I can't seem to control the Visible function (or any other function for that matter) one my Background Worker is running.For my Textboxes I used a guide by jmcilhinney which worked great for them but there is no 'Invoke' property for graphics controls.

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User Control Properties - Finalize My Design Time Properties Grid

Apr 27, 2011

I'm making a control and I am trying to finalize my design time properties grid. I have several List(of Class) items as public properties and when I click on the design time menu (while testing the control) there is the word "Collection" and a button with an ellipsis (...) that brings up a neat pop up with the buttons Add/remove and all of the public properties of the collection's class on the right hand side. Basically for a non-collection instance of a class (with public properties) I'd like a similar button to show up. I know I could put all of the properties in the main control class and group them, but I like the pop up box feature. Anyway to duplicate this? (think font grid item etc.)

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Generate Shape At Running Time?

Sep 29, 2010

When I create a shape with the form Open where is the code or all the information like


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C# :: How To Drop A Shape Inside Shape In VISIO

Mar 23, 2011

I am using Rack-mounted Equipment (US units).VSS as stencil. I need to Connect a server on Rack.

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Using Codedom To Write Properties

Apr 17, 2009

[code]I already had to add in bits to the example code to actually name the property to match their example output, I suspect that there is a detail missing that is causing this, but I can't seem to track it down? Whilst the code compiles, I'm unable to use the properties without manually adding in the parameters, which defeats the purpose somewhat.

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Write Private Set Auto-properties In VB 10?

Jun 9, 2009

in C#: public string Property { get; private set; } in VB?

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Write Properties Of Control To A Text File?

Aug 16, 2010

I want to loop through the controls on a given form, if those controls contain controls then loop on those controls, get the final control and write ALL of its properties to a text file under the form_Control Name. Finally when the form loads it reads in that textfile and sets its properties.

I dont think the properties are set up as a collection, and therefore would probably have to know what the properties are for every control and program for each control, but i am hoping there's an easier way.

I am looking for a way to fine tune my applications by expsoing the properties in a text file and be able to manipulate the controls through the controls textfile.

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Read Properties Or Tag From Video File?

Jul 27, 2009

I working on one project I wanna to make app which can read info from video file like Bit Rate, lenght, frame rate, etc..

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Read Video Properties Of An Avi File?

Dec 16, 2011

ive been trying to read video properties of an avi file (to start with). im trying to get the length, width, audio, bit rate etc.

Trying to get these details [URL] Im trying to display a few images based on this information in the interface (pic below) [URL]

I am able to get some values but not all of them.

Heres my code

Public Sub getVideoDetails()
Dim arrHeaders(35)
Dim shell As New Shell32.Shell


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.net - Set Winform Control Properties At Run Time?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a blank winform. A textbox control with name textbox1 being added to the winform. During the form load event, I retrieve 2 string values from database and store these values into TextboxName and TextboxValue variables of string type.

I use TextboxName variable to store that textbox control name (i.e. currently TextboxName = "textbox1") and TextboxValue variable to store that textbox's text (i.e. currently TextboxValue = "Hello world"). My question is how to set the textbox1.text property without have to resort to following code:

If TextboxName = "textbox1" Then
textbox1.Text = TextboxValue
End If

how to set the textbox1.Text property without have to use IF...Then construct?

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IDE :: Connecting Properties During Design Time?

Jul 30, 2010

Basically, in the designer I want to be able to connect a collection of objects to another property. When the collection is set, the property should display a drop-down allowing you to select one of the values from the collection. It is a collection of a custom class.Right now I have the collection implementing the IList interface from the System.ComponentModel.Generic namespace. I've looked into type converters, but I haven't been able to figure out yet how to get them to work for my needs.

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.net - Read The Attributes Assigned To The Properties Of A Class?

Oct 27, 2011

Given the following class


How can I read the custom attibutes of the CustomerID or any other property?

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Call/Read Properties From A Running Program?

Apr 13, 2010

Is there a way to call a running application (my own) and read properties from it? In this case read and get a collection of objects and put it into a similar collection.

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Read-only Properties With No Parameters Overload Eachother?

May 13, 2011

I've noticed that a class can "overload" a read-only property of its parent class, even though this isn't allowed within a class. I don't understand why this is allowed or what (if anything) it accomplishes.


The signature of mySubClass.SomeProp is identical to myClass.Prop—how can the former overload the latter?

In practice this seems to function just like Shadows, is that true?

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C# - Conditionally Hide Properties At Compile Time In .Net?

Oct 14, 2010

Depending on a preprocessor directive, I want to set all properties in a class to EditorBrowsableAttribute.Never.

I thought about creating a custom attribute, derived from EditorBrowsableAttribute, but unfortunately that class is sealed.

I've had a look at ICustomTypeDescriptor, but in the GetProperties method, I can get hold of each property descriptor, but the attributes collection is readonly.

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My.Settings: Run-Time Added Properties Don't Save

Oct 23, 2008

I found that there was the Settings.Properties collection as well as the Settings.PropertyValues collection, and hopefully i'm not doing extra work here, but i'm creating both, and then assigning a value to the Settings(PropName).

Defaultly, in my "static" settings (through the IDE designer window and such) I have 9 settings/properties, and at run time when I'm processing, the Settings.Properties.Count doeos indeed equal 9.

Now, in the process of my application I generate some "saved" control properties myself, and actively "add" them to the Settings:

For Each prop As String In Me.Keys
name = Layout & "." & _control.Name & "." & prop


This seems to work fine, and after the repetitive code (cycling through a collection) is finished, the Setting.Properties.Count does indeed equal 79, for the 70 new properties added.

