Adding Components - Use Oval / Rectangle Shape Properties

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to add shape per user's selection...
if (chosen circle)
use microsoft powerpack ovalshape and all its properties
if (chosen rectangle)
use microsoft powerpack rectangleshape and all its properties
I have installed the Visual Basic PowerPacks V2.0. How do I add this powerpack component to my VB2005 code to use oval or rectangle shape properties?

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How To Display Picturebox As Oval Shape

Jun 22, 2010

How to display picturebox as oval shape.

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VS 2005 Picturebox As Oval Shape

Jan 2, 2010

How to display picturebox as oval shape.

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VS 2008 - How To Do For Each Oval Shape In Form

Aug 2, 2009

I have a form with around 20 ovalshapes (the one that comes with Power Packs 3.0). I have named them p1, p2, p3, p4 and all the way up to p20. Is it possible to loop trough each shape in the form and check if the name contains a specified number? I'm thinking of something like this:

For Each ovalshape In Me
If"13") Then
ovalshape.backcolor = Color.Black
End If

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Forms :: Display Picturebox As Oval Shape?

Jan 2, 2010

How to display picturebox as oval shape.

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VS 2010 : Changing An Oval Shape Colour?

Nov 1, 2009

im trying to make an ovalshape change colour when i click a button?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "hello" Then
OvalShape1.FillColor = Color.Red


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VS 2008 How To Add Properties To Dynamically Created Oval Shapes

Jul 18, 2009

I had created another thread asking how to create OvalShapes during runtime... Ok, so I have that covered, but what I need to know how to add properties to these OvalShapes individually. The OvalShapes are stored in the List(Of OvalShapes) if I create a loop from 0 to the length of the list it modifies all the OvalShapes with the same propertiesWhat I�m trying to do is make like 5-10 balls collide, this is why I need these properties to be individual to each OvalShape.

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Draw String On Top Of Rectangle Shape?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm using in the Me.Paint event to draw a string in the form. There is a rectangle shape with gradient in the form, and the string is supposed to be drawn on top of the rectangle shape. However, when I run the program, the string is drawn under the rectangle shape, and is therefore invisible... How do I fix this?

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Make A Rectangle Powerpack Shape?

Apr 30, 2012

im trying to make a rectangle powerpack shape but i dont know how to get a parent. this is what i have got so far:

snake.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(Math.Round(halfWindowWidth / 10) * 10, Math.Round(halfWindowHeight / 10) * 10)
snake.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(10, 10)


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Resizing A Rectangle Shape In Runtime?

May 6, 2011

Resizing a Rectangle shape when the program is running.

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How To Add Rectangle Shape To Windows Form And Display It

Aug 3, 2011

I created a rectangle shape and tried to show it at my form like this
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Public Class frmBoard
Dim baseDice As RectangleShape
Private Sub frmBoard_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
baseDice.CornerRadius = 5
[Code] .....

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Move A Rectangle Shape Using Arrow Keys

Aug 6, 2011

I am trying to move a Rectangle Shape using the arrow keys and i have done multiple codes and none of them work. Can anyone help me with the coding.[code]also I am not sure if the code goes in Form1_KeyDown or RectangleShape1_KeyDown

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Forms :: Same Properties Setting Of Components?

Feb 9, 2009

Did vs2008 or got some of the solution to solve properties setting of the components are same with each other?
Example: like I want to standard the datagridviews' property, each of the datagridviews' property is same with each other. but each time I create the new datagridview. I have to manually set the datagridview 1 by 1.

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Object Collision - An Object Bounce Back When It Collides With An Rectangle Shape?

Mar 21, 2012

how I could have an object bounce back when it collides with an rectangle shape. There are multiple rectangle shapes and I don't want to do it all seperately for each one.

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Customize Scrollbar Properties (colors And Shape)?

Jun 11, 2010

Hoe can I customize scrollbar properties (colors and shape)?I need to change its color and shape to make it closer to the Winamp scrollbars.

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Read And Write To Shape Properties At Run Time?

Jul 29, 2009

I've dynamically created some ovalshapes and need to change their fillcolor and their tag at run time....

I can't seem to get at their properties

below is the code I'm creating my shapes with:

Dim alert(6) As PowerPacks.OvalShape
Dim canvas As New ShapeContainer
canvas.Parent = Me


View 11 Replies

VS 2008 Customize Scrollbar Properties (colors And Shape)?

May 20, 2010

Hoe can I customize scrollbar properties (colors and shape) p need to change its color and shape to make it closer to the Winamp scrollbars.

