VS 2008 PropertyGrid Class Properties - Define The Color

Oct 21, 2009

1 - Need to create a kind of composite property, like the font property, that it's showed with a plus sign to expand. For example i need to define a new pen, i need to define the color and the width... 2 - I need to define the color for one brush, but if i create a property of the type brush in the PropertyGrid it appears like "System.Drawing.SolidBrush"

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VS 2008 PropertyGrid And Custom Control Properties?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a custom control and have created some properties for it.When I click on that control, its properties are then shown in the PropertyGrid.The problem, is that I only want to show some of the predefined properties as well as my custom properties.Does anyone know how I can filter out the properties I want shown?

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VS 2008 Define A Class As An Instance?

Apr 17, 2010

I would like to define a class as something like a constant, and use the class directly rather than having to always create an instance. Is this possible? I've tried a handful of combinations of syntax, but nothing I've tried lets me do what I'm after. To give an idea of what I'm after:


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VS 2010 - Grayed Properties In PropertyGrid

Jun 1, 2010

I have a custom made control linked to a PropertyGrid at runtime. Some of the properties of my controls are grayed. Why is this happening? I am interested in having some of those editable.

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Save Properties I've Changed In Propertygrid Control?

Apr 29, 2009

I put a PropertyGrid control and set the control to be a button on my form and i run it and change some properties and reflected on the button but when i restart the application nothing is saved so i have to save it to the disk like serialize the control is this the right thing?

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Using A PropertyGrid To Display Properties Of Custom Object?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm using a PropertyGrid to display properties of my custom object, but whenever I run the form and input stuff into the collection, it doesn't save... If I open up the CollectionEditor again, its blank.. heres my code

<Editor("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ListControlStringCollectionEditor, System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", GetType(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)), MergableProperty(True),


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C# - Display Static (shared) Object's Properties In A PropertyGrid?

Apr 12, 2010

I would like to display static (shared) objects at runtime in a PropertyGrid but if I try to set the selected object property of the grid like this:


Is there a way to display a static (shared) object or the object's properties in the PropertyGrid?

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Create Custom Properties Keypress Event In Propertygrid Using Program Or C#?

May 23, 2011

I need a coding for keypressevent in particular properties from the property grid.

It is possible to create an event for these(PropertyGrid Properties) properties?


How to create custom events for custom properties?

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Define A List Of Properties?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a class called "heater". One of the properties is "designstatus", a string. I want to limit the property to one of three choices; "current", "obsolete", "notdesigned".

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Create A New Class That Inherits From The Base Form Class And Define A New() Method With Parameters?

Oct 1, 2008

I've been creating short test apps repeatedly to try to understand some of the concepts in VB.NET.For the most part it has been illuminating.I read Bucky's .NET knowlegebase tutorial on passing objects as parameters to newly created forms. He shows how to create a new class that inherits from the base form class and define a New() method with parameters Extending the concept I thought about doing the same thing with a form that was created at design-time (In this case Form2).


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ContextMenuStrip Color Properties - Set The Background Color Of A Selected Menu Item?

Oct 15, 2009

Right Click drop down menu using ContextMenuStrip. The background color of an unselected menu item is set with "BackColor".The color of the text of a selected menu item is set with "ForeColor".How to set the background color of a selected menu item? Default appears as a dark grey and I would like to change it.

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Define A Class Such That There Can Be Only A Single Instance Of That Class?

Jan 20, 2012

Is there a way to define a class such that there can be only a single instance of that class?

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VS 2008 Insertion Of Sub Main Changed Controls Properties (background Color)

Apr 14, 2010

due to problems with OpenFileDialog and ClipBoard I have inserted a main subroutine in my WinForms app like this:


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PropertyGrid Custom Properties - Custom Sub Properties

Oct 21, 2009

I've populated a PropertyGrid with a custom class. How do you create and display a sub property similar to Size (Height, Width) which has two values or Point(X,Y)? For example, the class is Test and the property is Item as string. I want to expand Item to have two sub properties, A and B.

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.net - Setting ReadOnly Property In PropertyGrid Sets All Properties Readonly?

Jun 12, 2012

I am using a PropertyGrid control to edit my class properties and I am trying to set certain properties read-only depending on other property settings.This is the code of my class:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class PropertyClass[code].....

