VS 2008 Adding Properties To Class?

Aug 4, 2009

I created this custom listbox, and I want to change the border of the focus rectangle, so I made up this property:

Private H_BorderColor As Pen = Pens.Black
Public Shadows Property HighlightedBorderColor() As Pen


But when I'm at the designer tab that property is editable, I attached a screen shot of the properties box.

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Database - Adding A Row To A Table From The Properties Of A Class?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a class that represents the table of a db-row. Its properties are the columns of the table. I add a new row to the table with the following code:

Public Sub AddRow(oTestRow As TestRow)
Dim sql As String
With oTestRow


That is just an example, but my classes have around 30-40 properties and this brings a very large and complex sql string. Creating, editing or maintaining these sql strings for many classes could generate errors. I am wondering if any compact way or method exists in order to add the whole object's istance (the properties of course) to the table "TestTable" without writing such a large sql string. I created the TestRow in the way that its properties are exactly the columns of the table "TestTable" (with the same name). But I did not found in the ADO.NET anything that could be used.

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VS 2010 Adding Properties To An Existing Class / Control

Sep 27, 2011

Is there any way to add new properties to a control? For example, I'm using an "OvalShape" from Microsoft's Powerpacks, these are designated as "Cells". I would like to add properties to the class itself (if I had a physical class to edit) for different processes such as "energy level", "family number", "mutation", etc. General variables that are either Boolean, Integers, or etc. If there isn't a way to edit the powerpack class itself, is there a way I can use the ovalshape power pack in my own class and add extra properties to it myself?

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VS 2008 Adding Class Object To List Or Array In A Different Class

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create an list or an array of a class.Here is my "Ingredient" class that I am trying to create a list of:[code]In my "recipe" class, I am want to create a list (or array) and I am drawing a big blank on how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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VS 2008 - Adding Style Properties To Excel Column

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to add some style properties to a column but the code I am currently using doesnt seem to work at all?
Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook = oApp.Workbooks.Add()
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet = CType(oWB.Worksheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)
Dim style As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Style
style = oWB.Styles.Add("Style1")
[Code] .....
It's still the same as "default" would look when just opening up excel for the first time.

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VS 2008 Using ENUM Definition In Class Properties?

Jul 28, 2011

In a global module, I define a new type that can take 4 values:

enum tAction as integer
end enum

A use this type in many places in my code to check the value stored in a variable (if MyAction = tAction.Delete then ...)

In a separate file, I define a class. One of the properties should return a value of this type:

public class XXX
private _Action as tAction
public property ClassAction() as tAction


This way I could check a class property in the same manner (if MyClass.ClassAction = tAction.Insert then ...)

However I get a syntax error in the property definition: 'ClassAction' cannot expose type 'Globals.tAction' outside the project through class 'XXX'

My entire program consists in a few modules, in a single project. How can I use my tAction definition in my classes?

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VS 2008 PropertyGrid Class Properties - Define The Color

Oct 21, 2009

1 - Need to create a kind of composite property, like the font property, that it's showed with a plus sign to expand. For example i need to define a new pen, i need to define the color and the width... 2 - I need to define the color for one brush, but if i create a property of the type brush in the PropertyGrid it appears like "System.Drawing.SolidBrush"

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VS 2008 Properties In 'groups' (class) In Designer (property Grid)?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm creating a UserControl that draws a simple radial gauge. I need it to be very customizable; the user should be able to customize everything such as the colors, fonts, sizes. So, I just made a property for every customizable detail. For example, I had ScaleFont, ScaleColor, ScaleStart, ScaleEnd, ScaleInnerRadius, ScaleOuterRadius, ScaleTickmarkFrequenty, etc.. etc.. etc...

Because there are so many properties about the same subject, I wanted to 'group' these properties into one "property". I've seen this done loads of times in third party controls, but I've never done it before myself.The idea is that the properties can be accessed like

Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Start = 10
Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.End = 80

So far, I tried creating a class for each group, for example a clsScaleSettings class, containing properties like Font, Color, Start, End, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, TickmarkFrequenty, etc (corresponding to the same properties as above).

Then, for every 'group' or class, I create a Property. For example, I have the ScaleSettings property, which simply returns an instance of the clsScaleSettings class (I initialize the instance only once of course):

Private _ScaleSettings As New clsScaleSettings
Public Property ScaleSettings() As clsScaleSettings


Now, this works in the code editor. I can now use

Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Font = Me.Font

for example, and it sets the font correctly.But, I does not work in the designer, in the Property Grid. The whole reason I made the effort to move and rename nearly all properties (about 70!), and all references to those properties, to separate classes, was so that the user could design the gauge more easily using the Property Grid!Instead of having 15 settings related to the scale, scattered all over the Property Grid, he can now have one ScaleSettings property, which he can expand, and then he can edit the properties of that group easily.The ScaleSettings property is greyed out in the property grid... So I cannot expand it and view it's underlying properties.

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VS 2008 Set A User Control (or A Class With A Few Properties) To Appear In The Tan Bar At The Bottom Of The Designer?