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Forms :: Control Shape Graphic Properties From Background Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I have got a couple of VB Powerpack Ovalshapes on my Form.I use these for a quick indication if the networked device is online or offline.I can't seem to control the Visible function (or any other function for that matter) one my Background Worker is running.For my Textboxes I used a guide by jmcilhinney which worked great for them but there is no 'Invoke' property for graphics controls.

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Adding Windows Components?

Jul 24, 2009

is there any way i could add windows components.. i have an application particularly "spector pro". i need it to be put in vb form. the posibble way that i could do that si to add the application (spector pro) to windows it posibble

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VS 2008 Adding Additional Components?

Dec 13, 2009

I need to make a custom control and decided, before that, to see if there were any additional components that I could utilize.When looking through the list, I found a component called an Expander. So I decided to add it and see how it works.

After adding it, I couldn't find it at all within the toolbox. I went back to Choose Items and it was checked, but still not in the toolbox.It's probably important to note that it is a WPF component and this is not a WPF Project. Would that make a difference?Is there something else I may be doing wrong?

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Adding "Properties" Dialogs - Pre-built Dialog Or Control For Displaying Properties At Runtime?

Nov 6, 2008

I have my own class of graphic objects, and now I'd like to allow a user to right-click on one of those within the application and see a properties window. Is there a pre-built dialog or control for displaying properties at runtime? I'd like to have something just like the IDE properties window button for my application.

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C# :: How To Drop A Shape Inside Shape In VISIO

Mar 23, 2011

I am using Rack-mounted Equipment (US units).VSS as stencil. I need to Connect a server on Rack.

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List(of Rectangle), Rectangle.offset(x,y) Doesn't Work?

Jul 26, 2010

i've got a little problem with List(on T) variables.


It works perfectly fine. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Identify Subtriangle Within A Rectangle Given A Coordinate In That Rectangle?

Feb 22, 2010

Given a rectangle of width w and height h. and a coordinate x,y in that rectangle I would like to identify which triangle I am within.

i.e. the function should take parameters(x,y) and return a,b,c,d or a zero based number representing that triangle index i.e. (0=A,1=B,2=C,3=D) if they are in that order.

I think this would be something like >= the formula of the red line and >= the formula of the green line?

I'd like to implement this in VB.NET

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Adding The Properties Of A Control To Its Parent?

Oct 21, 2009

adding the properties of a control to its parent? Without having to rewrite all the properties... For example, if I have an user control with a button inside, and I want to have the "text align" property of the button, in the list of properties of the usercontrol. If not, is there a way of making the child control of an usercontrol editable?

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VS 2008 Adding Properties To Class?

Aug 4, 2009

I created this custom listbox, and I want to change the border of the focus rectangle, so I made up this property:
Private H_BorderColor As Pen = Pens.Black
Public Shadows Property HighlightedBorderColor() As Pen


But when I'm at the designer tab that property is editable, I attached a screen shot of the properties box.

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Selecting Oval By Name?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a series of ovals named "lamp1" through to "lamp26" and wish to change a particular lamp's backcolor.I have done this for labels (Controls("Label" & intButton).BackColor = Color.Black) but Controls does not work for Ovals. I assumed this was because Ovals are part of the PowerPack set but I cannot get any further.

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Adding User Defined Properties To Textbox?

Sep 2, 2009

Can we add a user defined property to a textbox (NOT TO A TEXTBOX CLASS)?
e.g. MyTextBox.MyProerty = "GOOD"

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Database - Adding A Row To A Table From The Properties Of A Class?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a class that represents the table of a db-row. Its properties are the columns of the table. I add a new row to the table with the following code:

Public Sub AddRow(oTestRow As TestRow)
Dim sql As String
With oTestRow


That is just an example, but my classes have around 30-40 properties and this brings a very large and complex sql string. Creating, editing or maintaining these sql strings for many classes could generate errors. I am wondering if any compact way or method exists in order to add the whole object's istance (the properties of course) to the table "TestTable" without writing such a large sql string. I created the TestRow in the way that its properties are exactly the columns of the table "TestTable" (with the same name). But I did not found in the ADO.NET anything that could be used.

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Enum Inside Structure - Adding Properties?

May 19, 2009

I have an enum that I want to give some methods. I thought about changing the enum to a structure so I could add properties, but then the enum is a value inside the structure (not the structure itself), so this would affect comparisons and such. (For example, instead of writing
Now it is
At least, this is my understanding of it. It seems awkward to have to do this for such a simple scenario, so is it possible give enums properties, yet still have them treated as before? I've thought maybe I need to create a new valuetype from scratch, but I've never done that before.

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