This is the code I am using to edit the values:

Dim c As New PropertyClass
PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = c

The problem is that when I set SomeProperty to True, nothing happens and when I then set it to False again it sets all properties Read-Only.

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VS 2008 Adding Properties To Class?

Aug 4, 2009

I created this custom listbox, and I want to change the border of the focus rectangle, so I made up this property:

Private H_BorderColor As Pen = Pens.Black
Public Shadows Property HighlightedBorderColor() As Pen


But when I'm at the designer tab that property is editable, I attached a screen shot of the properties box.

View 10 Replies

VS 2008 Using ENUM Definition In Class Properties?

Jul 28, 2011

In a global module, I define a new type that can take 4 values:

enum tAction as integer
end enum

A use this type in many places in my code to check the value stored in a variable (if MyAction = tAction.Delete then ...)

In a separate file, I define a class. One of the properties should return a value of this type:

public class XXX
private _Action as tAction
public property ClassAction() as tAction


This way I could check a class property in the same manner (if MyClass.ClassAction = tAction.Insert then ...)

However I get a syntax error in the property definition: 'ClassAction' cannot expose type 'Globals.tAction' outside the project through class 'XXX'

My entire program consists in a few modules, in a single project. How can I use my tAction definition in my classes?

View 4 Replies

How To Define A Twin Class

Oct 15, 2009

I need to do something like this Class A End Class Class B Inherit A End Class A=B If i try i get an exception! that i can not cast B in A. How can I overcome this problem? I need to define 2 classes B identical to A but as a distinct class What I need is to be able to cast one class to the other like A=B or B=A I tried with directcast but i got the exception what can I do

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Define And Declare In Class Module?

May 25, 2011

below is my code to use binarywriter it work fine on class form1 level


View 2 Replies

Define The MyMethod() Within The Class MyCls?

Jul 28, 2010

Interface Iinterface
Sub myMethod()
End Interface
class myCls implements Iinterface
End Class

i did this and i wanted to define the myMethod() within the class myCls but i am getting an error in this line:

class myCls implements Iinterface
error:end of statement required

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VS 2008 Properties In 'groups' (class) In Designer (property Grid)?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm creating a UserControl that draws a simple radial gauge. I need it to be very customizable; the user should be able to customize everything such as the colors, fonts, sizes. So, I just made a property for every customizable detail. For example, I had ScaleFont, ScaleColor, ScaleStart, ScaleEnd, ScaleInnerRadius, ScaleOuterRadius, ScaleTickmarkFrequenty, etc.. etc.. etc...

Because there are so many properties about the same subject, I wanted to 'group' these properties into one "property". I've seen this done loads of times in third party controls, but I've never done it before myself.The idea is that the properties can be accessed like

Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Start = 10
Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.End = 80

So far, I tried creating a class for each group, for example a clsScaleSettings class, containing properties like Font, Color, Start, End, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, TickmarkFrequenty, etc (corresponding to the same properties as above).

Then, for every 'group' or class, I create a Property. For example, I have the ScaleSettings property, which simply returns an instance of the clsScaleSettings class (I initialize the instance only once of course):

Private _ScaleSettings As New clsScaleSettings
Public Property ScaleSettings() As clsScaleSettings


Now, this works in the code editor. I can now use

Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Font = Me.Font

for example, and it sets the font correctly.But, I does not work in the designer, in the Property Grid. The whole reason I made the effort to move and rename nearly all properties (about 70!), and all references to those properties, to separate classes, was so that the user could design the gauge more easily using the Property Grid!Instead of having 15 settings related to the scale, scattered all over the Property Grid, he can now have one ScaleSettings property, which he can expand, and then he can edit the properties of that group easily.The ScaleSettings property is greyed out in the property grid... So I cannot expand it and view it's underlying properties.

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VS 2008 Set A User Control (or A Class With A Few Properties) To Appear In The Tan Bar At The Bottom Of The Designer?

Apr 5, 2010

How do I set a User control (or a class with a few properties) to appear in the tan bar at the bottom of the Designer? I have tried googleing it but, I don't know what that bar is called (Kinda Hard to Google without know what to Google)

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Define A Property In Class Which Is An Array (of Doubles)?

Feb 6, 2012

I need to define a property in my class which is an array (of doubles).My original (bad) version is this:

Public Class Market
Property Correlations0 As Double
Property Correlations1 As Double
Property Correlations2 As Double


This however doesn't work. I get an error already at design time: "Public Property Correlations as Double has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed."What should I do with it? I also do not know in advance how large the array should be (the array size is determined at runtime based on other properties).