Apr 5, 2010

How do I set a User control (or a class with a few properties) to appear in the tan bar at the bottom of the Designer? I have tried googleing it but, I don't know what that bar is called (Kinda Hard to Google without know what to Google)

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VS 2008 Custom Class Called CustomItem That Holds Name And 'SomeProperty' Properties

Apr 22, 2009

Let's say I have a custom class called CustomItem that holds the Name and 'SomeProperty' properties:[code]Now, on the click of a Button, I want to select the CustomItem whose SomeProperty is equal to "Property 4". Of course, this is just "Item 4", but the names and properties are not that correlated in the real application than they are in this example.I have spent ages a long time ago figuring out how to do this. I could not directly set the SelectedItem, because I first need to get the CustomItem that actually matches my condition (SomeProperty = "Property 4"). My solution was to use a loop, looping through each item in the ListBox, and setting the SelectedItem when the right property has been found.[code]Now, is this the correct way to approach this problem? Is the LINQ query correct, or can it be done easier, without the casting? Also, is the LINQ query faster than the For loop, especially for a large amount of items? I expect it to be, but I don't know how to test this.

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Adding "Properties" Dialogs - Pre-built Dialog Or Control For Displaying Properties At Runtime?

Nov 6, 2008

I have my own class of graphic objects, and now I'd like to allow a user to right-click on one of those within the application and see a properties window. Is there a pre-built dialog or control for displaying properties at runtime? I'd like to have something just like the IDE properties window button for my application.

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VS 2008 - Adding Class Library To My Project

Aug 8, 2009

I have a class library called Encrypt.dll that I added to my project (that class encrypts strings..). I have a problem that when I drag the app out of the Release folder, it crashes, giving me this error:Could not load file or assembly 'Encryption_Class, Version=' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.What am I doing wrong?I added it from the Reference tab->Add->Encrypt.dll

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Can't Inherit Shared Properties From A Base Class In A Child Class?

Dec 29, 2010

This is another one of my "I think it's not possible but I need confirmation" questions.I have a base class for a bunch of child classes. Right now, this base class has a few common properties the children use, like Name. The base is an abstract class (MustInherit)Technically, this means that everytime a child class is instantiated, it lugs around, in memory, its own copy of Name. The thing is, Name is going to be a fixed value for all instances of a given child. I.e., Child1.Name will return "child_object1", and Child2.Name will return "child_object2".

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Class With Class Properties: AObject Reference Not Set To An Instance?

Aug 19, 2009

I have a class in which some of the fields are also classes.I can put values in the "normal" properties, but in the others when o try to assign values it gives the: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"But the code compiles fine.

dados_Defenicao = New ServiceReference1.draftClaimEntryDefinition
dados_Defenicao.arCode = "123"
dados_Defenicao.claimMarket.warrantyType = "w" - Here it gives the error

How can i fix this ?

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Class With Class Properties: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance

Aug 19, 2009

I have a class in which some of the fields are also classes.

I can put values in the "normal" properties, but in the others when o try to assign values it gives the: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

But the code compiles fine.

dados_Defenicao = New ServiceReference1.draftClaimEntryDefinition
dados_Defenicao.arCode = "123"
dados_Defenicao.claimMarket.warrantyType = "w" - Here it gives the error

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VS 2008 Expose "Stop" Properties In Route Class?

Jan 17, 2010

I have two classes clsRoute and clsStop. Each route has a collection of stops. So I created a Stops collection in the route class and a method to add stops and remove stopsThis seems to work for me. owever, the clsStop properties that I declared are not showing in intellisense.i.e. oRoute.Stops.item(i).StopName and oRoute.Stops(i).StopName

Public Class clsStops
Private _stopNumber As Integer = 0
Private _stopName As String = String.Empty


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C# - .NET: Getting A Class To Copy Properties Of One Class To Another?

Nov 10, 2010

I wrote a function that copies the properties of one class to another so make a copy of an object.So something like

MyObject myObject = myOtherObject.MyCustomCopy(myObject)
where myObject and myOtherObject are of the same type. I do it by bascually doing
myObject.prop1 = myOtherObject.prop1


I am pretty sure in the past I used a .NET object that automaticaly did this, by reflection I guess, but can't remember it ... or an I imagining that such a method exists?

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Adding A List (of Class) Or Collection As Another Class's Property

Apr 2, 2010

I'm looking for a tutorial on how to Adding a list(of Class) or Collection as another Class's Property.What I am after is something like the Columns Collection for the DatagridView control.I would like to add Items in the graphics screen. Where the item list is displayed in the left panel and the selected Item properties are displayed in the right panel.

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Adding A Windows Service Class To A Class Library

Feb 14, 2012

I have a class library in VB.NET that does a NET-envelope for an USB device driver.There is only one function of that driver that I could not envelope in a traditional class, but I had to put it in a Windows Service as described here:Sharing a class property (field) between applications.The Windows Service works fine, but I have now two projects for my NET-envelope: the one with the class library, the second with the windows service and I do not like the idea to maintain two distinct projects for the same driver.Is it a good practice (or even if possible) to add a windows service class to a normal class library (without creating its own project as described in the vb tutorial)?I know, in any case I should create a separate setup only for the windows service, but in this way I could have together all the classes that envelope my usb device driver in only one project.