I not only execute a My.Settings.Save() when the application exits, but I know I also have the SaveMySettingsOnExit set to true, but the next time i load up the app, my is back to 9.

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Setting Font Properties For Controls One At A Time?

Sep 25, 2011

In VB6 I would simply retrieve the user font setting from the .ini file, load into variables and then apply to the appropriate control.

text1.fontbold = userfontbold
text1.fontitalic = userfontitalic
text1.fontunderline = userfontunderline

I'm struggling to understand how to do this The following code works, but sets all three at one time

Text1.Font = New Font("Courier", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Underline)Since the user can have many different combinations of settings, I would like to be able to add just one of these properties at a time, but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

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Change Properties Of Inherited Controls At Design Time?

Mar 23, 2009

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code. I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?

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Set The Timer1 Properties To Enable With An Interval Time Of 10000

Mar 11, 2010

I have a quesion about using the timer1 function. I am a complete virgin when it comes to programming, so please be kind. I have a project that is using an NCD relay controller to control linear actuators. I want one relay to turn on and then stay on for 10 seconds and then turn off. I set the timer1 properties to enable with an interval time of 10000. I am programming a button to turn on the relay then wait 10 seconds then turn the relay off. All that happens is the relay comes on then off immediatley. I have tryed to do this several different ways with the same results. It is though the timer1 is not getting recognized. So my main question is, what steps am I missing, and how do I get a delay of 10 seconds before the program recognizes the turnoffrelay command?

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VS 2008 Inherited Control Firing Properties At Design Time

Jul 16, 2009

I've written my code to implement a new property and to set the content to this default text and grey the text whenever the textbox is empty, and to hide it when the user starts typing. This all works fine at runtime.[code]My question is this : If I place an instance of the control on a form, and set the DefaultText via the properties grid, why doesn't my Property Set code run?I'd expect the control on the form to show my new DefaultText in the control, but instead it remains blank. When I run the form it does display correctly, but just not at design time. I place a breakpoint in the DefaultText set property code and it simply doesn't run.

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VS 2010 Properties Set During Design-time Are Not Serialized To Designer File

Aug 22, 2011

I am creating a UserControl with rich design-time support that should eventually look like the Options window in Visual Studio (or many other applications). Basically a split container, to the left is a TreeView with 'option categories', and each node in the treeview corresponds to a 'panel' to the right with certain options.

Just for terminology, the nodes in the TreeView are OptionsNode objects, the panels (containing the controls that determine the options) are OptionsPanel controls. My UserControl itself is called OptionsView and is the control that contains the treeview as well as a panel that contains the OptionsPanels.

I have some experience in design-time coding, and I have gotten pretty far. The OptionsView control contains a property Panels that returns the ControlCollection of the right side of the split container. The user can add/remove OptionsPanels via this property (and automatically an OptionsNode is created). The property uses a custom CollectionEditor that tells the designer to create instances of type OptionsPanel (instead of just Control which is the usual collection type of ControlCollection). Furthermore, in the CreateInstance method I use the DesignerHost object and its CreateComponent method to create the panels, instead of just creating New OptionsPanel objects. This way the OptionsPanel created is selectable and editable (via property grid) during design-time:
Protected Overrides Function CreateInstance(ByVal itemType As System.Type) As Object
If itemType Is GetType(OptionsPanel) Then


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How To Read And Write Xml

May 7, 2012

I have a folder called movies. In this folder is a collection of different movies each in their own folder with their own xml file called movie.xml.I would like to extract lets say the localtitle and aspectratio from each movie xml and send to Excel. What code would I need to achieve this?So far I have the attached code which reads only one file and it is directly from the xml outside of a folder.

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Read MP3 - Write Wav?

Jun 13, 2009

Is there anybody out here in the VB, C# 2008 world that can direct me in the right direction? I do not want anything that has todo with c/C++or Direct Draw. When converting, there is no equal for SizeOf, and a few other things. I am using Lame 3.98.2.exe in my app along with LameShell that works fine for resampling, but , not for decoding an mp3 to wav or encoding a wav to mp3. You can find the LameShell project at [URL] . LameShell is a wrapper for the Lame.exe file. Here is the complete LameShell class file along with my app button clicks for the following,


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VS 02/03 Xml Read & Write?

Dec 21, 2010

I am trying to extend an application to to write the details from textboxes on a invoice form to an xml file.I have created 3 methods for my invoice class which will open the invoice xml document, write to it, and close it.The open Invoice method creates and invoice.xml file and writes a start tag named invoices.

The WriteInvoice method writes an invoice element for the invoice with attribute named customerName and three child elements named ordertotal, discounTotal and Invoice total. These values are taken from the textboxes form the form.

The CloseInvoice writes the end tag for the root element(invoices) and closes the file.

I have wriiten code for these methods but can only get the open invoice method to work.

My code for the 3 methods is shown below:

Public Sub OpenInvoices()
Dim sInvPath As String = "C:MurachBeginning VB.NETExercise startsVB.NETChapter 14InvoiceInvoices.xml"
Dim InvoiceWriter As New XmlTextWriter(sInvPath, Nothing)
InvoiceWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented 'Set formatting of XML file


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VS 2005 : Setting Item Properties With Values Of A Variable At Design Time?

Jul 7, 2009

is it possible to set a value of an item, for example: a textbox1.text = Empty.String at design time?

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