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Define The Base Class Of A Form At Runtime?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm developing a software that handles very specific regional standards. In one part of the country they have different standards for entering this data than they do in other parts of the country. In fact there are hundreds or thousands of possible configurations that would be best in various regions.

The solution I've come up with is to write a program that can load different control configurations with the supporting code to its main form at runtime. I do not know how to accomplish this. Would I use visual inheritance at runtime? Would I use a plugin system? I just need to potentially allow a power user to design thier own interface or to modify an existing interface to better suit thier needs.

Edit: Is there a way to define the base class of a form at runtime? Could I create user controls in a plugin and pass them in to the host program?

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VS 2008 Custom Class Called CustomItem That Holds Name And 'SomeProperty' Properties

Apr 22, 2009

Let's say I have a custom class called CustomItem that holds the Name and 'SomeProperty' properties:[code]Now, on the click of a Button, I want to select the CustomItem whose SomeProperty is equal to "Property 4". Of course, this is just "Item 4", but the names and properties are not that correlated in the real application than they are in this example.I have spent ages a long time ago figuring out how to do this. I could not directly set the SelectedItem, because I first need to get the CustomItem that actually matches my condition (SomeProperty = "Property 4"). My solution was to use a loop, looping through each item in the ListBox, and setting the SelectedItem when the right property has been found.[code]Now, is this the correct way to approach this problem? Is the LINQ query correct, or can it be done easier, without the casting? Also, is the LINQ query faster than the For loop, especially for a large amount of items? I expect it to be, but I don't know how to test this.

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Define A Main Method In A Class Versus A Module?

Jul 12, 2011

I was just practicing some coding and noticed that I was able to use class instead of Module in VB .NET. So I replaced my module to class and I got this error message:No accessible 'Main' method with an appropriate signature was found in 'practicevb'.practicevb

I made sure that the startup object was set correctly in Properties > Application > Startup Objects.The error message disappears if I change it back to Module but I would like to keep it class since the other parts of my code I changed to class and didn't return and error messages.

Class Atic
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, this proram will calcaulate the quadratic forumla ax^2 + bx + c")
Dim Quads As New Quads


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Can't Define A Specific Instance Of Static Method Created As A Java Class

Mar 12, 2011

Under Visual Basic 2010, I am trying to define a specific instance of a static method that was created as a Java class. I have a vendor supplied dll added in as a reference.[code]...

But, I can't seem to define a specific instance of this method. Using "IntegrationMethod.getIntegrationMode()"always returns a value of zero.

There doesn't appear to be any way to "setIntegrationMode" to a specific value.

The documentatoin for this Class as provided by the vendor are shown below.

When I asked the vendor for assistance, their response was: "

Our javadocs for the IntegrationMethod class show that we provide three predefined instances of the IntegrationMethod class[code]...

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Object Oreinted Random Failure - Define Two Instances Of Class And Configure ?

Oct 27, 2009

I am having a problem with a and OOP class i made that contains a sub that creates random integers.

Problem is if i define two instances of this class and configure them(name in this case) then they both display different names but the random integers are ALWAY the same. in this case having the integers the same kinda kills the idea of the program.

Is it possible that the random part only every works for one class, but if .NET is fully OOP then this should not be possible... right?

Some of my Code (broken down to something smaller) i will display for obvious reasons.


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Can't Inherit Shared Properties From A Base Class In A Child Class?

Dec 29, 2010

This is another one of my "I think it's not possible but I need confirmation" questions.I have a base class for a bunch of child classes. Right now, this base class has a few common properties the children use, like Name. The base is an abstract class (MustInherit)Technically, this means that everytime a child class is instantiated, it lugs around, in memory, its own copy of Name. The thing is, Name is going to be a fixed value for all instances of a given child. I.e., Child1.Name will return "child_object1", and Child2.Name will return "child_object2".

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Why Can't Define Get Type And Set Type Distinctly Within Properties

Aug 31, 2011

I wanted to define a property which accepts decimal numbers and do some process on the value and return string such as the below:

Public Property Amount() As String
Return Utility.PaddingRight(Me.msAmount.ToString(), 10)
End Get


But compilers warns "Set parameters must have the same type of the containing property."It doesn't look like it should throws an error since it looks legit.

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