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Adding The Properties Of A Control To Its Parent?

Oct 21, 2009

adding the properties of a control to its parent? Without having to rewrite all the properties... For example, if I have an user control with a button inside, and I want to have the "text align" property of the button, in the list of properties of the usercontrol. If not, is there a way of making the child control of an usercontrol editable?

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Adding User Defined Properties To Textbox?

Sep 2, 2009

Can we add a user defined property to a textbox (NOT TO A TEXTBOX CLASS)?
e.g. MyTextBox.MyProerty = "GOOD"

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Enum Inside Structure - Adding Properties?

May 19, 2009

I have an enum that I want to give some methods. I thought about changing the enum to a structure so I could add properties, but then the enum is a value inside the structure (not the structure itself), so this would affect comparisons and such. (For example, instead of writing
Now it is
At least, this is my understanding of it. It seems awkward to have to do this for such a simple scenario, so is it possible give enums properties, yet still have them treated as before? I've thought maybe I need to create a new valuetype from scratch, but I've never done that before.

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Adding Components - Use Oval / Rectangle Shape Properties

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to add shape per user's selection...
if (chosen circle)
use microsoft powerpack ovalshape and all its properties
if (chosen rectangle)
use microsoft powerpack rectangleshape and all its properties
I have installed the Visual Basic PowerPacks V2.0. How do I add this powerpack component to my VB2005 code to use oval or rectangle shape properties?

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File Info (Adding Keyword To Image Properties)

Jun 22, 2010

I am working with an image tagger system. I am done reading the file's properties. Then when I go to code for keywords.. an error exist saying that Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {58968145-CF05-4341-995F-2EE093F6ABA3} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I Already added the DSO file.dll and the class library Imports System.IO
An error exist in the Bold text below.
Dim oSummProps As DSOFile.SummaryProperties
Dim strTmp As String = String.Empty
<strong>Dim oDocument As New DSOFile.OleDocumentPropertiesClass()</strong>
[Code] .....

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Class Properties Won't Set?

Jan 22, 2010

as you might guess from the variable names I'm making a game (but this problem isn't game related!) which involves multiple "bullets" moving along straight trajectories. This is my attempt at changing my code for firing one bullet into one for firing many bullets at once. It works perfectly except for one thing.The class I made (BulletClass) to contain all the things needed to move the bullet isn't setting all of its properties correctly. I apologise for the walls of code however I wasn't entirely sure whether I should chop bits out. I wanted to colour code my code so that you could scroll through and see the subs where things have gone wrong, but apparently I can't even code a new thread. Let alone a video game. Instead I'll just list them, you can search for them if you like or just scroll through at your leisure.


In a nutshell: the properties TargetPosY, TargetPosX, ShipPosX and ShipPoseY are not working properly. As a result the calculations involving them are skewed and the bullets always travel directly downward.

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Class Properties To DataTable?

Feb 7, 2009

I've got a Dictionary collection of a certain class with dozens of string properties.i'd like to create a datatable from this info and map these properties into Datatable columns, and for each member of the dictionary maps it to a row...

i could type out column names based on the class properties, but thats a bit specific and hard coded.

What I want to do is something like

Dim mytable as datatable For each string_property as property of myclass Dim column as new datacolumn(string_property.name) 'column add to table etc Next I'm unfamiliar with how to do this, maybe the Reflection classes are useful - perhaps the guru's can point out an efficient solution?

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Clear All Properties In A Class?

Jun 9, 2010

Is there a way to clear all the properties in a class, because i have a class where all my properties were stored, can i clear all those in just a short code?

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Dll - Public Properties From Another Class

Mar 8, 2012

I've tried searching... a lot for the answer, but as I'm not too sure what exactly I'm trying to do I can't seem to find anything. I'm trying to write a dll in order to handle errors thrown from a vb.net app. In the dll I need several forms (I'm not totally sure if they can have forms - I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to dll's) for which the user can type in their message about the error and submit it.


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Get Numbers Of Properties In Class?

Apr 17, 2010

I have dynamic class with varied numbers of property. At one time I need to save all data from this class. So, to do the For/Next or Do/Loop, I need to know, how many properties in class for now? Is it possible to findout the property numbers and after - property names list?

For example. I have a class INI, were was .Path as preexisted property. Then the few properties has been added and INI start consist of .Path, .Size, .Color and something else.

I dont want to keep in mind all properties has been added. All I want to get some simple loop to read all properties names and values to dump it to the file. Some sort of this[code]...

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How To Change Properties Of Class

Feb 28, 2009

I am filling a form with values from a class, which is working fine. But now I want to take the changed values in the text box and modify the class. For some reason I have not been able to get the syntax.

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